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Orono Weekly Times, 4 Aug 1949, p. 3

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wnhere -Uldîc King Cole" Used Te Live. Colbaser,"thie oldest cuorded to El ritain" mneans differenst khings te different peùple. TlO tbe l Armer of !lhe ricb agriultural lan ef surrounding Essex ia im- portant market town; lethe sailing *nthnsiast the center of a bow oi eû.oast anld Creek, where Sa-ýilingr is the mîain sctiVity; to the istorian and antuaianiz is a richi storyJ of kiatairical record from t.he Stone Âge antvard. Thîe ar-tistknw Coceera 4e arcblitecturial stuldy andl aý jjirnp,- Îig-off place for Flatford Milt and iba Constable culntry, the soldier nu an importat garrison town and lrainling cen.ter; the Royal Navy tquippad hiall its, submlarinles in th1e re-zent war with De elegie ma&e lu a Coîchester facioi, while Mle gardener gets somei of his finest roses and the gourmnet it MOUS ciysters froml Coîchester., 'writes Artblur F. WhVitney in "llita k&ienlce Monitor~ Tfhere arecitet-cnuyfn l4ike the "MNarquis of Granby" i Northe,î H-iIi-it bas somei nliagnif- Lr 1-igh Street; there are ftnt. bouse in Nort HMl, Hih Sr Iat nd WXest Stockwettcl Streets ndMany other s'trets; te is a "Siage Han01se", in East H-ill stili AýiwiX-g bulet markcs miade in 1 648 wheil Colchester, heid by Royaists wNas besaiged by Gtee >air ' Sarliamniitary forces. in Hligb teet yo ucn eat in a 1 estaurnt, wMith a fine senenhctryin- leifî-or ltbf pinited p-anetînig. Triit Stre1et leads to the latof theaI ïawn gates Stil] in uise, Schergata. j Otd Foundations Going further back into bitry, Caîches-ter lias a buge Nra qeAtle,ý bui!t targely ai Rom-ran buildi- kug zinaterials and on the founda- ions 'id a Romnan strulctur. Wblat tan lie seen now, tbough haif aS iarge again as the Tower off Lon- don, la, ýonly t eep of thie original .tle nd it was originiaily motsDr Alban twice its present bieighit. hnow, bouses an xesiecl hction, of mnedieval and( eta r- 'eains going back -,(, thaF Stonâý ýAge, ~ ndincudin wht l probably tIi. etRomano,-Britisb eýXhibi1ion te leseiin 'Britain1. ' ~For Coeatrwas thie firat ýRoman clony ilu Britainl and 'wag eutled by výetZran1s and thleir famil k.a. KeePin-g thie earlier B l-i ti.,hl Maine for it i Romiaiiized formj they alin it"Colniavictricenisîs cari- lodui." wassptandidlÏy laiýdou '~great temlef of Cadublt b y thein with basilica, a, forumi, anid geçorsiag oe .acius la , A 50 Q 'e- 6 his a elieved taý bave bente building wbose faunations , ad -ýaUlts now' form. part, of thle casie. Wvhat la believed to have been a temple ai Mithrasý -was exeavatedi in tbe cas3t1e park lu, 1852, an-d canstl 130" seen.ý Rmisof mnaniy fineý villas oi tbis R1omani town bave, beeni uni- ïarthed in Colchester gardens, ln- eluiding remnarkably comLee os- aie pavemecntsq Tbaéy cani ha meen- ku the castle. Masvefagmnts of the strog Romanwallwhich, Proteced h tonahlstand, and Part o)f ont aiý Mes gaîtways, niow called the- Bal- kerne Gate, cni bie seen, carefuilly railed-in againat damage. In Trnity Street there la a saxon *burch tawer Mth standing square aud suld, with a littl pointed door- way, Beyond these, littile remains tel position fromn, Sax-on or earlier Coîlchester wsthe seat o.f the- legendary King Cote, the "Mý\erry Old Saut. He gave his beautiful dagtrHelenap. la riarriaga. teý ConansMs the Romn genoeral * who became Emllperor ConsantUr, J, Their son was; Constantine the 'l 1 hera was John! Wilbye, the greatý (arga ompioser, a contemploraryv The wlieat la cut and stooked; the oats are r.ecadCIy fo(lr ith binder ; thehng as t 1tar.ted lu irthis dis- tric-andthedrought bhas add As a resutt the abruba hav,\e taken- on a new beasc of tii eanld the gar- de-wattere jl; of i-b-aspe- ad up quite a H.t Andi gtry be, tOp cisteru la fuît, Tho-se reajlly, are tbe high jylghts aof the past week insofar as our fariactivities arue cuend u I su-pp)ose our usural everdyywr i, Mtill ging eon. J im-agine the cows '. are Mst ibengWmledand the hens continue to lay eggs-in fac-t Ia qutlte sreof it 1because I al ethe m-itk paits to as and Ille eggs tfa chn fit wa l' orth lat f wdlutknow bcas- well w stti have our výisitor-s coinig and going ýad yu know how iýt is- you ork an titltlk a ltlcook meas and wash dishes. ou ake a zrtn bre and thecre; goshpig tae lu the odd show, and then whn yoncone ,back it starta ail o)ver aan-oka littte, taslk a CCtIegect meats and wash dshes- SO if h, . were rnot for !lie paiils and tlle ggs" how weluld IkJwh wVas going olin otside? One niece hep gone, anothler is still Jhert; attiii ter.rthri la'arriv,4 for the play: and our Eniglish visitor a iil bha with us for anrother week And' joy of jo)ys, Daughter laon bar waylumep Itl c ighteen monthRsusice we have seen hier--and that la a, long thi-e. How hoat, road or plane -- she didn't know hersaîf thu last trme she wrota. Bait ai cure w aret worighow she coes-Jîist so lonig as she, gets here, iblat lsaail thate Y'eserdjay I took our viîsitors te tii.back ofaie am ta hunt rasp- berne, We got enough to giVtve s a good feed for onaemeaa, and tbey were very nica. NOW I am woýnder- in fIdare mention ia real barry- plcingaxpditon.Dauigltar aI- ways saYï-"J11st jet anlylon come aroundwhen the frii5àript andl fîrat tbing you knowv Mother bas, them off9A te bush te pk Weti, why neýt? Wbt culdha nieïrchange for City 1falk han a ferw heurs n lu t4bu i-hatlpo- )viing th-ey Cdon]t Utep ite aî groundCJ-bog'aý bote, or get bitten te head aquen airping noise going onn it he treesîand imy 2iter-- law ý7said, "TChere, ata he nis 1 bava been askingyou abmot-ow telliire wbaýt it Ilistened, and .whiletbe noise was quit. faiiar Icouldnît teli ie what insect wa;,s doing ii- But I kapt tikigabpouit t and au'ddant!y remmbeedtnalt last, ye>a1,there Waa quit. a lot, written up ip intha papers, abou ciada. S I ooked in the enJ'cyclopedia and thaescito given exacty fited the noise we hadý beard Appanty chiadas are mcm- b'ers of thle locust fml and are far more frequ-.ent la dry weather. Som "pestak as log as smenteen yer o deeio,îters get around a;nd do) the"l Iri.rpý1ing e varlous strîaw yarn they are sý chet, washable, tool ThIrifty, sma-;rt accesories for yu every costumel Pattera 71Pf diec- tions for three. Send twevnty-five entsin coins (stmps cannot be a.cepted) for 'bis pattera te Box 1 123 Eigh- teentIh Str'eet, e ot, Ont- Print plainily paittuerr, -your name and addres. sta-ges of their dvlpet ota la ont more Ittle Item ta add tïe ouir treasure bouse Of knlowledge, ,,and ARllhelp to Me lus young Mr. It bas ben os&idyou know, tMa you ntee grow old as, long aes you keep o larin-atin a il, Just so long as,- it i-, sometfing neCw. AýCCording '0o1Ithat thIeory to f u r must b. at least ifiveyar youniger than -we were a wekago Pago btcause we not only lart Etltie aout elcaýdas 'but we msee tbe art of tatting, Both of ps had. tried at handseit ever 80o inay years a ge but h-ad giver, it uýpa being beyonýd ur comprebienio- owr maybe our patience. Now w. taektoed the Ç-job wt greater deter- m1inýtîon, aîn, wlth thie aid Of ou. ixcct, Plus a ýbook ci instructions , w,ýet IQt list masiered tbe--rudimrent ofai, hert. 8o; fr-ktbe beefi o other discouraged would-e ersu cet mne asmsre yu Rt an ;b. done. ApparentlyhItldah lu te tik wa bttatters ,,haýe cof tting tIi ubed ite eft band twist li wlhecOtitcb itat laGade Wattfrom he sound11 oftins 1 thn Ave been tping lon enough forthCe breakgastdishes- tu b. washed, There are times wban tMEs oumn provids 'me wib good ibil la lanw-hat happce wbnoebas frierndty, accomîmodati- ing isitors t entrtan. Bt I bere'swbere I1sMy "goodbye." r-+ TIME TO SET BUSY MAKI~ ' __ Jam wdý (,urn on -ithe cob is on. of lb.e many lýgood thinga wý,e look fiOrward toý if; late sumtttetr, and UI'm ho:ping thaýt YQU araena c ûff tha tuiky ofle to be located in a part 0f Onltalo )where file "eatingeru crop isnl't ru1ilid. (il-,not.) And whatàlalf t ovefom dt corn on11thle cob thniglit -before is lmighly good if you sýerlce it Corai and Pepper Frittera 2cupa' cuit cooked corn 2tiablespooins angar ¼cup chopped green pe-pper 1 /~cupa sifted Pfour 11/2teaspoons baking powde-r MTHODl)I: Comibinecorn,sgr andsat. Add crean, eggs and green- ppper. SutHour with baking Pow- der and add to corn mixtuire b'e t wel Iddop by tableýspoOns Into gaseakiltet. Coolk slowl7y utilL puifed dboweServe lbot withi timt, sauice, six servig Nowwheni. 1look at ',le picture fihat lias j ît co n, phiotographer, it beg Iblis Was goinlg to rather "corny" coiL, bcody lu the back rcý th irttil,'e ïIt.) e upaeorn bIses, rahed iùUap Milk 3clip :atFcp Ye lospeoan pepper 3telapoon sIt MEITH-OD' Spreadma, d o laetoas cover botîom ndBies. greasd bakig disb 0" a8 " orpie plate. Combine i aun Ingreiantsla coer gi-ven audmi wattPlace cered bee mixture n potato ael, etting pC4otef4~ borer amoud edges. Bake lu Pte- heated medo(erate aven (3509 ýbet 45 Minuts.Yoml: 6 rvna And now, juat ancase yen fleel that you try te ~cup ahortening / curp brawn tagar, 4cuap grauucLntedsua 2eggs i, cup plut, lwo lbeposo four Iteaspoon baking paOwder /2cup cold coffea Dals (1w-~ ITABL E TALKS cup i seve 1Al;-ýwer vCoswodPuleýf usat37S', Mak4es frva ozen (of csugdto fthe tolIt gate, adcacme 'a astop with ameacagsp ate fee: "Te dolarsfo iû .ca, WANTED YOUNO ;-tWOMEN YOUNG MEN Accommodation iii Farm S ervice- Force Camps Auagut i 5th to NGovem-lber l5th, Camipers mui atbring bbnkets,'. heets & pillow cases. For further informration. wmrite: Ontýarto Farmi- Service Foce ORichmond Street E ast Trn o ntarlo, ~uspies. Dmioio-Provnc , larmLlabo JA ANU ~ti~ CIETO frevI*Poedin e4(vtj r~..wi~ V Vîft Mu~SORÎ PBOL WtI.n yenu use CERTO or CRTO# s".t yca n eed ol a ONE- WMUTE fui roIlug bol)for both jama nd ni jefilee. Suah a svvug a i gin. and work! 2.Mý mý>ýjm OrJELLt, Verýy llttle juice ha, tlta h:r oil aaey Pas il dee i n old-fashîoned, lg-olnYeu get up te 50% ore jam or jlIy frc, the samne amounit cf fruit. 3. m MIt-FRtuiT TASTI.. , COI.OVUR. The lovelyý Inaýte and colour cf tlbe h bfruit Estly lu youar laina nid fjelie. because .the bail la t.oo short la spiiolIthe oaa or dafih ther. NO GFUSWOIK, With ceither CERTO or (Systnel. y0ca<e tetetd recipes n, different on. for É~tb fruit, Foltow thein Oecly and yn»have »Ge fellore. ~MO sacs gachi cflcs "4t, catIs nr 'IHandsoi ',y eab-1i O.K. Just Dig! Underneth tde awhs crue 1 e' "har f gl, asDr' Harrison Br eïc the University rf C11i- sage. I -a rcetphysicas emtinar at tte nierit of California, at LOS 'Angk"les, Dr, Brown dA (isclosed bis1" belief that t'here is enlough gold, and platinlum to '4'plate the earth'senir surace Neveru! yards tbik in v 'hitherto utaýpped source.' bonasas ilInot need thetradi- tinlpick and pan, Thie faithiful burro ean h. put out to -pasture permaent}y Buta grubthatake r4 IfDr, Brown'1s theory is cret a boe sme ,50J0 to 2,00 mies ee would berequired t tp tes rih epsts H elieîýývecs;that mo f he preciouss metah ls i te marthw=re cncentrated in the dron- nickel (Core cf the erth when itý ew fomed. This lias beendeemie, c erin e Dr. Brown, by the ex. aminatôn of eteoritea wVhich h beliees may bc portions of a planet, sisùilai r t* t eearth la properties, Shoulz'd *the prospector becocme discuraednt the thoulgtof such extesIv boinginto theert' metr e may prefer tc, look for uranium.Ths ' wyprecionts mtl tsays Dr rwwadeposited i dhe emahs out ermut. DUES F,0r, QuIîc k, Easq TaeYo u rC h o 0' o - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---- - - - - - - l> e

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