vil. Y QIIO9O, ONT ,,THIJRSDAY, 1200 Attend ~~Lubrad aain~tI olal bl w atrc,_ uram ot w iùg M atchiaGe fo Rg il Mng a Y ------_agrndchaMpIn loîstein - Friesin je 'hh~ ave their inmg bull e.ýported fromi Canadai to Buienos! Thc cy of the sunnny variety, gmeted Winilens of 1 aùi izs reMirsin Mny, 1948, as rece-UVh e pownenenere l th D l,-sented hby rank Stirison o ýf ~sold for 8,0 ess apoxmae y1 NorthblUmiberland plowý,ing mnatch held brook were: 1, Miltoln Adams of $y27,1000Y Trhis cnstîtutes a ela d othefr of LeonrardHedeili Cavan; 2, Irwin McTehHosh cf North cordý forth breed. Anfothcr, Carna- m r. teemiles west of :Millbrook, on nghu;8, ie. Atison oj f dian bull, Glenafton Rag Apple, w r oi th Tlrursday, October 20% .It w arse- 1Qavai. recently sold lar Chie for 92400() regui aieted that a crowdi of oý,r 1,2P1rize WinMers pesos (about $4500)K, the highest Kathl; we~in attendance. 'h f i ýVr Ë ThNefîrt t&mee elaases were open iprice ever Paid in thlat -onr o ld ;ýcet condition, conidru& vto. t1ie toabo mes.The ),hers wee cn-purebred lipstuk makingof qulity urr fned te the cûunties of Nordhum'be- O c r heHootons, fathe ý'and son, oi lard and Durham.nE2tenie inDüra Ida CvanTonsh gaherd 4P Tham-s ini sod -, WillimIoot-dei -the senior prizes a dpat n d;2,SalySitEns shawa Presbvteïial fiajv ithe~ W7lillam Rlooton, ~Vetwer[ln moel e& à t is n, formre yea?,-s lnd more Tra(ctors, twe jfurrow plo n od h uuarly fteEse Ô~c~ecr~ ~ t.han -4,John lHooton, THa; 2,Dci er-,cino saa~ebtsa Whhorses in sod! the Trent aleîrctrthrefurv pos inhied Curhof Canada wsheH mti vcur for the best land ith horses oi, Hwad lery Cetiel-. and -the Ess'o Trophy. That aci v- rft; 21 DonL Bu port Hope; 3, Tin Newa, toî2l011Unted Church )dn froin naeh signifed the champienship wth Don Chambern, Otonabee; 4? Edhýar ctb Ohwthagodi ln 1 Nichoils;' Pos>lt Hope. -attentance. MXrs. L. W. Dippeli1, of 1 e Johý1-n Hooton -won the open clase '-Northumb!erland and Durba m Boweideaville, l2nd ice-PesidntEli fortrators and Ltwo-furrow vplows Caespeie a ohssin.iA lsod, The Lbat upfo1t Joint'erplo0ws insod -- 'LVWilliaiih1ftron osi 1evcew~e bemt plowed land lanthe miatch; the mlin, Ncstlse; 2, Janses' McQow- in cag f ebr fEmkl Domnio Sore cah riz fo ~ ans Fraservile; 3, 119ward Alsn, afternoon auxilîary. M Is.R.IM.Sey- r betladplwd ihtractors and! Newcastle. inour, Enniskillen, mientioned thiel also the Esso prize for trcactors. Jenter p4lOva pen tu tiose whodifee tp fr eople. Teear Thejuio ctapinswee oyhave never wen fRut or selcond la tlie those who sun away from .ife plu-, eeny f iaiih O4th hc Roy prin'ous class - 1, Roy Seeney, of liveê in a dream wvork thinlking every-i i Alan Thmpno f da Mith hrao1r and ,owr C $damn Bw thhng ilhltura out al i ght.unoe Sc ,rtnTopm bor. - M anh n8 ûer li, c e- hniake excuses amn iresetimemna Imanup 3 Rorut lun of ewsal taunec hristians -t'hese The match brought dut twenty- Tracr: ÇOpen te.those who have ar h epe'h r eh David Pe cnetns igtu4gtaIslee o aaymtti re needed to-dcay. Unity is essentisi. off4i ndi- sevente~n driving tracte The tnFer-L lowa d Q til fAHl can select the key that uniocki hor1 only girl was 1Lo r H lenderson, 'ablrit~ZJckl~eroBo-te door te_ peace, oppertunlity, ha3p-l * uglter rf the owner M the mathlmanilville; 3, Stewaqrt 1e11 Baille- 1pbane and coniteanmenit of mmid. Thle tlii ýW a i Ioo. -speaker saýid the Golden Rule i se i ' Wilim lak~,xmey ir - T cor, wofrrw îosinsimple that the vold passes ithy. - oof the Onltarieo me' Asso- stubble for boys and girls under 20!IIr.H ,Iut ewewle - lion and its Intrerna iai pewngears ,Eaxf Broa, Neweastl% raiosl wlcn-d1hegahein n Math, as judgei Anà firdirector 2,LrineîHernierson, çCaý toiNewosviK.eHopkinh, pssent was L. 7-L.Wiiw moff Mill- Teactors, vso frow ,p in l Ms. K. Ho ieihsre SBowmeariIe brook. John R1kard, Nceweastle., , îjbJ1 folr boys and girls under 171Preshts 1ieaur ertia eceayOFf eUia ijisyasf -ge -1, Allanjthoipo g ave sonieretîiguidance ffO oi m 7!owmen's Association, said the Millibe ok C, Treyor- Palis Mi1iI-î W. M. S.. edn."hi a'y~n sats was in-éveiry respect fthc best!brook; 8., Euri Windreilm, da; 4 Gen!Cnmns"ad"Giso eny~ 'n y~s. SofTh Mnegha ,,,JlandeVoliî,uali thonghts for younger . harln- iboucst âh thie plow- Il' A-ý ii; s )jSmufh L) reader fact0',! Frn. Tiunick YYnt i. tye-ef e mjlufr ieiin'e'- - secretey-treaaureof literaturer, W t th yssing skil .YeOnorny and' saffty. Open oly to resideuts of North- teget ekr thssin.Scati h.miacln ej4 emateud as ut iunsbý DPShqreýAt the attnoisession she -a- kNeWonod Pair <esr atourse dsugm - Sadia Tea, $107 .for eset land -rssed(t he older W.M.S. groupa."I c, t"e ~ahMp e Meth yorng podby a boy unider 20 ynsi legicai that we sbotilc dan cei Cou i~, n4~so t~ sn ~cf eu- here ) W byil y~ee~ey«f Ltestu», saidI the speaker. "Therel againstaccident. Tworty-âve Ida,. 17 years Id. The ripner iscPU- "are ost sevc nt'Yypyars off W. M. S. 11as se ff t . idrsoff the 'hicfer the salada ciass at thice hi,50 ~and aimosîtetc-l ya i ty lJUi âptretub-,-à C'ut this "Thfa. nen n ~c i vhc h ~ eho-cteas, enty j~n o$pti~ Sf r-.e Plowu fp-inz ti 9.r',0te icUnited ste-ýtes. 'h esa o heaheeet s tt-Yt~i asfftsrsowsvan n f, Toro-ut ip : Best pLoire tWlfa i. The strcngth Q.ff eu-r awa,I I4rHendeason ha.d tecluse d aad (tracter> y boy or girs un- la~led~sii:8500îwm ndre ctat grousp and lt-.thie juveniliss (cootinuéd 0o-page se . w-ho othe rl gapadg ewo k u o n T speakiwg luinpublie, prýoi-totingpr-Ms Jects and okwhîch we &are se 1dig1 prou Of ri ur W MFredet ûîuh m Cô n y C ubs liWrinners P', eco)n11our> heW. M.S i-mcff or' 0policy OfoffUr W. l'OT wthat ing th he nmoney ilainthe banik to woriik Sen, Ccom eûtnxi befomrel Ht laspeut givea coS- idên A.~-,îhad great strei-gth wilien 1mak- l _______pli;___________________audeac OnE~idyOct9ber 21st, One huin-ty94;2d MdesxCuy,18 Next yeur wNî be the 250 t h r 1ao drd a svet-tre-bos'ad 3r4, HrnCounty. Teara 1me 1e's anvil girl' cub ta ~iVh wo embes Uwar Treia,]3ureto, aa Do- dy off the fuited Chlu-ch .M.. ingl t e tdat - A dPesot urk1etoný. Hili con 0 amoetumlstu Thissanit, ie a tenu. coa rthdydca a withad-Jý Guelph, la te va aprokees. The tecSsan t ïHewaraTrewin, 492. Su lc i cde, gea ec ire-rs offeachp-oè ileG, b(DsaiEs), ctaivacmneteso n xpninya ofWody ceowse world concon4 ndy oz the Royal UWinter Pain on NOieI 517;t 2 Y ifoCe tke veiner lth. ca r uovii C'ins i'hmtrinebr eeSm Te'pae otne,"Ù m. vRooluluts as andue an eî, mllle;3d îîaroitii owrfu , r oefl ané43 ,apy Ottawn w0+1h omligexpea sssothM ken 'uid es- of b t0 vsins airsand ,mi ot oCu ai] tn, DrCu- htî~ ies liste ir t ak 1 ~ natios. Nentaste, 2ù, ~4isiagCoatt I aI nd ead werld 1ncws." Iaas 1m the copetitons t Gueiph 96pint. H"igh iiontestalt, Lloydi She rconi e syvaë-s studyWai * thlneeoff tie-xAve projeets were laronMartin, 41 Jebok ' 'n1g Wit'n th eiers" and i dAci byDurhaniCouinty ,via Saine, Beef, Poulny -- lot, IIgin Cnty; 2%!dadvised harlîseners te pas sn l ty Da and Potto Clube. ntith CGei-ille Cji-- u4-1i-ty, others out ide the W,.S ellube- Coý,unty taking the Dairy Club, allidJ. illnec Mitcddesex tIie Grain Club. The Onytlie Dni-haut County Meef tenm -s ?crultry Club wwD n by e -st S. a-vri hv 'G t y nf roiy u ii ds eye Gouny. u te Grls'Com~W~ t~~ G1~b 6I~ luUtareaid W31_ .literat a < adadcteoss