It waa as 'eatural for bei- Sa emý brtfce a Circns il fet as tis 1orthe taIptik ock- tais -And4 egaretles. She vsicdNor~ w~ iha troupe. fel love 'with ýaw aCrobat. m-arr4edlbiet, -and they starWIed nan nt ealled tbe " ~Sadwin.,s" ïr1 ~le1914- te Army vclaimied ïher rusanfd, 54t she caàl4ied erseif Sand- wivna, and !carred On with hler can- or-bal! iuggling art. Thien, ive11917, here appeare4 jee Cren-a astrong mn iamt(d Sîe- mccc!71ý Breýithart, the "Iran King)," who spedialized ine beuding iroin bars, auils, and snapping chaîns. He alto dirove neils throimgh woodený boards witîh is h)are flst. Brithart blnc btaIle 1new schaool of goliathis- strong but graceful-who performied thleir feats with r are case. One' day lie was doing a Suniday showjen CMoigne wheit lie spotted Sasxtwiea and lier lisbattd-b-adIy wouisde-inthe front seats. He broa jc ,, w ains; ±h1itn, thireýv anc *0 trt, "Hefe, Katiei-' le tlialieged on ts 01this-!' T'l'O-te astonishenent of thie audi- eu(e she peeled off ,gloves and !rings, burst 'ht eidai ?sUwder and pltchcd 'the parts on ta the stage wVith the wards, "There, Breithart, I have fiibdpractisinig." lIer ture was designed by, -ier husband whe o i- becamne her mani- ager. Ucralifs precocd'd er on ta tbb stage, w1htre, dressed aýs a gladi- ator, site nrrived in1 a Rornae char- iot. As wefl as tossing tbiclç iroin bars jeta 2il sorts Qof shaptsanad heÊaved aloît immense cixni-bells. Then she lay barebackexl ou the 9 .oiets of nlia whicb bhac been driv- en 1tbrongh a board. Au anhIl was placek on her chcst sand tirtec mecl with bail-mers strick it NÀilently. Awooden bridge was placed on lier echest :ec! a dozeti people, two hýrsePÈ and a car passed over ii. FinaZl, aýhe .supported en ber Chest 'a ure- tablt eiring six peaople. Saildwina grould, by fontracting her »ttsclcùs ie flic way fakirs de, whcii tjtey sîton î,Pikes, support 896 lb. on hler Cht for tfree nmites. lucre was no Ç<calbut her pePr- fojrianee. Shiý whs increcibly strong. O ce,, wben a pair of botrses 'bo1tiEd wt'acarriage, kniocklnikdoewn P'eople jintteir pathi, Sanldwïina raced out ai a shop, grabbed at thre rcen5 )f jancetof te aninnais and broughvt bbc pair toa b ait. On another ccaýsion she Clotchetd flic wrist of a pickpocket as 15 erîerged from ber bag andc by ex- tr t i ng ber b onie -ru SIbi -1g grip broughit hinsi, yelling in agoey. to biskces, Her înormial appearant ,v as per- haps Ti-je 'mass surpriing tbingL about ber, for ee the 'brood oDf childrin she rodu~d5vas busk.1 Wheltthc eldest wsfifteen lie was se__n fee Sa1liand bilt iii Proportion . i On thec morning of lis birtb. Sand-,u wiina was practising as unsuai w--itb lier canenil lbais ls when sudde aIs fit idy."I think, !> she 'talc lie rsbn,'11go ansd ie dowýn for af ew rmom-ents." Fiftecnmnte'lteil frt reA hislct s5 n-oye ,otrïer 11 bÈiv i CL.ital Weather's Jlst Capital-Arerdrain 73 degrees in Washington brougli Gowan aout to bask len the sun an ithec Cap)ital goudslIan' sections of the colunti the samie hlI feak mdwnt armth. 'T7ABLE TÂJIÇS cJreA Ce Sa far wc 'Caniadianis baven'tgon ln for tlis "Speciai' Wcek" bIusinuess ta sucbi a large extet as aur neigli- bora ta tice south., Over there tiey have soe manly oftheml - National Hleart Week, Boy Scout Week, Na- tional Dramla Weck andI se an-titat sornetimles -' feel ike sniggestiing tblat they should itoid. a "WýCekless WeekI"-:sevetn wbole days le wiiich tie publie wouid bave a iest firn this constant pluggiiig, tIver thE ir anc in tic press, for sane more orî less worth- cause or Objective.* AdSclatest tliat's cameta y n-otice-althougb t Ymay have been gaing an for yesýrs - la National Sauerkraut Week! 1i vas thrillIed tae learu jthat Sic foalk sout aof tise bor- der last year conisumled ne less titan four huedreci million pud-w brurilrec! tiousand tons-af ici-ut. (t -was prabably -more hit tha, as the figures -mas5tikei1y refer 01-1Y taý the kind conimercially poicd But for ali tas aurratf grand febac!, sebepaserrificiLY ln miaking craid weatherme -amoe* tempting and lieaktifuItona. Sa bei- arý, sa-me iraut recipesaai au8g.a- tien, evry acoaitirent weilwowth trying. ljfe bem tisecaeesort Kcfý saucrkraut is Calleci for-bult .y4ou "ralau-Irown" aP similar arouet canl becusttd willsmt as finie SPICY POT IROAST WITH SAUERKRAUT 3-'~peuncls round, rump oýr cbuck- of beef ¼cup four 2 teaspoons sit ~teaspoon pepper 3 abespoone fa 1 medium !%ized Oielon, choppcd 1iccup water 1 bay leai 2 wliale cloves 1 3-oz as, scmuslioramç draieed 1 No, 2ý' cvn sauerltraut WVipe incIaS with dàa-p clothl nc!dredge iwith mixture '(af fourI anec! sait sec! pepperï. fHeat fajt ie Dti aven;adc menad brrowe ocI ýa ilsideýs. AdU auoe, waSer, ])av leaf nec! claves. Caver and, cÀsimmer gtitly 23-?,-3 haurs, or until niet is tenider. Tuit e met fe quenýtlY rduriing çooking. Add or -When prot roast i,1Jdonc, transfeýr Sa aven ta keep' wr.Remove bay Iafsec cavs Sauemu- ronmt im sepa-rate pan min a fltte butter util lighitly rwnc. d nt dippýIiings tca sauerkraut-; Cooick vitii k raut is tia-rctglyhcated. 61 scr- vintigs. SAUERKÇRAUT BORSCHT 1 lb. lean bcdf, cubed 1 soup banc 3 carrots, diced 3small ceine, sliced 3 talika ceiery. diced 3 quarts water !1AÀ teaspoan whole peppercarea -1 bay lea! Ispray tityme Sait and pepper 1sprig Parslcy' 2 uncooked beets, dicecl 2 potatoes, diced lscupa saueriraut Puit bcan, carrot's, antans cecyani wnîer 1in large ke1ýt tÊt andA brfIng ta bail. Skim. Ticspre s-c! berbi sesill clti bag;ad vîith par1-icy v ta soup. Simmrer. 'overeci,1for 1hur.'. Remolve ~opbc sc! sdtrin. Add beets r1, mdpotatoes ani lsîmmiier 30 mini simminer 15 tieutes. :Serve topped tvith sarcreani-. May be scErved 7old. Mýakes 2¼ qujiarts, Menit Zsec! v"egetabie-s may, be lef t ;nlsauip, i desired DO not rai, uremv SAUERRRAUT LUNCHEON IÂKE 1 No. 2I/ can sauerlcraut, dralned t eapoon caraway seedt @ -os. ciii tamato sauce 8 oz. yrocessed Canadian i -oz. £an aliced muairooma draned Com>ibîinesauerkraut e! as way seds s sec! place ;le rae baigdiali. Pour tomax,ýto sjaticç a-erlrat fami top WiSh cheese0 sc s, prieiklemalroeso cbheetst, ak* e i"moderazclybt aven (ý375 degretes ' F325 te 3» TANGY KRAUT AeD SHORT RIES ;e Pound&s beef mshort athe 3~Cup ieaoontd flour Fat i nion, sliced itzblespoon vinqtar Z abiespûOng oabgsup c4 up sau0rkras4 mUice, drained fi-cm ean Vs up diced onion Vccp dicta green pepper" 3 tableapeon5shsorttning, mcelted 1 No. 2'/ cari sauerieraut * 1teaspoon cai-swsy see (optional) Dredge eaci pieCe aI met ih seasoned iclourbrown le mai amnotta>i-fat île beavy s killet. ;vlc ,l aseoe Adil sliceýd 011e Inlegar ,castup,ne!ser iraut juiice 5i nipns escilt Mix weii sec!pour over eat Coebake at 350 degi-es F, abut2 ours, or uil î]tender. Add., mot-re wte, s ncsa About 20îminues befo-re meSs donc saué dçed onion nec! g-cen pepper le melted' irern minumtes. Add sauericraut sec! cara.- wyseeds sec! miK el.Caýver ne! coak a oier iaw beat, stirringocra ioalabouit 10miueouni t!orOtugly bai3eted. Place ea j centre Cai platter ad srrond it aurru.Sixsrvg. BARBECIJED SPARERIBS sec!, GOLDEN SAUERKRAUT 3 pounds spareribs 3 cups ai water 1 cup vinegar 1 cup nminced a-clan 1mînccc gailic clova 4teaDspoons Worcestersiire Alc- ïayed ¾, cup granulated sugar j4 cuJ4-ý cateup 2 tablespoos & aIt /3teriSpoo i liI pswder 1 No. 22 i/ aerkraut 3 iil?Ét apples, peeled and place Spareribs je prehleated broiler, and brou, Surintg oIce, tao hrowe onIbath 'sies. Combine: cestersbýire sauce, ',',cup suigar, caS- sup, saft, asec! ch:iipowder le saurepan,. Brîeg ta bail nc! leS sscimer unoveed,10-15 uminutes. Place brovwned4 i-lIts lnuncovered ~~~tng pn. Pur sniesaUce v'5er. jBa.Iike irn bat aveci (450 degr-eesý F.> fr 30 minutes. Baste freýqu1ently with crnaiing s Uceueil ah is uised., Combine sauerkraut, apples, an!d remaining V cup sugar. Place under spareribs in roastinig panj- and continue bakinig 30 ninuteS miore, tbast;ing frcquently. Serve 110WCAIN 1? By Anne A'shley f.liow can I treat taugh steak? A. Tougis steak eau be rans- formed into tender mesS l>y mix- ing &a onaiquantity of vinegar and olive ail thoroughly, rubbing et on botit &ides of thft steak, then allowing it to stand foir about bwo haurs before caoking, Q. Haw :Vcan J1 remnove lie priest- ing from .flotr sacks? A. Caver thse printieg with a thini layer of lard, rolling up flie bsg sec! putting it away for a.few days. Iihen waah ln boiling water Q.How -can I cleanwvelvet? A. Veivet can be cleaned nicely by spanging with benzine, aiways r ubbing le anc direction. Then bteam ever a boilieg kettie. A. Wlicn a pîece of linern is scorcited wble ironing, ieake a pasSe of raw starch ased water im- mediately, côver the scorcb*d place with t1lis paste, and place in the sue for about t-wo hours. Q.Hùaw can I1 use about halu th-e amuet ro' sugar wvien stewing A. By swectening thre fruit after- il bas been eooked, rather thia during bbe cooking process. Q.How cars. malte IýgIter A. The secret for making ligitt oiscuits is ta add juat eaougli iiquidi to make a soit dougli. Then irix it lightly and oînly wbat is required Sa coembine flic flour and Jiquid. Any itandling after that has Stendency to tauglien thse dough. Q. ow cars[ I an Satinl A. Put thrce or four drapa ai, Iemon julce ie s ittie aicahol, andi zppiy tu flic lippers wit a soit wWeclatit. by amlplifiers Haýif-way through tire talk Somneîhipg ' havppreed S tse air-, syzteni sïerd, tbritig'h the wido f bis helmet, Dalii's di'i- elice vwatcbed t1-heir ido,1 urea deicate purpie "Open ibis hmeti souedti o-rganizer. "WVbo's got the kcy?" The key iwas e icstody cwf Gala, Dali's Iovely wif ewlio bac retired fronm theecture ndwaS eejoýying c offeeip , a erby cýafe. They brougbt lieýr 1back aS 'a trot aid r eleased tehafsfoae 1Dal. His frst words wr,"Tnse exýperimen1t trnD ot ta be monre- intercstieig itan Iiaie. Dalîis ý;an nsati-nii a been jjvilified aed calied achratn bujt lheo continue1s 'bis abosen Path Serenleiy- -Whiy Sbou1l't ber i-t la Z pleaailtt-eeoungh path, tbiciçly - pavËe(Iwith' gcÀdi- Titis djarting 1ititlý man, bore 45- yeaK.S ago ipi Figueras, Spait, wat te son of a eotary wb00waeted 1iietta ollow ii bs Dowmsrespec- table fotsteps.But Savador iAïd amnafor drawinig, and as sooný> abe coic! iela pe-ncîil e e:red ticlewalls 0of biis nUxrSery witbý the crude figuýres aI ýýbirds, anÎ.imais and mcce.1 The uorge tea,1jraý was 50 strong's Simlat nbis father sent !him - tu de Univcjrs-ity ofFine Arts l mrd 'hri, heeproved 0De abrillant ropyist of master like IRàpbael sud Veme.Soon hc ýwaSs' satizii te.The sutlhorities frOwnïed ren tblW, so in sul,,ky disguïSt Daito to djoodlinig. H. fslled eI i timçh- drawing rsscos fines, ircIest triangles Mi siapeless fi9grc, 'Tt was liaS,ântil ter, ye-fýarsIter, confesses t.ali, ' le P.arîi f tate dîcperd iat nýy doodlinag rep- resented t e fl oceafmy ssb- COioiausnind, zaed vwaF a tes! con- týribution to srrais rt."e Dalî it~'s a viole t * msar at the time and, at -twetY, was b-Urled injt0 jail for politieal actiyities. Two ,yta!a4later tbe. authOrities aOftlie Art Sehiool eple i09-forili- citing tihe students ta insurrection! Tien beý began flirting wîtb 5h. Dadaists, csnool of paies wbo preced ail cting valus le art end substituted chaos. As ,a sm-alIL boy Dali ad b terrified aà ailsorts aI thîngs. He began plntting these hu'igimn- ages on paper. To bis 'unterdligh -for he was poor ai te% trn-he àucdthapt people atdt o thon! So 'seD of supprecssing bý'iS tear, ai he id ,as to express thm on paper>, am i !khe wa.s -famouiS. liegruae into tic, Surraliat Group iià 1929, beld a nc-mac show and soud every ic- If Pars like tus ofaiDali, 1 ap itup? S he silced to th-at lec! Up w-jjbjthe srdM.Julien Levy whô wecdgalleries on Fify SevesctiS"tret Hei waswefll uicie Amenj- can women aed ovel is Woru Lev' piaed asectofaibis gai- leries at Oali's dis-posai andc in fois wVeekS tbey sold $500wrho hi5 crearions.'l' Peopl who now cthing aboii paiinigs f rom every angle and tien a]sk tinlidly. "What does àit can?" "M ars1" ellwsbali, "Mean? Wby-een I on't now hat it meýansj! Thýat is wh it is sa amaz- At ther lmes he w111 go hit greatdetaLwatchig the confusio Oece aneideniy ly stood for a long time trying tA makle ont peopie wibh tlicfr bo4ies iQtitssa. "-Ah,"1 bis ty-es lit iIp, "tb'at 4'. îeew. Ithl;-nk that bOeeý£sh~ould ai- ,ways be worn oeutside rather than bentat'h the flesh, Uoi't you?ý" The answver 2eed toI satisfyi But is most recent bomrLbhell was dropp)ed orily Ffew weekF ago, when hie announiced that Ibis fidture work would cm i is sur- re-aist experien.ce with pre-Raphati- ite Reasac assicisel. Iý 'm th)riaugb i th mIy wldpast," he said, "I amr rturning to, the bosom ofthe C2.tbolic Chutrch." Thlere -miav be something in if. Or coold it be jueit amothec 'Dali-, NEW INVENTION tLittI. Giant" svu' * vison mfa1ny ,eta u&ss, irdoor-9 andl ou~t. les . irere Ireaim Come truq *Pressed a1 , umnirmor brng ban d,. el around aijuseble. aiy et Ni odel, f-of to fit ;y o '-c]e t or purme . Users gay sE- seIttai as braices. an aC0ideiit dodger, High4-no o ter SUN VISOR ofleres à3 mueb Gieor nd > 111afety et ses Prise. 10 different 'coinurg to match rour Car, TIruck. Tretor. etc. Double saur hUi- è&Y enjoym entf 'ae eyour eyee troin thet light gitre. play pafe. Senid nw fer Y-Durse gving Cotlour- mode! direct, Sysel Introductory pies fr e imtdtixns only U41.e89~ ed (Fre, foidegs) * DeuIems Agents wfàlted. Little. Giart SUN VISOR Mfg. M48 - SGtb Strett WeHt. 5 Ca gjy, AISe, ýflenedt W A KE UP YODUER LIVER BILE-M Wltheut C"l- kid Youl Jumnp %id B.d i heMenieRarinI t. Go Thtie b-;z auld Fpwou utabout 2 pint tale lise jte your diEeatisve tract evsiwae 19 thîS bile L3 Dt ?O»ig freelyV, YOïr 100dM ritdiç''Maa uit4eCMy inthtest gre.r en Ëmbloatg np yeur atomnes . Yeoe get OOrustipated. LYou lest sony. aiuik And 1h. It tis tos il geteÇeaertLittk user Pilla to get thes2 piutB of bile f~r igfreely te matko en l'jes] "tp auçI C! bile 1ow fecl. sk focC : mm.c itte 4 p¶iubt. 35é at am, drugstort. II iIonev andHIank I ç -À--J I