Clairmottb!ad -een hum i Smotort. Atr1M bnhad gone off Yo collega and not returned.lie had been a footballbero, an Ait- Ame-ricanqurerac.Aftar grad- uation be Ibad sold bonds andî ýOcachd football teamis and rita t]agaIzinïeartiCCesOn- gridiron ac Ps .,.t5and given a seies of lectrs Ser e r adio. l,ýHabda(jýde quite Two W, iters later Pbil iaturnaed Yo is borne tonufor tha Critmasý hoîidays. T'bcfOlks gave bim quite a eception. They beld parties for hîm and asked- himn to talk at this fun)ctior a'd tbat Ha stay(d tbýrouîgb NeLw Ya',wibwas longer than he intnded. Tbe rea- 3so1 that Iýe stayed was Sel SFarnswort, wbo V10tauglit tesev- enthgrade- Sheil was a. natve of Soutlport Shoý had wheat colored hairan bIne eyes. She bhad konRay Sharon aIlie~r life. She ikad im Wb f tey grew Up and lRay began ta>dg hem waound sbie as quie Phd laitontmet rat one ot, Ufie m-anýy partiees that were lid in pis bno.H~ crnm rdwhoiShe They DoSmli alPpily, Mrý. and Mms. itrp adnr Jr,, leaive the Park AvneMthds huci eWYmkafe theirweddig. Te beauitiftL jbride is saintar SnaHne Hem hsbanýd is a soilt aiation eeuie the ush il caoe!r!" Btit nevyer is . .ou knlow ho-w it i-o Ilook forward to a 1Wttlel.isura wben the treshinîgs ara finished, or ýïthe Exiiinover, or ithe eanniing andIC pickling lbas ucoma to an ed-a t'banas'sure as you liva s ot)Ictbing aise erops up and yot, are j'ust as busy as evar. We cartainly are aý busy lomofPpUamui~ e-a it îSn't always woVýrk tatkeeps us bs.Last week, for inistan'ce, I put in anoùtheýr day aitthe CNE at laast it was eanit to ha a, day, but it uvas cold and wet s50 Dauglitar antd I caine fhomne on the earjyy bus insteat! of staying ftha e(veing. Last tiimne1I-'vas down 1 forgot about "Elsia" buit thlis tinpic 1saw, ber. Not bb( nuita e r",e she - udnyaby about tel, year-s old wbeeled(:c ac ro>ss t Ieý road rigit i fronit of nie. 1Hc muti bave corne out from htenparkeýd casrs lie- Cause 0eminlutue ha asI]'t theme '-and fl i next Iha waýs. I ja!medj btharaas n1iluiI1g the boy iby inces 1Aliha did %%as loiaitnie casual ! and wnt oi nbis w P.L waus Iucky'v f' o im yi raasnvr good-as for me- I b'!adabdca for. the Irest th dic ay, hape itat arce etirelynnaoid able, but cerraily chldren b1ave ititle regard t ûiroîx sfefty or thiat oýf otber peopled Ibeliv oua easo forit is that su pmuy parents of today ave eye \r riddan hdlsthaeIlcves and do noo reaIise tha c are th-at is needed. 1t Idùî o me noçhdomshould lie xl- lovdto oa ~ bicycle 111unss ha As first fadet o vealise that h-e miet obe)y traffic laws-orise But supose tris idatîger lia the safest end Most peacefu spto Carth - ]- u e kno it. srtodav Bob neris'hsfl s 14IRST *e Here.à Ï, b r i, and ave a ove. wtS prse hfieban shemrre e causaubr dslke . iv e wan vry "Der MneHirt~My stop- and Imarrid.1I oved li er y mu, ,%vd e cwr c goodC cipals ' through the years.Ail my pians to mn awa ad ma-rry jhm. (h sht uas mad at me at tne momentjý.> 'Ali thiis ws years ago. Bu on.She bas and I' i ke t love themasm Say i s jli thon 'anldth is conltmnous fk bildre I hsmksm u to vsl'jif r we a&se o but to leave me ont "Is tbee 'Ily lpmso An llOved 'teplotiler?" TR-AGIC SITUATION * ý! I w i unestanid ibo" burt yoù *are, 41ndIhwbaffledby ou *stepdauiglter's C (o nlt î i L -e d-un 0 -ov that sbe --is mridand '~ basthesecbilreliyou igbth * noigthe fruits of ai! ou *anid maide mliseratble. It is bard ato account tojr, unlsayor beie *that it isbsdo jaos s * ~ ~ m cdrc.( bv o paet rn Shah I go t? ~4. L. B." w'ould get wtAi titis iwn mothar ils? (I svp- pproves 0f * yocu or wlsýs t, = A~d BaRUN S &br s 5 ~ rfl DR. CHASE'S 8 l'n CUl Çr-l,. ii Under the ~hadOwf 4 s- No iow Ctý ýwateî wouiu nahý-ve uicý býlmied hem. Nc foDr it. If anyo alI, it was a se f cw wom.derad a A smaler few Occasýionally thus ,it bapýpan] igb± Ray Rand fomrscoupe eof Markdale t.o 1-all thora,. _Lt'bc thevy were a hal surpmrised itha Gwas easyt oî aninterest erd tgave o c 3',any girl Kd in. No onel li4p~e er !t about it at ný of envv. A a ýe u,- ~ in , ie ýlistant t endc a ban 1ikr's t0 suow before ti on the road.L et1i thlad ioad iliesaid."t ueyby five Whera \\era [very . f Uw people atrounid -t.-at th ima 5 my výit witb Elsie and Beauregard quita unhurriaç. What tickled me somul ware hooks inEieWs library alithougli, I can only reem- b er t-fw o 0of the 0t itles -onle "vas "Calvas, or a Career", and the2 other <'uIvmsTravels.'" 1 remnar]kd te tegirl i dn out th eafes "You nut'bv quita a time wvith thie kd iesonthis job" SIte laughed-"O)h, wa do-itfs lots of fuli." And I couild seec- m ànti. Oua of the gad of the Hopec Diamrond metaut wlîat ha said to only bissninents wer a a lit answred "Ince-er fepcted to shout myseif hoarse day after day But now it is ail over for an-, otser year-tb h botng and the tumnult da-h cattla guo back to stable; de hans amdiduck, Wurk ey-s anid geasa go homei( again tc tha quiet anld comfort Cf ftheir 0ownt famniliar quarte-rs, and quita pos)- siby pnrean thelefeahs and trH suber sayeathme brothas and sis- ,ers what thre Big air was like and, how mcbi hy ea dmre. a the cWidren are back to schoo again --wlich licans taeare now a faw hours duricg the day wun oua can driva down the street wihout fear of ranniug nto soma cbidj wbeelinï"g cailacross tha ýr oad. The scant attention %hWrden giv te ar anýd itck-s thase dysis ths moentkîe. a rvn therrfbw 0110is a ns ore of down Miain Street the other ay. and there asu't a parson in sigit. ,,u pat uaiigt r uSover r-ora fewin its a nyway. MTar blst jMeia ting of your hostess. "I lved its wjld abandon. Wsit yotir ounio) 4iio? "No, maar,"sowleCd the ýlion! of the ceanig. AI was putting a uew ctnng on rny clouan- HOTEL CLIFTON NIAGARA FALLS, N.Y, ReservatiQil Request Wig~IoM. PHWDae Bah p.u Do'l Ron, P ntey th5,0i Nu~me Vate of Aýrsivsj..... Tim e..... ....... . 0F DROWNUNG BOY Fred Mflis, of Bobcaygeon, One., pulâls boy from canal at Lintdsay, H-earinig scram'rcoing frqni the baik oM inio thoe anai1-andi managed to gxausp thse Tret ana a Lndsay, Ontarjo, Fred the littie victlm. Thon, uînaideti andi in opitu 'Milerxhdt ieeeeat a 5-ro c f ohu i hndicglp, Mlebrouglit the a2.Ipo boy strugging iri the deep canaýl wte. The mcnei boy t-ie Shore andi reviý,ved hlm, youngster was on tise7 vergeý of drwin. We aeprond to reeognize the isravery and Accordîng to wteseMRile titi not teven quiciePresenûe of mind<of Fred mLils thsrollgl pause to reynove hieshboes. Maily c lot etiMitE preBsenittion uM THE Pý'DOW AWARD. RY elM OTN * veryli fa * er son, to