o O-RONO. ONT-, TH( - * J 1 heStreet Fair held ila ronlo on f Wedneday vening -last, unider teEXP auspces f te Orono Amiateir Ath- -etice Society, ýwas a success, wheuaa eopeof thoui)sanid people gatheredI' oranl eveing of enjoymaant at ..e.C diffrent games off chance1 that lined t0ld the bIusiniess section off twosret F ences were placed ý.c roS s the'c~e " tÈeet to divert traffie ~4o un d -the bckand by nrine o'clok thle r tî Was a9. mass of people cuolin rcndthe different booths, ina:a ingi ;ery ood, and also wîî-llng to hv pae their sheckies on the different are ýýa'jsoff chance, ot garesthie:ir 7.'h amne that proved mrost popu- ly t was bingo. Thtis evler'y nPUIlar1ti C a- gaepacks the people in, ad waýsi the h- ast gamre to ciose up f àîthe )'_ evnn.The seating capaitPws hoe Alday Wedn.esday theIwe ti t hs asverv thrë 1aten-ng, wthslighti -al shî)wers falling in the mrigand n aferoo.To)wartd evening the sky fftI was eavîýTly overcast it intermïIt- yet tentlight sho'wers falilg, wih otheir outkept many at home. CereWade and h-is Cornh.us kers Orel Tootwas eiigaged to supply Th usic for thedaning)onthe! tee.owiag to the incet wen'-ther the dance had to he 1held in Th, th own hall and th aronresthel 0. H latrplace being supplied i th mru-! at1,it S scby a P. A. system.. It took the Thiey tw;ou buildings to hoid theiene Tiesi rod hat desired to dance. to this roffs popýular orchestra, çwhiCh played oldi Pions ýtes for the dancing off modem and croýw( aedancing. Thoug,-h the bil- Nc ug To Bene- men hvebeen Id promlise ,,f be- utmedical ds are ilH n are used in deal [. S. dotors who ties duz Su b scr iYour operation Can Hur oTn het cargs plic01 ter $60 ws akn ro off George GraamanD brcmn ager last weei<- jalled pen-dîngherine anid Jam.res Butts, Thioi and B3utts wý.ere a rrested of stealCng te $60of 2a wee, 1laid, Bl ai r TPwo ch'ampion ýeir owerVEl on, Onftarieos.o !thwa fumari an help sm-oetoenjyl act thamt smenecold p ,uni ontto- be)0a sonordagh dosei ne ihbcr. Baicaly, 11f ear ke ail coff ý us ad t ut dihe nd whlere we cain quite Rt is a vveiknonifct rthlat Womn car-, ents cnfndt otfhers inodr ycu a1nde -1 'a niei h osit ement eaý.ýid that a are pai 2 4* anapar 3 ïngs ouni heir- play- rno Chami- n-g ago -Re f 0 ionl of oe id ients have not1 ut information a eplained atr ils np wlThea iîo ut 6 gTh dt underfoolgt oýW- andjhaveja -c cui! conomics tIjLchags f Lnto. and airsn in Modernized In t i ~ pdbut ,tl-co nt ra iý)Cborg's E, ctart in a fi off the recre, hn nomat aloRob anId Gordon -nanagementl before the Ir, uaddit Sppittwo The buld sLyle 'VW rthe boaï r wam -1 ncil for ap. own counel' sto the boq f-ace north- be re- 0oieg, Guelph,R landsapn offy,, u re, wilhv Portion off the nl 'eier Leslie MH. Frost aýnd COi. Hou. T. L. KnedMiister offi cu!lture, are both e-xpectec- to be kers at t(he frmiopening h4 taues puace at 113~0 p=m i hteverything may be ca)rried acodgto chedule, mu-ch pre- narf wokwil be dnein Fad- large audence 1 epected to be ýet for tire unique dmnta boyT la the son off Thomas Hwesot Rev. Mrn Fraier oither son te hospital. tha t his cniinw and it"s belevcd t] reesdin about teo serveàd by the Ilealth yenr- id righton ri several weeks akgo. hiethe he was ,g T n,0 and 6 anu been done