A. :\o; Iv is mcl iet r it ~ posibi~ as in thie caise of requcst shul b ritteI rise wu-Ybeinintaucdt oýtheir mal',and aso ta shlake har - 'e it bee kw irdt Q 1 ier nvited to a , i ma rlIf4li-'rM ;csc Tura LIh in ltedata, rbir wthit K 9tndwt rpig wun as e wtslied, an ne oor l tttoCourt. Tetrial co0u thc state preme cout a[nd çw the Supr-eri Court o-f thie Unjted States ha-, ailupei the State ofWahgt Some merc armed by steadv in]crease g'ernen controle, mayii 1 tis oniy ai other au! biggeap'Me Y a marc towrd Socili or "Statîsni1 thi.S case, howe e;ýWicll shou! qafysuich aàcond n oiTresf me1ntï of thie atiion's sois il]qrni aifeetcategory from th Ie rtgl of buinssmnfor instanice, retoché sstore or cloe it up Th stt spenecourt put it I,( ta agrea't unwrittei oial exits etwenthe doiad, tjx;. living, and the unborpe ienve to the uboirn ac copat eqir es iItt J anFv, system ylet devýised by men, ueeo nd expoitnatlï-! I sucsBtby rasonof dt forces, compJt it ioni't and s flinds sl mpsd'co"seL difci.SuICh attemlpts hy g menl t heaîf Cof [the peole' '~ estore and aïlntain aba shu e construed lo as a vc toryforSocaiim'out for inleli utcapitaiisil. CAUTIQUS ADNMR, aftr scà fa urrs Ycup shortening 1 cup choppedJ parsiey 1¼ý cups choppred onion 2 quartsda-d bread, Lvry seasoniîng (Serres '8) cranberries ta 3, minutes mn tes, or over la e meaiy c, or press nash witb t ~p trie bret e-back wî stuffing's T openmg for ten