1011 os marin ive proved mountain i~ fl 24111 nrnh JI 2t lAOI, a a , They're dead sure mýiillion-s of An- encans want a car priced a lot-l- erthian tht icheaest 1950 imodel nlow heinig so Since mnass production of auto- mobiles hegar ivn the (US.,,Car. makcers bave ket It ,vigilanit tyton th1rmrket a steif Amer-icanis, ike, E mopeais, ,vouild demand an great nupbers of tiny cars. From time t6 time comlpanies b1lave triedý to se!] idge't autos ithe UIS. MofoSthetu fa*Aed. Onljy toor three manîai,ýged ta kep going an,-y eghof time, on a snMalscale. Nýo, ho vrsevvralfatr exist whi(:h mighit çliaiuga the situ- ation, IlttlCatt induistry it's aý burning quoestion". Tht1epresent p1ro- perty as giv-en touand o faiiseough income for twe cars, A simaîl car mighit boctht an- swer for thte second onie. On itht othier baud, th grat incre.ed ,fcosýts çf iew cars bas pt the'mi beyond thin 1comeýs of thous- and,, of'other families. This mighit crt.abig untapped markect for a .snappy simall car selliing, foriea than f$1-M0 Thwee'a ao the chance of a small car becoming a lad Amerý1ican tiastes are unpredîctale,- -1 Thcre is imuch evidjence thalt th fondetss f;or great bïg carsbs Import: Sales oM Br: Iiçke this Auisti doublled ilu thteT. lrtonth. \ I In' -vndf liug ouit tnere yel ont cf f T'ý ou Wa5 s; vld e a- dcstach1 Maybý cars, have pasi Srwin the Wind : Éxp"irim $10 r l-ss, is u tun1ing tl wae.()wnýer-s have comiplaiined thatl they are tobrdta hanie iný city traffle and too hard ta park. Wobe-divýers are Itht higgest! kýickýers on this score. Tht as copayLas led tht f eld ýiln1revi jv il,,,t Ise sallJ c ar-ques c- tion, !t madl nt a mý ý(mc"'ip]Lle model oS a cr.svic ill sell for- $1'000 or lessif tt copauiy ecides cta trtn!aking thUs. It itakýiug thtc opinion. if euough potential Custo- mIers are dso~ethte o'pn vwïiljstji-t ï mniakle tht carin iquanl- It bs ia f'-eigu-maude mnotor, gvsup ta10-mls-migou n bas a maximumi speed od 65 m.p.h. Fte ize is halfway betwcee tht sîallest Eurocpean.l cars and ordiua'ry U.IS. cars. it seats two persans aud bas no fanicy ,chrome trini os- ac- cessants, but most people110h ave seenit àagret itsthtbest deigned "ltî"Car yet Imade. At tht samne time tht market f' or hportd suae cars is havig a sud- d'ený reviv'al. For tht paist year sales ofI amaîilBritish cars, in thetLUS. avrgdabout 500 a mou-t'tLast maintl i sales more than dou1bled, Offly part --f this juicrease is aýc- Landing A Good Shoal of Snoek A -post-war adition ta ýBràitin' larder, about wihtIsent bai's been 5i g(oad deal of conitroversy, i .fuhlicafled "ne. Ls( Sexgouir. pLanaisCail- îng, teflîs a' catching somle off tIse toast of South Afnia. For a tLypicaýl day'a fishinig in Walvi; Bay wters, e;ach vessel car- ried a crew aS f ront e2ight ta 13 sun ihSwtdish or Porttugulese siipesad colored or hî-at crews'7 fro(n Itht Cape. We wold Olcep tht nigh't hv-o ih onr tIsce ctan and at dawn we wu Imuster ian-d get tht shi iovillg, tither by setting tise saIs ta dna or bystartîng op thtenigine. Thien wewudtake aOur places rounld s etera, standing between tht guis- wait and a f ence aoflnkw1hichl 'waï ta k<fp ftIse fish f rom lgetting under a'ur feet. Fach an bad a short,ha-in lasttned ta Is'e ri.Ou thtend &f the hand-line was a Cie trce, then a heavy, conical Mld thena steiho hm« c ize of tIseoutsi, cf amans budwith 110barb o&n A-s tt b Iip s-,ailed lowya wc penkd arones ain tht watts- ta attract tht snak. W. xss'ighlt kee ths p for -aniol orta without gttting a bite, andi then, suddenly, evecry nmanlIne wa",S wipn n cuttugtbrough tht water idh a fas an il. WVe had ta pul in cur iEu wich aIl aur srn [h t was -"kl"ke Pang- ing on llto âbukngbasco ndi y01u did not U L nnirýght saty yo C ih would weave aboutan tanigle up )other po l'ines, and î!ten yon wouild hear saine vtny choice Cape Dutch. AUlaoudwasfnnidatvy -tvery man pulling in a ad swnin Chein aut as Sast a h coltht fish l eapinig antdlupo about on-,tht ek e ,papls sweanÎing and shioutLing, and peopî bow\ ling foür thtcook tLeav hî pots anld pans iin tIsho& atl n came- and fish, toc, b av dn many thin-gs, buIt b have neyeer d ayhng mont txciting ÉltIsiset týin a gaod shll oS sssa(4 let of plaiks ai et i p With our fee(t. Te i for tseskipper o iv itjj mot e at fr s d- aisu p'eI* o #asbin "You meý11an d10) opra etu sam-e C cic wold repfly - dop", beoing fthc Soiiti African! for bran+dy, But, atlast, wewoldcosetot coil aur lin t, anid each mani would tkup a great caning knfe anld bein asîlce aftiliththeads aS thte sn'oek as fast as lie cold, and( trwthem roverboard. 'Tht eS.otk 1 gilîsaefle witls little thorns, and as you hiave taput yauir finger; intacI ttgili ta 11o1d tht fish it is rather. cded llsh fonarad out of ts wy swille-d down tht dJeck, and rtre ta aur 'hues à Ma y b e, we could start catching againimeityo perbaps w w ,%ould wait an 1haur or tWaeore Strikinig them nagaîn. Mýeaniwbile, two wi:zenCd 0aId Cp MalayS were bnsy at thtC' feckiu table . Ot audpick tup a3 s1oeK b tt ai, ay i antht table, and, withfu qikstoe wit alitî kifelay it oenaln ttbaick 5w, thatit was fiat Likt kipper, Wihna third(1oS a milinut rn being pick<ed uýp. the fish wndb. fint'Isogh tht a2'iiinto àavasîi- Cîg tn.Frosii hritfaspiteih- fared nt gai an tken -taa saltingtable. i w iouîd e rb0' whic too up ost of it sp,ýace 0on anýd teatranwhýentt ish wo ld ot bite, itwould1 be priilee, s ate, t itc tit adstaw it i1o a nea-,t Sta Faces Death 77 0 Tîme8 A hoan gintapig i h as ociene- youung PBitish il Scr tail actýd death 770 ines Experimeu~~Ts erne cnutdw day 1)(.00od already la ected an'hurv mrn!isg 2,and ver adenof or tgý;jhne assM.Hw ardtJ p rlugds armainte-aSag i rseta 2d ari0 t e tra lIle wihth l onhlegs tlai Nas! U S t C ,smal cars, U.S. salesmnnfoi the stuma11i, Fre iIc 11 ena îwich bseils for slightlly mlore tan$1000O, have iiucntaed thecir sales rcuint ly andii report greater, interest ini flic auto. Cauiviuiced thamt this trend is more a denand for a chiea-pei car, ftht KaienFrzercospnyis 1pl"annmlg ta sýtar mantiufaicýture 0of a ine w stnadszd 1low-price model, which may & ý offrtd tafundelccl Ford and Cerlt It will bc ow un.d wit a iew 'supteoni" Cn- gmlet ta e produiced by tht Willys- Ovradcomipauy. Low ýoriginial coss pins chIeap openation wvillbhe tht car's Statuires. Other details ùI il are s«eret Dtspite this eiectht bigger, auto miakers still don't stea$l,0R Car Ihittiiug tht marIkett ay tinme soon. Ch' ia ries ]E, Wîson, presidenit cof jGenlera-lMtos sid fiatly that tht peopl wou't go for ontethat could bc soud for thatjpeat thS time. Haowever, a spokesman for the comn- panty, qaîalilyviug Wîsns tae me< ,says GM is wmaig thteMar- ket very closecly, aund if a, big euough small car dciaud is dttecttdthe co'pao wll tat mkîgSicm -More To An Egg Than You'd Think oyster mine sittuatedt an a Itut îîp aîf a miile aov seaý level. Th'is suthero California ranIcheýr accidentally stumbed on thse hugeý bed of oy'ste2r fossils while âtrOlîn'ý over his propertyon day about twenty years aga. t as suade Arm ri'. Gilrands ranchis not t t p that most fresyearn ta ow,n-oar rather it wasn't uiltil tîhe discovery was made Siuaed ia bqatrid sectiai,2,400 f tetabove sea evel, litle vegetation can igrow ,in tht rocky soil. Gililibrand1(',S mail berdý of cattle failed ta thirive on thLleir sparse diet, and Ihe was lbard pui ta'. grow elnolIig gardenl produice foýr bis awn tabl. Qule dyil]dtanddieoraed Gillibrarrd made a tour of bis pro)per- ty, ondeing hether ta seol t Ki, n lsnnchtl nt) tha t, eset [u tittl4 V IACCiey *î4U cUniSit0' tt srfc. ilirndsfsiendtre ta cuelbsexcite-nsent, anlda t day s Mrlac e rpored that Tapa, mounitin iwasý, in. reality, a liuge mlounld ofpnisrc oyster shel'Is and oyther fsiscointainiing 97 pr cent, calciumli, a product ini big de.- miand as poultry feed and fertizocrý Scientiats txplain that tht unusual deposit-the l argest oS its kiud i thiat part of tht orl-iathe, resultz of a trementidous earthiqualçewic occurred miillionsý of years ago, Tht, conlvulsion lifted. Itht ocztan bcýd hf-leinta amé., a . Tt ar- me bifUe died andwa convertei inta njwe pure calcim durigthe ilhousanlda of cutrj tat followcd, ThteTapo bed was found ta con- taino«Mers ofailsieSm some f them as much as tbtet feet in dia- mt, Tesec forsl tht top layer cfý for 500 ytairs. Gillibrand did flo'truhott l iuiiing shares ini order ta'-nno isý 1lew binless. 'LIEhout Xan I lorryanasco-adrc-rhr anid for seeraIyears jmin ed,cuse and packaged the ý product wUhifb o)wn bandea. saually, tht busines% iva s expauded fa ttprofits,. Ta- day, GWibrnd As morn thn $e50,- 0001 in've s teCdinr.-equipm1 enit, a a profits are estimated to be oves' $50aday. Save the Surface! and thte acce> Once2 thtý of tht alitan cined i14v',ltt wsthtiietnst har dest, and ~nss o, enamels, Yetttht ca .r ft4 ca owný(er coLvers ttemlwth'w %1aî o' a patcf'iishi-ble mus, protect tIe paint tht praas tIse metal. Even underneath1, tht pn-odericai 00ow ully wvea-rs a5rubber tunden., caatig ta guardmi feomud, sand and rust. Ideth mnufacturr select bis u',ser or syeand durza- bioiy; a"d aaleman PeruadS ests suyer ta put on seat covers ta pro- tect tseupholestery fros bting sdilcd--r seen. Rem-ember tht eCars tha3t stood fam aft-isv erom before tIse hoU-. days, wrapped in cellophane Mc,. Christmras packages? WIe fully tex- peot some day ta se mon of tIsas being dniv-en down thtf, street-TIs, Christian Science Monitorî. 'lhle story ofo the egg is anl in- terestinig onie. Mýost of uls take for é£ranted fthat arn egg 'lhaïtShaebl nincfdeof which there is yikl a w ilIand anpair ceIl. Clos __________________________________ exýamlinaâtioln will, h1owever, re'neal several mor-e parts. Just insýide the shjelilare thie outer and imuier shieill EMET SPRA1JL memb]Iranies.Next taO thescele-, branes cao be folind tht ic .A La-r 0F -IME C4NBE~ C -seobeIvaton wintshc otSAVEP IN L.A'ING ROLL onte buit trelayes o htNextROFN Y SN ta the shielil membrasles ï15-a layeýr PE ER- APY lçonas thie outfer tin-i white. AndSR DE Apl then cornes thte dense or thick CEMEN1 T TCONSISTe S wvhite. Inside thpt tbick wbiýte is OP A F-UNNEL PR0VIC>EP dhe iinfnr tin white. And, bleewm AHNL N itor niot, th1ere'ýs stil' i1anthýer lyr «~RFA O llot eaiyseen by tht iceye, which surround(S 'tie yikand goes Uby CONT1R(LI?,G'& HE the fanicy tr of chlalaziflerouýs CEMENT FLOW./ FASTEN layer of white. _hs layer' is Pro- T11E FLAP T7 ME tlnged toward thtl ends of the egg spoLtr wirw A PIECE in which two wi'hcords are 0F WIRE. twisted -iln o-pposite directionsad teond to lhold tlieyok n tIse center o'f the egg. Withinl the chaaziferous laver PIPE CURE &4 white am'd around the yol1k is N5ýQ tktep the y, olk in nearly rounid ITrrWTs POWPERoP surjAk, sïhape. Tbe (yolk is maeMpMfENSUGAR W11_1. SULRN se a aers an)d cbseyssýciated 'i' AND COAT 114E ~W 'El ,t te olk is tile germi spot. 74E A, CSOKeWL1h It's110 onde tIs heucaches .. WLL BREAK IN ANE ýe thse whole wrdthat asebl:!as jtu1t tlaid anl egg. She's reallyac ,,. elý01-ish)edsmtig WE'RE RUNNING FOURTHI, IT MICHI' BE WORSE- A ~ Sm. tII w~rt nly