r~v~u. anv trk on îhag .Fe For two YearS 1'vebeen dating a ent dslie im Ceasagoawsue he w-a,,18, bhe ha abd rpu- È! becs! e he has changed. à The% WNllneo -it etn-ego ot loe it htn and i isstthat 1CI fortbe.hi aCaLnnoCt do. 1 I ain20 a'nd 1 on(1 kn(,1,a to do. Can couhep uPtOuHlMA *If this on a a n * punk, hew Italk to ontparv- 9, tîtt O n Unethl ht o tu wllgotoLa ene oc. u hIorse about ndrode navfl lowed by theMxican. tant Camp. Shlooicac ne * ctienwh knwshouwCtauap *~~~~~~~xp prcaeanc r.H iask *ten t et you goci ibhm * ndproiseh t l ak ouol * to placestey pro.an big * ou home atuthde hourtey asic. go giveÉmeunames éfpeope they *li uïtuo.cn vocs o hhlm * i( oow An wh nothae ispaî- * >t esmetyours A girl)!Id knoiln by teco IL pan sui esMAn cig sall bo' to steoriesof aSt micon Sduct are flo eas il orgotten. * want yoname ascdled wit * ~ ~ b lic popl-rceicimoo nox, ut ouare t ilover, pao- * ~ ~ ~ reiu [t eesem hat hvin dte ha apl ance tF!ý,ý afowhm coasu hre ndthtyour family i, îsflt 1e cnine hsïe w l con- By Ann~e AshleyI Q.low cani avTidfadinig A. It la well ta know thlat Strong zunlight la very lhable tO ffadlePul- or ishbed futnlture, aid especially au- a icles of mahagony. lying wh'en clean;ing tihefrpae A. Before starting ta dlean, hrow ahandful of wet kea leaveS over the ashes, and this wi prevena],i dust fromn flying.a Q. Hw eu I akebrowvn sugair1 , A. To mrake brovwn sug.ar syruP, use 1 cup of brown s ugar to V H.ney Pecan Buns Recipo o bowl, Yý c. luloewarni p. granul.ted suigar; mtii a dissolved. Sprinkle with tleiachmàann'e ý.Royal Fat Yea. Lot tand 10 Min., rwell. Scald 3q 9. milk !. -granul1ated sugar, ri sotening; cool t %" ýyeast mixture sud tnerg. Stir i C. pain ais agreat àitj to Yo).- (,Il .. anotheLr ak:you shauldk: DOCN bhelpeyd iany0manysuernerato coME 0o UjNDER TrE siiAmon 0F PuIN! DMOCIMiM atrdanU d àproenprpeain whica U, Jieves, proptly and eetveythpain1s of ARTKRITI MATISM and kindrd distubances. DoLiN ill flnot heairt or an~y other iargan., GratLeful nmen and amn from ns,ýali prt f tise wo ew nusted Jetera of thans tothe niakers of Do thie relief from apain n hich D 1LIN hs bought thlern. DOLCIN is t'oday prhal te wrd es-nwpr( fie relief ofJtheins, fARTHRI'TIS a-d RIEUIATISM a n every gmnine DOLCINTabLtDQLÇI m Bewvare of those 1whomoferyp mttinusa a, bighier prive.. Try a houlîe nf DSCI OÂ. iecas Îs rea- soal~100 easy-to.tiake eabletasu "23; 50J tableti ini teL lre eooy cie battie,$10A00.R II VYur drnggiac bas DO cINo V I Toronto î10 OOntario fSi~o~t ,V myWiW DICOCI#N AXP tOi fit îaîeî,~ ilv att. ed. "Von go wlth ni bu But he seized ber arm. a go ta Mexico. tht. No ret i-n conte-" it in a throaty omed hehînd hlm *FREE*- JANE ASI4LEY O kEiYO ER ed- otur 0 OME SERvIcE. [ came. wtc we eheslier Jone All v s> fwater, and let Ct corne ita Ue g point. 1-10%v can i drv anilo into vwo-od wthouit dne ng thI( wodi- Fîit, puas the nail gh hard soap or dip' à r d paraffin, v-rý an Iprevcnt fes' estpiný3 frirn breakîing cp eaiy Pour boiling wat*r over thins ffow them ta romain until th - ais ccoled. How CanrI eangiltarils Gilt fraties, or other such es cýan be restored taý thefr il freshiness by rubbing wh sUi zpongo maistenoed witli .1 rpentine, which soon evap- îlow cas I rstore lhard aut -y~mt its oarigàInalforni? Pi~the jam in the aven untRl ;uar elte; tOin ,-rove ami gcIejeagù 'îa a nIan wha cam your ly bak asfar as