Clarington Digital Newspaper Collections

Orono Weekly Times, 25 Aug 1949, p. 7

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ilir glass lurnace-s )ut et v enict and- set them up lin Murano? ,ýThere- 2ý WCe may flot o nly remIove froni -Venice the hazard Iof firbt 1* wifl be nmuch casier te keep a 'shlarp eye on. our -gl'ass-workers and s-e fita they are flot bribcd and (ýcajoled into giigawayfthe precieuis secrets c«I glass-makiýng." Tol this c-ffccýt reasonedthCu- gnu, for it wVas truc rthat many exiis~- ariePs from other coutries-epc Waly from n gandand France-L - 'ace orever scCking te Spy out ectyhOw the delicaté gàýs' for hihVeniiceF was famous, co1 b.produced. Ar-tisans wexýer 4 ffered' ,emwPting bribes and pro1ni ses of prtcto ~fthcy Woul1d ?-o0 -, ngador France and - there set up rvlgas ok.Protection-, w as aeesaypart ofT the bargain. ýAnd me ùtebeauItifulIý slaPnc of Muranop with its vinleyards anîd liegardens, gradually became c 91~ o roaring furnac:es that de- ~9rdwood twenty-four heuirsa day Glss-ouss ctcrrided loi-, an umureken mile !and thouýsanda Iý wojrkeýrs toiIed at miakingwios lror chsglassý dies that were ;sed Ie stam-p capital letters in manuscrips, Vwhicb werc then il1lu- Minated by band, and vast qu-aîiti- ýieS of beads, bettles andora melntalglswac Th,?,as-ouesat firsit wcre net urge places. Usual-ly each furnace iiad enly on.? metiig-po-t and madt only eY ne k'ind of glass.. Thýe matras ja rule, 'kept tcrrecipes t. hmscîves nd enýtusted nmo eor'Lef i teir es&ret5 tjhan necessary !W Itheir assat.This nay have béeeinfn cf the. reasonsý why the Vintian gaswokrWho did Icianage te escape tw forcign !landS and set inp rival glas-s-wo7rks, neyver g uned out ïaS oOd glatss asthat "ae ;vMuranoI , Tat, ane, the iset that A3he fine Ve»eti'aiu aand îand the sod Cntn made i rom Rashes cf'A .e-edproduced )a qualit-Y of Sasthat readily lent 1itsclf tfo - g ýïanid -ciaehandfing-From ',,0O0 Ytzrg fjec lasbyFrne lqogers ýa3ri(AlEct B card. 'L ; on 'Need A Speed Ba-I that's n(cessary for tlit vest ýting in wvater sport is this sl-rple qaln ei! tn, olo-driveun craft is capableofts' eds p to30 mph .Martha Mtcel stesedtr eIcon- aen turned talk T- r is'ý. fïaýrming wve e 'all4 nil - so the sheli sticks' doser than a-';broTher Fýunnly whaýt a long time ýcwesme tines take te learn the simplcst things. For mstance, after 30 eýar-s 1 have just found out hou, te maktc a good aipple pie. Raisin, yes,ý but apple, ne Then oene of m-y frierïdi who imakes an. apple pie lthat justi about mltsl in your miouth f old mae she always used hrown - SnIgar . .,and Ifbadneyer used aeiyting IEblt wltite. Now I cao mlake ail apfle pie that cveryone enjoys'. Alothetr cfife's ysteriesq sclved. Maybe aiter a %ASle ['1 knlo-w hw to kep bue-btta won't Lesntili'!Ve learned how tc iïe a tclothIl At present I eboosw helneulat Imressane- eend My MLest esout te be lai.n- oured, Ey Re'u ~ P~ALM8 Goldeu Text:- Warren Jct1xe Accordjing to sumýr.eof the miaie mnibers of my faiy herc'p soimethinlg about hm-naeketchà- up ta nonec of the "bouighten" ,kind, Cali matchi. They alwys ake stvlh a comment ab0out this thue e4f' year, when the,-y lhar ime ýremar.k thaât for onice iii not going omae ay. Ayahere's a really grand r-mE cipe, anld l'n in tdescribe caedi[ step in 1tier kgi e tail, se that y-ou shiouild ,finidth dirctlionls leas y to olo- hlope. For finlest re- ,tilts 1h(- ur>.- and u-se onily T-d. RIPE tomatoes; anid, of course, the vine(gar anld spîcesý shold b h very best vyou Car:procure. TOMATO KETCHUP 12 pounis ripe tomiatees 2 CLIPS eider vinegar 1.1,,12tablespoons br*ken stick cinnamnon 1tablespoon) whole cloves eot aimnd (3) iaRn end discard thsÂquoid tf t if thew, c'f wo of eV;. *war, knd C '-y. thr-ec beys wer ow dirt r(oad. urcd downi as pr tel oemrihe the. cývar su koAit on the ,ro2,. but there -waa, e> tara Aâ thi, car skidded lit £truck morýne lo)ose tonce, tipped on- e8, idt âùd &1i4 slde'ways oiff the eJgt of Nýobody was Serious1y hurt and 9w, far ceuld Le fixtd. Our. bey had % nIxoktn nose, ont hast a black eye, 5àteloter hiae a gash on the htadL Older folks s;aid the accident wa. dIsE te ihe rekesnsof you,,ng boys. Boys arc botind te be care- lssu til lty grow up and leara by xpaii enrice> àty iiaid. Sure, exp-Eriermce is a goodi teacher. w. lernLst by doing. But do yoflt have teD cot off your ewnl inger te îearm thiat it wlî Le very paÏiful ' &.. su wn' grow back? Do you have ý tip a car ove- te learn that 50J mgiles an) heur on a sh1arp wct curfve ia toc fas3t? Experience is a good! teacher, aIl éight, But thic smaart per-soli cao learn itemn aeiother's experience. Trebas beenl pleoty of ex- pericoice in the dIrivinig of cars. No *;l1e niecds to learn by the bit-and- miîss cxeincmetheds any more. WVe know that orgaiizd dïriver tr-.inig produices saier driver. Thec cost of driver iraining pro- gramns ini the Sccols is mulch lcs- titan the cost of accidenits resfflting freni lack of traïing. Beys areti't t*;turally reckiess Theyv jusi want to sfiow how go -hyare. Se theIf go te grrat exitremes te shOwY thbt thl'l te ite sncb actions ïs edieation Bfmeohe: Itak~t-4su~get xhall wth &Fybt naid, bte 10grocery 0511. 1 am orr-y for hlave te buy egS. me, if yeu wQrt for bens tf, iay Ieggs yen wolti profit is not as big imnagine h te b.. littie tipa mav heln li is Ine peorman lIn vile raim<i end ye Lave resptct te h1im t w*.areth elcthing, sand titehlm, 'Sit tohû23ere ýin eag place, and eamy t hepeor, 'Su £otte: ret ye net then pari hi onrelesanid art beca iepecî t t. prseils, ye mmitý snd are convlïnced of the, law 1fper- ring, Lb. stiill 1<1 At UNI VERSITY 0F TORONTO SCHOOL 0F NUJRSING Th* «hiloffera i xfve-year general training iii nuruing leâdisig t. Regigtration to a practling nuràe, lncludin.g quabificatloe lor Pubic IHealth Nursing. Th*. Degret ef B.Sc.N. (Bachlor of Science ln Nurinig) lyom ti.Unh* lyoe Toronto. Subutantial financial help iv xvaâ1&b through buruaries a*nA acxolarehive, Lutranc. R&quïirt.t Snior Matriculation (.e entereont Calondar) For copi.. çof th*, School CaIendar and f urther Informati on appIy to:ý The Secretary of the. SchooL. asurs seal ketchu, latiw ai he ouý 'tri 5cveral LiS, 1~5 ~IN [ced IANCERS lent-' 1 1

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