esi bu elp&firnt tpby tra", and., 'îu act, thefrs airieb tePop estwilMuca histuicprit Paîpal train, buit i ii Paii 1858 for Pope Pins I;X.ThPaltr, bhcîlas 1lul esei l teRon mneun i ow b einýgclnead çudiinc or thePoesuafr r'ihoad taion b"Ditescayfo it 1 Vatian ity Te ancen tai is tnagnieently dec'r1td isd ~n ont. Fineiaigs ndfpi- t thle" Door at right rearled n car, a Ro.manw ta thie Pope's Ewerý wagnsauctaleuxto n- a g:ven otesiii aistri'y andjoiede " vre Studetssu taces ettoete s rucues tom to pecs lfu 'n ýoLi yai ilc utefur s 1ck suspeners. sudl agirlvpos n asi( !nndrca ermauid n u cit il heset 1 ero d Setai wc(yol!zps t.1,d tmer d('or "fanemetu toins fiita cbrptintothe Artse i. um Cu tairwys etye ua ha!SGe g' spinal ijuries u v fdali s e cf ther , aciearnt snue On'onci) ccasionË when heePinýt 1:ce of Wles as among t --costÏme roro)g, a an ilas ar d ued ,fo thimwingjecieus ofthedacets. lce turnHescort o eantyeoocu Then therebwaa thc ecuýui ted coaches ge-ts a brusing u lp. and hlistoric etwblemns, orps rk L)ning',the flirsteeennots 199,nar-ly 400 imutor acdn i ti;me wlçrIe ,treated fýorinjres varyiugig degrees by' vSt. Jolin A lanice pronla iha iai poste thlrontghoul nai.I di tion aïmthler Severýalhurdas inue nmutoring msaawr gvnfrtaid treatmet ytrialiid perunnl l tu abulnce cwi are maitainedon aioshl ways for thi purpse byh, Aso arn ut b this 1pýrov\inilce at' ' cre fuly ýselectted p in Tee hghaiay poste are nun miitynaintainied b" the On)ltario Motor Lea gu1e,,, the Canadian PRe:d 1Cros- su the ý11CStiJ)lti Am111) ulan1C e. mailtan ambulance ptros ou tîtes are nauedbytaiued St, Jh Am bulan ce firsî aid erawO fre- iqueutly are sei mdýical studeu11ts". lu~dto hlp icinsof traIt c acide ts, tsepatrols i- j)pe le h igwyfir[t 'aid posýte, replenisb thct irst aid equent and sulpplies aklthùee'post, and, conldnCt fIr id triinfor esde ofu Dîrge Vrom "iCymbeline" Ný iu te luOione itrsrgs Tho, thyawolly ekhsdue Far nu morethefowo!ý nd ' tIiret Care nu muet clothe sud eat; One of the cars is open to bless people gi nmst AN-r fà,o tîs summdcontoidet Ail loyers youncg, al loesmt Consiu to heeald cnet ut INaexrcierharm ,theeý! Nor nu witchera-ýft charnithe Ghstnnlaid forbeaýr îthee! Nothig îdl crne ar tsec! Qieýt coilsui to ae And renowued be thgprave. une( phase- nl uiaried hlm., History of Man Written in Clay Th l~ory cri Pottery onsvy close ta ýobeing jthe,-Story aCMfa ittjd. îottery was one ý ,-4tsf e fjrqt ef the great craîts aud today s the- ouly one of the great industries which is l a craî.lie ather cras of thePaut exist only as Mmeli jnuits t procdnce fý)r 'lle few, or 0f tJe various naterisaldwhioh man bas used for purposee of u±Apey or ti e hi the satIsfactior.,0f beatynue 1have served him wèllnand su long as lias chy and à,s finiisied poutptey Do ynlrealize tot f ail the fvne wiorks of art produaced in thc Gee civilization ofteuy-iv undred yeaIrs aëgu, only the va7,se luil-înl eatyas it lou--ked hen the GrYeek artisttook01;it from b fis Sin uaiea dues the putteryexavte for ciiiatoswhiich preceded -t!e Creek bac 'int thehazy past iv%ý, thnadyearS before terdy Noct 0only does the clayitefs- Rledtby Ate espone ta thlekiu 1the hand aýnd the knwI'g, f fNU and deiguail that the nnu a=aà age sud race was eMeteially ca- pable ol doig, butà i lalso a t-.est 'lietî ý, f fie e, cane lu thle brn & bspotterp, iiibisabiityta onstruict kilns .and quýýest ing 1tuent ta cu t e niPm, The Bai', ýcos-tjyafa alectrie lglit bi% a-nd lbru rer alue veed £,00~.But ee pay uptm 50 ora box ce the fum-a" 3ear y year je ngs procve th1at ari'*,>py Other Papers Pull Boners Too a Coi Aîtt lite r iblir tue -r unal ~ ee-~ f cîrd tite i. ittle m-oreti0taný a posta ar, newl dsctheeor,, O av r. Fibom beenilshaustd. wadrmeu awdo. ta Que of1 ig Ituw. art as Wii~; planse?'~ Actur: caterpili- eea 'lina