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Orono Weekly Times, 9 Mar 1950, p. 1

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NO Vol 14 No 7 OROO.ON.,THUPSDAY, M P. 9, Su b Scription $ Newtonvilte To Havea Street Lights Installed By Townsiip The maintbly session of the Town-ý ship of Clarke msheld on Tuesday Smornig, 'M'ardi 7th, witli al presenit, iNýewtoniville street igliting, snow piowsag, renmodelinlg for a kiteclipn, and nrelief icamie up for discussian1 dinring the mieetin-g. Nýewtonville Street Lightin- i' 1 was ireýported by the Ga0uncil that the haiet cf Newtoiiville .voutld haive street lig.hts ineýtalled la the near future. Durinig the past mont-h Vil-ae caunictl men*ers hbtd met wt dhe ratepaye of tlie villagean from these imee-tings th;e, necessary' numiber of asseossed praperties ïinVthe village- had signed ini favour oflu stalýinig street lighits within its des- .c-ri'bed area. 0f the 57 property-, ownes 48bavegiven their coýnsen)t te halive lïglitcs instnlled. The toma- sh!ip is to pay the capital costwhc aïmounts t o around $40.Tils amount is t"-obc carried by the tWuý- ,Nitli he peraing cost te bce as- seAssed ta tho praperty mithii i tef descibed area. Snow Plowii-g la ftiee- crrespondancne the' Newtoni-l S ll-W'V. 1.urged the tonship te have soricthing done about the g- wrays covemrng the( sidewaîks witli tevillag-ers bVo) use onid'nngiering thpir ýdition prevails nl cýillor Brown would Dmanent arangment his; tlllyoan,-e. On cuneil refrred it te) cf Hiliway, als superitendet001, PIOd poing equip- rn s fn-wr llO Speakers Inspire Delegates At W.Y.S. Presbyterial, "Ç,cmui y Frienidsh:ip is t'i(- bai-i s right at Ve founda't; ic of ail our wok" ni iI. A. A.i Oubura, 2nid Vie-Presiden, of ti'he Domninion Board of the Wotaten's MisinaySociety lu addres{ing a large audience in TFrinity VuIiteýd fliurnIit, Bomma-rnville, &t tcannuial Preb~eritlmeeting. "We are cuendwihtli te peeýpie we havýL tbeom riglit around uis -nad V-Ile Peo(ýDI 110li are beyoud -- but f-wicamniltnlily wme areC, nceraedl about peýople aad intersted la eo ie"The ,speaker sugesed ta thie Ibet wyte c-reate intpeet in msis le whore two or mthirpeeare ga-thePre-d gahe oad make plans Mrs. Ouran metiolued "th-e cul- tureme culdlearn frrem the Ohr- ese peecieiur midet if we mere "Ilmw proud are me c f the Janan- eeCanadian siÎtua6ioun," saidte CaInadianls seýttled rondTeronto toachiin- cf English.Th Chnrch of al [Nationcs is don s mu-clias possible but 3iacks sufllcien-t ancom- -modatien for, the big tasi which is prset.Wemuet make people aware we wanmt'Lhem for frionde not et t cmetna nmeeting, Think if medid inoV knew -v ie Custo-me of "Che rpeeple ilu whose midst mefoun aureeýlves-, sice aid. Tanlasnhe speaiker snid, "Heml can we hieinvte Chinesý-e anid Jnp - anee nd EuLropeans if meca" be fredl igibt iere. How canl w- Orkveuz ?" Mlmc. L. W. Dilppail, Bwavie hpulfl Awnlr nninua m-o Afternoo Auxiliary Me-etiingi' The Marc ýh îmeetiing of the After- nonAuýiliary c -f' ParkSt nt Chlurcii was hl on Tuesdayafer noon at the spacimus home 'of Mrs. A. 0. W. Rolph. rs .11,tpes Preside-nt, oonucted the imeeting ad i Mis lidth Sherwin played for the hyb s The Supply Secretary rep)orted thlat our Auiia sl responsîble for books l'or RosePdale( Memlorial Hospi-b tai, Maitheson, O-,tiar-o, a-id aliea 1r--t ed that dlothing be stili sent o)ver- sens, w-fhore it is badly ne-eded1. Very e finle reports were givent on the Os- 1 awa Presbyterial mieeting held at lSi Bcwmnville, by the delegTtes, Mrs. ' A. E. Biiett nid Mrs. W. S. CÇobble- ' dfick. Thie theme o the Worship f Service mas "What can 1I-give to ivl chr ii ad ,was led ýby Mrs. 1-1 ý Wais, wo yas assisted 'by Mrs. f iMr-. E. llancack and mrs. N. F. J-4* a ter. C Guie St Speaker. Mrs. C, W. S.lemnon, i glave a very instructive and ulift- P in1g m1essage cover'ing several of l11,tIer tripe of recent year_11S. Sh)e told ofK tho, bgining-s of Churob 'Union d--yý ing back fiifty years, and of thle grneat change that had taken place,a inntonngthre ýondprfui meeting of the Worlld Counicil of Churches held at AseamLast vear. She had visited hundredis of ch1urclies in, Great BiaiFrance, H'oliaind,'Bel- gium ialdlItaly. ManSofwhicih hnd been pauty destroyed during the war and gave 1ier impressIffls of diff erent 'pae.She closed lier addr-ess with M an1 appeal foir racial tolerance andC moôtherhood to-wards aur ewCa-na-, D, dian'jS. 1ci. In thaniking Mrs. Siemoni for lier f1>) ~Sacrifice in coiîing-to lour meeingb M_.A. A. Dru.mmqrrnd spoke feeling- ciý ly oDf the appcrciation of alil present. di Mrs. Victor Rchinson mvas appoint- eId Associate Membnes Secretary for 190.Mrs. Rolph was tenideroed a s very hearty vote of ithanks by Mrs. cjI W. S. léo0bh 1eà i -_k. Two Night Ice Carmirvai By Orono Skating C ilerd Average $ 2 96 The Southannaniri4ioistein Ierd oï lex. llen4ry Newcastle, mas disC ersed 1March l-et with 46hea bring- ýg atoa of -3&4 for anu~rg >f $2ý96.00 each. Th-e sale tonk place t the Ookville Sales Arena, Oak- W1e, Ont. The three-yýear-okI lherdsire Strat- pvea Sc-vereign Regent brouglit the Sprice of $480 goig taeRichard e!hlelasi», Jerseyviile, Ont. Narn- ýd aatavnSoýVere4ýgn Regent,lie 1a son of the $13A000 Sonnixviik Sovereign. HIghest price paid fQy foniale was $475 bld by Ceystone, Uolstaiins lac., Maunit Joy, Fa., for a rur-year-oid heifer. Other bigh prices iincluded $4-10 ,id. by Neil Joues, Duýn-ville, Ont.,, 'r a three-year-old; $1U pnid byl Iugh T. M1unro, Tnarold, Ont.,fo psbxpear-o; $435paid by Norman Schiell, 'Woodetocýk, Ont,,. for n I~'e-yer-od; 40,5 pnid by- Harold' 7.Ziegler, Breiigeville, a. for a u'e-er-ad nd ;$ 3 9 C paid by Yerr Bros., Whitby,ý Ont., for atle- marald. ,eraged $320, five bred hieifers $28,1, 0open hoifers $224, 9 hifer calves 161 and 1 OuEt $481. 953 Plowing Match To Re HlIn-oUnited Counities! e qllpe<il from i te for more mission- ie feliewsbip of Vite, sheuld1 sil- as plmi pracVt4iceu Uny It? U}flrtorsJ r7 miti teres u1,t titat s, bave oniy a ingle eut. Incease ITusrane clark was isrutdby il Vo îfuerease te insurance omfehip Hall te $25,000 on ng aad $50ou Vie contei m'as mcoved hy he Councill ire- Uaited Church bhave te n'iailltil suci t tima as a i gd te n Before Iea-ving Jipan ii lss eOourtice lhad thie Privi1ege of ývisiting the Envpresof jnan. The vsiA adt be, brief but the Enypress showedÀ a keen *ntereet to) kzow what was1be igdone to holp the peo'ple cf Ja- ~pan. The grandsoi of the Emprese g w, to knegrten and hlis mta t tendte e oter' eetings. The Em-pez prrSý, i-essed grateful ippre- ciatÉkn lfur althat le being dons For, the People rd Japan. Miss Courtice said that the work of God was alive in Ja4pani. "God (Continu-,ied on page ur Vhs VoVsCouty". Mr, Davy poiuhted out uts. titat titese peite mhd Vo o-green peits. lors Kitchen Startedt useA stnrt eitrimande on- a nom kit- aem WIchen luiiihs basement of ilsUe hall ili Ohe neiar future. Tie counclilors fait. te tha[ths project eould noV lie finis- oiE ciltitis year-, but that n good ap- ani- proncit,,vould be trade Vo a mtodlemr 'bY tfhe townlship Çwhieli is later ille The mein adjaur-ned., Parents Entertained By Pupils At Puiblie School -x Open Sclioalwas ied foiertic pr-ý eultt oiufite Paui'cScitrol studients nt Oron1 ,o an uesdaiy afteraoou last, Jrom ,2,15 until 4.00 p.mi. It a ~ttfigfor baoth teacitors and stndents a cee sose ny miters Ïresent, M3. Neil Stewart, director of nmu- sil, coiidijcted sente splendid songe ndfoik dances. He started mwiti thVi r>eai youaig studeate cf Mme. LynV's l'li. Te girls sang Easter sangs, failowed iy tVis youing boys siaging sudit songe as "gaere stands a Mite mac a'-ad "Tiats te -'xay for Bibiy and Ide?"Tite boys am gIrlsvo-u :rai reldil for te î titers te alto end liaritono. Tileir selectiens mers "There's uueLa Viel air", and "Asit Grove" Mies Fo)ster pmsented a looçte Bih Armtroag wm ite made 100% ilu miatilematics mhile la ber room lasV year. Titis book masos donnated by IMies Foster. Mmc,. R. Forrester presenlted a book. Vo Anna Marie lhermi fr gnmiproficioucy mitit 88.Tbil book mwas donated by te Orono Wcaîen'S Institutse, aiea a book te Miss Eleanor Roblusea, for social studios vmiVi 9 .Tisis onaitioni m as On behaif cf tie 1BowimanviIe( Mleni's Canadian 1Club. Paretl n studs-nts iistened te a lesscon taugitl by Mr. Stem 'rthon rVie musical iu- strumrnt, Vie violin. Thilepmoved an enjoyac-bie teuo for tile parents as they viamwed Vhs! art anInd nte bocks of their c-,ilidrenii and thoe tildeu-jtsmere dligitad tV, entertain heir gueste. - JThe 'Red Cro)s canvaies for Oronie nld Viclnity le preýgressqing mou1. Mr. W. J. Riddel l ii le glad1 ta aeerpt. yeul' donation at Vifie store, Tiere are several canva-ssers in Oro1ýno, M0rs. W. IJ. Lyice7tt, Mrs. W. S. Cob-1 hiedick,, Nirs. F. Tamblyn,Mr.I W. Murray and Mr-S. W. E. Arra- strong. ' In Leeka1rd, Mrs. L. Boumne wil] accept youv don-ations; la Kirýby, aWomen's Organ1ization wili roceive- thlemi; l Atiecli SchnooiSection. 1Mrs. Harryý Lycett miii be glnd t h lave you cail and leave y'our dua tien.i CountÉry ronds are not good just no, scanvassers ki e ldo y-our heip. The mavrk cf mercy nover1 ende. Give foathe hearL. Oren Band Planning Concert And Dmnce For April 28th WiVh a strong emphasis on conicert au'.d martiahm-uic te Oronoi Baud1 are prcparing passiliy one of ile. meent Outistandinig 1musïcicalniglts1 ever wltnessed lantitis village. Since, eariy lmet Faîil this local organizationr mas hadI an eye open for titis gient Occasion~, hoth iu the hstory of Vt baud ,and cf thie village. Theceni- thui"isis shoma1 by the memibeus hlins- been a great nelp lu arconplîshling a new folio or stirrlnig and piea1shîgý museic mihcist o be peetdV the puiblic onAipi'l28th. The programmre le now being cora- mied adadded 'ote ite numiers'of tite àentire band is te he a vocatl quar-i tette,. co-me(dy inumbere amd a talenit-, ed master c ee~n.TlÀs -parti i fthe program mwili taie sontoemiere arPound1 an heur and a haiEadfi l1Omlvng it a dance miilieb heid. A,1litree fold purpose is ta be0,a- campliied out tuis oveoing. Firet, thte baud xiii. presen-it a high cai bre progan foir the pbi' enterfta-in-l ment. Second, hs public miii havýe theiy firet oppa uiyof vcmngVe new and colorful dress Yf Vhs Oronoi Band. Third, te proccede of the evein mi- ii go tom ards payiag of the $50for tic cast of ie ni UnPder the direction cýf Mi. M. J. Taniblyn, thie boys cf tîe band hv been prnctising quito diligent]ly trougi Vie wini,tr manthe and a great, deai cf new nmueic lias been arranged for the suminer of 1950. Aiso the lband lias been add a reed section mhý,icii 'e a decided imnprove- ment ilui te quaiïty of te ïmsie be- ;iug piayed. Mo, re doetale ,of the Musicale mili appear ot a Iter date, places suggested are an aven njear1 Piainivilec, anotiler ou ýtita Laieshorei Renad and yet another wcst o0- Wel- comie. It mas thouglitt the selectl on should ;ho as n ta ie --front as pos- sible, pamilape lui Hope or HamulItoni townships. Ruies forite international match outiined by the secreutry, John Rickard, stipuinte titat suitable In mnuet ho outiined, approxinrntely 70 acres a al, including 850 acres of, plom land and additional areas for *pactisiaig. Titis -muse ha l a sold bi'ock, coniveaiieatiy locnted and c f easy acees. Pabrking facileac- com modation, mater anad ther con- veaiences mut et hanuned. A cashn paymient of $2,0,H nmuet ho paid te Vile provincial organiza- tien and a,, free banquet providied for 1,000 peaple, cotestants and offi- Eîgiteen cwmtte ould ha ne- cessary Vo handisVle -arrangements, ai'l under one cilairman for Vile Wloi ergnizaten.These VOuGld have Voi 1loak after such titing.s ns herses, tractors, biiletiag ,wboth of otTffia aud Vile g encrai public, parking pub -u licity, sanitatian aadf so forth. Onei estîimate piaced tic nnber ou' pao- pie iikely Vo attend laiVile neiglitor-1 hocd ofE 90,0)(0. Information RegardiH,, Fishing For Smelt Last F~ Thre Depatmrent of Lande and n'essod Foreste, Toronto.,lias i-seued te fol - sonmi loaiiiag infor-mation miti refereace Vo Lydj ,eneIt',ishhlrg for persoural use ouly: Champi (1) Fisiig for- Saeit mirere a Li- i cenise ils ecjured - Resideut Smelt g1,n SeinsieLLcense. ayn Tile icence permits Vie usuecof squad( a seinrieupto thirty feet Iong and six decidin feet deep' or a dip net noV Vo exced Thre Six feet b six feeJ, foriite taldug cf eut eca emis ny, for persoual use -Iv th noV fer sale. Thtis licease is vaiid ai ten1. d-LiýriVite mentis of Mardi, Apvres, and May only. Theleie is e o bl [,,ti,, issued by Vie reg-ular licence issuers. 1piayed Tic fea is Oas Dollar. it, a (2) Fsiýc for Sineit for Persenial 1File Uise withouit a Licencse: tiret pi, <a) Tilmee Foot Dip Net - In or- dutirg der to facilutate tithe taking of stuitsoans goý i îh1,ree for personal -use, te use cf a di-p net the vis ilaving n'tdianmeter of noV armetta nii tirty-siix incites miiilia epentted; urd IV mas isad Vo hear of the sudde-n1 de.nth ofEAirs. Paul IKowaîzy-i n ber 2Shycar. Sitepaseed nay shortlyi fte Vitearivi cf Vhs dactor. Tt mas enily mest ear that Mr. and Mrs. KoxvaIzyk 1,beiglit Vie Vo obacco) farme eoUth a-f, Boih Winn's lbarber camp. SymipathJy le exteuded ta ie liusbnnd and three surali eblîdren. Tite Keudal W. T. hefld a euchreý panrty 'nMeco' strip roo'm on Fr1- day nligit tmt. Ti4e Voimertute dropped Vo 22 beiom zaroc, but Viere' mae-n quite n -,fem turned on-,t neyer- theles. The(idic' iret priz e n t1 Vo Mrs. Jennie ý-Hoskciias aud-Mr. Rn,- Siat-eck VIte geat's p-rize. Thoel c"Onsolindon,.prizee mettVo Missd Citrietin Jilison iand Mr.Wim. Mer- car. Tile pracceds are fer te Ke-- dai signs. Farni Foruim Meeting Mr. Artiur Thomy)-peon mwas heest Vo ile arm 1orumVhs eek miten te Vofpic for dis-cussion mas "Labor, and' Panier - Friand or Fee?"'Tlie tiret questýio)n for discussion xvaïs "Do yU agrea or disag-re tint tic dem il for itigier industrini mages hitmisi ces; for his products." '1k tion "Have farma.-irs -more Vite ycar arouid titan. workers?"Vhs -ianemer w; coinag "Thte fantuar caua somethinig te doou a f wmn e o maie a succese ofE Výle l ïadies remarlie-d'IN mitlenite farmer mante t m ,u gin. Whtomould damý "vas deiid fthat te fari hie m%,oik an every day ali yenir job> "Are labeur unio Vile in-terests cf arci anotiter question Vo lie disc it mas thouglit they liadi te nunk!e faniilabourers diý A game mas piayed fihilu ing morde lu weli known si mas C'i muclejoyed. OUY 1Mrs. Chas. Tilompeon. iprov refreshnients auld somne 0 bitdycake wa s enjci ro>ïads mere rougih. but wàr goitdby -aur driver, Mr liott. Next meek ths foriy Vile home cf M;'. and Mns tliott. Orphans Win Easteri i Championship In Friday tire Ore, the. irgpet crm pectat, tiles Arena ha more pre- pacied gaie euie the-ir mwil e. Tilemin, eau 'lighttOou- e p, mip wtit series being onday, Mri per Year KENDAL Misýs Jine Gardon spenit the week- end wit Mr. and Mrs. Eni Blirley. Mvr. Robert Alexander of Toronto, ~was home for the week-end. Mr,.3b hWinnr is the osner of a nevw Studebaker. Mr. Alec Littie spent the week-1 Cind !-Àt,- emother, Mrs. IN va Lit- tie. Con-,gratulatiopns taù NI. and Mrm Cîarenee Therteil on the arr*",IvaiOf' a baby son in owavil hospital. Mand Mrs. VWaitorn of IAndsay ,Penît Su.ndaywit Mr, Bert Hol- land. Mr.Chas. Thoarneontsm spent a few fas ither brother and s;istere, Mr. mnd Misz; M1cBride, Cobourg. Miss Betty RHow eelebrated ber bitda t home i Lindsay or. Suni-î 1Mr. and Mrs. LeRi and family witlî, i M. and Ms Jameos Swavrbriclç1 On Sundcy. Mir. Bob HI!Lditeh anid Misses Edfiei alnd June Ruiter Lof Bomialivi1le. sipnt undy' iVhMr. arad M1rs. T. ýrMrs. Bladguett a'111JMiss Lorraineý Therteli, -naai auhtrof Mr,. andr M4rF, C1.arence Therteil. are vstn 'ith MLr. anid 1rýs. G. Mvartineil. Mr. Walter Grdnsoniocf !Mr aind -frs,. J. H. G, rdon, iunder et anoperation in Peterboorouugh hosý-;, pit'al rcnty and we are pleased to)ý leahis gaing along satisf-acti. The tsar end of JYEb Langstaïve J, canr suRefr.e tapftreell o.,,. then1 autstanlg entetainn Woaliy 'WIl hopruest -Arena hils Friday a March'lOth and flitl. casion tlic Oro'no SAti ]y presents their four Carnival. Tiis yeax Vie cluib numiibers se that seve: skaVars miii present fc entetaluentfouirteen acte on kae.The nmini be staged imireased ov( mer years, and hs S. add greatly Vo the Mol of h Vileammo.tli cl lilades. The w-ardro'be lias been considerably a the abiliity cf the seul, fia its tre three ice Club bas worithe ad-- loal Speotaors and Il a very largo foHomini- bas seen a decided ta the caruivai, and we h suirued tiat tVils show colotir heiag staged thi Satulrday xii top tliosý yonms. Neediess ta say, the groat for tlhose v,10 a ing costumies, arraagi grami, and ,,,iving of el The carnival cjf mon, te programl, le repre scenes, mitil fýacit sce a cetain monti tbroï-i of neu-Sie and Vihe pic, ed by thecstme nc of the fancy 1ktes feature attraction of th caraival this year is un

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