Unti comaratvelyrecenttni, liýttIe girls easwrebntoe cinvascovredwith lttýnrs, aujI- fin erssstichwere inteideda a ieauS o la ie~uw stifcheýS. iEvtery gli l'tle ir fVitra 'ies tiade a ab 0'i r , and em sýry samlplers eustili be fOund l3iih1peimen it eijstenlce is dated1643ànd husedin!te Vic- toiaan\lbert MulselumllunLOný- don GergePenie,.ina B.B.C. koacas, sokeabout an *xii t~ou f thse carig lifle pieces l\that he had seein- ~Loidon, au3d înarvlledat tearil hchfi imîo ïtheir wrkwhichl was al donc lu ima sttchs.Each samplerýi hIad thIe wrkr' amu an-d age on- it n also-iIý a little výerse. Soille were swet ndpatetesnQme plus, s fapdeymtern ac.lu iBehold thse labour of my tender age, 'The~ work that diê niy studieuzs hlours engage, 'With auxious care 1 did these col- ours place 'WTo gain, a smile frin my dear Par- ent's face. Pray give my littie rmente ail their due For al my fleasure 1lies Ïtn pleasil-g you, SzoçIpresper thein that gave me this And crown them wit}i immortal blils. HO,",mriy itti gis a O4 tody woul beso nstriouLS aud S'3C measto zsitLfor homStrsa Vweek 4~n a samplr1 Pende rmared thai-to aniplea are men in )ow-sineral coies\. Hei Lm a sEent ad nMxio u fhraste ulsh oeswr 'he scevmsarein onue wMth ok« Othe eas-sewtailninig detaîljs- mews harp collar and pncket f laps. Most slenderizing long Ibnes, Ptteru 496j3 comnts iu sizes34 36,ý 38, 40, 4t2, 4154,)4, 48, 50. Size 36 take s / yas 3%binh. Tis attern easy tcq use sim- ple to sew, La tested for f.it. H's cepeeilhustrtetced inIstruIctions.ý Sendc TWENTY-FIVE CF-NT,' (5)ini coinis (stamips cannot be acetdior tiis p)attern. Pr-int, lauySIZE, NAME, ADDIRESS, STYLE NU!IIBER. Senid order te ANNE ADAMS, Bor 11. 123 Eighteýenth Street , New fo t~ iîxuiites while a, group tA fxrri handes 0111d nt hayto k~~~~~~~I or hc.nnhe o cspee e TABÂjLE TÀLIKS wouild be h oeapcpit of wha t a NW .YR2 e porter had to say aoutth ial ofe tH i vu.le starts lu b"jy sin tat lhe dropped intth gadbalîrooi ,Of thle Wlfa When it hiad been under waya couple of hours, and, suiffing plea- surably, watched a hundred con- testants - ninety -seven aprontd ladies and three apironed men- e.ooking away at a hundred gleam-1 ing while General Electric Strato- 1 uier Ranges, miarked with reçI numnbers fro-m i to 100. Pillsbury officials, identifiable by ilapel tags, scuarried past us, as did adozen oi so ladies dressed much lîke nurses-General Electric home econoxulats, it turneçI eut, there to advi5e contestanits on the use of G.E, ranges. A publïcity lady we t>ought eut ltold us fthat the conftestant wert ise winners of a qualifying-recipe comnpetition beld iy mnail last fail, and that each was w~orking on her (or his) entry for the final; that they hailed f romn thirty-seven sItates, the District of Columibia, and Alaska-, that every womiau jill and suan jack who had been invited haci how'n up that six categories ofé concoetion wvere, permitted thein (L- r e a d1 s, cakes, pies, coolies, ettées, and desserts), thse only pro- visos being5 that ne alcoholic liquids be used and that eiach recipe re- quire not less than haif a cup of Pillsbury's Best Enriched Fleur; that ail entries had te be lu by five o'clock; and thiat they would be, evas2tedinf act, at that mom1ent some were being evaluated-by a icoi3'1mittee ofl seven judges, who would award prizes rauging from fifty thousand dollars te five hundred., Tere a ut bit mlore to the stoywhchspace will nOt pjertII use ~y qete ere.BuIt thleNE YRKR maI hAd to leav-e before- and c ýou1ld't tell us thie namle of natue-ofthe prize-winniiing recipe, wihreceived thie $50,000 award. elfrtprîze wo'by a Ms RtalihSmfelof Detroit andhe recie whch ou'dprobblylike togive "a til1someitimle, wsfor. WATER-RISING TWISTS ý1/ý cup shortening 3 tablespoons sugar 1i'/' teaspoon Sait 1 teaspoon varilla / cup scalded niilk 2 %cakes compressed yeast, crumbled (or twei packages dry granular yeast, çissolved lun ~cup lukewarm water) 3 cups sifted flour 3 eggs %cup chopped nutmneats Ycup sugar i teaspoon cinnamnon Method - Combine shourteniug, stigar, aivanuilla aud m nilk. (if dryyeat * sed, decrease miiille t oule-fourth cup.) 2Add y ansd ixwell. Blenid in nue and lone- hlicps four antid beat unltil smonoth. Crranld ]et resrt for 15 mintes Ad egsone at 1atme beating well after e-,clach additi. 1,horouýgly. (Thie (dough wllbe quite s'oft). Let -îreisc in oneof w was Etiher- set covered douigh ini a waýrm plae (0 t 90degres) butoe ha!ll houn' r7 tie douighlu a, ý'tca dough ïto rise. ThIen plac.e lui large (75 to 80 degrees). Let stanld ntil dgh r'iscs b)topof wteabout 30to 45 m1 inutes. Remvove fromv COïlbîn1e nuis. sugar and c'inna- mon. 1,Divide duhinto s ýmall piecs l suar-ut ixtre.Stretcbh to a'-bout egt- hlen'gths twhist Î/4 cup chorppe-d wsiOP 3teabspeone leu ¾teaspoon psaitl' t7te &spOQl ppps Itablesf;oon lemnJî 2 tablespooni chopped )ripe Olives Dasli of 'Tabascç, saUce 2 caps flaked, £ookied or canned fish 3,1 cup crushed oheese crackere Mthod-Saué nin u ute and epper-Keove roml-at GDradulally tir 1'n milk. Coolc sir ring conistantly,utitikeean juie, ls abascoshuc, an ovrtetop. Bake umdraeoe (350degeesF.)about 25 mnts JE LLIED SALM4ON MOLD Ipackiage lemion-fiavored gellitiii 1¾cups hot water 1/4 cplemnrjuiýce Iteaspoon saît i3 up mayonnaise 2cups (1 pouud can>è salm-on, flaked I, cup dived celery 1 te rer, tise îxnmeuuu~ wedding se Accuses Husband -- D i a iia Heaney johinson, 18, of Lin1- Wood, Calif,, holds her hie'ad in her' han1d after tligpolice that hIer hsanEvald, 29, was -ýthe 1a1,1ho beatan choked éIto deah W A.Tho'ru- ton), \%veaI1thyI 'exasoim , last mine 22 iiu a tourist camp neaur AailTex. '/ý cup diced cuc sweet pickle r-e w r.Add lemlon il Chjýii untillight!y thi Unllmod and garnlish- ber scs Serve on wiýtl-t aitiionial mi des,;ired, Malkes 6 ser' jh te 8sre uat, wh pusit? A. If the wklter does not pour for theni then thsewotian s-hoUld ajttenrd tcethisrie pesnif emspourCes your A. If he ees I nY nse, It wouid probably be better te ignore it. But if he persists lun the mis- pronounciation, my.erely scî', "MY namne is Gordon. net jordon, but do Se graciously, without showing 'Iiy nOLCIN 'lb thse ýtheusolidsef b, taking DOL( fromn onder dbe vDOLCIN ýï How J Subdued Wild ierytch - is pure cliný, ]h4dm . iton apeedg peace atl omfortfro ueithn isC uy eczemna, pimples, rashes, atl etes fQo5ý and other itch troubles. rrlbot~e 5I jFiret applicat ion check's evcnte l t n n itc4 or mnoney back. Ak druggist for D. D T1 yreserlption ordnary-o xtbstrength) -wv CANADA PRODUCES R-ADIUM FOR ALI "eIHE WORLD Wh~Searom%%l%' Canêadûa ftr%t lIis adveriement in an adaptaion of one 0f a seiies created by The Bouse of Seagramn to tell thle peoples of other lands aibout Canada and hier v7ariois products. For thie past two years this camnpaign. has been appearing in nieWspapers and mtagazines printed in mrany, languages and circul1ated thirouig- out thew %orild Our prosperity is based on our ability to -ýseil our products to other counîries. Every Canadian ham a pers(onal 'stake ini foreign, ( trade, for one coui; of eve-ry three - dollars of Canadas national Sncome results frM Our iuade ahroad. The moeabat the peopleS of othier counmtries know of thie quality, vaiety an-i prestige of oiir products, thie more likely ilhey are to buy front us. We feel tzat thte horizon o indusiry does noit has a broader horizon, a fai-lhr vrew-this view enbraces t/te entire Domaiinîin. Thaï is w/t'y Thte House ofS ra believes that il is in îhe inferest Y4 every Canadiem, ail Caniadian products in j mairkets. it. is in this spir these adverisemnenis are hein lis/ted îhroughoui thewrh ign ahe )-{ou%c of >Caram terminate at