kZace, Religni0n,, Cpreed or(?est"' Cbddre open it dapoe. a iml dneaio, e àuy,~ t ro arharmd dio sti l'bora tIes ,anîon th mo t ode"! No 'eSe i fring sp (j t toscc h ueadpe o u &- ditnusï ntsae i-overI_ A es i the c ine tt i sit , l fb1; Sie cor ls PU o A bceh ao d lck M-eicl rsêrc as fe«wel for eillpupQe akngrré on arti opt al, - - vo n i prt or th resent aýp- - ptl to te po l ofOntrjofor When A Feller Needs 2A Frielid lijimixed tl dexe e Ie wo Idlusa Lui lrdDne o hospualr staff i n b was date %Von , esloiul id ha saio natter how they sh4.)Ç,shoc 4718 "\ - " undertandand VI b~ aothi teS, se iI ndtafld, and kîw a --n \ ît h l toadel, a car or to,,Invheou eau ùla1l'elp yoii tun ta the !&N. ~Addre 'Ion ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ u olao u aaa eHopt rduem othon" That Or -br rat lBox 1, 123 ElghteeflthSA. sw-ttlg ~fly 14 ~ ~ ~2 tm SéliChidi~ù h-s onered too adantgesf ou r tvayward- New Toronto, Ont. asitnow he f'04 - - - yabe mnufaefù-té e o taesr o tio- eness shoIws hpmup for wlint eYsW beleîg wt mie \ auid t 1te i uîri adsrutre room ce boyswatitlt k! (0iii V -cs dabeiech' htproes oles uimrak'e teacthery csf Eecjy so ote a air!an eecn t h fet self. ùiou mîîst er on4siete ,Jtnos shous eatton chsiiis pht aoind, and keep 'ourseifabove- uninie ud " nd menuaideve4oomen ~. ssiion LyUnsyou are bonesî ngis ru ktngfor ailnididren in Qutros, ut aus -taile, co t ihel(eear r vices whîchI , 1 a- ih on fteran1mter' w u ist abu n nedrofmedca atenio, re cbe tusted to go Outwith boysUl 1 readi Y aeiced rmgi -id beides, plat do you thik lie McGregoe upot fth eple o Ont niro à ..u ckup 40,0ca;upa n Yo r parents bave beeacs n i rd Ot-t h'N'Nratonsat ou srenth, - L pro!Iitset you agaist u stý uvetigti6 tht - \ '\\"~ -them, and o j obey<thm t 'stri - g-inu-s«~o- - - -&Ly dcent way. Do asutàeY sa1 r n'virted t I frm ow on, and -as you put race1l icý aitl)coltlbutiltiKS7-you7peset oýV st-andards, yor i. a iuggerin ee . iiwntei o-d e o eie rmrt HIr e-farines nob 1 hve q1 v1j _es s aboutes of DOLCIN Tableu, e ut 1iTn Der-Ao Itriiibavcben Ipside down to preveni peekzing. ~ DLI i an t ut i itiwàîh tîter ihuIsband Tlien j start- -[_' y: d ýa 1 1à»P geil'o harfLf, easy DoLCIN ct.mtsad ~going wihfil LS ,~ os2.39tth1ma$geconotry.lize baffle'-, t--- ~~ î~< -alber ba2s c" dugiteutsu %loi 2 f !ilanyrokecp ther As shownlu dtuta ti Vw dng il alWV' J prseIay ab- ar sxp'$e~ta esad"- "ove_ fave - 011 01 cDO-L N C gu 9C45 muo osein, Uvun un uru acp tivril., rq. repesnrug ht Pat ui47 amrns 0n si4s- - nec, leaf. Acd - LVJ ~,drdh, t[Isny or pectl a ll 14lu6)and irnediun 18 2) r et ïafineaanw1ho vcnt toe 51 ao AI - 'y- ac wa are sup Srnai si couin! ad3 nh- mnym oehmeny u .NV~ VI-- satbutyti perd twentî-e cents (25c> w people oe In bo yps SSUE 49 199 i -o ttyat r fad 1 elfwof !;s coins (sarnp, ca iotbc ucepred) -Euf, are tam-Ik i botmy ps euke a guIerssabcd nnm e addî tyl nruber Tiare ev e ileen ma iedi it wo wlot e SeIrd oard 1rou oxi uý ,f23 E-i1i Il- oî smi gh "W.I'e - m i ,t easns re sf heî " i have a feu iano pupils, j 6.0P I w ndr otat-d arn ai1s, abeutician. avea peçal ~ ~ ,~ ~'UOis young irnau Oas $iued [tht r ohe seca ~ *e.sni cinirch, and uwe areto 0, ei d ~ ~ '44 miami d ithere. Hte Oazs nyr bmo Ieasu'eugo sow, ~ci yUSewui :4% uapromise b mne, and 0e les nau worm iwater, 1 teazpooon Sranu- e. 10e SDIH! 4~*4 44, ' ad hh-I laspease lhedip me lateti sugar; stir until 9sugar la - of my grnud * tle4. Yomc Gr"ds e ~~~~Tell Thie Trutb,- RytFs FÎ*ý anOoo- M'%ê~ Musihunnt omn minuîtÈe, THEN et well. Scad r o làpit to do a loti t 4*01 ~Ietc.*' is h1t4e iw ndr. ~cp nvik andi stin iii up randru rorn~ ~WOe a Waytardgirl tumus le granulated sugar, j! teampooii al~ ie rîgbt peoie rite up on eery -~ 1~3tllson heei pýA1 and CPOS. q %M :' tluearm ea i a om - 1 Fn't 4 Ï oa-i t-atleheka ar t-once-siftL-i brea4fiOwnAMd 'est - ' udwiipoe, Or ra br- wl, oiad 1 cupste-s4tbeqr - - 4'nanue 0 perces, and Ibroe hu - breld lour. Kuesi ig4h9 y; -pom i ditsz in lier path thiat cain sau-i O - in greased bowt and brush wp ' ~ra.k t~laaOw nih e ibutoer or shortenng.' lau wassenstrogt arrnesurblyCoven and set ini warm pi!ace, fre Stt ab ,* ~Vet you wilke9 ion as yon from n 4 afîgi--Let rise until. uni aestîe nsr scr uyudoubled ini brli. Punch downr a -ýz _ie e e* lýdete r jn to t r e c m th1ou h nt ivide unio2 equsi - mousu B . atruth I he' <flps osaYmni ob'eih ul.Pe, - ou fr oli o a ne aY omgspnuda d sugar aud 1,)l btjcoi,, - - --wocwh udetatd d sc asnd est8appies inothin weýdge8 the~ 4 t s ~ ikly tht eu 'apple ïeieî nto ç.,lte tops, sliarp lor~444.~ ~ ~ 40-g remlaîn in ignorarce, aeges wn u nd eetgu'