BACON HOGS yr.-G. Stephenis. Boar, yr.-G. Stephens, li and undier G6mos. Geo. St- ac- 2; o acc,3 decr i y.Go Ste-phens, BHancock 3ySowUru-. ,ncjck, 3. sr. iHerd oa sG.Stepheins,. B. an- eýt ofSie .Sehe. (oO Süow-G. Stiephenàs, B. BesFt 3Sw-.Se ihamip. Boar, Jr. Champ. Irand Chamip. Boar, Sr. Sow, jre Champ. Sow- WHAT CAR NS 4 Hog-MDi. Stiples, T a(ek Reid 2 ad 3;StOnBail, 4;1rn Resrv Cam.-ae Rid Brwn e- A.Avr, ia 2 R. M rw,3 okrlA Re, Ri. M. ýrowan ultA Ayre, ýi and R2. 2 PlymouthRock,-ite--ACcA R. M1ýt--. Brow, ian12 H A. Aeiad3;R M Bon,2 Coc -kerel R.-p. ,Brown , Ayre Pulle-R. . Bron, iand-2;A Ayre, 3. S ïlT.EAfW -%CONdFOtteC-R)M.BrTwNwo The Pmtrie [oýg Show tdedo e T. Eaïton Bacon your Fair were ~cass basis, and Re!&, NELIE AUD GIFILAN Classil wa si{ng examle of wat a mer ctanlhom e shu d -be, and nadlnTheuafel' 'e aitah r h d f m ry toFiO U iW . A who knew erenanmd hmme-W The ate rs, ilfilanqeaOente 4th Gifhanmof n Co, andonson - j. NahA J. Glifldan Jo Cotr, oebohr er h C.o A.JlastNcF.oPape% 10e.1 Qt, tSM C Among the many bea tributes were those re The Head Office Pootwe ment of the Dominion il nan'v, Domini~n Rubber Staff of Big Sieters' bard of B$g Sisters' A 3 floral ~e1 frnm rve- and SURC Rours: C; .30 to ýdesdays by ut only ORONO ster and Solicitor k~MNVILEONT. Home 553 F. WARD ISTER SOLICITOR NOTARY Phones:- 825 Residence fM ýWMAN VILE, ONT. ýIS INSURANCE MN tirers Life Ins8uraue Ce.. înn of Can~ada Genezal tford Fire Inaurance no Mrtutual Fire Insqurme anesa Mutual ln8uranco esetted n this istrict bT, )ÂNE FOUND fo Phn 8rI1 miurance, gifve Bane a triaL INSURANCE Mlans; EduIcational Plce. R and savings Pklns fet and Adultga; Mûvrtgage a' * r l* ef aSlUl date. and' me for tenus id dates Iimates xwill be 'ýheerfi-lly on ýwer Systera, Four hinch"a thiek, ioui Contractorz, 57 Bloor S5tý We'st, To)ronto iptrict Represezitatlve f4r Durhum county ,ORGE WADDELL àe23 r22 - BEITIlANYý monuments RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY one 501 - P-.O. Box 6nI pert Hlope, Ontarlo aments, Gravemnarkers ýrrivinoe. (ýaldlèafinp iTAFFORD BROS mnentaI Works Phoiie' Whitbey 552 1 a nc co ck, 1 i ý 'l .pso-n For MARG 8.00