= New Barclay Warrenl SON~GS ( Golden Text: "It la a goo to give thaniks unto the Lo to asing praises unto Thiymi Most Higýh." Psalmn 92:1.' On Suinday, Ju1ly ,10, vî prayer-s of thanklsgiving wUr( ffr edi h cce fsoultherrn O- tario. Thefre was deep gratituIde, in the heu-rts ocf the people-particu- lal o hosenost dOirec(-tly an i inedatey afectd,-forthebounilti- fu ,ains that h lad -jsffallen, teý-rinlating the long an& eron period Cf drouIghit. "It is ag0cod *Aig to give aks nto bc Lord" To ften we forgttoi say Thank y."Bobby BurnIs was righ twhen'r lie San, Man's baxsigratite to nian, nimakes 4cOïuntless thocusandS sunu"Butit àiss not only to niran that e are uinraeful b",ut',toGod, Ihe, Creator of al good, Paraphras- ý5gphil. 4:6, 1l, Pauil bas said, "Be s.~ridabout nothîng, prayerfol in eveýrythIing, and thaqnkfiil for ani)r ehig." Such anuatitde i susrogl codcieto menital hea r. 0In t mornig we sAonlWthnk God fr Hi,, lovinigkî'idnss throighotthï1e nIight; at nigt we shou,11ldgi*ve thanks and ing praises bjecatIse Go(d lbas preved His faithflness to kis throuD"glot aoterdaýy. WVe ocUght al to inwith thflic îs 3n singiîng, "Thonaý,, Lord, hast m-ade glad %thro h'hy work. The Psaimist stikes the best key- xite when lhe begins wfi"sirn np is imSt self te rnagiiifyth LordHe enumets some of dhe bnit,"Wbo ýfoýfgivth alilthinle iniqitis.»Paron ecevedon re- siunciation cof and faith in i Jeýs Christ binIgs unspeaýkable jOY ta ' theseul."Who he aletb L iey dis- uss"That GCod can he-al adlspn mefdseast and sickness is, a eleair ~ibi tee in. "Wlao satjSfieth th Lord einirifýIand gracions." Feýr W, lead rs m«eMerswepsbonld b M Noué have asiret ce etharikful UIRNI pcn l"ES ANNE ADA.MS Bonassie sectonsmean much lslip constmulction; No 2side-seamsu - te ew No slippîng,twtig Yes, its the Moest wonderfnllàp yen ever had! Traisfer included. Patemu 4910 cornes in sizes 34, 3,38, 40, 42, 44A, 46, 4-, 50 Size 36 takes 2,i,8 yards 39-inch., Tlis ptteýrni , eay te umse, sàim- pIeto ewis tested fo ît. Has Send T ET-IECENTS (25e) ini coins(sap nîobe aýceepteâl) fothiis ter.Pia Vlaïn1y SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, STYLE NTAMBER. Sedyour lorder ltq y3cx l 1," Eîghiteenthb St. New Troeut, Ont, us - yenw., a taxi beý- gettling eff To, meet lher onl onFor each other anîId 1I it twe othie tfllflO' vartv * Individual Ice Ail plastie ireezing eemp~ Md refrigerate centre lu caeh ~ct freezing. ~4oslcss~ go tLuntfed tiucls 1- INane anis Worien's Division cffers $100. especially dlesigned fo-cr the Ex.,- iry Beck. Entries muist re-ach ision bv Auguist 4th. Ute ot ýof ius no ocne oad told ber efitlyier Eniglish unItwei be retnring the end of the meontis.ý Daughter bad planned ber holidayq ânr Septemnber SO nw he is tryikig te arag egetkborne this snOntLh instad.-And clat is eaie said tha dneanemployee can hardly walk offa job jnst wen sce feel lIke it. it seems nose tange to bave OUI' simali famuliy (of three icesdt thereMay be more. 1 put an extr leaf i n tetable!a>d th-en aohr anod yestedyal be sw e a kriends lis foir supper, And bbc poshu! But 1dI nthavte or=Y asiI uood ýI t edeth-ens A2It ont wh t -hllgie them 0M Sisterin-l w tookcheacreet bf sbe cae down agaixn in an awfnl band Fles ,. .they were eey nee paseed with hem! IHow" than-kfnl 1 waýs for zmodem Yiscienceq Mn DDT. Peopl frm Englan generlly wnder hy wein Cnd ence as y have nentioed is enough, Well, the menaremtgetn sette nt he heat -andfor the frttim-e in1Idtn'tknow how mnany years I haven't had te fixbiner- canvs ~b tek verthat jo0b- aud vthut ny rguentfrein Now ï WHllband oser wbat I have ritten to5 my secretairy teý typeOh, esi have aserear nw .Niece EBetty ,.,.. but n fetuatlyhe leav'es for amr Sense of Humorï TheLatn eacer asin 6wn Jjokes h'd berdthe ight before,. Everbodylauged ad laged- exce-pt on-e gb i in he fllstow Latinteacher, 'pasten'tyou got a lunse of humor?" ",( dOen't have to luh"said the schoolFrday. tacliced mak'ýe ci eanc6 Pockel and Invltins 1Wall Finish, aue-dy acks, seais, ,t>a iles, etc. du obe. Medon ld piater alls lstefilin a o trg paint bruh Is saidto keep lt s<ý nndusale orlonig periods. Bru, le put n bag fterexcspaîint !r moved topof bg i witdtigfit and ed w t-ingo latcban WNSU keep bruihtfron]drying oi for ads lg as a Y=ar Hloldierette Fnn,,inati:'ïes neeessitv for jiunuliî- Radio tixonces i palm !ýofba dardoa. este parts badof heaP Ketchup D New dispe is said to el the k(etchi Complete I previenisiy usedý for toiil apligthe:l states. Saýidl resistant tb aud oiî. Wil eaufactur elS. Boinb Waxes Car i as ea :asing of fi of spray wax for -g4 purposes was bigil guns tuat Woold nece,,ssary for atlep Tbhis hanidicap is m1 evercme by tce lA sol omBombs ý du'iced which c,1ntair cover ýtwo au'Ltomoin jeus than $1 a par nie«eessary, en-ire j,, pletedlW f rom lir Tests under way that ecinhination be ineopeatedan top, Pina Df ta-ble Bread -sactite-keeps for w'eelcs in t//the cupboard. Perfect resuita in -eolîs, buns breads! se W ho wife? hosey-oldn iakes. They supply usefl]quanti. ïn24 ù;her f d ssendaisîs t a u enup for o' or pl'ay. Try Pes' Gýýrï.peNtxtsFkes tùomo G F- [49 stalrS r 'r- I N N 'r- N 'r- "N 'r- 'N r-' 'N 'N r-' s 4" r-' 4Z 'N N 'N ý-l, 11, -Vie