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Orono Weekly Times, 23 Feb 1950, p. 2

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nrEA AJ Que mo0 N 1 asCeak sre bing baSipele w ic bmd u açe tiaru YOUu15, liisw's tnu lsaw 50 erk onu the trcs.Be t they couliid get to the ush ie was an elim in the alne thýat, ito lie remov-ed. it lbad bo 'ain a reent high win% antI lbockin1g the road. Bt tehen ilenro. uy ibtei bî thýat elm lwas eu inIto entb the -road1cle-aradilu no0im ai1 Tiele m11, Ienl, %ith hei îpment, eent on muLp tu the uth deI( of two bour1ls, te e sate tbii lbI traLcterJ swinig arounld iný)to tbe c. ith quen hig 1(),gdbehjnd il. becrn , ct slown tocr tc k pL 1etI nd mle ýotl hetend2 ,,,sec howeesl can- be dioue tbecsý tiIiýnkeofthie v Ur, teas a bi L Piirtner r- 'j- ' t r re- FI 1er te imehd More ban aye for tde gas-- tebenSUch jobs carunliedoue se, proof thlatlboisosendr imporanceon pesen-dayfarme metthat fac Lon ae tmr lib te ( alert-bey hvete lie if dley tuld take advntage of mod. cr n te4s- oý ýJoingtigsc am .wte av amoe srinsbrli- )nus t up l-)on tuie ,wOrk, and to ;get aayfro tie id(2a tatieha muet to go ceasy;Il-,bis rte adsitr Daughte'ur o hesmetack i ob and Iaera edn h î'e odo it hefr, bu na mr bsworke2d, te ore ifficuit 5e for. îtu-o lierto reax sd let someone l tae : er Vt i i $0 uc casir f udsprost i ecogure dhtafCtP that tirne S cre'pig op on tbem nd tat (they bavethei limtatons n reardte the puoouiloýf work lsey cý (do. Forr a amsr-, sellig onit aud retir- into,, c a luce ýin ninot alwis -; a tiot and coma out -C rJiolin top a sut'olsem-rtiientonj tita a vd.en sve~ingof activities souied.Auv docor reii teIou, Se Ibat is r be'1et 0o1our dail Psermosi oPrue,"Ke orig 'esti sawBtvindid ni acr, ea iin pntiJ ab t ive huadya ao ris Heband at owy lyaIw gs todlay ea rat of D er Egis y fd,- chianel, or[rsl Sa Au enor- 'aved by' muviecnisu fteRie - V rnirf 2e IKtngý,om l 9û, Ttin ceeS tee CQti, 40. 'r ague 1Fil 1Whl [al 1rm D9. Gofd rotî wa r ~ :4: i21 re on this, page u e t PO fn anIhow i ýc iefl u l ove w"dbabeautifulý younig pgirl H lIse bs Çebaugol, limn1 She is f wchrate.She bas Thtethe itui totake Ihim ro Tbuh lieaid teafi vas over, ]I bavn reaon o beie. -ie sti es br -e i pis a mli i i le ie ovr fle ens t' rletiertur no, 1ntiuI baveto l1istn 50 însmuatin Vlon fr 1 oI dy vhu li 'l 1) 1ilam o u my toanL)(2 kee îîay dai v'that od tiuli gice-'nie uWitb tde gooditings I hav neroûsbrekdo e- i clji icn tbu tl "du ha iuldrth ýilctiml Mihat do yos amadise HWw Long? i)bear the goieayu are edur- O loelogea lroyý al elle tu ýý) mît t io e indigite sCe aml beai u n on ,ber? bli undof wulongeu Y a umotrprt a gi orne?0 ý bsOWs Il me, ou seim dalm oî aI1lic aln o ou ttbe. oudîarentu r.oisbefoe lg>j thili 04 ~' in ins i iS w n c Itwol se m thcla only by bld i aoud wyourself , a a * orof difrecgtro ()!I i îl is lurs cannotpeetrt i iF-ieen1s beaireda il î A 'mn mst irst wt jto lieq corne agaîn he fine charc h sler griter ii oer aj Hasveyoý,uIcstiany atb tht FIaticeMl BWildeed b girl, u nnga, ix rons finde he, lf wo kndiîg betli cr she fis e, IHe iorshps besd cousnt treat ber ber yet beetim1a bis vey gesturesoggraa ber sb ibaot ihe 't'oId ger itcnI p ni ilýU minute cwas e îîn frer , wtuut u' feukn depyabout anewai uame "I need youriraunie.t ndoe bcike sosneAged ouples, niig ver niiight. his hait can *ati I uges ha yu tpne en \(ul conpeel, icim tat o 1 '~' faît, bt yo eel h de-e way fi? ýmay i o en issh * 1 t]),r the rcIt, tie e h b i auii's e esto ithe Crnha ci i di atrinte :chiurcli5, T dere were divisions " ' v ,.Ilone oou aih'lI'arn of Paul; anid î o.C h irist'." Locyati',es to -menj ecplipsed Ithe(-ir ylyto Christ Chiian Palsaid, Sam! Some tilitookpart i h aa oi foricationi. PutoOk 2an uýn- compromiin san agaînist alI cht vils. Tefriainms lie sevrely uise Hewrte ors, tnor idolater,nor adulterers, no feinate, 0orabser f' themseve(:s with maniJkind C, nr rhive, ror drukard , rreir, nor xtrtonr, shaîl!inIerît trhe aoholisu e urank orhmon aloî lc s lsre ae persns spf feig from ubrculsîs. Iedin Cosepesoson o very 00m-a tfonnel deparftmient aoelargeiII: inodut. It is st oiased ithat th averag fe aeoc bte(' 2 day eaichear from bd tis job. liil t taaul aled re seartiodfon 4aIl Sm. e must be vseparted unto hlthiuess o theflesaoad epirit po'ýerfetig holï Inee nth e sar ofC GD. a Warermt; gwlify Goùe ýd in ou bod, for tee"bSon toGodwhen'. w-e; 'ar e rstians jIIIeoer what personal experi pore? And fiff RE LIEF is LASTIKG Nobody knows the ca-,use of rheume. tisin but we do know thereý'sane- thing,- to case the pain ~ ts !NSTAINTINE. And when you take INSTA.NTIN1 theý relief is prolonged bcaus INSTANTINE cnan o nbutý thtee proven medlical ingedli ent&, These three ingrediernts work togethcer to brinig you nf ot only fast relief butý mnore prolonged relieft Take INSTANTINE for fast he-aac15hi relief tooiý or foir tlte' pairs cf neurittîs or neuralgia and the aches -nd pains'ithst often accomipanyý a cold... r»et 1I1sb tnfinetoday i /' 2-Toble Trn 25 city ~ ~ ~ ýl whc lviie nEastern Euroe, For a year -an-d bafh . iro te Jws May elive an ~ ~ . CHEESE CORNMEAL FINGERS. a hrhwa5setb c.~, Ups'e owntapreentpee~ig. ~ . loiur o 1c. once-sifted hbcd-whieatt or,3 , MTagie Ba9king Powder, ý3 tsp. sit. Cnt in finely C?2II3 tbs, chWled shortenting and in c elo -i o . ev«. a cornmeal, .sbiredded cheesce and tb.hped parslef. Maku ael ~e z w Hce nt re, pour in mjc.nilk and mhx lihty it afork. Kedfor, 10 7 v e seconds on a lightcly-floured board D-3and roll out to b~krectanigle; 1 Vd W! 1eut intlo 12 fingere iand arrange. alightly ap)art, onj greaesed bakînge ....~.. heet. Bake Li ht ovep, 4250, about N ~ 15 lmills.Serve botwthbutter or S ( N 3 i ~margarine, Yild l- dozen lingers. J 91 An Important Announcement about NEW MARGINE Wihen the sale of Margarine in Canada became legal 12 months ago, MARGENE was the first brand to appear on the market. At thar time Marlgarine had beent banned from Canada for 25 y.ears, There was no vay of knowinig what flavour an--d what t.exture wouild best appeal to the Canadiap patate. Ûin the ýinterveniing 12 monthfs, Canada Packers bas carried on weekto-eektests to find ouit exactly the flavour Canadians wish. W\ýe feel we have ià in the NEW MARGENE-thie flavýour and the trexture Canadians like. If -you bave flot tasted the NEW MARGENE try it tnow. SPREAD IT on hot toast. SERVE IT with hot vegetabtes.. You wili i ke thte NEW MARRÏNE' CA WA PRODUCT 0F Pa cK ERS LIMITÉY»e Il '1 Sanall Fry Fsin- -Thle delicate yeetaprou tops aý Eyeet rim tlr~collar and of Lý UhAY fCIIO Lâ ~'Planting A Church In A Pagan City", Acts 18:1, 8-11; il Cor, 6:,14-7:1 Goldjen Text: "Yeare fot yu own year bogli wthco prce Oum

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