WE O 0N, ON -C FiURSA 0ISLE Y-P A Y NE fV Ai -L tuhe eveninýg reeting of the wa liI attended by beth nmen ~w M dnas was one of th4 ice ersngmetings the 'Institute held for -ne tîime. Discu.s were heard anid differerit ideaýýt, ia regulaý,r "ow Hall meetir The e cvenimg'ispro',ram wa reIaýiione. Sevejn pelee ere eýd çon the prograrn. ,;hoilea a tieneber of sonie Uc,ýil orga tien. Their speeches were linit five minnt.es on the topie, "Wha nemotin Oro)no." r 1e.A. E. -Enstace,rees Oronco Uniýted 'Clirh vsthe spcak,,er clled on. lHe thojug-ht ý neddrenovation of the hhnr-c] ~'eovaionof the eprit ýfthe- g-egation. Wliat O rono a neea -ý-p]e (pot, increase ïn populai utactive 'People -wth àctivil ,c-ted a-long the right lines.. tn jeatMty, intelligence le pl wth it. We must hav-e peopk', hbaIve soimlieruling nthi 1fe. -Mrs. E.Im, an active -miý ofthe Library Board, toid ho' resient ba~Irascarrid 'wok ei~c t4, wheîn'they !o vey ctive fmemfber, ütIre late TM R. Cooper. The eý,eInse ef ri- helinbra_ is mo oo heavy. Tih lirein~uanceandheaéting thre MTelbrar7 receivesaPoic, 1-'Iuncipà1 grant along w-,ith tJu -4f the nmbe,zto carry or or.The Boar-d has bougbý were uppet mme wrth a Cerl-sage ises and heather and heri ,ore bnrown wiV naohn Thre ecuple wilil resiide in B3[ue boys, 1.If this i thaside tý jute aýction hn a.ve pýf the R£ a local bl ne Oi>ino echo;)Lo e extne enoiefor girls. if wýe had have ore tudetUs t eig Mr. Fred JLycettuastanMI membher of Ormtur Athl Ass>zociation. Mi'l. Lcet ai he WveIuent of our Children plc n tr honie. 'th-e ho ;!Eu on For Parent education xu they coul ISCUSSsuer Pmo w -le]-- liprove the home. hrh sa grieat euainfor ,hldejj,ý and we should helP home and sehool club as'imeeý -7Orti ls i eenly in the velopment of the Younig peuple- ywud liketo see supervised Frnein Oronu schools-s cha't arE organized for them rnýf that, t'oiethe pia,-e gro.uncî Mr.j. C. '¾nrblYn, Presidef -riee Womten's fInsttite, gae a Ulne of the wOrk doue bA the1 tute here. Th-,,,W. 1. has '0 mosýnt of the eqipi n iiiIe Mall, and it je res¶oneIiblefora-ý! Public liîbrarv helle- The W ai! f1 hlde ho'dl I bas edcaton.It tries tGo 'me ,,cOers wele. TheIre m would like t e ses a, puiie creýt la Oroiio. TIre nmotto of thaC W ~ *1 ~ c~n~of al l th ouate orecu for han q uei t he p ine PI