n ou pro- to produced per. cent ~ luction. j d year. uses Mrs. Chas.TomsnA Ilie andà Ma1b el 1had diIlne,, anld MVrs. 'MaIrcus Soper Con 'Mi-, Er. Sitýh -of Toron- onMr aild MsMilton R1k Mr. and Ars, Jaýck Giov the week-end w.ih rs. A M r. ad 7Mrs. CLar Ie nfe L. D. ell ani Hlda, Thle Liqtiid .lfied Extracýt of Malt and dLiver O01 Ilb .9e Lus, for----- --8 Ib. foIr------. . $169 anon', C Ld ver Oil 1h Lier anid Iron, ail------------... ,W, ap cleýcs Liver 01 We are sc-r beth Winn i;s pital, havig house ofMr. pects to mo'(vc Mr. a-dMr Mfiss Thieresa Cchie Bn am lend. OrS-nnm Wm, Pautteisc from abrk of al fil diN *l;1 s,ý(),n he - Mli% and -Mi bouigbt thý I son nt, e h Test ' Cod Liv- ice the vitain sialidard, 8 oz 69ec lin..63C., $1 --l F ace C leansing Tissue Speclial Face-Elle SAM.,PLER SALE 50C Value for 39c.4 'rrell no1, Ont. 25e 19e ...................................................................~,fl.. ...............................................65e :re Plece, ~55c 25e regulatrons 4 ~ansportatron ulfred b7 o ie exteior) siga, not i ed a medical or deital prac- cir o(r uerai l eco or ticcýl Chemisi;: rce, eepoeor tlgcp vidirng sleeping aiccoimmoda- 71 Parit Il anul 111 shal l ot lpply,,tb the eriora (a) Algomna; (b) Cochrane; (c) Keniorai (di Manitoullin; (e) Npissing; (f) Parry Sound, except the townsbip,s fClng Chrisie, Conger, Cowper, Fergusosa, Foley, Humphriy, McDeuaall and fliclrth Town of Parry Sound and the ,ýVfilage aiox Rosaiu; (g) Raliny- River, (i) Tunder Bay; anid 3ln thL erguaios ( a)"s;i,,op" mieoins ny building or a portincif a buldn ooth, sirdi or pla-qe where goonde are lbundled oýr expose, Doroflered or sale, or wvhere goods care ïimiofadure2d andiwhich i not a loctor-y; but, shail n ,i ude arry part of a utdin ged for officre purpose:s; uand- (b "ffce sahmeo:n a builrhn- or-Up o t a Ae Leaf Cake Floumr 3-4-lb pkg...39e 1 tis----24e .vWes Ginger Bre,»adl ix, 16 oz pikg -~.29f, .ly Kernel Corni, 4 oztis---18e kay Margarine, a' raft Producet ..37C- 01nday 00OOSTORE 'PING CENTRE Streefsv;Ilpe or Prfrvate Ambulance )R VOLAION0F RE each aud refusai or Smth ~ose ~ vaw t. T ooffice. sion of 0On as mnade u lst, ele c trical, (-,t otmore th- fe-et of playin fieîd o nly i nissio 015510 ied or Ly port teriors 1 of no, more tha:, sunrise on Satui É:Éulmud 1,1Z