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Orono Weekly Times, 9 Feb 1950, p. 6

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-;nif o:f theTetih .startd on1JanDar-y )r won't start uints, 1951- And altbough apie cf thingo ette Iep overlîi fa whl ot D-1 edit- ýst+ ban3eve i-ip meiiîorable events -- the greatest hrses -- the best jockeys - and aoe lot morethmat we have arayforgotteni. The, Ass6ciated Preýss bas beenl takir poils of sport editors and SportasteS alongsncb lines, and thef latest n pturned loose 10 aýn - xpectaflt trd is that Jesse Owens wàs the ite~traýck-and fsued atiee tç emerge ifle 190m. Maxim's Cro'w a fter wnis weightcan knockout uover êy Mills in th tphy b's red- roulnd of What about saving work by once-. a-d.ay ntilking? Milk yield would be sure to be disappointing. Thse oftern- er you mille good cows, the greater their daily production. Thiret-timle illkinu liasas be .O.f M1..1Mai eggs a4nd cld1 yýearit Uwil raPsv Bulý,lb and nsr fl Whilte. Tome sal ýLS rle'ty cofwhee]s for wvagons. dolS rae , diameerof wlieel 1,, tlilckness of sI bon Bicycl]e Woriu, lqather AI* 14i.Scot anA ewn ta- ed fotba Another reason ltw z al il hersen ztuse is thlat honrsea don,'t býtet,1u peole.Masn etyGlobe)-Ga>ette., There ism' n'tmcli torr bu fa rival tries te inltaIt en. s long as be týol!ows iyoui r tak.s, liý an't elabeýad o yu-Lake lite is like sa keep Dtinkilýing better, ndi r:) ld. foctlaller -Msnayh a ve thfie experts in otilig etter than second lin thE -field. Dte voewst e 201 for Owens; 74 for M behard, ai that, «J fiId t wihte seection of thk of sprmiter as tops, Evzer t was organized and stop- vere invented, hundreds of -possibl iuîlon ri o male and 4eUlale, hPv e £o Dsuncli long tbosêt C)wens did one atEte- )be,, precise - at Ann au, whule contting tîrack enId fieldmet A ýýlohries iin 22 and 3/5ths. And ionwee ii among tIhese cho-res, Ai rested up .by broad-juming 26 f e' 8 and ¼iticles, . ee lst tbiree wefe, ailnew' wpir)d records; and as 200 meter baýppenis te be a trific sbortU pIan 220 yardýs, these tinte weraIse, acetdas incwowrld -marks ýfor- the imeîic distances as well.Tb5t is 1m ay, between sunup and sun- Mi- don r wens lied One world' recor' and set Ive new ones -- ail ofi which were ,fori-ally accepted asý intrnaioîalstandards. And O eennow, although new anmie more spccial!ized crops of athietes ba'e bteen b)amm131elring a Iths mnarks for almQst ftenyeers Owens stillai, et his witn oles clear title te) the 220 yard, tu90Q~ înetEýr, and tble broad jumi-p mark's. - SG ïbe foîkawb vochim iintel taj positioni as a ra-an-fieldeCr assuredy wereni't miiarking their "X's" for anly r'aw bnt But V yu ee10as esse Oesabouit il, e'dteyou Ia tbe bouge ick beecrgo ontret day over- in MichIiga. Thefol- Ing yen Ibose great promiotersof international good felowship iknown as th,- Olymlpic GaInes biappened ta be held in a place calld Berlin, whiere a guy înamed Adoîpli MHilas a strog believr in hemorlinitellectuial and p 1y Sicl'su1erOrtyoftbe wbite rces, especialy thtNordt, oer ail otsn.The idea cf" a Negrokikg dlast ) li hs 1Ieilinig bre'faces did'î appeal te Adoipli a little bit1; and althougb lie nanaged tu btiton band wth thit congratuilations any time wreGerman inner-s, he wýag alwayz out baviug a snack of liver- wuýrsÈ or ,omie sucb ,vhenr-er Jese (wevns bit tbe wir'eis front. But if Jesýe 'br-oode'! doVer tli nregleet, hie didn't let tble glomn get down mbii bis speedy dogs. And whecn til elumtn"-s were ah in an-d cd",nted il wavs discovered tbat Owenis iad copped tbe 100 and 20(j nlietcr dashes, aise tht broad JUI1p1 adfer goodnd mesure mun e leg on, thevicorins400) meter -relay .teai l lu coupe et uli hianidwas Jesse O-wess weni. ename tûehkig tes pand setting VotNg; and if ou're soil interwed5 Paavo -NUrmi, thse Finhîsbý disteance runine:-, wasii the third iot w"ith a 31 vote total, jîWLst oi*nherd .1 GIec tnn zham , Fe aistanýce mnals 111 fifth place wtas Corneliue War- n'rawhose amnazing m-ark o 15 feet 7% inches ;q consjidtd, by i iny, as the greakts individuel f ent ever perforrnsed in track. H. Ilied 12 votesý, j1let thir*,ee more Ilian MUrs iMildired Didriksoss Zah-aripa, Olymnpic chamnpion ud worM et- ord bolder, better konas' "The, seýeInth position went to LChenui ?adoek tde sprinter, whovaa, fblIlowed, in- that odeby GnndÈiý Heagg, eds distance sjan, Bob MahIas, Olympic Dec4tlin champ, Mnd Mr Fanny lkers-oen,th swift lady froin HMollanid, t 11b noted that there w3,as't  Can)adian On the lisr, anidthat thse ho ido th)eir athileting under thec jo'lly old Stars enýd Stripes ounti!rd l o heby 7 to 3. 51111, Ibis latter nlighli e partIly, ac:ountIed for l'y the fact T ttv- îng experts wodo) theireprtn tinde, th'e Saine banner ii ail prob- ablit' utumerdthose of othîer nIaions by an, even biggýermag, II1 FÀRM FROI An edîoî ý rster iiiWaaes Fariller askýs a question bimus5t have coie to the mimds of thonis.. anids Who h lave been on tk he Iand duigtIýe Past 1fileen yarsor so, -with the buisine-ss o)f farmîstng be- oMignmore and Mme Mechanized. TFhe question is - --WIATIF P ý'OU'D KEPIýf' YOUýR TE7AMf Its oly ý,naturlal for afarmler fo wondler hW well offbe'ci be if be' codntinud ig bomresas bis chef moiepower. Hie knowvs that wjith- otatractor he'd bav wrked harder, cor neded ore îirýdhep But wbAaî aboli ut h cmartv cosîs of-'feed for 'the hoIrseýs, and sfeed" for 4Ie tractor?. Well, the LUS. Bra fArcl tur=! Econoriics says feed cosu per head for bo±ses bas gone up 135 per cent since 1935-39. 0f course, a fariner bonghtbit ýs opas and bay Front hhumseff, That mralkes somne d Bltcompare this 13b pe-r cent in Crease ini feed cost per hojrse it the cost of nwtractors-ssp e6 r ce-nt.Andthe ost tif gsln- 34 per 6cent. And tt' coul o f ti-. 11 5per cent. Itwl eno unewS t noei dhe busiess oA muk producig wben 1 Say that niilk cows are avho)l--l ,iore worikin the w ithàen dui- ig Ce rest of tbe'year, But tIAre are some cf tbose wintur chores pbc ou can't slow dowsx on, cor cu n ntirely, wtou eeïpng he resilts wher b rAlY hUrtes-in t old poktboto haexat. suie MEide W est, dÏd lest ytar. At683pounds, Lueder htrd of grade Guernieys iwas the only boerd 1top 600. Ijis aeagç'e has geq0pm) frornI 492 pounids in 1%)3À, Aneiglibor gveoua e. eson for ,Lutdtr's high pOuto~'eIe gon)cd coweTi - whetn ha sall "Carl just lives witli bis cattle." An'd lie oes tIhings efficiently. is 23 zews get rapid machine mlle- ing. Tb'lere's deep beddinig on the couccrete f1oor, And he basnt been ' euyinig ouLtside stock. Ai beSet ns ave hel4ped.No eRîf losses f rom Bang's' tithIer, "Wev II veaccinate PaIl cir vyeung stuiff," (Carl Lueder also iE a ifreat believer in How I Subdued W!id Ferytch: Pr'esc iýpio -2dii "e tricle oiS inli t5ls pre eoltnglud neiesorIl'oapeed, ~~~~~ce~~ 1n Qnotfoicie itching caused lyizea, p imples. reabes, stliete's foot Ylrst pplicaion c eksen the mas, intense, iio ~ el or "oe sk . r uggist forZD. D. B. P1rescription (eordinary or etast, egth f now.: ISUE -15 should try s rsh, rfflet 4'5. 85.00. f liberS Unit. new9 -e phaîs, Ont. stblna cmet silo. )Log b!ouse. exçelleni ,chocdl)une- mile,.1'i, road. ural imtil bydro avafale $101, ams 'Lron monipp Bres r oe 1,rmtiallproclved ý ed pllor JOHNSON Chers Home gnerasv'.il 7 us 300 att Mr Soer,35lois a Ave. Bta don ACRS on . 5tîg BaMna AWt Pas motb.tOre dicybaIl and 10. 75 lseop pagIes..sose hrdtvod ush.30 cre ISi FARM MCMass. McOMSRDerneW tato.onrbbr ilae, taee tc.,-Io so hdram ilit soop, PAT)EiNT8 Poletôs atbliàabe iU8;1 5MSFae Stretf roôpn Onlî i non cln n nue. Patente of invention, 856 Sparie t. Otae SALESMAN WANTED OUGman wltb 11mb amputated t asi sales representai us ilonatooie Siatsý age, experleýnceé. marr ied or, single. refeencs. Psiton ays weïl to oOne whc, tan uulf.j E. Ranger o Cnaal'itd q5, King St. W._ Toronto. REGISTERiÏEDSNUSR§E-S For G-ENEIIAL 'STAFF WOURI SIOCN LOSIKOtT, ONTARIOI TO BUiY, two oznmata duck Ibans. 1Mfv. WILL "COVUNTING SHEEP" HELP YOU TÔ S L EEP? If seeplesness is caused by being o rienervous, run-down and wo-rried - it takes miore than "coimQutiflg sbeep" lx> help you sie"p. Thouigh yoiz toss and turn, hour after houri. yon can't 'wish"5~ yow'tself to bleep!î ý\11 findthattakig atonie is l enekcia Isd elps themr rest more easily at xight. Ahnd Dr. Chase's Nerve Food is first choilce wiih thousaxids! For the Vitamin Bi, froii a-id other ïieeded minierais it contains are sonsletimes just what your systemn lackcs. And Dr. Chase's Nýe Food does so ndsh to build you up -by ; re *ngapetite and imr- proving digestion. So if worry, anxiety, a rndw conldition or the stre2nius pace of mioderm living las ipsetting your neves-ý so 'you can't relax and rest -try takiog Dr. Chase's Nerve Food foir a while. The namp "Dr. Chase" ls uiur ssuranceý. 1i power busi- Ont,

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