THE U LNITED SPTATES Reaiýing certain, Uniteti States meSpspers and rmagazin.fes, ant1 Miseng te some cf Aits do coin- $suetatos, oe miht gtbtheidea, achivemnt-utithat if is neth ing hbor-t of impertinence for Brifai or)ý Caniada te ex-,pecftehaenth secrts Some Ame(,rican writers, hwvr talk( a saner viw;su fei a article bÏy Ernefsi. K.Lndly"n NEWSWEEK1Iquote. the olow velopnlient 4of thie afembom beor wec diti. An exehasgeofsmi ifrainbetween thle twocon tis egn in 19040-1jil 1943 Ch11ar1-cill an d Rooseveif agri faeiTeBritish haltet inearly a1 prjcsand imovet i mOsf cf theiLr kcy atoie cietit 1 ths tu ryTHieii- accomslihments ateths tinle bad gie sterb ubeoi the resenrh State, la theUnitedtiares worket h4ud. 0£oîne ocf he (mc0,t secret compuiltaý- t. atti poeseincladliing the ..wî.îc Eîugy cf of 1946, hwrPt Br1itain and Canlada ui ce .mmo bais eas noser forcign1 .fl be- forintne f fmdscreen- comledianl, is the new imiperal ptnat fthe 610,00Shir1 iers thrloughouf thenaton "Bubba" Churcli popular moundsman wt the Torono t ale Léaf Baseba1 Team.II Real Inventor of Movng Pictures The aet dition of h ncc vien omssio bypinting the Englihma~sthe bitrietorof the fi rs;t motiinpictare camerà. Spaîgte BBC lsnr r- ctyMr, Ray Alse revîewebd tde piencer worlt of FéieeGren itieopi nent of",ciinmato- ta take' at least 16 Snapshots a SEcond and ou could inot move glass plate as qiciyas thiat. 'y 1887, fhe hadmivenited a cmr to like a roi[ofsensIiti7ed palper, ibuit paper was not maIch gorod. Il tore t f0esi mnedaiiawosoph a a sheet of thiick yellow Stiff, andi was toldit iias lthe newly inveeItd ce!ltii which waus stili opaqule. For:mn-1 , tw assistants worked fer him ii a laoratory inear Hroi- boýra, They me niltedceIllaloidti, sprea d ithinly on glarss sheetscatd i with sniieemlusion, and, whlen ,i, wne drv. e h it nin ,strias. A t lie wa-s ssekly ai bisees eù open-,detine, 1189.asf 60 years ago. InfMta anemnch Friese- Greene moue t-o Edîson l1 Ameia. He gave a detaietid escriptionof Fauggeste,, ti iigbt lbe combînetiJ "faikes." he ltater snao ow sýon imsielf,niFis-ren a later, Eisnpafentet1inluAmerîca, bat~~ ~~ nfiBrtiasort cf cia- ematogorapicpeepsow machin kinetscope was brought te Eng- landi in 19,at f a rmi , and re aFrenchinan, Liere, was ap tf ficthe limligbt by tîbenl. lie wss bankrapt. W1hen i îdtil en se onir frtcolor 6filmil, "the nineteen tltiies, 7wss patet fr a niatural color ioin pcrecamnera in- 1898.A nws papfer reporter rco0rds thait thle cOl- ors were very gooi. FreeGreene waVPs interesteti in1 tocgrapiy. He took ouf, in ail, mr tîluaýn 70 ptns oeigan anz modlsofasiip atýian airJý4- pliue whihe hti paýtC1etcdiln before Pleriot flew he Cchane Oni the floor was >a ýcompLijcateti set cf raîlway ines ;,-rIwichl mov-ýet a inotel traýin eoolled fron1 ila- he caet %"cig fbough thewre he~got legs like Betty (Grable!" = ~ s~rrc ~ paming known as transd field, andrihtawyone c f aur fans woneyer mse igeword w wte(heChas teradproof on id), hapnded ahI a pshaýrpri rilnl f a aCouple of fhem, First, he made a mîld routine beel thateitbr or tyewri etor ou1r spiîgwas rpdy etn were, ïstlhUngh hl-e tho1ught my î t 'might be a cmbnaion cf both. Then he took uîs te tasifr net msking an exception - in puting the blsst on track and fieid mneets -in t-he caeof one p articular are of the samne. Wereelse wIyen sec such 1uncomnplain1ing ga1lmesS, s suerntherosm" hedeaed"a yon wAIlla teY Ent peîhps we hm! better explain dhe whoe matter forthe bee fc thocse who do netreside in or rnear, the fair Cify cf Toronto. For untoi yeïrthuplce foce oftaJ mtools-a nbebody cftropsf ever thee was mne andi weonly hope they readt tis fa1r- havelbeenthrliowîng aFjta essionîs cf 1traCk and fieltiknen lfai-iarly as3 the Police Gamnes. Anti as far hack as we car, rememiiber. saiti gamnes hat been notable, among other things, or dhe minuse per- cenitage cof spectators wetirned eott as compared wvith the huge number of tickets soud. Soirne day mýaybLe rightftffr we cash in oin the niext Iris Swep --we intenti doing a lojt of ep research into the prcDblem lcf wh--y mlemlbers cf a police force finti -'f 50 ma11ch sasier to s ýelI tickets ýo beneits, concerts and Cther such rats tau ordueîary folk, espe- cially if thley happen te le iemer hocasfomsarilýy go round placi-ng parking fags on foilks' alpe, Until fien, however, ifmust reniain a mlystery, aithough vye nmay takze onr wordthat its So. Aniyway, thýe police attietes useti te perform te wide acreages cf seats that hadt been s oltibut vacant antoil semne geniiuthouLglit c f pepping tings up with an adie.d atato.Furthermore, this 2z(ded atractionturned ouf f0 be nothing bunt a beaa.t conltest, in whichsýou,1i rf the siglfier yong nellberz fSo the opposing sexý parade around a- tireti in noMing but a few leos,3 banldages anione ting and &n- Wlfropin that moment frad Plc amelIs in Tono17- aRIi n ccoiedtý the idea - chianged into coipleelydoueet aon.Insteaci of cifîetis aing out gond dough for teprivilege cf Stayingaay tbey turneti ouf by the tens cf thounsantis -- treiont insuch quanltifies th1at the heartsï of those adit r o tr-ack ant i feld wvere muati egati "At long last,"they said f0 theinselves, "thenmeris cf track, anti feld are beginning ft eMceive proper recogniton. lBfore long, 1Cho\nows bat Canadlaàill 'bcrighit in the Samne classîsicb ptsa Sw'edeni, Norway, Rassia and other enlihteed Ianmmswreouenspiked shoemuntuhevaultig pule cntiout- draw thltbasýebajlibat: or the( hockey, pack 10 toý 1, or bte? But alas anti alack, or sqme nun- know resonit haSsn't tarned eout qulit e that wxay, anud that is why, at tue Polifce aneyenwill witness scenes cof unicomlpla1iing ga"meness and sCent hfrosism crproof-reading frond was alading te when We ehokced hita off with a-,wati of cp paper. First c-f a1 lf,ee are the athiletes ont thiere ïpn the broiling sun, spinit- ïalg, lhardling, ijumping at oo vaalg thir&itte hearts ot, and tryînig te oo as if they imaginti Bat dont go sway; yen hsvea' heard anIythling yet, W-hlhose, muit athietes show- galant courage vinder sncb unshnttheirs ià by noe Meaas the on!y exhiiton of sMent heroisin or maybe It shnîid Le 'heroini5m -yeni will be'hotd et ter, a frthose sightfiei-iebr of bfir scm have puadtmaomid usufil they are in danger cf trhird- <legre sabr tencornes the judging. ýAnd aýffer fthe jutges h'ave donfe their staff, al the lightly ga,7rbed contýestansts he p ûon eithel idcjtîe One wohms been fnaly *Ihlsen ft waruieCrown c f And as those lovcees stand thereý, with wiie fohat mlso theirissers, yen woinlid imaginle frejin thexpressioi n op their fces Ltat they are .iust dyring fo shoat, "Three rousinle chee-si Isn-'t er mnrtejnIst tociwefanti arenl" hoejuidges the dihuiest peesfor choin er asl3atQne? 1,f wen aul tue ime yen know Ma the best tbey are wishsýingVrmn frude is a broken nckani that, fhey wolti psy gooti mo e oslit the, jadges from ear f0 ettf. That, fnenis i seer sluent aees adw greafly doubt if,'the maie cfi the seiscatnilmatch if,1vany t, any plc , ii aceor l a The American uiproudly ehbtt s sinaîl scar. "S"es hf1'he sad A"Igot h wh1 IfelI from the window cif a ronin0onIlle fort- foarjth floor tif thie skyscraper hee wrk "Te orty-fourïth Ilor niyeuL wrntkilleti?" gaspe i hi's fient "-incretialy ITP'S 1idPùRTANT-Every suf erer oeth;i nMatie Pains or Neuritis slould tri >xÔ' $emedy uroiDugSoe,85Plgir, t- tawva Postp0aid $ 0 G 0 ID ÂVCEEey ufre fI RheuatIe Pains or Neuritiý s hould try DiyoxEn' tee ôW. Munro 3 Dr g SIca, 2M5 ElginOta. LADIS OLT-Gt mck sd ffcive3rlie from panfu, rrgLar period., f"M. per box regular strgth, . tS.OO Double Strength. imoue'rfnd aey Distriuos e' P.0, Box 25l4. Outremont, -?.Q. LI-VE-WIM slse ebadeowuec HadpalnteCd ies. Sensational fe-eln item. No special conneectinsineçed. Sens on, sih t onSme Good lvigassurled. NO- osopetioün. Raab -repli frfee aaotet Orieitai Art Sýtudios, '2015'StC. Timothee, MTontreal, Que. 2'ETHPISTNHAUGI onprany Patent Soilltos Etabishd 1111 11.0 es'Street. Tornte Booliet of ifom ein onreuat. FREE 57x 7 ENLARGEI:IENT ionswa eor two pulic ehos1t 0 Appis 0 Saly trntn sîTep ISSUE 31- - i949 II ARCHIIE For Eczema- Skin Troubles Mail, ilp YOUI mmd day that s'on are glgt. sue our 5ý kina real dchknee 1 get we. .Go te any good drils store sudI( 9et se o, ri! albottie 0of ?eoon'qe ioralel 01. - itiet sant' dais beuie1Gl- higluis' etiestated. TPho erî reý'kt Rappiletionwill eulo relket - I tcbing of Hzea e ulk, cf oppefi - ru t ions dri up an d ecate off ;71 a yen fewv7 days. Pussa e qtruie cf itabttig Pose , ud- eet, BrereItII salit ltbeum ni mansYother skin totla Reebrtliat Monre's Em erald 01l le e. ean, pwru.penetratIns Antiseptie 01,fluaï dos0e oct stýain or ieave egras residue Cmplets;stisrfaction ormo7, 1byMoaa A$I< ýTHE FI7H1- -~