Tie sea aroun.dtfile many Farnie gutllemiots aid Sta'ple is ntableý rm whm t mus be onec of the os ,~owed brd hnsin esttesi ile counfry. There are led,es iu plenty iftheli Farnles, but the giliemo3jts %ave an*iltoîclPenchant for file Prnnaicies, three high rockS ïon 2maj- lHere they crowd iiasi n ieing - inmbers, puishiug anid s ing fogether 11k.- crow,,d w;tcb- ienily that their preciousý- eggs bie Ircqtienàtly puýshed into ftile sta. 1'he pumafs re -%i7ser, soieni por- 4cntous liït fe irds that loo'k lite aldermen, Thieystn quietlyun1til ievstris aeimlost-witblinfoucriing ~î~n~wberu fhey laiucir off -frn tl~ iff s sf great :speed with itheir Ettie oýrange feet t"lclkot fainwise g;ant hep swaluows wîn cic iirsoy beada3, aslray ilacks Jtreaers hve a fain bt u tn- isaaletinge of rosy vin o erbireats, Thl'iher l e lc ider qck wlos niy FEnglislilbrecding 0.1cee arecfile Farnaid coquet ) landr nearIly, These ducir, known tô tise average citizem nI aïl s r- yW~~ers of eiderdowris, lest adilover i»ner Farlne and any caeless visitor -ngittread o)n fe.lh-e femnale is seckied browu nand illbairbut lier hhsiland is onle of file hand(someatî Idueàks, a 4ne-tbick aud illf e c-bird wliotse tbreasf ilu the ireedtlag season à ufuedi ihsairlinnpikwhe lkeneiehas wnefipachsf cth sage green )onfile back. 110W CAN 1? By Anne AshIey IrMlwitc materiais? A. By seing the spts with Ituion juice, and then sprinkiagi. sflt over file tained> area. Lay fthe gaxr4lmi thie sun until file spot disappears. Severai applicatioiit msy be necessary. Wasl filric after spot disappears. Q.HOW Cani make puitt A. Putty ce-nile made mereiy by ,nixing linseed o;1 with sýifted wvhit- kg~ until the proper consistency le equlirtd, Q, How c;11 1rernove Iscratches A. Purcbase a rniail quenitity of yu-,.tty pow.,der, put I it tcEa saucer ud, add just enengli olive ail tio mwlre &asate, Rub flue ons the mfl- er with a soft flannel clatit, 1-te polisfh witli a charnoir and fthe ocratcheiFwMlldisappear. Q.HwCani eshIen ranc'id but- A. By melfing and skimmlng' *hen putting latta if a fresil piece of toasf. Th-e toas, vwlfl absýorb *li f.low cani fstop ii Al'hey cen usually bl gwery quickly by taking 7t. -.of grnulefed ,-ur arl inc ý{fe t idoe nefgive trelef, rvt ' !t4 Thrsilrs on" lokfor brei(1ad a butter plts-thank goodes -nor do they expectlrst course plates ilresiler want good, sciid food and pienty ofif, but? they are quife redytodipensje withj the trim- miinga. And,' that lis souiething for" ilew'cor-aerýs to fa îring 1 remnlern- ber.ý Sallade and ligbft desserts are finle for ifamiy peaiJs when iinivid- ual preferenraces cal' bc taken itQ account bttl~lesltetficir miea"t, and her egabsan grvfolowed by wl-iidpe -.ad lib! We11, another exctemenIt -lest wekwas the arrivai of DaugbTter frorn jFort Wlia.Asked Ihow long a hOî'lay sile Lad got ýIee re- pid"slong as Iî ie-lI'm flot going back. It costs too mIlucil to utavel!" MUy sister-in-law Wsverymui concerned!, "But -wýhat wiIl sie do . , , thnt ic stup . . . snpposg aire can'f 'gef another oi? Sbe need ntIavvoric. Dw days later EDaugilter wet 'ýÈto fl ciy to Aef er busness coliegeF know aile was incrultnaai and wtbinilaî-n1-,lour she ha thie offer of two tel'praY su on permanent job.,luhe apd a Mem- pora.ry b, frtn iiaweek' timne. But tlie 1nexf da'y thiee as WnI rgntteepilonc'e eal-eu sue go in ftheday tobe sbown e ropes and then tarfin onMody So ov ile is workýIng-a'gain, a1ffer tiree days' holiday. On Sunday tao of Our visitOre le f orpoins nord Road upMysser- in-lw raturnied fo Toronto onutAc fira't iap of ber way hacýk f0 Eng- lan. hile fily wereaway thret mnore of uts took e d Crive ove7r to -Mlaiton Airport. I especÎ)ily at cd f0in go 'as1I was erxoeto e fie new builing Whi ad been unde contrucionat fibe time, Cicely arived hias year. If in ver, apacion, moderan and convenient, w,ýith li ,nvof rOomorn otueliobser- C, travelters and lilat tiley, have e u ccunter I fmoetia into if a onle mw 0co'mpanmies ci Amier-ica air- ther nýnd do a file nue f Fltt5 ia't j es lnA tand tren- hodevelc ocerîes a Ed Hugh fr~eil wil Where Dickans ,%Took 3 Hoburi For Lunch Tht e Cck 'vrt a elba 140th apennvsary. pis aaid to b. li od~t iip-iosein Lon, don, fhougbh lasaai 1matter Q fatbeen on icfs present ite .,foýr a scr 5 yearsm, Bt fUSedt b.just a iri h sread we the rigial ouse, Mhy tok teLmn ae llevedto ilsby Gr ellug ions Chazrnes 1 iI'smateqcrvr itis they tooc eahogany pews and berohes in Cie restaurant which-. have een sed y TbaýCkeray and Goldsrnitliand by Pepyl ediar- i1t and the beWc an table in flàc cotuer by the irepoace wbereC Dickene nj-sed f0 eat i ri-jb a affer dan~ and wbere, iffng ander is potatawieag, I bad jquite A good mixed gril rnseif-good,- À)eople);c you meelt thevre uwiii be itiinking about toret-oo, bc tipiis l fie joimiaists' bar Nearly Zevery aosnw ap storýy forthepSt 40 yeasabe talked o'o-iver ct he .kTavernm part icui)larIy fhe, legal oce.Th-ereý ,bapeortas wants foitrve s charcterdbousz harpbie ittl heccan dodgehthecaer aen et tliç coi, Taveru. Uhe managerof teCocu, which is 110w rua hy a coipany, sys:C cieet Street inn Is fot ike ar'y o t)her s Lnonfo nefing, there is.o late eeigtrade- eoejutcorýne i dring fie day Nhen, go aayagai. Iliecre iýsba- Jy~~~ý an idaesoid a il11, fin stanice; if isati itter Or epirifs, Aný- Answer to Cossword Puizzle cJctw~ Atxc1~e~w5. Canning and presecving is an Aw- fi 'chore, epciiywhen 1the wea- filer je bof, But long abo(-utnx auairy or February youi're riot go- îng ftebink if was f00 mu111chtrul whv1en jyoutake, peep infto yonr fruit celiar or cupiloard and sec thlose sinring rOwvS of good filing So perhaps t it igbt be econ fa sorne of you if, inafead of givig you niý1y reCipes ftoday, I puibliali t g"eealakor, auing; so here The mfwe mehodo f sOiCanIinlg' fruit are coýnrnonly dsrbdasý flic "bot pec'k", u the "cold pack',. This nierely refers tfO the condition dof tefruit vwben if-.,tis placed un flic The eoiCd pack meitlod rCfera 'to the refc of plecing flic prep)ared pîieces Jf fruiit in the container ann4 eovering Wiou bot syrup. Tihe bot packnetilod refera to the ileaing of %h fruit f0 a boil witilxa lleadded wot ndMsugar ilefoDre If le gplaced îi'kt'theotanr The nefhod resulta inl roken pieces; and a more or jes 8sewed prodct Tile iret meltbod refains flic natunrel sihape Lof the pieces adl ileC metil- od4cmIonly0 se ucmeca Avn h-u tehotpcknt oftdues estigproduct is not' quitec attractive 1as is obti-îsed by ,'ilecold pack metod.[ Directioyis for Cold 1Pack Met bcd ,,se fils nthdfrcannling Pluma and Prunes. I. Tes thfie jars to aceetatly suma ke nairtigrt -ce ai.J ashin warrn s ýoapy feput hla aCon- Ainer of bot water and ilrng to a boil J\1Maire a tfilin ytup 1nsig 2 cupauoi waer fte0'Ilcup sugar. Boit 1. Select fruit miat is fresb end at fie propeutae of nfriy !aS13 and prepare flic f'ruit ifopîýees ýsuitaile forse1ry'ing. P)ack info hof Jars Take care f0 ee that nvo bits 4. Fi i le glass-top jars fuil fa overflwing wt oiiing ilof yrp FUI tfimeal-fop jarstf0 within one inch of file top. Partly ceaIicejars, Screwxý top jarvs-figiltea, then £ingý-top jt-duthfe tb ber and top eMdleave fil ower yprigu p Ma-fpjars-adttjuat fictop 0il piace wlbclm eor adjuet wif il ne metal acrew baud ,unfil sfr.A passing motorisf ga!ve us a klu riebreat3i enBob had, f taket, te big truck te toýwthe lit- t'elne borneThere wa sot in the ignlitioni. Such w" , PrjoceaSs (i e. cook> itiler of tlese fmethoda:s Hlot Water Baeth- Put Ltoilootf thle s- fthe jars in t'le loiler aa fhey arecovered ily 0c waer, Stat fmig wheî begins to hou, Oven MethOd--Tbs adisdoly if flicovenl witil acoal or woo--d >ct flic oven temrperatu.re rm- put jaris in1 a panitl wafe et in bot±omn, (Theý is ciciet)proce3s at . Whea ro s sngsscompleco, yernove the jars aând ceai. De 110f tighien, fap or i'nvert '1,Fle ctal-fop jars. 7 Teýst fil-eýcrew -top Gyive- ing for.-aPfew minutes anda test file spr-ing-top ja iy placin'g f"ilejar ov ifs skie. if eny !eakaý are fountd, in- vestigate the trouýble. Tilees simple fip5may help yoju l o vercoine flic dl ffi Clty,ý (a) Presa flic týop eidge ofcile mnetal band .Off' ic scvew-top jeux down witil a kinife-hanidie. add seondrubiler. Re-procees,, for five m-iiites, (c) urn licwire closure ony] file spigtpja-r, until if is -n a tigb)ter Position. 8. Lt ail thecjars san util cool, Store t-ia ecDool, dry place. A rleeper firm fie Aao Pet nighlites of uis gra'mazoi-- The esn ie He waks tuoofat To get bs wnaams on. J*'s5 i - / Robin Hood snd bis; Merrie Mm lhate cr ae i ftlta bow sund arrow or lxeydîd;'t caî T,3 score s ýbit Otody soot o i» t. te gae' lot Pat'sGrape.INI]s Flakes -fitaeeonvenieia> esdy.to-cas easy-to,-igest cerel1 satde n»ot fr«oi oste but TWéO grains-- wheat sud raslted barley. Whýat ~ayor ~ youarg hydatsproeisminerais ami ct senas.Served ln a jïffy - eat en onl l Yeu kbnq ýà.ý Recipe 1