dom:~ Val No. 49 ORON0. ONT-. TH11RSDAY, JAN-.-h 51thA49 Sbci tIoÉ $150recYe fîo shpAR-IêPO ur~It.i iVèfàî& Newom en 3 Missioniary Auxilityg ~~HGtI~ ror Twp. Qffj'B <or Kern4al Corepon~dent)'E~ tNe W fi Iliusl*'fness ours For Twp.0 On. the , pternooii of Decelnber Irl spite of thle mist,- rain andi »ad EetN wSaeO fii 29th, Mss Annip Elizabeh Thnp roa&-. a gaodly iumýei7 nigl-- Th nuualMeti ci ar'e bu iaci b crr~t assesseà for sxon and Garland Thomnas Cathrart, bourS and relatives iiwvdeà the hopre -â4a IIiûnfljte peî FyehpCuc o hier 10the year 194.- o Kendal were inarried in Xenda) of Mr'. anld lMrs. Sià. Hail; Clrk t4 een4 1 WasopeedbpiReve . IVod (1%qestngtha aproerieiaUnited Charcd0 T~he r A. Bu 3&OndaY eveninj, tceeb 2ý1 teýj jmd ~ ~ ~ ~ R Win th Conii a j-arnper l 0_a o#flcated af the cemiony and the _,e1ebrate their ýftee-I ,,dd'n~g n- lià RuhBre pn bit11 was hel n te laerhpo Tusdyjauay ,rd r eevrwNedding rnusic was ýpayedlyt~ ~e'ay -~Xefy ~ ae e R. R. Waddell, suggesting that chan- Re.Klo ~Jntll.Re-, W. W: Pýatternaon was eh,,'-t w_ re-1ie -,, Wet112-'g- t ý.oc in thle _,onn wtt a gen.1at' e inadc tp tie presceu Assess- nian Keoro ohf Jantvil ThO e g1bt li4 a~ -~ U Surris reet Tal lpprpr Mient Art. Çoepies of the Meo~i~ r. Gleni Alihn sang prior to the Piano duet, Hcenu and Miýrgaret Gt party atE R. J. aon Satardlay 1 h A te1qphole mesae -a reoeiv- to ho sent toc: Ceiumties Counlil fou' cewmony, ».ftek w,ýhiich the organist lick; readîng liy Dorohy Sùapieo,; nght, Ii 'Mrs. b u~' irth- Reots fth5agis dea P,.ý-sjgthe dep rert (if _ sm n;mihro~ ,ePovf-¶lyd Lo>hengrin~s 11Brid-a Marcl song, Elva Reid and Golo day4 ,cîII eil R,éz'. A. E. Eu tace ho had been~ in- Dc Lys'iur; fleprtmint of and the bride campe down the aile onl well vocal, duet4l frs, Le lo~- YeR rii s. T1 ing ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~r I-Iniiipa A_'Ur-h1a.f~ii inIM.~Fe ~ri~fdM'.Lii r Robert Henadry au4ndi~a was ùriabl to attend beas ixo ) ' ro et th Brimiaconibe. The bride looked lovely ion,ý Elvapi ý Viol'n , ari il B inxil Mr s. Drnmod Chrn Aca 7ess The Couni d axpresed tce-r ', Co.ýfe u) '1tmeti dc n in agown of d9e¶p rose coloured vel- selection, Norman Ândne-us an Ar Aý pýPr- n orm tJs S"thepth andd fron-h, Newtoanville ve vth oor length veilcaught with tonduHoINugsworvh. je and, trasonilu,,ii , oal yttmetira, as ýcQituce in on 94o75 Mn and Mmi s. ri c l , 1 rasdi .eno J' ~ i'o dniy ~ riaid, Miss Annie Aîcheso4; a ?riend the fi ngaddrens :r a it ad1~nta ~ im~ M a 1hcarto t f Of'o41 - wgkee dl daThe, of the brWde wore a taffta gown of Mr. and rs. Hs a rowi Nohivlle. Mr. and bine4 &fterno ndHwn v foli gii fo1ojg Relaws weE. R.;s ice& jx, ~ andh faan eH>es «-4 M Ja tf4 '<ries and t a e yL 4!Wsh S A . M & 'e J a e d b th b rid e a n d b ra id e rn id ca rnied A n ioth er i e sto e i n u r u r d i -g A d p of T cr o n fr, T A a rId _Lý r s. a M N si ion Ba n d e o tslr .. iL ,H Dn.vey. K,,, Auegy Byf point babyI muni an 1 ~ -->- :as i. ple arout and asl atbadLp- or aa F c Veven u h Twn Yed ionébuds, Arthur 7hompsni, ffi theio at~ R.Hoi hbd ho wng ostuO~~l'Y~ hi fCia or th ~~ rother of thé bride, nies best man. ocainn u gb~ Thée chnd bwasd decorated witliwhite wiýth ypu utivýýî usM 1' MnMDpr-ondw tela (1 hs orel do lereeby a.p Thefàlowing persns band ae PM piD MAa and hem e mne, Durn vou y eaif KIstallin ~of ,,,-it ept eeve. H.f Lmvery te hem by appoue' dLe Pouaa- dýgthr 'Keper lior !ess-, ospenz the> reua'r rronthly ineetïngS. 'h 1~. 9o ~Wm ilgn There er lftlr guents at, the 'ba n yor abrG4shnb t. Pr cs. Mis . M ab Daj,7 of the Du Irna County Fed eln'of R. fayne; ',ochaiel 4 hsqe nta>~~ho or, nw o gsi f'o e y 19. aso ', ~Re d , ai. . ~ic1 'the W. A. did the cateering bnthteevyju4e'a A yer gamned o Curtis, u,,n S al , The b'oide's a-na he., Mrs. Chlas.' 'ital h ei, MdI ~ ù atit a Qbetterone stVde ro, ,. (¶2)ee-ýtq ol~tit~7 sLrn ,Ri hnaniy staunc- friends, withnut whiu Perce B 10,y Thon;,, Wlo;iife would hoý m-pty iodeÀ inTu s 21ld-Vic ' r- mên ,-S. Ckas.p "Xiý Sea Tomsi CucesaHteRev cée at ber home foilowing tue, ,g WO. would Flo e- o9r aneLr 1au 'na Mm.aran-r E. R. Wood and Coiclo J. H. ll3 Cý--e ge Laiu ,;' 14, M. R. Staplen; thee thine Uo-c 'rv-D Vnaï Une, ayy~an tatthy aî ot~ ~lly o rM; ' odo Mfbla quet, at cwhicb toasts w ereofer- tuUgntt ae ae n n S1 WS n Ilede~ ho Nm TcePsk. Ua. one year oruntH theïb silOnèor fat; 17 A> J, Bîzel'o-v 0,8, _1aold et! o the lroom by th(- Rev. Kýellog,-Y4haep ~ rsafer Kera ïý --r Te Mn a-nou oc R ýe Sç M ,W 0 tot, ieb endg m sie t azgg a tepig . -111d ëre apone ay n 'ord in CmuniL. Rannbewry 10, Oagne NébIon' 21. Rev tho. b d y h miero , n g gabe'r~aid t'2 ec'oe <c.>" IRv Vlur fa 'haCoon- ene iee or' e ea" p2n' eatwew0 tenwym r r boi th n a e of'n ib, 4 n f S. ica i hi Tr a - avrda s. E. S"'oc andhe 'cg Thatcto thedutosfthhavoenamedyousap p t s e ' ý "Toetolt rsa cbe i Sec - îs Nae Vy Counci, aphatn ylrec Jr aii ase Theeih feo-n 'ýýsn 'lnI be apPi Th ho("W1,0 osb'gsen ncuch Ui f-fi l)a7ad e2hsae ,) ii Triv Stok il luer for be Copo at-' >wr ed' sha Ie 'h>r pe ohe a; onsls are SIITkk"hARL nGTON a- aebthtie enises o utcanaiscuietn w chitaý-w-s -,,i o4) Wat danshi 'of it arke fer~ d y u eo n AS tha bealf e op xr hpns o h - th elbaone k' Si)teClý aco p p nd rh . pCte a trsee for ~ $~f d W T&r the ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n thtr '0f thet theepliy (iee feWednneyR uu e dy fornser 2ist these pniétai m and coiiVêe, ~aêey s ems'l ctpdad nJri qiiiy rp-1 i ah hi bc$ 1 .va t-d te -oen-mdT a ou may o n alwed eh e c ý rc (4p) That H.I~ E. Milo A'belw l appo'n-ofcrsh'1b pr0n a suio 99 ae eogn a ata m n years sud tatk 'yu ivil co p Mr vn -S .s 0so~ frlwa t~n4 oNnew f-i ufrttya 95.o etallOtro ae tt ih~dnxe m Wr ,A d a eho Att enac 1949 orpojýfdb ta,Àe i , Th"e ea 195G ,~ oe an the bMn M.u H'. Staple prehe and brid of-42ul Gordon Clame' S'oatlu lmilV" Siiendd -~< ors aH-- of' (6)aT h r1 b e a th le mk hoeyisapiae dltr oraa On- and Pinýs ay John mbe ?R.,vo Sanit o-bi- r, Adern M ison, Wrs, -o Mr'. J.d J. D e ee afo rnis ,- fornhe of n b Af th aoidt aqnship f r q ke I %ze!t Onta rgi taln toiayy ii tho o oc Pr tine u ,,n co hI nd 'ý-r a'aol Sonc Pn ttieri, andi 'C rsta Wnu z, t H igw Ctil -a ra"~ém ond ex-t ý tht en Thpo ano th Tn ship' j dand p of Mrugh Ja.kso, Wiliington, 4bnue y reciv th is'ag us 1aml sper Nc er'5. 1. hp- _Ms Ict 'hs e4 --, t"e fi2h, 3 K r ofiaet Clork welea l feiiue - use yeur 1949.okn ni Mms.A i 1e , t aio ,Rov.H.Lnde a ffie, ahrs ta, tiertlirm -oonua 'M . (e)~ Tho e h e ofeiMui That' 3% M r E oL O pnte, d , hah of Gors o n C t e ima t lieso'ia ebuiulg' of grdo beh l aapY re 'r m nd 1 "'Y' ' Evo Ci 1n e a ' 'a ia oo'aapy is aMv u sapent foit and huch andemfon R. the ethf M C1. 1 af crn tai içlPng d ,' 3erstDl 'f . 'p- . Frc . rmeiie Ledr Miss "di& ay4 . -i. âs ~a n tol eý pr e 'y theg 0frk msoy, Ote i coupl e i ll ae ofhjgr'fgi adan nit a -derr M.Pat -M adnsBii rlio 'ý j eh a-n 'of'- th(4 -êv nieair of2'Y au ,lt,> h ba d a w-wspre f utur hoe ii tBaysOtro 4 edîg ck. t rd,- s a ype Mn-hh Uno a ia ~~z1 n~9 1o 2a,.in,- 'ýor41 de~ a ~n. . ~h e e ns 910. ail t th é r ppor d M. iag W ardenp ThtI Are Mo rFe Wyé t c in.Ml Xnie$ay 'a S.WM nacfn. Ra" e renges - wn. i ~ ~ b OIE& 1~~g f au- ns wasïc1 onei ap'prendtio D. a u eoe 1 f (auîîîtsaiwit ofT.i Hao-dMs' ïi) ý -Thal d amenent Th ofr CUn& art 1faf the Toafueatt ' the nou " o4e-' sde iýro -ne 'Biec .i p1> th lowng r ekl M e heustrc f r "9w duin theý ofs AMlIbrol died hiPerla H o n - ake. as sot e fo Vu ' rnn ai' wede ag N13 Hevy M ra n x-ý osns h tb lp o he Ciaýirte ohïl ta--iDGI ho Frh e lostnon 6resei ea î u l Hh orlmag héar onDPTQ YeflrsD7eJt'i 'àsoa ý Lýýtùsn o (10] apipto ma- Ari so un r'smnc dEOa or br Parowr nà andr' manies fan limons. Hf wane aýt ooftm a'dno vui e -ne POL cm's ofarr' ed tae ef caeý ngo le o si us-teUiieronio fNrtuie-Faro uplyn h ci- -Crýý hat upe -d on f c a j o as v~ as the N maje~ beppe an -esb nýi' the 'ncý aur oAme yoiý any onen Mn.h Stoso na agen at MMil Clotkr thi Thti Ilsr~ aud wasn acYv mn nueoscei¶el -sPrelo% an d byM aov s-1 fod go iliwem as iti afis peat 195 'pa the, T. 01"-'-"' Higlways 180( Io irdreuaotgaas (0 -Th nezb oa agredements' e o'h, of__~ the' Hmi ays'OGdii Sini tht au jcf R-4'pv A.JBie ~ie1 auli ~e ueJannryAfemGae1 1<) a,,i 00rc StîJU ol, 60 reidnt la mafcnclNt-l uta i t'Te"wn ng a hfis o Paot fpsF Jn .pa ontn 32 Tm~s~- e'aset-v -Q A auhdzn thet 2r1 0 A ote Ta y hor t iln e la ýho i a-tin tht pns la a thn -TtR ,f.~. ~tf<ice-a at na oy - Weekfr ~rauues ~ . 825 00 ern s rouffred intri es ip DeVe ndaou pfte ~ whcil as endred du ,ý ý11) Th lise> s - for eabu- r r' Suet mýni e fer: i!anviil H p aia thn ne pased , 01a i c s- e cf1e r lpId Ê n'h en nf sgtdn no M ~ i g o o eii c t ~ o~~- i f CAssin g 0kir o nes s andbethn',)n Huges -è.ý,1îge u ues sm eo U facl - uý n e br A ey Otraro. The anreuau4th anow'n-,b--ýi e f Ths ur~ndo the uen t a90u-gans~n a sire 1rPoe-~t hè S &et' nia-ny b îU iteara' l t- 1Sa -O !%m o.4 23 -r $N10 ra pai 9aî aau ocupreer 50heting Woa -LtsCOt,'n aaj oN hirc Mn Sa-lier afternocn b- ther ci-s foèhgfaaéa _______________________________ loss1'e ýF ede ý-j, is o D e in 1649 a ii ho aboute -t -h lplh o h wm-ss. L.n ' ad hysise ia Y e~-<a apene1 to AdlaceayoJi t,199 ase thtut Canae aru -la-i l94t1," affos 'eotd Bel W-,; Rob ,jf r arpe Carhbs" O saa an Ma' olhaurCQ baud t luq theno i'rheno she renuune vtlilcie Hîand 1< 0 uuauc lg' r t acf Muni'i) ay blusonY ls ntes put wasn nan- 0 ný -nèr U ssspuedT - Kinged"m Tod ourdh~4tea~g bei' -u -Sï ofRdih'-r froni ton -po u llfceh l3 àadar remet leaes ilo -on 1 1 during da-y, yea 1950 je ay nutat bare 10% MRS.te taLP hENRY Apw oxiats 80 thmenav brthns Bdgar[ cf ýý"" Fat n.M at ,snwtl-- ,droe h (12) Týeîs Courci ha runoiz uth-e iut Uie ths F,'tl cotr2. d ~ 0n. an Fred-ri -af Veaice "Ca-lu.La f1ový y ' ii fo psyin tfte thàt liane 'na-l, Mm. Gardnem TYura "_Â" A. nBitii --iiae -ü1Snah _ýsF Wl-Ias $ aldenAù yIrtb- .........t coad - io os - a ' m ee -4f thtUe d ,weaiiie -tew' -,a Dcic.îii amI -porkd bponds-,s >1na-y beg leovd" ahrl %sfw~ n~ r fro ova ~ btij nIees'e ai~ ra 'vaio ý u- Suret Ganard ién 5.Ù0 cron '-"e- wc Hokital, t*n.s pas ed a ipc so4il aor t -r crpi&frilupna--' e<eu eti i PY -l4nu + e ' ¶eahs osi acl'iio u h Woir' santtot htnig fo la-ad Boneiu 1us s-lt h - -.ýp'pe a-ad fr~ sgtdns of~ My r.eoe nlcê4s p She-- Va onèt 't]VtIib'ond a m Dec nk'r -1h 1 - e ke accri oter sud-ni r iu res ioa 7- a 'Deg r't ni on~ aud f ar d i n ut aidnpg.o lyaý',ïle Menoil lojt', Ine m -loa'ewy on ce p 1 e d e TH ugesa, serve wif uofuia theNohantq -iae ha-a '-a-9 Gemg Domette4g 'us u p t i t ~ a an atc- parieRv, , vaineon, ha pmvi -ui of' pîr'e stck M'±o r . enchiri ao u l c's e1 yvi ean a ten irasp Hnr a n laugmono oi Of14i s l utes i gwa e r- n. a41an tt t a- e-epasd'i - iadno Rail - oi Pone Jebb an, 'Sbtewardofi the a len na 1