-5 "s'a 1- 3Lftet UQJumi uTe4 YAIPES 1w errs 1ibuî, Ai, t igri ýlm 4 .&rne. gwosea l e tl runticyr Wes 1w ril qemd ta e espOnsu. 14,lie lea A et lier line ?hlLaw<%re, tl:e Iai .1w ceaie ienMii I enr ' a a BoaInif a Ifii'ing lise bid UV ut thse stagee tai lantaa lu hifi teeBaerren, gnîlùaua i 0 Suta Baniaa. are' ssed. .1whl, s eomriýedi à,-Lt chi n a,3i !wbe-m hIe onc" kaew ii Wahiaiff a , ,e a itlb is terrtoral aa~.Pîil, selare. lias bdserlis trublew4n arei .ma garnbulOg d ht. MIse meh 1dm lnefltail su dada lta rnieli h Itngeibilsba, lest eVerytiliRg. ýý lanelcy bitter and mdViý4e ltrlrte,, berne. k lnîal nêi- whIsul eansa _tbst PhU , tlbedlIe tage à-' a r Moe 8uis lrroti. 14 s oteslec 1eaîo a lleey, wheb.ela Virgnba aec w«aMM mIe tu a «Mme" Amn CI4APTER IX Ihen SAe tcet! the girl inside hier tiry iving rooi, Virginià saw tha.-t ,aha was distrýe.Ssd. Her ipsý 4jelverfl andsbe mo eievously siolookîn)ýIIg out a momtenlt tI tWrnied as if f with a supremre effot. ý%'ij5 AIIeCS, yal'me nit gofg tcb iku wbii nb 1'u ji go1u tasay," îbe Said iîn aà flat 4l-e YOu ,voil)' ~eIIli ike tIe Nway l'il say i1 -4 ain ntlAy1 knocno iafine w0%,d sinuia mled.She wa Correy. SIre recahlee4 MTr-. Wartien'a, wrtliat any' "I4u "ot a bad gil-ut Merely Usfontmate. ,vue ords are o dbishriSre wobe beLvy meyaA . sidgcfy "Mhatrlcit, Lawyar Lanyis s4*, "I's abouit Phil Lavi- Ph-"Virginla'a vOice h r5kc- cn une usme. "'Yes," LanyawipeeYu *ene1 v be hlm. Yl-ov i" BaHr ithouglits wqera tbhrown ýint dden cnuin Btvc aroî-, Ii ali.A llow--PbiLl î-alo going ta give in'u, tire daorku! Ml ai "Not for yau. 1I loe hlm-sud lie Moes me 1 "So that is wIaî biolcda hlm bee,' Virginia saitichA o o Ad be fa afraÀ-i t tateil! me. i sbould hbave kuown 1" Laya sàoAi smjry. "BeH es bQuind by a prmise-to maryyu. auger, but ouy sfuriaus tdesie t fighî for 'lier ow And h'If I e>t hMnto bhis proise?" sredemandeti. "You don'? believe me, do you?"' Lanys said. SIre pIicleet! up saine- t'mn~g froni the able su ,d t -to tu VMinia. 1tcasthe came n u, mle out frotre Under the Sllcidoi,ç,7 of "le I-ï TrCy DOLC I ales for prompt r4lif froniARTURiTiCand RHEu- ,TIC pain. . -Try DOLCIN ,,t bottie of 100- or 500 tabletsý fri oUr or rugist TODAY a&Y join tietIsad f rlee sufrr ho by î,aking DOLCIN have ome ontifrm unde h Wlaow of Pain.,. MosI druggists car-ry DOLCIN. ii l yOins does nat.,ey-ite dfrect t» 0 Toronto 11) YOu rcoîîzelbs'OGcure ,o camle into m-y pseso? Y1 recoguize 11" Vigiuia aMd "W duinîg the stagle holdup. 1--I don%î Cave bow yojl came by àt! Tlhe pLsrt1ly opecn d0oo Creaked WAoîy ou As liges as 't swun id,.'ignia turueil sud Saw Steýve Barron sonaudin luite doovwayv. Be alwzys Sewmed a tbeal ta Virginlia. auld nww hsgi face and gliterng eyes he was miore tana i1 threat. Bewas daner, M!ýjývoice cailelo but s1watp 'Miss Amnes rînyay not came, Lna but 1 do Hwdi on orneb-, that camecpi7 The girl shmuk ram hlm 1as he camlie lutthe ro,3ünher cyts id anxd fuI! of terror. Sh cm ied in hem tbmoat," u-er" Steve Bairron- was eor hEr. c eahdon saeize2d her left got tat pin front PbiîIL wrue ScokÉît's hwo bas beýen steaing m Cy Moey off ce suags!" "Mo. nom 'CodeilLanys "Don% to na e!" Barron etidlu -e aldrge. PYOis ungatefl itly - Hie brolca an~sd suddse Strucls Lber crosýý, bite mon îlwith Ctle mmatof bMsbau T'ire biow fluiig Lanys. agaiusi the Wut Éo~n sire SalAz4oWn lua so- bing ttap,. Steve Barrnsuu bout ani îmode ta thle tior. haurya rose to ber kîuers. "Stnee Wbc-rc are u iug? LiH let ti tedomaswl tunti is face Mblcksud bis eYes storisîy, "To sve lirue. e siii, a1j Lnysgot iermfee-t. 1He fa ce wa'ls gray t o the 1ips. STv Jon't! L'ildo aybn-nîigi the %world. il nmsrry Y.)11.S-teve-2 "You'regeneroguson Sae. Lau ya" lie tolt ber. Thoe girl drew ?a sharp bý-reýali "ýSte-ve, if you do wbat's in. your 1xnd -1 shah Mtel! Ji adil wbat 1 kuow about YOUl" Virgnia atchd Stve amoni's face cWitalarmeti ayes. Car' playeti bmify acros it, meu was replacet bysomltbiug tbat wvas cruel Jandi dezady. No,0 hQsàiti "oyou wýou't" Be wýali;ked freni tI'1busethe 'and Virginia, gi~ta bbc ,doar, hahmridit toard tebig, false-routet buil i f Iis gantý- bling plae. Lauya Carey came andi stoati tembling at ber ide. "Be1l o tl" tIre dau-ce fbailgirl cmid hysicll. "He'nktl Ph!!" docwu fear. Lua iryt h stable and bï,ave mry borse adîd PTo wamn Ph!" Virginiaflung back over loir-,s!üuider. Sbew ,as almeýady buryiig acoa te dust3y, sLIn-biasted sre oadSrl The cstoimr setthed hmefin3 tchabescha Cirand tie heman put te towýel roun'ïd ;hlm.1 "B e westar," Ire said, Snapj- py"Iknlow tIre wahrsaf 1 dou' came wbo winsthe next blg figlt, sud I dn't bet on hamec races I knowWimgetti ng n antop, bM 1: don'lt mind that, owget o ýn w so mucb," Scintiaýts say tht ii e on 1Mars, is lieme. By Rev.pR. BairCiay Warren THE ,-,PSALMs WE SINO PasImla 23; 4:-;9:-,16-1U GodnText: mgnf teLor~d wàilmue nd let s extlis une togethr. Psalm 34:3. Thwee musdbu e nO m rSfing climx bour study ojf the Psaitms.' tien today's leson.lient tojohn 3:s6. o lpi i u ofr th!e Smpue PIspilm.At a socia l-eing, a yowî eioutîoist as requestý(ed to vrtthe 23rd Psalm. Be coisente Ou me corîîIn a thai an ged in isterpresut wuld do HieieB did it vey klfly.Wci he -Con- cluedth grup ppaudd.The mîn"er hen roccded.His oice wsthIriIlld aslie quioted the be au- ttful pmn. \Wheu he tlshedther were taru-AHed eyes The 3nunge 1ln Ii aosIe sud saId, lTis i18 the d'ifferece; J I knnw th!e 23rd I'a1rnl, but- nîiy frieiud kow heShper Thiat 18is t! 'To îuîîyapreitti psalmj, you musit kuwheý Lord as, your Shepherdl. Th'litpbalm b as lruh ofr to-lauy ili the h our of detOnQe ,ufferer, c'il bea-iuig the wrdYea thoug,'l i Iwakthouhth vey of th bdwofdah ill fear ne>, eil; Th11y rod! and Thy staff îhecy comfot ," replied, "Yes, Js is 'wi'tb YTb6se wNoee berlast WONdS. Tle 42id Psalm ipor-tr-aYt a u' d'ce!) 1lgnig for God. Touhex- perienciîg imutcilitroublie, lie con- cluds, "opethýou il u Gd;for I shail yet p-I-se Bim, Who is the bealth of rny countenauce and My God" Oc e r lu tbC 99IIpsnalm, \e r brouelitt 1-Drevalizethe iofnssand t4e Loi yDu ta es;c 1,1 esse> iuterest ýa'u ANNE ADAMS Mostvesrd tiedesiu you eau, finti Showpu asa itie bouse-sud- go-t-maketdnress; lu a wooi or rayon it Cai aiso lie a finle fl! -uinahout. Sucli easy sewinigl Paeu4523 comes in sizes 12, 14, ï6, 18, 20. Size 16 takes 4 3/8 ymas 3S-incoufari. Seni TWENTY-FIVE 'CENTS, (25) -ncons(stamIpa anaIbe ;cetei o;-r tis pbei.Print paiySIZ*E, NAME, ADDRESS, STYLE NUMBER. Sedyouir orerte:ox1,123 Eihenbst., New Tomante>, iOt PUZZLE a.)2. Ta-ittai e Il aR l 5 Is gd 1 2 an ic-t 'anSeeh rgn 42(. rmo 1iy mea 41 VVio 27. Comnah 1,; aoae. Il C1toosi t-c 42 11 aerý T0Aet e e Ai~ "CaIA t. nue t unîty record L 1 pqwj -' I~ aillrHe scemos w cecine> sant Éta e uWC M, eWe liae~ ge ailn s 1flot ta teliTMýOtherj. ""it ussalt e er c en iri the iSs te> térle "AsD a M eOurs cauntbe heam. She bias had imorle tbu ierabt- of aon sd trouible. Sbe'"s neyerý bad auy af the nice things othlie înthers get, except whvlat we give lier. Wihl you ie ssoleidea, Whaî tte don- q l'le kilidest tlhiug you cap de> *5F yaîîrmother uow 15 ta shielt * irfrtmr btite kuwledge ai youî *father'sufîues, artd fil! *iber daily ile witthl"fe colnfc)rt.q 41 Don),'t let a dnay pass ,wiiIoQw 1 telehone cal! froni somce -1, lo Ti~er for iunlexpecteei *it otgswbyour ci-cryfor * reueuT d&r i v e S, ai lte>I movie * sud coucerts îhis-lI. le * smetiugspýcia-l colrotate-wn. *bujy tickets fý-om lier anti ore or *two of ber chLAen frentisauj e ask ber ta take IUmto dinner *at yaum exKpenise. Senti hem off *for sotvisib t uto-tw tfdmds or ber fsly. Anti do> get * bgther antd i fy lber new fa"I Sciotfires, anti a kprâet ntI qQ, scthat t0he lias saIIne Spenti- *ing mane of lber own. Lurcour- *age lier te> be active iu) hem cIltit'ch, *aýnti othe' r gmnnps, se> sIre w * culrge ber acquai-tauce. * She MiLalnst reuew lier *yoýutb inl- ie kuowhedge thI-at lier * ,dhuten atigrandtihltiren sti!! u eet hm th Ot cmhe i mportu te ta teni as 'anintividual tOur li, loesdyour thouglit for ber'- * wîlli 2o a lonig way towarii- Inlt ? tihbb emooie aIer Car-lier *diffcuit iss. Upside down ta, prevent peêking. h appîîy tian ever. tacheer arl agi-ng Cmother.r9ish, .yeur whleyau havý e ber, mit! kuw thre satisfaction It wUll brio.g you. Aune Hirst canbI-~-mt ber at Box e, 123 Eigh!teith Ste, Neýw TmtOnt. Zoo aurgeonis bave nmatieas sur- gicai ooat for Caria, ianc cfWip snatie's four Idiu elephants. Caria, aget i fve, was sea to be walking lamne, -ani cX aia t in showed ber tw have a wcak aukle, SIre bas heen gîen a ieathem boot i4tted w-,ith aul ankie suipport. Speakifg From Experience TIre tovswn bai dwi.h assi*sb asusa în lu b emma Day, progmainiand willatiI snlap ta the Occasion, Ntr ing Padds digu-ity ta Mm2i, baud.-Reylnldsbumg (hj)paper, And the RELIEF 15 LASTING There's one thing for the headache the zuicwnacular aches and pains that ofteil Accompany a cold. . . , NS IN.INSTAIqIINE brings really fa2t re1ýief froim pain and the relief is prolongedl S(a get INMIýANTNr eàndget quick cç.,.oit. INSTANTINZ is compounded likze & doctor's prescription of three provez?, medicBa$ingredients. Yois cati depeftd on ïtm'fast action in getting r'elief from every day aches and païisý 1ieadach*, rheumatic pain, for neu- ritic or teuralgc pain. t Iqnstiiqa todag '" am lways ýeepitled 12-Tazblai Tlna 25ý> tEonomtical 48TÔbef olia 69é R Rolle YEASr FRIS> j g IBanish That Outdoor Tc Nwyou can havea modemwatrtolat 1wcost iil youtr farmn, houe o cotag. N elctrcit orruningwater required. Hyeoaan Sadri Tollet îves yon n*v omfart and eonvtiienç- helpa rid your home ofdsas-redn iueCt-proteets yoilr water- MYGROSANDIVISION RURAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL EQUIPMENT LTD. 2W 7Dunias '>- W. TORONTO Ar Fast-Acing Dry Yeasi eeds NO Refrlgerationl 1 1- sands of womcn every week e -hing to thre now Feshnn à fast Rising Dr? Yeast lt isacie- keeps fore weeks euctpIboard,î Perfect rsisi .4 .4 4 "4- .4 4 r' -4 4. 4 z' .4 z F 5, 5, -4 4 4 4 r. F F 5, 4 4 F z F F 'z z ~, 01.d ldý, Je weilýer y, eela iv dentalgo "2,ran3tique j'eweUl5i e.r en b xtaed ü"t"Saaa Gabe ogether yns egottea alietas am', tur5l hem inte dOMllars at Thoe o 1 S bPp1)e (C rawicds>, 139 os , treet .ronto, Po ,t aluitüan e REN1 D' S OSHL UNSECT POWDEfil A sure idleri Idei fr kth bath, cot- tagu And garge.l hpdy zSne-shaped ahaker-dispn se.Get R EIDS t aBdayl Coi