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Orono Weekly Times, 15 Sep 1949, p. 9

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4 How To Re-Make That Lawn 0f Youra 47ftum is, the ideal ime ta make ojr remnake t1ielwn Frmost a -à this 1lawn-miakinig timeeted fromi the2 latteýr part of Auiguat ta preferable. Laàwn grass is ý, per- enni ansd cxpeinced gardeners know batthiskhMthenauri ses son for reseeinig perials. Ther'e ari ther cssons ha vewbicb mae àh agaod t;ime for lawu wcrk. First of ail, tie dy have become shorer, sa mt Hte 30al ass moisture les-s r a p id ýitan ncar'ier'isst.Te sou lu ý wvarm t aacosierbe cphe eo0uragin1g gra-,s stsedings tco take deep rot.W eeds are puled up- easi in dhe f al. If there la a fairpretgeo ' ~ La wn gras in the aw, even thaugli you have crabj grass sdoter wýeeds, you Car prnbably renavx'te, If ftic lawu is 1badlv ,-infestect witjh weeds, sud has extensiveunsightiy brown or bar e tsbweve, th Seat thing ta do is tonmake it uvcr, Fun dameniltal points oun maklig i oPver alsa apply ta renlovatingspt or sections. A good seed bcd la týe eurt need of grass plants. Tbe soi! l b uIdbve a root peutration ta 'the dept.h of 111)ta 8 or 10 iine- 'There sbould bc good drainage. The »soushud b1 friable of goad tex- turc,,011àuld cantlain p1lan1)t food. Younig grass plants need mloisture, likec any oHer young seedlungs, Good grass seed la watb the ' ,in - yestment. Here ià s six-point prafram for ýre1making thie lawn ares: i. Spade dee-pl>' ta a deptb of at kast six luches snd pulverize tHe sali. Be su-,re ta sif t ont an>' umaîl atones snd roats. If thse soulaf mAny add sonme cia> or bcavy bain m.ïiig lt in wcll. If the soit 5 evy ighiten h with sam'esa- Or instead of these îincorparate wclsiftdedompost. 2. Appi>' eveni>' over the are c,-om1plete plant food at, the ratea four pounods -per I100squsre feet, 3. WoTrk tde -plant food intfa tist saolifwithth rake a day or sa before seedhsg 4. Sayw ?a ao>d grass seed oçver thse ïrea M.thtie rate of' four te five pounïds per 1,000 sýquare fet. To be ature you 80oW itevenly, Cohoose Pa day witbout win.d, anrd sOW iv t îeiisise ýand halL osswivse over the-sRiit;e ae. y. Ro4I the e'ntire- ares if àtluis large Cee, f atnall tssuip il:evtnly with tamp r-or a wide 0ard. TIh is iimbeda-ticse ýed w the salI and ia imrporttant. 6, Wates- with a finse spray ever-y - d- ay cnil t1ire grass ls growý,ingwel ýften continue ta watcr, soaking flot spvip.kïiiig, often etsougib ta keepý bihe ýoii frosis dryiig ot If you arc ienovatinig the iws yosrfirst taak it ta get rid of theii weeds. For this, thlere arew several goad ewee-k!il!ers on thie imarkt:, whîoh are usuaily put o-1 witb a spray eq-uipiiient Thty kilibra leafed weeds but flot grass, Waît a week mr so afts applng weed killer before reseeding. There are also somne crab grs ,cemical controls, but it is sale, t( eperme twlb these bis amaî ares before rîskýing lhc entire lawn. The best mketliod for thisý No « peact sceinis til!l that oaI hand-pulling, o>r, as somcone has said., the "squat, qutand stop m i-ethod" ce liquidation. Chances are that your lawn needs food. Appi>' fertilizer -- there ave gaod comm.Ile rcial -iawnfoods on1lthe sssrkct -- a'thtie rate of four pounda pr100 squ1are feet. Cut your grs shrscatter the f ,rt:ilizer, rak i down ta the roats,, sdknoclk itoff d te gras blades wtih de rake. Do this when the grass is toogl dr.Thien qaaktbe lswn thorouigli- A day or two later, go aover 0te awloosennig the soi! an he th-in arefas enou1,gh ta give gr.assý seda chance ta nuzzle io, t h soil. Resee:d the tini arcas snd tanip tdemi wcli. Keep -watercd as for a newv lawn. Hiirricane-One icof te ort-itcitieLs in the patlh of the Florida hurricae -Abo\e iatpalm tres re wýhipped by 155-ile winds, as div ' ing raM 1.Sret xeefloodled bv wters from nearby 1.ake '\Vorthl. C , î 1LE S We bave ad ia wonderful ram -theu sort of ram that realiy soaks_ ir.ta he grouind, givilng nwzest ta virsty plant hlf e. Notanytt hfuls the C is ternsl - andl howI happy mtat Makresoot f ari mno- en, Yýou will n1oticeI sid "mas" -eca usec the re are som 1ne peopl whodon1t.lik cistern wa t erî- t ail and wýouidn't uise it if they wr paid ta. They say it is5cark, bas anuoj0gio abeoorsnd is hable ta make wite tdings a bad cwoour. To Il that1Isay-"fidlcticks! f agrethje waer don gets a littie browýniSh, sand prasthere are timies vheni it has a somnewhiat staeodor-if thecistern is clean)- cd" out whn ecessar-y it shoidnIi'r be maI)re 'tiani-,a-bts thefact' "f che wctur bing softMme thain coulpenisatesfo the siigb't(dis aJaysta"s e fCOlojur ani sameiL W1ith sof t water yaui save, on soap; it, getschs dean i0u affthe- timie, and îh doesn't leave a ihigii- wntr ark arounid haflttub"ss1d bsn.When aur csengoesdr then the pressucre system has to be connected with tbwel-andi 1o Jdrecad'thating cone. Hardï -that well-water is so ard ht almost ta kes s pa(cket of soap-flakes ta) was i few dislies. As for lanns drdil, with aP.hardwaîýýer wasýh 1 neyeCr think are cleaus Sameý folk Say that wit ay one AI these popular dwtergents it makes the watet-su sout itdoesn't matte whst kinid of wvater you se L does heou,1Iadmitbut 1 stiishn tha a dMeergent atdos a good job li bard water wviIlldoaýn ,,ver, better jobi in soft. before setaing bec-m ny bohr %n-aw salways usedlta iaugh at me because every place we loaked at, 1 wsned tA knaw if tere wa suft water aalble.Manlike he cosldn1't und1erstand myanxiety. Biut for o- nce I knlow w"hat i was talking sbout-my experience outý west wvas torcenýit for mie ta, forgct, WVell vater rout there was ev-en harder than bre. especîally à therc "vas any aikali ins it, Weý neyer used it foir wsigclothes -à-r ourseIvs--if w osdhi i'it wýinter timie we bad a big býarrel in the coýrner of the kitchen,- and Partuer woud bring 1 pail acteripai, of hard-packed snaow so 11bat 1i lways 1ha11 plentLy caf ml snow for wapsday and for bathin the babiIies. t was a loGt of worck, sud it took pp so much timn, but ohi my tere w-'as îno aCt1herwtc quite Sc, soft and sweet seln as tbat melted snowl Theý-n camie pring, and ,wïiih the uw il gnetiue sloughs wau beý fiou1, so Partiuer w-ou!ld u barucs on the stonebotatnsd rina inside of ten ays Possibly ve ry% kw ,,peopie realize jusýt how tnuch water a btromcan get aLwa.y withi. WeCkew-hen500gallon, More atbroms re going inlto couintry Ihomles thlan eerbefioreand veï-y mfen what ta use, for. water cicwthe irt probem. Some paqeoe are fraid ta depenld Donram w ýater incase thetir supply should ru:Im out. VWell, 1 have justexane whta lot of .water. a bathr-oons takes,-but(onilth)e other hand howné qjuicly ýthe ciste'rn fuils up, eve ,ie ncgood rail. VYesterdaày, for ilnace, o-Ur cistern ws pactiali dre. This mornîing we fond ità fuli taonverfowing.And ran wateris sa ïImuch easier 'a n thepipes. Wt liard wteYOu know how lmle wiicolleet in a tea-kettie,. !imaginie what it can dc tcr a hot-waiter tanik No wndrpéaple puit iný water sotnes1 guess they ar-e neeed ail rcgt. A\nd yýau kow, ell %water cani also give out. A '£well thlat hba alwNays give suficienit water for huhodpurpa0(ses may flot have a stran)Ig ceoughi spring to ke a batbrooam supplied. Siicb weIl3 baxe b-cen known to go completey drly anit f is far w'orse to runî out h-,.vwel water than cisteru" wate. S-a ordto thie ws if you areputiting in abarom con tider first our wa(er suppiy. Lovingly, Temple B3, RIchar4 IiIll lklnan "D)ear Tmpe: lws dcccl glad ta lemoa t yu adobtaiedý snicb a satisfactory poiio.Iam sure that vou- wili makà,e a maut efibficetsecrtar. Frankl, Ihae benentertaining somne lmisgivings about your future. Serving i0nth capacity of gadinta modemn younig ladies is, afËter al, hardI> 'wl nly ne, althougb I waqS oni>' taor glsd ta loak ftWr te dugbtcr af my close friendTom Ceigton, whlen b s]l nxpctdlypase sway. I im-aginle yau aequt gmonu younig lady now, thiouh it is biard for ime taý visuialize o in any other form than a girl in pigtan sd shorytLdrsss-"ý Aaran Bell, 34, loking10Vyau. yoýungeýr, arptvccaseddcttn sud stamved bard ,at îhisstngaer The stngrper isýs Daniels b>' name, was siilal, darIk,viaia sdexccýeding'ly attraCtive. She b ad came ta',0wark lu-tie law office a Atto,ýrncy Aau>rnBeltwa eck previa'uS. She wias sTlcapablirl yet frsomne uexiinbeeson Asmon b!adn't fbeen ad aget -,used te ber. That is ta s li e fel'i nervauswbncer e ssdictating leter, Iluring dhm next de, days Aaron began ta get aninkng of why il wasý that he feU unileasy when dic- tatinig letters taCMiss D-aniiels.Hle began toa voner if heretaorehe han't been atmpigta evAd ant issue, He ~asked bimself, se- cret[ly, if Miss Daniels was becom- ling tamean mom ta hlim tàhan t aSecretary. Twýo dsys îater, Aaron rude- lyý sept ,Out of the rCal f ecstasy <state of mmid broughit about by bsdinner dateC witb iMiss Daniicis) byreceiviing aahrltrfo hi ward. DcarGuadian fMy !boss isre- ly quite lovely, and has !been dis- pangan- unusual amount of in- telst n me since Ùby iastitetter., Iani Inat a fltJ , 1tered by hisat- tention and very mi-f n,- jîA I fact, 1I believe I could fait in îlove- wlitb huim very esl, Aàron rang for Missa Daiels. "Dear Tmpe:i demnid ithatyou resign from your present Position at once. àt% silly and absurd to tikof a girl yotr age, faliing ini loeepecially wih a man w-ho moiak ;eS lave taý every stenographer eveig Wttia tuu moonand 3aI cooling breeze biowing off the Oceantj. t nighit have been thle at- moscphieric conditions whiich) stirrecd ta lîfe tie subeigromlance that lur-ks witblin the breýast of every n,ormit ight have been the simple desire aof a man for a mate. At aniy rate, Aaron taok Ml*sj Daniels in b-is arms sund kissed bier sud wipe î o-isensical things thIat somho eemed ta fit the oc- casi. TJhe next miornig, hie found an- other etter from Tnempl Crighton on b-is desj<. "Dear Giuardian: LI'm sorry, but camnsanddead from nfolkk like you (don't meiana ting F<wb'en a ýgirlis -ýin love, And yprlittie Temple is crtilyl love. î expect sel be prmosed -,t0 in the ývery Inear ftr. Anroin buzzed for Miss Daiei-. "Dear Temple: Tis thing bas gonte far enouigh. Its saityyotsuda bave been imndowed with. at least a fracon of your father' good sunsse. ÎLt la psy wisbat yau isùmn-ediatelIy send me the namne and addnes cf this boss of yours. i sah write ta hîim at oc. Aaron haboped. that that nighit bie wudfind imiself cuaeu eý:nauta loffeýr aproposai off mar- nage ta MISs Daniels. Yct wheni ogin tbcy were acated on the cHtff watchng the moon cme up out of the ccanài, is cooragefied Hýeavy-eyedie wcnt tô thse office Ijcxt mnin;g ta flnd aletter aat ing him ,from TemýI'ple Creigbiton. DarGuardian: îYou were right. HeL isn't thýe1 man 1 Itigbt "e was. Apparenitly lie has juýst bee nius- ing htimseif, with nio idca of akn me ta ma'rry bim. J do wshyou'd talk ta, hbim fHis naisse h Aaýron Bell. Lo:vingly, Tml. You'1I Coilapuiblie Sock Stretchers laims. made of speciaiy alloyed red Polfle" wich "wIifotm o -ff,' is i".. andy book imakes-, atretcher easy ta hang on Me.For mens% woen's Wdchilncs bos- ïery. Gas Wall -Heater Circuating gas-fied heater is designeýdfor w-:?aiIintlltoni new or aid ho(juses. HeatîIng ni is -onistructed t;ofit betwgyes twi standad cente str .No spersa construction necuesry.Marker r- conmmends its use vherever Stace must be conscrvcd aud flou'si'r- naces are imprcical. Has warm airj fb lO f 8,000 cu. Mt.per hor- enOUgh taheat tao average rouws Front panelumeasures14 i!y. #ici by 65 in high. Cas-inlg extendut inito r o nly 3V2ici,;. Ajsal manuial control is staanrdequ(ip- mnent, aratiL1;iec contrai optional. Ufty Table Portable utiliy abie offered býy mlanufacturer w-as especiaily sg- cd foriuscby smll hume ownrs CaIn be u1sed as a dinette tablete wagon, bedide table and bridîge table, rakers stat. Table is 30 x 32 in. open, 16 x 30 hm. cosd. Hws plastic tp hc ae in a varqety Auto Ventilatin lncreased vniaintruhu iwrpa"rt o-auooil na i obtined by iuse of umail fus as- tacedtafrntwindows';of th"e car, FiAswillfit on mo«t nke&,fcar accordingtamkr t' Chvîrians Paper: ala-sene CÀhri.stmnas-gif-twrpin aerwl teeiintub,, w ilanoxide lensýjý !chgves a richr qualit ta th gry"d %b*ckportionsof thetnu- vision picture and Linimizes glare from theà wht11 portion . Te coIti,- panydis htth lrefa "blaCk" ttbe an be viewed -lfor hours in a ighted room withoutey By RbraLes Q. f thlebrdhaa tpte. shid bclfis ý-nmebe incjlu(dd i0 tbe w ing ivitations, Orpjusý be nîothersname? A. The invtionms shoud include bis na-ne, as "Mr, and Mrs. james R. Gray request thxe bonor of your presence at thse Imarriage of their daugister, Ruth -Margaret Smijtli, s * * Book Pad. id others.À mhe- fnger vprsti-rLydt5 E. S wiihi -qi.ld ir. - COMPOUNO REGm CAME, 14mon FR01 PARTY AND~ WENT bTRAMGl ro tD,.im WoRRIED n ===a

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