D% No fur bonrds a FmtA rienJoh nhlottof Bwavl~ ihMr. and rs T. A. Reid. MissMabe Thopso f .N, of LosAnelsviste wthher ýou s in, Mi s. T. A. Reid. SndyinTrno viiing w i th MalnSmIith, of Toron, ii ap-ent Sundýay wfhMr George KForbes.l MT»s Babara 'Rolph, bride to"je, was tedere'a, isfeflaneo(ussh- er u th hom ofMiss Jeanl Turner Mr. nd is.Vnce C ooper anid fail fAdMc. and MNis. ha.V. Coo'er spent Sunday ut Canip Bor- deni visitil'gMr and Mis. aîe Wvalker. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. DïPummnond.of Vigiiaowspen+t the week-eid wîith is. Dîmmo!'XIpIrens,1M1 rdMIýs J. A. aesn Thie Youaig People's Uion , m-eet uýt The hiome of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Tamiiiblyni, o Sundlay eei Bowm any HOMEVlliVl AND CAR PlRA-1DIO0S ýed ta pop, tin 1ý jar, specýial ris..... pkg Iv Ted coope Vance Ceý -ailinlg oni GOOI