GREAT BRITAIN "NoJver hu is course of human affirs bas sncb greac havoc been 'vrOuýgIit 'bY suicis ml e, a one of htstikngphraesfrom!- Winîo Curcil'sspeech1 tie hrferenIdition 'of "adOf IHope nd iGlory" tisat il brouight tears t bucilseyes ;and cusdhi cin to1',tirm ble ihe ti. buit -citlired credit for their nto duiction by pre-Socialiet Tory G'ov- ernrnests - ausinig still utie miutteninig Inisie 1ranks of ise ýCon Servaties Who belive Ibnt. tis palti alv ncsanw ectm Heeis iwtIe itutioni looksý ehief of tise LodonBurau tsf NEFý,WSWEE.K, u jouirnal tisat cer- Mai!y As' no Socialstior Lefts 5ThTrieýs' faoilure b proposeý juest tow tatthe ,Britisis take tise lard way out of tser trombls is tribute to isi, succezssof Socialist &, opgadawbch acuses tise, on-Dies f pan ilarge'-sCcle u- empoymnlwhen adif tisey cornez hoý7 pýower. Uninsploymnent still is tiserost-Feared worýùd in îltean guaige of FEcgland. oný a b -lsin lisew; lic u III.iC 5545 tv,: ,es4ess(andthte Nyisole wýere afraid T1'1ecfoe\w1wso dt- Conaurd 1inletiseh Ote-l 5~5re t,.nr j 011 tQ gond, gtrots, as well as poorf tedj 1-o pay it acd were,1« isfranc.isisee. 1lii tlise taN vwas etuula- $0, pay bis pol tax years, had 10 pt up ý,r al tise back txs ftueral . Maoaa, Aisnic-u-s, boutis Carolica, Tn as a p l erequislte ssdan, aniti-po-I ta l'Wicýg tiseuse of tise me tf27-1 s tlise lag tis e Ho i sc tion la sume soc isezoo, oo sis j 'You rend acdiea-anuid viftrut regrding tie dangers of SWei liquids as becs , wlne ud spiNts guy can gel mr'ibrui mxc $00f rely inan thlte à., 1it2 For uthose hc aethi pr irtunfor less mnt eyo tise reward, fiban any other ciasac, f us-unl i, ut possibly, tiseyd tiseelingsbecusetbey lilke ldo- inig the, ndrein spot-Awful tbuithefor the wSir loe oSb sport.t' * t', to hft aIlup, antIlknoing aIl thi lim ltat, b te uls wlIicis gov- îndtht conýtes, ,ise asbeaten before he even Srted. However,. perisaps ,Sir Tsms-is nlthei1 fappiest cisoce we rigist njake, as wseem 10reemertlhe iý,was conncted w\ith a ,certin llfood pro- 'duel hics ;ganed a ep of iin- diret aveîiin hrug ise-i forts t ' t aulbeatinig, thiosebubecoe oil-beseared lds anid lse h attcmlpt Isle cressinlg fomEnglanti $0Frneo vice vraadwhaî do tjIsey Xet oofit. Try adre- ahiyiý à~ei, Tr-y and rca ut-ls tif nt viso gu"D or -ieye tili at 8. Dtc el' isao1 b -pulled out of ter afiter batting ,,Witis tise for haIu a day; and an Eng- y and aYalkee Mssare iard, aI Ibis Witinlg, iii an o succeed w-isere aise, and le s Ouers, bave faied lus stuif, tlisaI water. c oU dgc o-, nd0"!on,iting Murs and cexvewcrmen Wiso kc~d -1-toitMifor wages a as bard as bey do for Sn- sta h t a sîike or a ,in. Tisentarteim clwo sot aIt eis troph)lies as tise vortlb - and Whv130 set Ise d, laoso snisgo Whec an engin onoes Out. cy keep Mon cog bck for A perfct euNmp- eof w i.t ,,We meni. founld in ft( ase tof the( LiviugtouBrotbesws noni sheep ranclis down i Gambtil, Atjuîalia-. Thiey got tht ,notion, tisy anted to gelto a à boat race -c ltie sort wt b1ave a vaiou Caradi au race tiracks wt migjil but wrnii mento , Ad Iis i ia thet * Tsrace wa tt ifteniCalif- om7îis -oHcouuwvut-a mere jaunI of ,225 m lesiut -mn order 1e got to tie gtarling potm aI ai Ped(rO, ýlise Livingsýtons b 1ad ,to ïra-vl 9, 35 miles. And 4altisougist is ei r kelcicouldossy carr.y a cne an crew, more than 200 applîed for places. have been uie onilly pla e -KUJREWA s ýaîled ,mite last -Apnil 19; sud date of ltht race a I, a, alS nsilntbs a;way, .glu os -'erec or ttiug hte bann-eý r o -decided $0 carrylise of ean.lvaî day and, chi more tisan )wWOld ýdedi aI, tise ",peed ït hey INDIGESTION WALLOP YOU BELOW THE BELl? I<I LIFrAltt0 C'lyouSrn eG C i p sll n i e lom e4ÂN ïg"î3 f.yn ei elaj~tel PM n re' 11*.LvwPibf~ in tb ackest porn ofdan ex- tremecly dark niglil a crev.maî-jw-is bted on",I e eadby a boom ail was barely aved f rom going 01er Iboard Another crewgtan, divg in for asw Iiiiwhenteketch ,wa' bc- amelandled lon ashre bsk, Ae h sadow i the bull Thy say he hoeda rare tuof speedJ etigbaIck on baranld we ido 't doub i Oly three ,of 'the nn KURREWA looked filywl batee weuaSe11 acedSant Pedro iruJune 27th, but lhey soon got her sruced up a bit. Ut evets, then mer luck proved to be any- thýing but go-od. OiIýnlinutoes afterC thie 24conitetanýtsstairted,th KURREA wasdamaged af t anid nokdoff hler courise w àn arival ransein ito her, Loc alinfoi,:rmationý piced up by the Australians was Char tmiladiîg or msinîerpreted. Il" setthe lKURREWAsquarely înï a sixtùeen-h[or Calm in the Iee, (ver tewle 2,25mile race, ro)ute the KURkREWA. ýcaýrried aý, 2-ton eelod ith th Hawii;on chppiîsg strîke stou on, the Aus- tî(aian coldn t'itPafford 10 leavc CVfonawithIout suppIecs for tise poast-race trip fronin ooll b FnkLivings ton estimlated, 1"Cosî, At 4:24-1 n., STonjuly 18 the KURREVVA crossed th ins un.uer eilapseç i imie (13 dais, 18 hoursý, 24 mnte,32,7 scns llïid't CompnreWîti-, the ne straight-time :record (10. days, 10, Cours, 13 minute9, 15 secondjs) set, byý Richard Rbeem's 98 - f ýDo t schoo,-ner Morning Sta-r, ofLs Angeles. Buit sailinIg mets agreed tihat und1(er the crusacstise KUR- REA offenîbamong thu seen- ,teen finishers that betlered the pre.- viouis rcCord l imce, had done vwelLj Skipper rakLivingston tieughit bsship would do eVenl better nx timle: "We miligbit evenl win, 'if we maage to enter as 0 maer nstea & as * Thait la,[ sentence proves u contention to ththilt. After adl de grief theyý'd gonie throughi, those Livingstons - an3d, we' preýsum-e, thse rest of the crew - are eager for more of the same. It's certaiuly time they laid Off the dan.gers bf 'Malted, viniouis and siri cu iid(s and issuledwrnng to ini- tendinig aletces a'bouit the perils of yout happen- to have real sotn blo)nd running fthrougb orvis NSEICT PWE A sure Iilleri 0f feDgs, ente, btibue, roacheu &anti other imect £,el for kitclsen, bath, ct.. 1,ý 1eeat aaIl ad ,ILS, CGR-EASES, TIRES À ltiseumtius Pain M dsectLcd s. Leerie llCeiC onqg . t cere Loa . ye M uuroC's Drosgsg teve, 18M Elgîn tawa. PosI- jx lior s opalebd120 3 a'reet. TEONE CTHANC e yn feFnl or on rpeatbuaie ll.tucoe Tax Servics 1783Aveue R., orcto, edfra1145,. th,,o fr~. Alc da~olticlites aalate the earroun. Oder ullts o %neelýte t aynpure breee ndcrssbiee (,1're, cataogue TwedleCblc Itacherea imfteti, CAC pwith teeIl, tdchcg w ï. ckSalt, Getp, Ontarl iý,FlAtTE 515 aythins neetsdyelng orcls. Stet 1otO.91(intarie ALUMINUM ROOFINO el SIDING ~.'roe-Crîmpd Corugatet anO id tylea, t t 10It enthe immtiltedellven ry tro toS WIteo, anplsandiesîatsSteel ierutosLilted. 00 C71erry St Tarante brwn ed, grey. green or biaeii, Sale eris, N6I0 Mil order, sent C O.D. Èloye'n Cold Saae iua Freeliterattîr"e. Vu e ust. erut'inial îA, Boer182 orMldatt45:;2, l'17rontü. FARM EQUIPMENT ON(ýClP USEL) ISzIIN tate, 'nien, catjbge 'ae tc. Used baggg boughit asti solt;ini an uatity. Over tare enuyserv1,Jns the rae.Wrlte or cal1 London .lg Coi- i months elti excellent bheelereý, ulely are.Cash vwitli erder pes.Es cci R urrtt. R.R. 'Noel,1, Mntaa.Olarto,ý caihouaes. EVer oneihe.iurnace cil heatin i. Lairgelot. smdst ossin WATRLO ERSHIt3,1X13 .A- 1 shaiie) on lhard rubber w1th origia cyïllüi teetil andiele.John Chttle, aitIsztüne. COLLIES LIKE LASSIE GOjLDlENýS-ABLES, wttsandi triset chaý1mpIon bipot i înes prompt «attentIon te aI lu ni-e, Sen lleIIy Coles.m. cn rHuron, Ontarle.6 hol Ipani, al vorkhale but O acres ef bard- wood '!blu,f-rüeom bick houies, MwteV lu ho u " eadbarno, hydre ivliabIe, 9sehýoo ant 'Iltur hChclose. Possessqionaiany ý,tIsse. Alpply Mrs.'e .,Dsedcgeeor phono48S J, Oagvle SED rys: rPaeked inu two btîshûe acks c- livered yur s tatlIn at 1228 trbiseL Plas ent in moey wlt ortier javik Ulin, Lontsn.Ocntei. 3tBISTREDTamworth PIg . luth~ ether sex. smoathbaco'n 2ype-t«Aq1. Sans- to rd sralilh, Croton. Ont, SÂ M ,Portabl8,c 7 npletc. btite(a I metrs Âppiy lIr. P. Vffaîte, 11I1 flay- ivleRdtt., Ottawa. L. tCAý'Fl22-W6' tsase with etr anti bîo 9-J üot% onIio,, MCooicIf vD'eerig :No. 12,N, cr bowriilise sey Pho:no Rleville, Carnc r,xori2gg et ton, Ont._______ - -BUSINUSS "I SL 00 vlme ajor Ues1BOk 2e.46, t22 ElhenhStreet, NwTmrnoOt COUî1 NTRY-VGe'neral Store, Large cernent blocis buùi(lding 1882 ieLoit ttod lcctric enuîpmnent , icOcaliving ouresoves, soe lreentturove arunt IoC160,0 pe day a weillas Post (otIlceSalJary Onl,ýy ,tcoremn village n open lhaay, 12 nmIles fretSnear- iiiunipiment $iiPOOt.55.Stîs,,i ,,fasru-$C,-. 081.00 atInole. ieasn for sellIng 811 heal th. Terme ,sCah-or« onulticned ch a nglngJ"forgotiun e(dte ar, stock andf impn le, ents r ee C bol bu1,bdlIesa. Box Ne 47. - '23 FEighlecnth treet tel' orno Ont a, ro. 20 A CRES,!25 tlabe Vastore, Lots Wee'd CIaslngeste. l1euse. uilintgý ueed shîoglng- vacan. od value for man -itfaliy )el .Siriles nortLs Pr eecetf. rlectri ty aalalsbo,qeved roatd, $e100 C(aies Plue teIf, emtie On t. bie seeni. -nnm BYE A l~IIRS~ 10325 CÂNADA'5 L.EAI8NG StIHOOQL Grea'l Opyi$tl e thusute eues eetui Marve rtufats loges f r . rie rCa11 lIA IlVEL ltIRDIRESSING Î58 31Sl t B çvPreS 7 2 RIdeau SreOttawa MeKELAIt ENER4 HOSITïL, Frt surrendîne Apurane mut be 'U years et alge ani helti ercndariy sielgaulu lu Ontarie. B.oke. uiform Éare upitid by tiseilopita. Aplirtlos noe bing receivet for f aI clse.Apply. Supernte ,, neut0eî VEACHERS WNE TEA-CH!ERS wt ipeineanti quaiilca.- teswaited for two pubIlic sise1 ite 10. salas, ri 10,0te $.0,H08 pD, er ysa ~accorJing to te nailictieus ani. experU CO'. Ataull Graten.Sceoy-Trea, rfaýbsut nt.J iqr tlck elief f rom ltcblnn cauedby cezemp pIess SeOh, cmfatnd qulckyesA' for D~ . G USC D.ON 11/ ', Ne dul BLACE REGISTERED NURSE Anti FOR0 aî, septa35 1mi, lestrnI Montrel;ný Giradu.ate nurvse for gnrlfloor dut3, Sgay$ 10, mont iy, 11,11 maintenance, de1wek -heur La.Caltiserine oohNursOt, s ary $85. A pply supt- BrreMtemorlOl H,'osptal, Or-lsmen, Que. OPPO&TNITX or young wmu1-3$ trairn for one ye1.arlsratca fNrer criepatients ils!1'O bedPrttath- pîjtal. ,veoet but living 5aîîowan2e nIsîle tralitng, Intruction ai eupcrvi5ion hy- Bef- gia;teret Nre.NxtdÈe epebe irl St, PetereIiray aioOt ÂPPL16TTC1N0IS for Studlent Nurses areýý uleiat tise Sarnia Oceieral Hoseialoà, Sarca, ntaie.Thisis ,,anaprvt cs4 ef Nuen,.Hnraimcter, preimýlary te', 7le ColmIete, $2erccmentis. I f XI me... e a NtfGGET hn1 ALL BEADES 0F BROWN fON-dl '-t' N et = UNI VERSITY 0F TORONTO SCHOOL01J0F NURSING The s1ehool offuers, a five-year genieral trainig in ïnursing laigt Registration as a practising nurse, including qualifications fcr public Healtli Nursing, The Degree, of B.SCAN. (Bachelor of Science iNrsng f rom l'ne unversity of Toronto. Substinial financlal help la available through br ariad scholarships. EntranceRequire e à Seior Matriculation (see current Calendar) For ecplea o f the School Caletndar ai-d further informnat*ion apply to: The 3SecretLîry of the Schoel. 1 1 , 1 is COI