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Orono Weekly Times, 2 Feb 1950, p. 2

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Knpws His Stuff-Richard Spicer-, Ir., yugethandier in the amateur ement of the annual trials of th1 Piehrs FieldTia Clu1b, shows one of hnis "sZpicer" dlogis. The liad hanidled his on entry likc a vfrn .atraîgt te the djogs; anti if thoste n'irmus e harfrem ithe bleach- ers are te tle affect thlat this is no0 diffeent from what it bas boot engfor a lg tiI-l np!y ignore them. ýNet are the donge e ýerrad s7<,-e the srt yen bot on1 at Dufferinl or Wetbn, under thle impeioSy are Thoroughbreds,ý bt actIIal aies ihpedigrees as lg as their Oils, er even longer Jsensthat nmost Dog Shows dot et ake public the nmb!er ôf enties receiveti by breetisworking mi the theory thet sncb informatin is abl te give itnigecii tor.s tee much dope on wheî -,sortý of, cempetitien te ex--,pect. Buit the WestminIsteýrClub îisdifferonit. Oût perone ecuaitano itihtheý Pooch Aristocracy je of theight' EstBûtwo gallibot that ithe West- mntrShow eccupies aP. osit ion 8;osnewhet akîn te thiat e Wiîbe don u tenis, enlley in! i n or S. Adrews in) golf; anti that flhe doggy set kneows that lte best it can hIope for there is thetogh at ýiwwsopn lsdoors ati aisî Square Gardon somne ture this ,nomonth there ,are epceite o somerithîing likec 2534 cains n S balud; tlthlouIghl, oefcouirsein the î inten.ilIim eeof thin mayhave srgenIt, distompeCr oree- he perish tetohl5-thesneîcbing il et iet the tiog ca,ýtchier.At ehevut îbtere promlises te-belanc elgan d sufficiencýy of doýgs, aid wc arl(',~ eY s bappy sat we are netun he Sqaedoei te týkecp thleincrn D'- pay hrigh the ong heurs after amveyne edse basdeparetiAs miMay Aou n ae ine detawae mutoe ionely peocb anf)!",a bleuighberhiood with hea1t- r- gine 2500 or more of thcin, il i ke fuH veice antiaIl under eue roof A igbt gaint IetetWçn hle Rangiers aniOeLeafs, w il bthConu id Siny the antýi Lyn Ptrik t 1the cg, tolp of theïr brin, wouldn' even X_1conne close Bt to getaIcl-ng Wi th t s erions biesîmSo -f ithe daiyOffhiant, ant witou donganly deep resa-c beoegiving your eans'wor, u ,ay is th etpopuleb ota? c Joring t0h etmntrSo égmu hlt' te Dachehunt-th inti th ýat s311eeody oýnce defscnibeti as "haf a tiog hige, anti a tiog-ati a'-alflon."Lest yeýar tlie Boxer to)fppIe ittDechehutis by aser gîin of thîee. But tis tuit's th cithrwey erounti. Scr-Dachs hunts 12; Boxers 1n7,Antiid n asetrenti, oigwhc vythle Ii case yen doîî'tkeep ahreat, ofCý sncb"S tilg, Fiteins that i th nprbreckets of otomoe tvie m eontries nelt onl iit TIERIERSTOYS anti NoN- SPORLNG aithere xviii be ,68Workers in) the Westm-1inster Shw s omparti te a mecre 539 Terriers, w1hichmnighit aise ndi- atatrend. O(2r somlethin1g. WOùRKERS: ithjis class yen, Vw il ftn, iif youllook Ibardeoub ïLask-an Mlmue;Belgian Shee- doýigs; Botîviersý des Flanidrels; Box'i->, cr;Briards; Bu,)lrnastiffs; ColIes, Shpers r ea ,Ditnes; Gr ea OId nglih Seepdgs;Puliks; Samoede (,:ilnnlt Schnlauzrs Stnad Seholaneers; Shetland Benads iCrdigan C'orgis; Pera- broke Ceorgis Aiionlg Ille -TER "RRS tierel (whitc)-wo ope îhey doni't r hocolor lino or,1-theyý'l ho earn freii IPal Robeson.-Ciis; Dm-.i- die inmnts SmothFoxç Ter- re;WieFoxTerriers; lrjs'h Terriers; KrrlBues; Lakeland(s:, Nrvh: Miniature Schnalizes Scottieh Terriers; Sealyhilis; kye * a e-- re 'T.i'tnebuIlies oirh is, oncepapliar Aiy'bD tempings 1o u uclhbruigîuwdyi wut the eadig RONDSthSoictar hounde 13 andh Begles; inch Snîoi 0,Soiooh D shunds; ire-hi Dhohuns cotish DSeterhou; s Salukis; XVipet rish Wolf- lieuntis. * e * ock(rý e, New, qIa nu1 rourecs; "cnl pp c'ascs;' ae1) %,e startet off thni-, ic-lti knwing w'hat we wore gott iMo --by sayinig that the .colulnanWa goinig te thie dogs.' NoWw w're aboutý throu)tghi, 'eiiclini e' Gthiiinkthat the Mhoe vvultimuet ho doing soc)litinig s Jla.-tlowover, xrt îng it, bas c4eare(lt, poniematteý2 ji Ourmid A few df7eage a tinyý girl living nearhy was proudly dispiyig a new present shudrce- c:eived-a smil puppy. Her mothecr bepponedti teask tus whet breeti 10 Waai we conldn'ýt -answer lber, munchi- te Our shame. But if she asks uis again, Y%-'ll 'bo able tec, orn-e thlotugh withl fly-. ieg clore. Its te rery lest breed IistetI ab)ovc-MýISCV L.TLANEOUS. Discovery Mill' Produces Gold At a COUt of $,250,000Diovy Yollewknif MI ines Lmtt u dowsi a three-cempartmient ahatot 250 fout, epeneti two levels, de'vel- opeti ai outliinet 79,700' tons of goîri ore having thie valiie compiýjtted at$2,030,027 anti buiît a iii with ,capacity of 100 te 125 tons daily. This il1 il l peur its fir-st geiti brick about the lSth of Fehru-tary. At the 100 toni rate anti averagIiug a grade of $250H aton] tht cm_ peniy s'houilt produce et the rate oýf $600 te $75,000 a mont!)weniii oeua peration, Thierefere the ceet of decvelopinlg the ore anti equipping thle property for produc- tion shiei-lti be recovereti witin i1,3 mth.Tlii& is an ecxampDle of eue- cesefil ine operatien, reýgardlesS floation, when oLre grade is Ihigh,. Locateti 60 mniles north of Yellow~- kniife in theNetws Territories thc mnine of Discovery Yellowkniife bias heen eupeiwitli stoanii heat- eti inisuilat'etitruictures manti te cern- mity hes wIa, \atervwhi'ksanisewage instelleti, a radie) station erecteti], a truCk rond lte Ye11141ifo ailnal- soaÏson aii-irport on the 1large Ilake oni th, pro'porty. The nmine i,; iily fie cerly staiges of dcevelopmiienit, as woWk onl the 125 and 250-ft. levole bias ht re2sumi, te Iolloup Ihig gpriade ort initersectionIs seciTueil-,srfc driiing, to the West aidsouitb of' presntl devlopti rt. 'T'le shafit is beinig deepeneti tel 375 foot te op nl another love1, hlwhwich er is kont exteni An eirelyne struictuti*e hO esouth fiaidaîîothter to thive eat, testet in aprlmny way by drillifig ani retuirning highi v-a1luesini golti, rejîs iita ho devel- opetc The ýmilliiltib', raisetifrein 11.1 te 10 tons daily capacity withlout ad- 'ditiona,-l equlipinenti, hy) djutin griîndling ant i lSIcrsorseei 1O reCcent day $2105 ini golti asPro- dueifrein 7735 onof ýoieý, giving sonie indication of tht'arnýing cape- city. The compaîîy vwill uckyre- cover ts investallent antIid hegin ailc- cumlalïtinig pr-ofts for furth-ler e-x - p)ansion i laSer vfor i- iisd~ sasti the tarmer~ quoteti id, 'that psy fer the wear 'bcd Doubles $16 ufi, mmcdl ate ebiposectt~ f. Sblerlaw Burry, 17-97tb Streci, Et. BleTS-S rooma ta fiai wator, oil beaf, me 0100.40. 010 5011 tcccpt striait f5rui f~ Diunîck, Jr . 1134 îloy good bootls cor- irlot fociety 0f Cati- flou acifi non ficitotl. real leaUter nanS Write for catalogue, î1140 Bleury Streai. BLANKB tati soi lowe. Cc Strieti Oit tir Culmina. ilcante white. Salmoo. C fail. Extra laî'ge Order now. 5 for Cash witb order. Compauy. TO, T- adîso Gordens f r DOCS A~ II1EGîSTERED I Lovely marked grown stock. Wr: Mitchell. Ont. Wbirc ttrOSseS, H 4e 1ou sta e a -I'i for-41.7 potpid, aud0* Puk ous .Xnrl one prospects- ont wbere ISSUi i -1950 ra il, - A3itH\ 1DUV J-- l;Nq IFISHIER ORCHARD CHICKS moderaýto.tho l sto CIj a ,cIte. Wr ite for 12 - pag coourfi aunarcodu. ieslit. '1, e Orchads, RT. Brede 'onFreean. (lai AZ.AM fsiiteLeBre icsai means hîgliprica foreg lsiate 0Orde e0n, chcks aod tet lu n ts lga )urInce ii mg adrains anfi Broiler okel a--aiaisnowW t o Fctlgurn- pia Top E CBEAPES cIck uth akt r eues hat ay te mo -eg. I o gtyour age ~ ww et13ft 10ea ayer O wsd a ibetter off w )ilhotei 1--la hs trafou orï- fovrdzences tatyo ge tam hile CCikssu 1d-.Pllta. Ere atloue 'WHICH ARE Utc caeao puleachck t sage cc yar. e., :ri1 ni td tlIyo. You ltnw te aswr. wedloitghP. SIre CtcksÏ have andbetr hnc t iy.u 21 ce yearthentho J2siefi bye&kcrlp Ilt . tbc c tu Or l us3.ycases thPatrin-t ;trd, Fera , u tari MOkATON C.,I4-Go"rM", t Approvs BresdiJON qualj oty, eue 0the s. c Dontý' armas, lni crtin. Write tor nes sd ata-i BAY HIaSfrom loo ets hgi e prdiîits stcl. L iaiblt euaratssd Mixcd 15.110 p tr . foUet0s. $38 t $11.To perecet off7tor ord eers Ot nd vgr Gdi dard AicIr Ratflber , Btitunl Hige O l. AO t EUraJto evry11-d en r- Ls 0 Ds 11- ten s Or taid folnfai on sant ir@l, e s. an cOie B an trest m Ottaw 'rvte - - -rP sy W r- i n e . 9 c oe SIeat-TrntorOpcalo. .Wtm L BAmonRen.,Stont",. OONO Cycle.OCKEYcilton Boueht. sold ,v P urandp~s Stread Cycle, lu (,tl- ueei d beulit l fi ýSicane, Lrg1. oc facorytranst mebanes.rBinye, an;)e-L iste i nse. . bsel goods. Open evenîngýAliunt1l 'ing" ai, antordIlmiiton NEW O~IVE 911Teef. Olvet99nTrctI bt-ýT. No shee r tso ncsay ur anteed. Ac i ..... t il al Lim e.f4 ibn ate t, T ru to. b ll 1n , a 1L GODN clover on telv , $8.110 Amber. 0liS. cnE_ . P WLbri LnI, tnety-eurnsntb. fr sla A.plyA.sbu H. Rule, eric. nt 1101~al Av.. ind or, O nt. _______,0 B.EAL Phot Tosteardsfor Hotel, reart fiELP tWANTEU FARMERS Relief AsBato,321Py Street. Boomrl~4 MEFDl CAL~ IT'S IMPORTANT - E very suffert of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis shouMf Try Dixon's Remnedy. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE, 335 Elgin,ý Ottawga j - $1.25 Elxpr.ess Prepaid -- POST'S ECZEMA SALVE das ise torn-nt et! diry oen al~ 91J mceeoina slcl4s roo3bles Ps' ea, Sav wl etdppoissi yen Wor, pîles and atislonee o, MItress POSTIS REMEDIES 589 qufen St ECCo-hp ef L(pgs_ï Troi t) E_ A H AIRDIRE SSEIR 5030 A30ÂD'S LEDIO 3 40001 'Great OprnlyLee.rn Pleaseat d tn Y.13 proession. od Ag logueies, siite oýr Cal] MýARVEIL ifA3R»RE51ýNe Braba.44Kng St.Hanle EINMONET15YAT l HOÏno -a"ne or tll-_r_13$.h mese-mklgLsar i e ale candy' home; aa hl larnilng, bTres teuip11m4% PO.Box 132. Montre.Qeb LERNpan layinii hopi ibe new z$ wa-tbshe lord syste..As a s ýpecialInre ducttory ffer yen maiwy naw bave a opy 0fou fority lse lplddPa o)ouse for euS Ons Dllar. Write; Simiilisd oedreaId Course. Bx l. anve. Otalo .b NE1LW Cnda utrauetbureauIol ons writs Buria',sgroclates, 775 Clige i. VATFNTS %VANTED Par Salse530V er Mnis 11Ph', Xsiinaam. SUPTGENEIAL O.'PiTAL SAN. PATIENT WANTS- WAKE UP YOUR LIVER ILE-X Witbout Calomel -,aspi Youijt'Il pp IC4 Bed in the Mornine Rarinp'te (j Thse iver isbould peur out Dabout, 2 plie t)0 bila lunise jute yojr digestive tatevery daýy. 1 f ibis bilaiýs pot lowiug freel, yens tood may net digest. Sf sney Inat decay in dtiedigest"ive trcThun gis bloats tnp yryesttsc.Yeu getcostiatd oofeel saur. sai d ts wos1, ld os punk, 5tias t os coud, gentle Cartas Litte LvrPilla tir get tisss 2 platset i liow iag fre'ly to maka yen foel "Up anmd UP,' GaS a puckaigetda, ffctiva in ma.i bile Blov; freely. Asîr fr Carptrds LiuttîsLivey 1k -c I - j 41 flock C, ha-ýve are arc- cos uan nent Sbey iiseol, urse, cen make >1' t'ot pet werk gooti sum- solti 10 Of maire * 'e * 30 coul ywneî ofth >50 witb confidence :-j ~UI

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