VA C-U u éM' WESTOF T ER viii. e' alnother, veà Heûrs-mile c vr dcismaiyed lner; ïnuseesarne c Lis facewasgau t t xrs ini eavy; Iis eyes wer rrn aoc? tired aoc? bitter. l -ie-took upbis bridle re;ins "athat Steve BParcon aiin? Senodded laoc? býrou gli erhos parwas in longer la-y bt- wa lve like a tu errilicprsue ShIe vnued Ican ecueo He gaýve bier a shar'p gae iu te Ion br poeket aC? han11,1ded befrebe vzzled eyeý-s, he toi-e tise erdtbecm t(, the diuat. Ther cro 7 ,ýSsee a haiile t, rougbt. me. bcsasi Sat oita, riding iniî silenice boucen oly Abc hesouodsof hoofs and the creak1ing o(fsdlega the bf-îligb-t Cof earlv usk.they r-ode ilot , towo. Tbev lefs Vir- gýiIla beforCe Sarab Tado' oue Phil po în oruro aftermp he( badc? laned M). It asdk wbe1-hecarnue. aoc? thev sat in tbe gloomof oce lttIeý veranda. They waýtcI]ed Sauta IBon itn corn alveas it aunay- didamter nlightfall wbel n mn llerdinfo flie ranhesao thsilve w'kbg in thebus. crsa hestre Lau- va Correy caine 'from l uhe bouseanc? burried~ toward the dace bail.Se cid flt glacI ter a, o PU' eyes fnlloed be The silncelased long, Virgni's bat as wrong-' it oo t ber. lie' nî fibarsbf. "Its jualt ta thave cornehere" merec? the amiions eutbuiasm 1,athac ils fotune.He ba? bee hligb hjopes: n-, i1heVwaS well wil)h the r1anichi ide>-, wolcot 'etmecCOn- to admt t. BtP h lu awlatentto ru- ,e relthen is voic [yon, cilwetilio t te termen bdbt I fee ail urnedout. U NDERWAT-L< SI i1 I M N, caridto b'U~ tetd~el~nu divig sit.Conisî ofailpoale a i sil wbreath il g -ivalve i! e bureathes th'rou(): ub_ rrou piee ocwers fe- bl-rubw mask over bis;eyes cn Ce"wt ofl hpe gas ino'fr fe in trogh Olyoteraolae oies her c before ber, what hap what belon ('1tiou Led Ne t Week ' Cil ehuneL'_ r' 4,Close 5Br d'îý and Sncb eC'ty workfo su uc pleasure! kThewol aly lt aprolccve of this handsiom3e oiia chair-set. t's practcal too! YSo'ilWat to keep on croht- inig- thlat'S h10vf cntigPt tern 567 sl!Caradietns Laura NWheirs improved pat- wvithi its chartis, photos aoc?ýý conicise directions. S enýýd T-W ENýT-FVECENT S liscois stapscascOnt be), accepted) fo hspatem toBo 1, 123 Eight- eenh St.,New Toronto Ont.Ps-lo plaiiy PATllTEqRN l NUMBr." your NAME aoc? D DR B Re.R. -Barclay Wa1rren OF GO» PIsa 1:71;119:1-8 Go1ýlde ex:Thy word have 1 hd CIiî mine heart, thrat Isigtnot siPgnnt tee. Psalrn119~IL iiie oo otth lw,-.e te firt theC miajoirportion ofithe Holy Ser-ipt1res il] thie ays nf thewrtr of dhe Psalrs. Th y didflot idolize thee documents or mse ëthem ospr- stWîusy as a fetish, built tey did pouelvethem ta be GOI'S nmsgeý for the peol Ihey (fd ont try to e pu'cth, nibuit devore t Hmve y tIem. "TeheaW of tceLord' la pefctirnetigte soul. Aftersuporiugtis sîitenent tce \vriter Concludles, "Let the wnrds of myv ioutbi, anc? the medlitation nf my becart, be ctbe in tly sgt () Lor, y 1;trengtli aoc? my te- deemler" Jii 'the second portion, af- ter, eourtîig the bless-inga whkl atedthose wrio buy tbe Woud, lie r -slvs, I i1l kep tby sta- tuites." Pu'lt \,e us5 k13oow tbhein we a to Okeep thuem.This iseui fuilly exrss in tue text: "h wordbaveIld Jo mine Ie-art, thnat L mighit oot suin gaînat t'hes.ý" It aretdttany. uýto-day do0 ont blold< the scrîptilues in hiigh- eser.This is Cdue, ont to(-bevici- otia attack nof prfieýssed infidels asý Vdoire and Jogertol but to the subie iitimat'oùofmany preachl- rswodoubt dteautoity nf tde Bible. Havig questionle(l the inl- spIrlation of tIse ascr*ipilles it la easy tnj place question oiàrkYs afler thec virgin birtbi, thse deity of jesus Chriist, ftheni-aýcles, -the dget heaven aod c? lland nan' need of a ne\" birtb, But the Bile has ont- li Asctcu tbougb ma" Mcen turies. It is stilI the, world s, besti seller.Voltares formner resîdence is non a Biblehomed hluremags for- the critics to produce abetter book, Let us corne bac )t the Bible. Hiere la the authorfitive road ï1map froml earth tobavn Let us heed kt Careuýilli acprayerflly., ISSUE 34- - 1919 Howe's the C.! ...35{ buIifdini - nowing he unhas hs faher 'approcvaI' tthe young man ill nc1 *the curge Ihpe. to elav h 'i mother's hous'e aoc? maahm *for hlis wife which will betrl *hrOwnl. A itr with a con- * seeo~c caodo nis leýs tan el TO To(n)iedFte" pen Yr1l o~li's eyes to& hý isWfes on- *~ ~~ ~~(l hçp stOL Itis not lk c~ e le se d It) Romue is *courage and Ihis pride of lmanho'ýod' 'and aassu1re hiiilmthat tue move as Sou pprova. IHe \willwrr *about whiat bis ml other will say, *but itla ýshis wife'ituation t1lat * onld decide ihii. * You, wl11 be left Iholding tî * aas à werBut aterA iIe ooldethat youl havesare Iujn toýwar-d a baýppier miarriage solvii console yon. ~'How I 1îs sI ore fathiers %were *as ?ersonaly cocerned about *their cii1dren[ Yout are a brave *man, aoc? I salInte y Fathýers suifer somletimles foe years in sHicebut wben danger to their cblldren tratnthey cone through. Alnne Hirst's year. of observation can belp. Writebe ai Boxr 1, 123 Eighiteenth ýSt,, NtKewF TorontosOnt. A REFILL A variety artist mect an, acqua;nt~- ance *bo was an animal trame. and asked hlm how he was doing. "1'e got a swell act oow. iàa th cîrcua, the traier iOfoi-med him. It's a-'iFriendship of tne ELïin and', tce Lamyb>act." "Sotonds od' adn-itted tft variety artist, "])ut aren't thce qu'arrels hetweeuo thelix?" "WIyes," coinceedd the circa man, "they do have their HUAlquar- rems at imes. BMt thenwe just bxsy a new Iamb.7 s the greatest itîtun in tIse world 's of parkland and verage attendance IL -.5 v-y iýt