r. .rc,, men n.., n...-,, 'n - au u cre use 4 Sfl.*ongtrl 4i- i ti,- Crsi-ët ukey. î '0wmeter at* ~ e~ dh C"güCK HANSON vandBaldy k toti ç'1 e as H i1e Idi-!t eo1i suc h i gi >new v ýiis ra fdr r ,t Pé.A gho uet ~ 'ed r~t Way WhVt Wa.srOng, CiceHcattie o it werV.e rgtt ri 4arv, g--a *iCholl w th s rThIae beaaué, do Sucessfui dssedteday younig jo1 trny i i',,-in ,CISMYand f ti, he -ezpeatref e Hîoward rodeinto their canip ana -lugllvd h4. thera nu e exact.y ighlt, nd-oniles5 hned them a nute igned py OM tional Picil1y ad -É, -g IBord S--o y ou r - d ahts outething Mani Hadmethe Corte H% ostow f-de bnume. - rdytgouge wi ho t herrnormi The otereadin art: - hilna~c Q -~tt~~rne th te 'niVe teneraum otef the ai "Tisw1l'nrd ec pictLure arc faii - ýoPe1,,b, shQtild bc cmi M6 to AV7 F"- Miswi inauc Ibry perhaps i1rnight ad. a w W s cobalt- - - Howrd ro NL YoISof fwïr explanadon. The thermmeter shudd be fase fanodrend of n C'mi 4th t me 9d o y b geta ened Éco t1e ege o the pani,de *0 e area cmboyÏ5l fIl druntsfc or a wing. .Evmr bod busb UmmEs emged hn the fat, biut ing hitm lout tr',tJ bOY i--1Served Sliced TreTheriý. nolt tt~igthe ide. flic rops, Jitm"AhoMd bc a snmaler phUter, or mr MI eth fatc &lowly to epircl SnnosgBal1dy, Chic ici the platW phir-ed -besside the one om tenMprantie, Wn be sure lit lian way on cfarsot hich the turkey à jrought tW the reacbed the proper heat be ors1 "Ajtlthe boscute? ,ýJims a-,dn table, Af er onte lii.g and oDpt leg startmgto fr Te [,s[tht em ra sarasicll. 'nnn'u~t% imrsé art taken crit as deseried, tle jitre oA the iat fresq jent during? maid's~~ il-b. ByGd nei roml theml is th!ï- sli ed frorpi the fyn HadleyOUllg~ o o far." - sein. i Pitnly enoýugh fat oto e 'let. "The way 1 igure it,"said BaWNext "ha" should swtriSutng tie *0 at wbi 'ilI fillE eil' ha ë ossalis passn thebuck. Sit e -mi hces of Iigbt pre4 roluthe1 a lutteoe tinarhïd;fIt I~2~ fshion-lis the Sono frianid Se canp% pst gi-e hi woksan ndhiln bômir, s pubtsit Up *0 Us. P Chuck spat and .Sc(ra tl chd u beasl. "By gum, rnebibc yot're rîghit ,.rhnickS, thlat's it Cexactly! Core nn wve gotta do lika heasks, WDm? cIVse maire a cm% hand outer tis dud orle *ryifl'" They returned *0 the cM -ir- wvaited Joh.nny.l'Q. ;- er e "Paldy said î'ht b - w Yomr flrt lesson1S toi 0w-n off thtflea-bitten nag yoù- sradle auïid learu *0 toSick ou a ý; "wdlI" sa1d johnny, "A was won- Ksg t 5(: hv,tu 41( Cliuck and ex ansged 1 fh corr;0ar d,, elad show -oJks bw -g~ about awý hlet1he Tdr-lme laldy = eoenevous. 11*0W TO CARVÈ YOUR TURKEY-Carvisng a turkey, oLr The lli M Jobnuy astrae any other fowl, looks harder than it really ïis As long as youlr n birn, suiddelygj<aiadntat~ knife followe the bone âtructture of the bird, and yout keep your d th, io str t ise air and 1ic thi> yorrzàe, Ibrsw t of 1, be sur7e youir knmfeîs sharp ai eunIe do,,à;n ,:l1a in r 1eg's 3auf _ -. aoidas ~-at. 1 sini~hd d ough tc cuit cleanly, with e mnnnun cfeffort. Thewremov ci - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h legsedad:hesd ~ an~d wings. Li theg eide method of carving, (illustrated ÇAC sid olle o#& ýÙs-ed aa~intth~- her tin is dont by placiùng the bi>rd on rt e of its bides and l hua, eaodn pol îor1n plungtd remnovi-ng firzt the. tip and 'rit-et joint of the -wing by pitin àsnd b)ucke4 àm more. d pres- etraighi -hrough the joiint; second, -the renain4er of the wing; - mitl, watiw .nd lc>ing It third, the leg. Then tbt imeat is- carefully slcdthinly frorn a stood ~dc- ad Tohny jHoward the back and breast, and t he bird tumred over on, its 'ýOther sidte. A wvas s81P on ihs hack. johny grincd t flic. s~~nstbd~pcatr, breast, then dark mnt catomn the Sip tht doughnu-*5cautiously T~E N~E IDES rubed Fardher back -followil gAtr bue imet the kettlèeDn' try7 to ýcook ther y~< is t n tatba srutu% t ai ue utl n o m:auý at one tAe, because te~ deir k114,n hlucin an sd f M"rter" bnio barn. Lti S fat.1wîIl become oercoled a~e4 the easy to eut -pn th êh li Ta mmn the do-,-ght-m1S riÏsc war vficsdChuk sd ukn-lke tssu an spon ot t tet th ne suiface, turul themwîh down off tht cal. s*fi-.oghade oibcgcifl We i nogo ~to essp nuber The carver Man thon start servîn nut le pierce ,vm itti Kl5etne, i les," licremarke 'Which icludes *à; Suces - tat lA ulss yon haWe Rcmav wi a f=4k a spon ri biildoggitig. Evr idoga see. scSa rodresen-t tcn 0e :d 1prfrteadle, auýd nalolwte ef i5 bir ist cu I, g à xces f&tý; t14i ai »o ts TI Witliout -iig its dudens round. la that cosey of course, he kett*e. Drainthe dotighuuts u a repyChck wh Ot lurl. shotild just, turn h t tuky xr a lina6d wih c llasret le as 2 bulldogger up~ a 1 a ay ,o ar,,t pefraceote pae.l te lrew Faud hlmlu rc- oheride. ail ord ime.Plea d swg~>cinB 1 hon->îesty think chat voulu tike lu tht paut SCv publisced 9ec- fi -ereturueds "Av ieit' doet?" this mtooueo'egivtn1à,a oral doughnut recipes and yobB' h'e ;askvd. 1iat. 1'lSet thations qvaudevll l y ae one 'r wn. But ti "Yen," sai o d comfid'au ishes ic "a4 keessund pQS1 oee trtrdth f itry 1* oi t da. er 'hé siofmiy whlic a a- -' tzto' 1d4 j7hey're ,goRaad nost- He trid 1. Ht wM 3» r ped ster. M'e fSoUtn iÀs ïan for ardlsc olclhf a etter tha icfg steer -ttiri) êsecodti h~-uet t.-but e's th ewh tanIhe fo "guti" ture han~Wak. - uedc to saýy that lie îas flue yon- rele. Atra ropiug ?xhiion ouny, "i' t f a famiy of 13 kidu, aMI-tat P Doughnatesli wiloitbigchallersged prodticed M.wsafl-rw anbfr~h gs -il a '~x-gunai~i~4ercnstrat1 sone imne at Her&w-a -m auytu on p ~ sjt .gpld acc dr-nte shoting.nsorte , -acihn u h 1 cup ug-ar~ ,un nd amaiscoo, 11 fat, eirkit bt te n-cký2 tablespoons rnel±ed fat h st as 5 faut àd soacmurast tat Arid lesoua, last womrd 5before 1 cup roued or mwqheà potatuas adyand Chuulck didu't oser uo.fne drop *de Supeeftmugke.TeI--W soiurmls8 exploit toiir ow-uprowes. --"lm" *o0, esure 4lrtat ni,, carvitig 41, cup aur ntPr, Wha te liotngw-s -kiif n es el., s34arp bDfos he 1 tapsocux sait bel rantge riders u ot- a - c. u sta and4 te, keep hose sce'tin.con bkn pwe Prsetyteyeure -,22-- a Speakng Of chckeu.tbism, igil, 1 :aspoon dsoda whwe'r lihd --rto Voilrg,Ïafo2 onn ons"WOLl,"ha sasd1 Pot 'RoaEted Chiekeèa -,liht.aIdtt et poao rconthat ,w-ascUnla JrnS Drss fo-r roas*ing idea, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ýý atfri hnwhnS o ,b7 hccntefour, salý itbkîn pde od n ont~~~~~~~~~ I (sacicsprfre Cu bl upfla iudut'nig. sa-a h nt 0 l~ ok 5s ce r y brsd Roi oute Agi b ut o t i boys. t\vaanda -m1*Mt ulc hukes ualgtford r a reà ac-boJT]atrtbai, Idon jsp pültayseasni heaif y-ý Lo boys l ret ty aud Jff chi :en oay ý>4.-e- L bccallacross o ceiug; lace.ST t thome" -- da - t'oD 1h oe aTeawbuneTe yuvAhe 1dmts p. suimmr svr onTeday edt- bl' - C rt tyuuico lwyl< - c ç ut s. -lhi s osid tultt a77wte pwoCog wy Anmatinee c &rnanifpeopla taka *0letc!u Mi* *c'e -"thatineafto*e _u oun mr rS 'mdIsu