'lrl Has ,ýhe Township HllOrono.,-i dayAugut Zd, vwith ail -It bespresent. Thiemnts -a eg-uiai- meeting off the ýered by the Clerk andà ,lhe folowing lettersv ,Cddiand ordered fiîed: (a) appreciation i mMiss we ()Oronio Telephoni (c) tette-rfrom Mmý. D. (d) Departmnent off Mu fairs- (e) 'WarbPle Fl'y C, "ff) Mrs. Neva E.L ittie. Messrs. C. Tam'blyn, f. est ~ Tamblynand R. Forr-ester, reý the Orono Bnmt '~~ci.Mr. C.TablnPrcesi-- off th-'e Bard, acted as spokcesmian brought fforward three major pS for approval: j('lTh-a'tbte band receive theý çff theTownshizip H-all for band pj 'Lice wihou coflictionîi off eTi ship Hall RenitaI yLl J2J That a key be issned Vo pres-dent off th-e band 7 ' (8) If financial assistancec be ratedItwouild be much app citdfor the parchase off new' Affter an pen discussion, R"eevýe mentioned that for years bad adben makinig grea-t aff sudaccmplshmntsin music-e -ation .and appreciation, but that Cl r no pulc assitane ha-il û tfee.The Council ffurt"her agin tht his Twnhibas for, the p numýber ot years prlodnee-d a iai peenaeof musicians who api enll eceîved their grounding fr thi sorce. ORONO, ONT., TH U -W icil duiyWia' o Fourd la Port Hope :Kay: This the sum off ouflty Plow- Armstrong o use a porCton off rolperty ' ,Sasagajbage disposaIý he Polie ývillage off Oronio. Th11 o' By-'Laws w-ere passed: By-La -rNïo. 1170 e Munici-pal Concil Off the Cr ion of the Tonship offCak ;s as follows: ByLwt-aise teneeessary inth Townt"ship fori the yeai mty Rate, 1, ilîs on thle dol- rnsath-3iî'p Rae 8 ls o th y~nshipSchool Rte,6.1 ill Posiivedentficaionof 'the Y:) womian whsebody waýs fudin harbour, has been made accori to ai statemient from Port Hope lice. Shýe was Josepjhine Glembir ski, daughiter of Willaia Golem"bi s ki o)f 159 Frankla Avenue, '1 onto;. A 'brother, Edwýa rd Geli brocwski, 3-29 Perth Avenlue, Torom alIso assisted mn theidnfcao. Hler father told police t1hatl w;ýas bora in Wincnipeg in 19-21 that shie had wvorked as a waitr in and around Toronto for the p severalý years, Shie had flo't b heard fromn for- the last twvo mor and it was supposed that she ia the Muskoka district. Accord to bier br-other, the r prnts been separated for a con-siderE length off time and that the had a very nervous diPosition 1Ias -very i'noody.ý la Ju-ne of this year sh-e v Pot IHope and stayed at Queen's Hotel, Later ini July returned, this timeraser- achinlery 'mdutr 1da died in ini- Nie ws8G er f n aýctive iunli1 afe te îfunýIer al evie Stkephen - Broad y drins of 'the de- 21y, Winniipeg-, s srvedby bi s Staile M.Hutchl- er, -Miss LUma Hut-, cuu-nsojn u ïin thlevil, was edric 190î8, thýe Fairchild 'wnterests ,verc IPa sold out Vo the ïoh0i DeerePowjn Company Ltd., Wïnnipegz Mr11HO-t chinson was appointed,'I direcor and vc-reietoffteb low , vcon-,ceýra-. He cniudin that positioni until Decemiber, lOlq, wenPa hae dscýontinued -hi's cneto ihce Johin Dee-re. In -19î18 ha t ook charge ofef the butsi- st7 ness off Carn-age Factories Limiitedý in Western Canada), and teefllow- -S ing yenr wý ,ent east to 1-1amciil ton, i Quie, as manalý-ging diJjrector offSaw-t yer ~ - asyCompainy, wthwicho ha had been asoùc;ia ted3fIor som-e , yer.LaVer M. utchino r-ai- turned tVO nnpg n coneton& with the Western 'business o7ffRbt B'ell Eng-ine & Thr-sher C<Jo, ,after c whýich ha retired aýnd ook care of! ce -personal interesta. ied was prominenpt l nd Westernm business andj tor and vc-reietoff ýeere Plow Company, and nl Grxocers, Tees & Pens.se- oinion Fruit Cmay chol Limiited, a-nd Fisher For tern yeairs he was on, off the -Winnipeg Board rid o-ne off thie governor-s Coqllege, Wininipeg, focr .ý He wa s alIso0 a dinrec - Y..CA.ad chairm-.an mnipeg Connity Chaesti ie ar, s.During his long active in Vite Manitoba IniplmentAssociation,. Vs pesidnt orsvea th ai b: el d( bE n h in cOy~ for men aný vhatever wasac culan day baffeýr -te table O1r 1U54 012l", Let's mod ld yet leave thi )reedîing aad cor Surely any gei Ion some type oef effore 'hrealing îeal wýith bis o ax., Also h e ha5 is hostess and g i,some such a 'bis is a smo urrselveýs and for If we eýt, oun f nd tailk as we lii C me fmti IWen Su bscription WESLEY VILLE ieulay School washldat, 11.00 1- anl a'enacio 36, vRichard L )n i ffCi ncinna tti, 1pre.ach o Sndymonig led thle funeral oi, Mr1, Vco ýtn on; ,Satupda,7. Lisses agrtan3ar m -spent hrdyatronwt fls ný tith, j ouLiar. A =ate to be levied on the rateable aorty off the pouce Village Of! ono Off iî nthe dollar, Passing ocf Accounrts Lgust Relief--........ ...... .00 iY Re0lief................21.7 ne RiF..................9.64 Ugunst After CarIe......00 --s -F, Auus pame .8.0 digent Patient, hospitalýiza.. tion ....-........--,......... 18. 00ý o, W-h'llier & Company, assessing supplies......... 174.20 2partm--ent off Heilltb, la- suiin-,................65! iUigna Monlumenti,.......... 6.00ý ono Weekly Tme. i-in±- p kiled,690trs July .-M.8,14)9 iThep Culvrt$8530i)the Pl ~dge1,80.00) The Lowgy-.Bown:at Ne, ador onme't jHle!( 6h, 1 049, a t 9 Lake i On.ing wl sr as te -rerbat, if tfle colis be ~anedthilis year, ~ngtpossibily reidize, Th ater off gari, for thr.e Police Village discussed and cnld M~White'se lieroad cei-ved rmteTwsi cocriga resolution by, ,ehes be eut on thle boundai- ftheracion was taken. 1645 -Brown -Mt>.K Coun-cil herceby grant tt Bandic free uise off the Ton forreharsls, and nsoa 500to) assist in the -pu iiew u, l n-ims. Ii646 - Davey - Lowery foe rmaî,tion ffrom î the -N street lighlt delegationi was 1£'d te clerk instructed l-epoedure as laid d<kv, ydo- Electnic Power C Mff ntanlo and the IMuai for applying for street ligh Haniolet off Newtonville. 1647 - Lowery - BIro-v hesure off $200.00 ,be.se DuhmCentral Ag-ricut ciety --s a grant for 19ý4,9 1648 -- Lowe,,-ry - J)avey ta Clinton Faýirrow's letter I, Î949, this Cuclht -elte Chmp o ck lunganly e:lsting paýs tc oYMn. Farroýw att Vite s Ier, i-j nco at t~ sunl- ctucirn ed-C"rm ,vas ho[lday- air cojttage. - T, e 1.50 pe<? lÊe-Orono Street Fair To Brïng rEntertainment ForThua 't publi Faix of m mura ear aven Monday ai ~ar Barrow off Clare. ber cousin Ve?" aind arm 'Iviacninery tive 0f Leskard Dead! live.E nd-