~sl~Sear. <lent bas r'acusry r roaiyvery~ u-tU same owc as that possessed b1) the ae-dvnr of old and th3ý ~'osers", as 0bey a reno caed Dwigis 110W býieved byý manqîy oOthewse orthodox scntists to be a purey phpyca rsnsen to radi- tion, tbe reaciionï beýing casdnol by w;ater but byý oil, mnerais archiaeologicai relics, ndeven, b)eing tsed to deterinie thle se-x of eggs. TheC tbcory is thatd everythîssIgba tsOwn aelnt anid ith te wkild dowser is a person esffcînty Susceptible to those radiationts L(o be \-- able to act as% a uind of mec se" Ceranl the famed hanese zghick-sexers nowý have strô ýg riv ais in tbnes ppe who, by s ending somnetbing personal like a -ý4dinjjg ring on a piece of cottonj sOicr tIse' eggs, can '.Vi a higbi degre of accnra-,cy dleteriniie tlbeir fertility and1 sex of tlle u-nbfatcbed cbkiks. There are aljso dowsers wiso dlaim to be ale to dtriebotib tbei -îex and proaiyof ýa per-!ýb fJli a1 pbiotographi and to) stae ~lebrthe indlividua'I is alive'ýQ dead. Otbers sindlertakeý to lc -water, mninerai deposits and( anicieli rellcs by hangig tber pcnduunîI- omer a map of the district! Tbere 1i e-yen a FWYnch sboemaker W. b teAsc tue qualiy of a hide in tHis ~way before buyIýing it. Thle best leathevrs apparentfly produce rays wbývich are directed due noith), se if _,,ou are doubtful about youirne Pair of sboes, tru a dowsing pendu- l"I over the-m There is notbing so fantastic about lice boy withl ths X-ray eyes. Hi& 1ý divinling', facuities are, no doubt, oUre- lsigilly de-1oped thian tbe -dowsers who stili w'ork eitIer wt a rod or with aL bead suspfended on a fine thre-ad to which is trans- mnittted thie vibrations se up in Ille imscs of the armi. Recent Floods In Australia ThJe area worsî affecte-d by tise flood waters was in the nortff of theý state-whe eHuner«Rivr broke AtsbaitI and fouttWans bad to 4a - evacuaîed. In flis. vilty of iVait-. ýand51 Singletoni, and Ceszsinoek five inicftas3of ramn fehi1 in One cday, anid fihe ruver rose- for-ty--frL'y e.Comn- stiniatinebrokeà down, and sm ee-as çwere comlplete-ly isatd everli ifaillies sSat on tise roofs of their home-s waiting to be- rescu-d by Police boate and ah Mlaad ~forty pe-ople ive-d in mlotot- 'buse-s ~parke-d on th railway bridgene-a t'le Station. Witb the- lack of milme-at,an cieh vegetables, tlise-e- was a jmun ,o1i 'ned foodc, and Im-ariy ofth mostoe- lwicb normaihy stoncktese- gonds, Scke- dhe- ceîin, dis phayeüd "SoLd Ont" notice-s. (1) se-ver- ah ho. scids people we-e red!ce-d1 lu cookýing on kerosene estoves a-nd ting by candle-Iiht. Disasters of thîs kin"d say bring to ligbit several 1bum1an tris The-re was tise- stury of i xrs b'trainSaved from 'i n almut inevi- table- crasihby tieseiitative of a father amdibis son wbo, by one ocýf 'hos Stralige turne of fate-, hap- pened tIl o pass anl emba,ýnkmienltta bad just subsied., 'ITle fathertheiponed thelca shtinmstrbuit wa's alrcady tooec laeto stop tise- expre,ýss y e-n Of ign1aIs, Tl'le-nly hope-wsh stop it tesles ather andso roan alfa-mile- alngOnthe rck ge-,_tissatinig wihdly to thse- onconi- mg trai; tie tran as going fas an, e-fore the- 'river cold hai il, it was on tise- brink of t1ise-wal awaywltere-[botifty iyaràds o nt were s~upendedt irtyfe-t aboyac theU-0ground. A fe-w seconds Pmore, aîîd tihe -expresswoid hanve lpiunge-,d 2110 Le-tno the valîey. SENG _-LASN11D, 1847 buecli-rnot dsiuel weak,ýà butwe-h rmcnbe-ingthat Sebe bas sceiidark days befre-; inded, wî-ti a.ind ii«of insýtinct Éthat sb,-se-es ra hiti-Ite r ina coudy day, andtbut ho saurm of batte and calamiîy, se 's a sýe,7ct igor ad pis- ik Pl cionl. 1 e-ce r in] be-r clagef., siot decrepit, buit younlg, and Stili daring 10 belie-va ài er powe-r of esndurance- and expIansion. Se-e-unig thlis, I1ea, A Il bail! motiser oýf i tionis, mlother of beroce, with atrengtb sMliequai to the tie-i stilj iSie to entertaïin atsdswf to execurteAiapqicy wbieis je sndand bie-art ofmakn requiree, in tisa, present isour, and tss 1 torpitabl e thie foreigaer an, iruiy a borne 1 tIe-tisoiLghtfré ed gqe-uswiso are borîi fit I $S e-lit beSohlet it be-~ nouniice it aniff 'Jit wsnt rittern plýiarind cle-ar 0on tise- sbeet hinfront of me, 110W to spel i it.- yats wordischnug"adacodn to theamnie sheet it means "thai branicis of applied cbemiistrydje,-Oited to idustiaiutilization of orgirI mturials, -pcal fr rdes lob iestr, andl h tserost of 1 tikI'e-bhad Yt nyyit sem ike tbe ci ugccbemist bve be-en mal cng istory, tiougis tbat'sn, osi bes sudîd Hîier Tey tooka iookî aî-ouîîd adsaw btprii farmIlers v-ee seîing fir-e to mio. Of tonls of straw ýevery year,' and lt woor tbM. So wbat diS two of them do ait get busyanmidve-ip a Pnew meiod of po--sn wsa.îavinftôhgh -'grade- paper and pi-or.lt tlteir press agentsin iform m, il fflace uatn bor malc. straw in i lposiil tj( me) stl -~f1Iiir mteral ad~f rons wooel 'k* -1is)e ( con ir( cxi time you>te-ci l ikc ];M camp îrelle-t o few tosand( "e"resu ý-t, jnst t bothe r. ists bave ýo ital ue Carl Miner-itsay'sbee esa "ce ist"flt a"emrga' u probiably lbec sworking bardifor0hîs second srp-ogtto findi ont Jiow w-ý%aste cornicobs an-d ,oat hul0î1S eouid contrihiste toc bette-r livin 1g. (And what a sequenice thaLt wl make- jn al 1movie, with Cai goîîî uýp and i"'viwigoa bllaf 1 a t hl i , crcbafter cornlcob, saïying9, "Wbiatcan you conitribute. etc." 01113y [to bave George R-afi or Betty -Graýble pop ontii and frustrailtC- Anywyu Mr inerd years of r Aisno r. RaiÉ tor AMiss Gralble- --aniid dscovered .thaqfthtie-,> oi give out witb a'iChiemliri ll-d"furý- inreietinth-maîsuf actur- of petroleumil, 1nylon, snhteresmss anýd anitisep)tics, itsaysiee. thni ecaî't lbe-'p inng ba a sei CleeCieeryo ol on. Sii o ai aeecY thing Onit in Idah1a1 poat1-gow1n wststrbfrom ulic ôtau Outnfra o eli , 1ci1t-snt metotise take, it that tble-ysh1ould be- rdt- wïtb atleast an, asist Prsnaly wec like-our put,,atoe Fenb rid cu- 11li r not; and whenevctw(bn ofahlcsac theure cumes a r1- spayitovra qshirt lhe was workuin on pndten silathe oom to a Btwe are getflng far;- ta (r e ur poit, if any. An-,d in theý See a mention of this wonderfu Georg Dreanld GoreMCui- loui] v'ould posbyhavecsomle meta rsritost tatat clau-'e. national inmurie comiceo andiv"e o<lyisope ilroiesOP offme eass tisantbe ou a<-,oung lady of ouri- cuantnc, gel te-ngot on side. the ou beuiîg itwoId sce-m a bprdctof mdm chIemical Al ail]v-t unr tbaniks to ribe cbemnurg i nd Ibeir preUssrep- sesaiefor- their assist-ance ýnin filiiiîg tup a coitlmu. Right no%', tor nî oraoit w-feel hike wind- îîsg up vs itll ouirfaote-rtbe lts ftle- oîe, of course, about tbne city isito wbo as sitting o th fanhneveradAls.To bis aston- isbmnt e sw a horse onqt iii the fie-d rmpig aouind, ibuîting mbt treesstupsfenice posts and 1e-ery otlier sor-t of osal vial- M oonsis tibat pourboebln? askedtIhevSitQr, '"Not a bit of it," answ\ered tce dwamî." MnToJug For t he fJirst time in-, c.NE' baeîgcomlpetitiins %wili be lmeni And bec le Ib tp 1prize Cicite app'Iie pie onteifst 's$10,rs.Kae Aitkn, NE.VI omlen's Dirctor, lias scoured tie counry fOr the g on uf en best able to pickthle- bes icae and! pie- o.ut of atlet bundreds. isebs invited tise ment-- ber oftis Onario EBa-keýry Pro- duction Mcn'11Clu. TsV ill mi frIsHamliýLton, Loitdoni, Bwi All 16 imaie yd \s il! ae sanle buýlindrheds o,-f applenie, fitbread, wbIite bread, date ,.0d anld ail tise otise vri-tcsof home- iskig Isat attract thc attention f Su fa mos entres ae fr tice $10 pple ipie. BuýItter tats ar nex itsbrais mulffins, i'sirdl, anid witeý brcad, fourtis. They Taste 3Things Wi TheirFe WbVindo0housle fisget in1to the neolsses Becusesaya couple of bulg exprt, he tst ýith Drla Hubert W. F rg, isoite1nic the legs o' flics were tasteoras ýShol(r terl- hairs of thýepd on thf- end of0 he robocisaretaste o gasTe lnger blairs1areLdi sneof touich organis. flus fic wreonly one f f2" spjecieS of linsectseamnd yDrý Fr san3d bswife ;inhirsu 5I L0i tate T.st on .oekroaoh: )iot 11k. i fiy'. foot, Can Laugh arrivaI 13Y ichaird HiuWll lkinsssa ieadîng prince e,-ljconi Awýek afterI- esta de-mse in Seabrook, R. mny nexi door neigbbo off tu di mearouind show me- tiePINtS Toward eenigha car before a driveway 10 a buge brick bous( 1Drybidge fI. h vt briclk bulildinig il toýwIî se-e-n for mile-s around. dereýd abiout it sinice I ookzed at iim curi(l that tiis was ar roud Fayluiad save-d tise untif lasI. like- a cbýi i hast imorse-i. "0f oure,"Ray e-, tr "hie-lbas a cityiro the facî is bespnd .îme- outihe-re-, He- erave# 2, 0 let thee- man kniow !0 bave him, as aL citi- Ray Quimp tgoni FA wson awo, poinele loke. eig t-i On t eday ofwhhI momnt estepade-ron %whb1 wasstad~ig tltd pecaioulyand eed -t)tumibIeto fthe grounid. J ttered a'lcry of alarm, t urned, ptcrécid te pince as if fr the first tilieand sbIIcted tofim fiiior aid. nvlntrly e ieaped for- ward and steadfied Ibe cIadde-r until fhad descended. wasinced"ie rcplied. 'Woulid you mm1ld holding Itbe lad dle-r for- me on tbis windb oýve prisedl, but agrec(d to Ien)d bsa- sistanïlce. FepovdaHgo bepras i colidbaeskdor Steadlied tbe laddler and iIlpld e 1,oýwer tbem ,0th e groiupd. Wer cbatted amiaby about tbe weatber. Presentît ise- task 1,w a s dne tn 11-1 tre d toC) im.i grý iinn 1i ng. Tbnca lot. I do's't kuoxi tov I would 1hlave m Ianaged tihout' -Realiy?'" He- seemed to prei ate Mycompliment."Frankly, 've enjoyec[ it, rlot only tise vkI, but ouir littie viit." li esitated. "You arce- iiitwnarcni't ou "Comaratve-i,"1Isaid. "f mi1ghty niceetw.Fohks ar7 il like. yourseif. Rea,-dy and willinig trc !ýInd, a bndwbn sepis nee. i apiy s'Mçibn i e Th~fact t u4.t "110L e the AS GIRL ,and incluele(s $OÛ Canada avingg Rond. heDoeAukerd Com.mittee, a groiqp ofe editors Of edigCanadisan dcaily neW8paper5, Mcsýel tinners from reemmeda~o,~made by a neationally kowl;. neffs organizationi. DOW &REWBR-Y ;;MO-NTREAL