VSec, a-le reAd lot okoî W'ÇnIJ eve.Ovconcevableillionect. F.ven Dc risits Unfortunarely Vida'satacîai.beauLe tu iie i il. When,. att ce aga. C. C, ;atdm2 re ~tof thl(Baile tf oýf 18, shecausile totufl ealiharehoder atie reci 44ý12i(amin ai etn .3 f is, aind n, esian ungCanaddnndcceemed ,to lie toward 'a osý1 possie consequences, ae S lh " ur nea!reut nýih ur'anda cQu11tra àv stunhappy. Bwu'beîtr hi 'imporand ud sai"ent~veseas markts,' thse thing 'S4vrely, - sit o nCdpieinfluencesl'!d tie',t1 1h j'a tuerMmasw~o aime ebon . The _ac1Pev- sotrin procig ai' Cato e~nd was3a mans: lovearu.oce. bt ifres"M.Grnr'b aae u Tberedabeeralaneepmevsr. dsbon."l1 ip io t Tthe other, naeaas~preseJi Sali recnmos aild eoulda'easily bcth}e 1nhi tc suiesli tieorsraf on le iii ererdire:Ctinna The accumuaei tblit fa '1 kng hMwsaoppsymored ;wc rodman iSïg'ot Vt aq,,m nid intituliol il you corny,'tircularly a tr' shotags 'has preUx%%(Il seiiis Iike ithi-li lesotia toWveces aîscTtmcmique oric"rCoiiprtismon, c iiency quai 'tice a'oit ih lia go-lohs girl.s didij't h e ityand actnaiiii ee glim . lp the SMUN acic 2' ,o1 .a, piare, uiin energo '~hc esuli u mer e cedin wf tenos neor cf' uc arrin auger n C) the in. onea ma wasrpra ifs, lt tult aoprtiiii hanges in tii ofhr 1la devlqpments m the ilUnted uae een'r c ticauiy wtlin _Iter gnaýip. 'Give etnitue pros dent sta toucQfusettn e f as W m t' afnother -monlt o ai t'Éliot, asî flee s sularg"e part, e boum 40 itow I *ut le oud'~pâ'thseawnrds tisai hase .is vWgrous 'p ognmtiof indos gouisuac wod dMae lWCrhappilesu andi1d, tî1ePiSOi Gi ef~f lee omri ti trimph coMplee rtlntin u r 1-icvrs he mu natie ax's aGçsoi, am-t e n, "kîme isré mss iai Kgat Týcniai' nan, ia Gln ir own f-n î ' uinatuiral -re phier. lie was ontaOf -closeSu nouyizeci Cnada appeared te ea good paoing, upStauidùg p ndorng a dvnanàc growth noS etf young manhoei. irIuiuilietîutrf heUntd tae (jOUS nçi it ~a 'po fte1eeS Wnilil War I. ahead 'of blet. hue ,KlOë prRevews Dolhar Poblem pead by exrtég oult,%WMDtEI PYMoCaad~sdllrdiea >Uf e1fftt Vîida thadaimîcded ýý vdie munJ .Gadurawa aitrendl aeleciig hhm ai the bCt of ber twar "acloier b-alaiice sn trade acqUed eharms, lut cit h slegh mif w om xnearet anigous",and, !shlure hW jvcr e teiednihe wrnstitioiihi'Aacitrcin 2xPccx1 ipo rtanit and ttadifional ivercas arkeV Pinîfing oint ihat, _ý"Sdinte Jsa aros altgresn 'Charngete fc baLîxaer ats ofe ketc at- eediigi' c- ierfcîilge a elp ae ra id I yn W. Hr~ue hAd cor a zen 'gvrmetlfit ee cl e liind* Ïbe plait. feattres f hý 'i'ill r ieprafi e ostS aUial e4 fMmeiat' u q xcnaege rates Umdhappiiy, r ýriar. a M Gardhineraffirmledci brf~a iÜgat tpoÎsntý, prve inbc, g attSctOft ic diene<ii to raîce dictiont zt ovf inits- nuiït r fan fr wroild Cfzrae efohiw cf 1rr ýhCr' nninortabld nefr* a omresýica Di. iii re1a4pnal iueet volune ýýH k 'ereusnd agabistt'il 'ýe- . noi hf Oiat3 , cac *ltlttot, iemano cen& SIt e atst iui 'ItL7à ivu, (st'res- beated a sret btefoir(,makutg vo Senergy adthe grat as --,oacwn ber Prsence, and inlutis t he preseitt s teQcroate am nvài i- -msoment th~ e ting Cf beinhg piqud anisent in which tee fundam entai gave way oti-à et Sudidenlîy she frcs -i pce imore telut ýo 1reafizej ftbat r eing Iiad hap- wo. ieetsat shtis osing hýer hold, General Maager'Addess WaP l-y Pýa nthior, . alB"z)~gee was~ ka7 e ieha aaied maagrreporteci ycar-.etd fouzes ïoning W e'afttipationi, Or both resolrcesand depad<ts nt glowing iii hi'~ âe ilhain twoifilon dlars for The thought mad ida usvhp. 'cte firt tirne. Total assets stod si r ~$2,140,00,000 and tota! deposits at $2 019,000000, with savýinga d epoýsits A filiving room r"Vlda aban- Elrt 4wi n hbomof aMy ma donedeekîng u a to Wher Con bank. Current man td dis probleni and, fer - mChig outsinCanaao alticntee t b Èeýtci ado, fpieke r -opy1of' ait ail-timïe bÏhi everedfigur"es, Oscar Wile and ol St.M 11ry e $42000, *obaiced ta fail on a ph whih Renuarkîi)lig on te numlber of.»,con- âkd been lighsly ja c 'entis sho(win satoay rdciii- eai.Shi, read qwiîL wù1 a -ing pr ofits ou a suhstauialy ini- YjMi4y increasirg po ur1. Bai rirc ttentio -L)ssiýi-i"M du e eanythig t% M 'D t ance of businesmen frexaniunung percy h tiis very romantèse 6ê they "hreak-eveu" poisrHe also ta lave, Ont ie e notbuig roman- frît thas sreduced taxs ~achouli ber tic aotadlni r~a a âpIwd ty "fa higter level of profits tht exeltement s l ve. The vwy pan dSe present antouct tof $1,000-. usueo f momn, ce 'DuretinyY maxim-uin aspunit cf erit Vida stood itii int1 itere was i h-110 SidsotI e pogcdbc w 1ok in er eyes. Girpithad -read %hat paragnapb.IHe bad ceked ft 'LansDouble in Decade %ahthbis pencl.He had remebered -1, "lu199we had about a mpir that hem faitlxi bookln tht deprin - , èrrentand saune Accounts ornun Word was profound . ooks," Mmn BaIlrCcalled.-VWe nowe h'ave oer 1,75,00<1acos" Loan S be mmdc lier way 10 te r ->7!- àcouthad more than doujltd nin ewuebeiýind the ireplace. Ira nmber, 'Ail types S fbatikiing as înnd 'the volumes contai~ actions showed -commesrait mi- thri.She rcn-IovD-cd a copy of"a case." Personnel totaled 4,70M O'Brien'î short tonie, laf cd it copard ith 6,00nlu1939. Tbe \.r Irugl, found tht passage she imbe- of ahiareholders_ hadi also souigbt, and undcdrscored lý hea i so pîle,"Md we nae n"atualy gladi z'Sec hs widcrshr-wesi Glen callcd ian boir liter. I rpylntttiný iwms annoycd aSt m !m inter Yi The B of Mlteas not pimail mn iii he iving rooinibefore \Vi ý'<r ki-yýessi r oirof figures or anst appeanne, tie Iddnot btnay oe ig buidig, le saM. Me thun.I, tact. hnstad be sMreddcpyr rd dte baukas tJe local tercsted ireading a aragraph Sager and lis staf an wkon ous' a Irlieo «m 1S i m uSners Cnalw1%ays eail rfor a volUe of i~iens shot 1izotnsel anid serèVic. ' etris, wbche f-euýnd lyinlg liÇOti- r reilinad a uson the tabl e. eread it througb twiice k 'that f- t wa UO. dç'Qe - before Vida's voice Jistutrbed-i Mm.