atter' --4 week mca- Feb,4 21-25 learni of bu Colean &Philp hour Phone89 ir - ORONO Wed. ta h Music RATT1E'Pt y v, saenoey, and ili tashpad raise just as cet EXTRA EggS!. If you i hn nsntmiou-your lersub ibaneye taethe ful- keep tcmup in ndtol 2. Give hi Ce--o tretinnt o tue hemUp. Just rmix it in 0the maSh-. 3. No matter %chait ma You'! e feedhigtop" it wît 3 to 5 lbs of Punina Chcck- ers pr!0,) bi;àZs perday 1t1,Psjow ou ra esulti,- both ini ggS andcondîitiJon. PIUFINA CK ECKLERS For PMORE AiIk ~We Recomamend-I If ,yau've plenty af graillo hwLocnrt onhand, balance t wit if you've only a maderate supply of grain, thenu ue If iyou're 10 w on grain, or lII Pýn out of Lt1, feed "comt-plete"lti1 iIW STAI> 'If YO'u wanit imare bulk, palataibïlity, or 1axýaive affect- BuIky-tas <BUSLENEý Stprtena County Co-operative on 1 ton and 5 ton lots 1'iplv vou ithi biti of s un (-it 011 V,-, d at the whioh Ft~bru- = bers ~ attend- lit c vrl1 oalJ ha aix Ph. 55 r 1 CONTRACTORS FOR FARM and fflUSE APPLIANCE SALES Prompt ad Guaranted iRepaire oalmakes of El ectrical Eqluipment anld Appliances Such as Motors, Water Heaters, Radioýs. Stoves, Irons, Etc. ning toùlie pen n gr quey0cti litela vinod adept, mn the folks were û.ae gench o0% ao asmal MiAl Ilhe ows. und t logto the o açiiipe Ums Wli other typa w0yo WrmwwSi-ý 'box to stick., giveiiit ud ol to) get m1)ore th H1ilda Be;Ll 1o the RoSty tiori Aortheg nic'haanb e sa: 'Y en<thewu for MruBo I (Too late Sundy Sch SAtlian ttem Rvl ta ne,~ absene of 1%s Qhurch f olilo ing as 'bis tcpÀd The FariiF wii th the topic 5Fed ? ' The non-thly wAs hld autti old AUstin wÎÏtl Mherleueau c"' ai a a eu Security for ~ S~'Your FamiIy, miii guarntee yon liy a ir ul[ap in-oie taý live oýn iný tsit your penticn F'or he-'keo n eeo<mind .anyur Donald Hamm POE65 r 13 ORONO "YMIR F1UTURE 15 OUIR BUSINESS ..±DY Mec, '2~4 t Log Caliin ChÉocc Galvanized rails, ClarJ's Irish e styles, e a chÈ,$1 .8 9 tr d soft cenbtres, lib 50e e piced cl 53c to69c FEATIRES ialadle, large 2-4 oz jar ........3c nw, cotiigMeat, Yeg'etablps oz tin ................ c Shirriff's Seville Orange Marmalade, 12 oz Gold Medal Jelly Powders, assorted faos 3 for... 25e Fres'h Raisini CookIýies, 1b.. 27c Danish Blue Cheese, lb 45e Iz-l mec, lb z bott1e 2îc oz tin .. 24e -sey Cr«am or Salted, J ias hi MOt*T ":Füneral Directer, aât nd th ina w lLubi tl SThe u B il~