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Orono Weekly Times, 22 Sep 1949, p. 3

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eies . Last Friday was a lovclyda- S jt ýple'asaut'y wrm- adwa glad becaue it ni.m dy o goin o the Exhibiton. So away I went. on thec 8:45 b 1. could bave, calughit a arlierbus - but nul ,fter caîînhig ïaIl îday Thursdayl Anywayiàwason[y 10:30, wben I. reached the xhbitongrouinls - to arly for itý to beunoftbl ~rwe.So for once ni n y life I -wa, able to tak.em time lu-, the WKomen's Building and really sec ail therewasos ec.Sucb beautifl work, andI se, much variety Like everyone else I was ab)soltely sold on the beautifuf ittle shell picures inade by au iuman,-te of the Merceýr refomatryin fact hiad Ï been, given the icchoice, I wouild radier ownthesll Ictures tan tbec fabulonis lHope diamouadi Thai diýa- mnond , , , 1 looked at it, and lookedl at t, making several trips to do so, andI to met there was sumecthîung un- c-anny in its flasiung blackness. One Ilks of a diamond as bejng brigbt with sparkling lightis -- but ibis was a grcih-back hining at some lidden but inister beauty witin Ais dpths. ht was very easy tg 2eonniect tie dianld wvith ail iýS Houfard bstor. The qulits wer lvcy o o them quite new hin ders.TAe one îhat a>pj)ealcd!tho ne msifeatuired the c ,t niimot'o of the Wom1en's Insitue in jhe entre of tde quît. Them desigu was very clev,,erly car- riei oet. The CanýJain Hanidicr-aft Gild had a wonderfulexbi- averything marie by baud, and made lIn anaaFrom ,siljver towod wrork, and pottey to weavin. Ther are, a lot of Clever fingers lu Canada, Thar. were twa othesr cbii thiat attracted ime so muc. Qe w as ai eitibi, of wallpapers ýand tis outber was Canadian fabric u"sed lairgely in makiig drapes, The de- ~itson bofththewlpaesand tIhe drapes wererepl-ly' marvellous. Wht na cnild do- w t money tC, was So, perfe"Ct il, aur eyves te- vea ls& tra-itsà AndI a bridAe band b-y èacas- uial approach to illities thi sets is h;eels. ig huLshanid -setsý disillusionis: start, getting din- ýs bornec, amdi th iftcrnioou blog o e ub (he b ias not yt found ducles :n thec moring) an îumij is flstahendu ghi; coming iiu bis front ont ber- at thie tloechat- * scet * duri * actr I' escape "the gox *i de. * Tis Rie wîlU meala arê *sered on timpen ad that bis bous. *a iproperly managed. He w«?I no * dprvelir f mumnt baît *f lifîs1tathefldathe quiýet *relaxtion he needswoen h. *needs itThis he bas the rigbt *to ask and receive * And he Will uggt Staish * invite ber foine boy fricnds t) * theîrhome, briningtheir girl * of tbe momentWoth teml. * isgood natuire w"ill rblat ~ te rosec Isu;'ge'st, but if is *mar-riage is to last, bis w vife muitsi, *doue paroitocuard making it * orih Wbio,. h isor berbppu M b moe". * T- "\MA\.\Z 1D HUL'sBAN,*YOu ill ax t "ùutyor oo *doon -hrmy et uvigly - *and' be filmabutit. Yourwt * rsetattudle will rckyu * mariaei it cntnes or *of the maný of thie bous, u ' * e WbeIýn n a bride a IL)k do er at Ci fli lýj husb id mut ltakuýe heinitiative. Shie will respeihinjfor il. An Hrtslongepeiecehs aeed mnaly a0 arrage Wite hei ai Bo ,12, ihenh tN' arne tbl, utcey have 2st afnsbn o pay aIdprovide escurt for times tyfeel are their airicula-r Wfe(ber lbus- lan)was rasrdina beeordîer a ntd coý- pevailc. er mtherf ie~~ ~ hoseepea oal tedl wifnY £and raiscd ber Af ter wa-ltchig t à rawlie ti n keep hbat a ou~ h~ 3Becausý sid heproducerf, t"he AID TO HOOPER RATINO Rado omdin obHo0p '5says exeddtspee f on. Ti ,Cl a joke hee nHoyodra. ize thiat it wasiI uuy adsentI A pln Lu o soti onoe ~tute listen back tan ~ sse c'd -ptsuuea am.L ige; then he play va volce: Instructar -a "DdwywaAdmmd rs? may cause O-ne Way ave frnînd 1") ana brîngs wescome relief ir"un p inhie susail of the, back icaused by cot"in thse kd s So inýsist on thisq reiable remeI(dy-pruven by over ihaif a-cenury~suse-D. Cbse's KidrIev- [,iver Pi!Is. At ail drag counrs '9 Ad visa i LOUIS BOURDON prominent radiio singer nd aster of ceremonies flesn h w "as "ail],very srîenuîy ai InomiantI1 I ejoyed cever m îi- ut-e of il. 1I metseveral lady edt- ors cwom I knew -but adit nt reilnatter if you kucw peuplie or not - everybody taiked ta cvcr- body cisc - press peuople are ike tbat anyway. Aft 1er a little wVomau fromý Manitoba asked if 31he csultIvalk arùtuld -iih lme a bit s she was alone.So we stayed together almosi au bout and she thougisi everyihing was oucrul- n hs, her first visitthie wastu cool ta isten ta the baud for vr long àsa I wentnt m tlisebulig again th!-roughý - the flower show,' and the Art Gallcry Then a cup of tea antI away toget thse bus dontown t mcdauighter, so we could have the tnp home11-t- gether. That us tnp tontown! was a bit of a uigbme - wc gat îicd up bindbve-ookk rafticandI waîtcd for ages on Front Street. YoU u!llnotice I aven't mn- tionied Partuler. Ol ul atm -e often bave ta diide forcesas àIve",. This day ftIa I ad arrangcd ta go ta tle Exhiitin, Bb was away ta aqîh iug and wc wereaiso ex- pecting a caltIlier, 0PartLer stayed at hue. Bt the nei day Fatlier anid Daugh-tcr m te t bp. And they did tings pjru)penj-ly. They nno olwont ta te Exhibtionbut îbytoik in dinne-ýr and a so down tuwu. Týhcy lhadqite ada'y - tblankls ta aur loc-al bus srie Tenaesswarmed tbbc bus,la- iug lcss himlble aider fas ta'nding alid Daughitcr w"ere àat bbc reglar departuare paf t 'o iruï. jNoD sign of bbc bus. WbenDmughte ruade inlquirieýs fscws iritntI wuould 1be along aymiue ad then ihanit had plletI ift at announccd. Sa dey had nao c,< but tawait for bde late bus. Agln' thereW"as stndig ,room 0%y Ptnrrefus;ed taCOget o0n and waý thjen boltIanibe lus ,was on its Tt .m hn hyan rive «home j, Quie a tayI Froi thce pain of ARTHRITIS, RHEUP44AI1SM, NEURITIS, or' SCI- ATICA- . ea bottie of DOLCIN tailes ody.DOLCIN bas, e- Iieved tehe-pains of tosnsof ufe&.DOLCIN tablets are, floarmiful, easy-to-take, rea- snbeinicot-1f ablets for $239 lte large eooysz botule rf 500 tablets, W1. POLCIN Gel in5stntine ieday and always keep it bandy Toa 25e 5be really bright -us upwIh NUOGET E-very year, at certain sud deny take wîng ar yet bas been caie ta s< migrations and to fai ýf býWirin every pçurt of the. worid tarices taforeign climesý No one rminie the prime imipulse of thêcséý m teyofitaco lshe. 00 Ysu Know, .that- the, Arcic Terrinet within the. Arctic Cirle oand then fue over more 1 thnM,000 mlesý of ocean ta wînter on the, -isiands of the. Antaýrctici . ,tiiattbhe Grey Plover breeds in the. Arctic Circi and winters in equa ton-al cowfiniesl ., that swallows rirnged in Great riaih ave been 'Itraced taD South Africa, more than 6,000 miles awayi DO YOWKnOW ,,.that migrants usujally fy at uner 3,000 feet?. that the average distance flown iIn a day 'Îs 200 miles, evetn thougb the fuil fligbt rmay be tbousainds of miles?.<. that many species manage ta cross these enoýrmious- distances w Nithout am lbieakI e.e, tbat eYen young birds, making the ttip for tii. first timne, mnake tii. fight ,Unerringly, wlthout giiidance from the, aider bitrdsl Do You know *nyinesîg and ujnusLiïa faca? Our "AÂdviry Paniel' $25 for eary quthentlcated readers' submlssionsIz f they are UsaWe, M become otw propry. Write Blot-k Hors. Brewery.-Sato L, Montri HOTEL CLIFTON NIAGARA FALLS. N.Y, Reservation Request 1 "e Snl, nom Ruig Wateï,2.' Single Ro.Private lBath 8.5 Do0uble Roorn, Friate ith6.5 Nae D ..e.o......aI , .-.-........ . ime....... .............. ...........W The BLACK HORS E "Do You CCCU=== 1 1 ,ý ý! . , i , . 4 .

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