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Orono Weekly Times, 9 Mar 1950, p. 5

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Yrou wonik be tied Fyour kitchen stove Make ORONO ELECTRIC your Gas 1Headquarters Orono Electrie bas all the SEE HEMTODAY or phione- 55rl tORONO EILECTRIC 2 Oîily - Set of Hfand Paited Water Pitcher and Six Glasses, reguflar $2.50, for...-----...... ...... ...... ....... $1.49 1 Only -- set of 4 eachi Hand Painted Water and Juice Glasses, regular $2.00, for - ................... ....... $1.19 2 OnIy - set of Pressed Glass Fruit BowI and Six Nap- pies, for....---- ---- --...-.........- -----.................9e Fancy China Milk Pitchers, reg. 75c. to $1.35, for. ... 49c. to 98c- 2 pair of Book Ends, regular $2.35 and $1.50, for -....... $1.615 Set of Six iiand Painted Wine Glasses, reg, $1.20, for.... 69c. MRS. L. REID 7 o, wI-OR.OlNO, Onetri, UNTOCHURCN, STJNDAY. MARCH12, 19.50 11.00 P.m.-The Jesus we nuszt find. 2,00 -p.'.-Leýskard. 3.00 p.m.-Kirby Service. Look iiiyour -heart, for the answer It happcns almnost every hour, somewhere in Canada. A thioughtless ste-p, a screamr of braces ... and anothcr Ih/e hangs in he bGne-ihan mrgnblood tanfu ion h elyhope! Wil! ourea(zh euta hlna ndto s-natch o ne of tes i?,es [rom te jwsOf datYoucan -dousa hiy giOinýggeer ut ""thp~ cic ided nd lasm a. K ) M!r. and Iirs. ColTalrBo a- ville. onSnay Mrs. Jas. Dic-kson atndd the Golden iiWedding Ai vvesayof Rv (Dr.) and Mrsý. W .Fecec Oshawa ,on Wdedylast. I wýould like te thar4k iýthie peoplej wo s rcosycnrbtdte the Re.d Crosevss irniay dis3trict. Matry Elizabeth Lycett, Orono). Congratulations te Miîss Shnirley QuLantrill on passing GaeIlI Theor y Exam1ination, wthlst Classa1-ono01- (pupil of Mrs. _M. H. SUapies). Mrý. and Mrïs. L. Darch, Mr. and Mrs. R. Coopeýr, of Toronto, were, week-end visitera of Mr. and Mrs. C. Tennant and Mr. and Mrs. F. 0. Cooper. ,Olficers aýnd Memobers of Orono Lodge, No. 4136, ....F.. went :by bus Vou Otona,,bee dgPeter.bor- oughr, and conferred thre third degree on ceven candidates. The Intermiediate ?oomn of Oronoo Public School opened on Wednesday amornig after.being clowec for a week due te theilas of the teach- er. Mrs. Ray Carltoni. Thfe Orono Fish and Huant Clab dance on Friday eveing last was a real seciable get-together. AIl en- ioyePd dancing te Roy Forrester',-s Orchestra, while cards mure playcd downstairs M.and Mrs. Josepi Rickaby,, Mr. Jack Rickaby. Mr. elen Johnson a nd baby of Tovento, Mr. and Mrs. C.W. Billings wr alesOn Suin- day w'tl Mr. and Mrs. Hjeber Souch- andf Mrs. H. Rickaby. The'. G. Amtog Genleral Soeis bheing cmleeydecor-ated and rervated nside o ing's new lok, whih is jst arond th "ornr hithereneatin. ane ila -uý-ud i - -4- 4- - i for 01 if livea "o' hacein 'thec i5 T'HE RED & WITE Se lloney, No. 1 Manitoba,Ne O pie b MR4-- pail ....... ....... 79ec I 2 lb carton......46c àI z '0 - Local News FDaCiS JW . Chas. Wuoodof Kicheneri ___spent the week-enid at his lhome here. Mr. and MIrs.F euster and fml This -week, March 6th te the lOfr , 1vedin ir e hm l ri iEdu'catlion WekThi occasio spst aside each- year tu bring btheay. attLention of parenits and citiren - 1 iNssAudrey 'BiligsToronto, i-~portaner of a good education and spent the week-end with Orono, the ork the sehools and teaches;a friends. doing for the boys and girls of today. Mr, and Ms Jas. Linton, Toronmt. Education is te'arn wovrk -imong the sient over the '-week-end -with 10r. schco. the hocme and thecmuiy and Mrs. G. M. Linton. Th plaïy canno be carried out if one e.A .Esac odce h of these players fail te their job.Th1sevceatAE te t. nted Chh ichools have the fHom and St lbethS.oUite Oshx ~ '>oriaion(d Orono, the Pa ents Iawa, on Sunday evening. D)icussion Groups) tu link the par.i Mrs. F. O. Cooper visited omerthe' ents with the happenings at scool. eek-end wîith Mr. and Mrs. 0. Fa- Thie comitnruity and itizens take an gan and son Michael in TiMilr. atipepart ia Ohe youth by support-IMs.A hrwn ad dauhe ing sports, craft groups, etc., which FloreA. Hiteri v ansdtdMis Ethr are aise connetd w'ýýith the school toij Sherwin and Mr. Robert Sherwin. -'~i~pb~ns'nrtsaas~pand their, abilîties to do varions jobs. Mr. amd Mrs. Charlie Stanton and Religion ,also pînys a great part farnily ,Os0ýhawa, visited wvith Mr. n the chracter: oftoy' yourgerl and Mrs. Wii. Stamnton on Suinday-. geertin --young peoples ogar. Mss elenaWadellissppyg izaios, C.G.IT, and Vcir i ï- ehr a rm t och ScOS durigng twile- Pmgs are he'l !îto aid t1he bcy'S pîayabs"ence of Ms.C. S.Mc-] Pnd gin alici-ning thi-r res- Laren. siiiisin years te corne.Drad Mi.CW.Seoan I ar sue c rnone Au ~ti rgranudcîrn, of Bowrnanuile. viPt resorib'tis t to cùih ->vi y d r.and Mm_.Yr.A. E, ille t oan carryeut he te-am wý-,ork na ls Miaad M is. W luar, and Mr poss;ible. a(d Is. Glameme Alunvisitd it 3 or 29c. Cadbury's Instant Drinking Chocolate, 16 oz tin 14e Assorted ChocoLates, McCormick's Variety, lb. box for ......I..............79c ~ REIISALMON S-,TEAKS, frozen, lb 3)9c WVe have Select Gysters thlis week- Quc ukrOats, 5-lb family pkg....41: MCarený ý's Impri-al ýCese, anÈ ex'uisjRe oid Redpat-h Icing Su-Lgar, 2 1-lb pgs.........25 Parkay Margan e ae by Kraft, Special, lb 2c, "Vel", new implroved, with 1i giant rcak amlv Soa20ailfor.......... ..............8 Florida Grapefrujit, large' 96's, 3 for.......... 25ec Sunkist Oranges, 288's sweet and Juicy, dozê4 42-c No. 1 Ontario Spies, 6& quart basket......... 49e Lemons, Juibos, 5 .for .....,.,....19e We Deliver Poe1 Daily C R NUS P1er ARMSTRONG'S Our Nent Wallpapers are now ini Stock. If Youi are tinlkiiag of papering se Our niew pat- teras forevýry r oom. AI] New DressLethfo Sp)rinilg, la Florai l ilnd Stripes, poce for 4 yard lengths .. ....6OO tu $9.50 Flowered Dimity, idcfor Blouses or chîldrn' Mesfrsprnuosrse ?B îleTn a" ria Ail W'->I S '-~ Phd Pastel 5k" l" p d Sîî~ Çml.n'~ h ce> Bî~:'e (,i . pv $~3~OO r- -'r "-~ r-'- ev-s4- r v-i JINGLE JELL Reg. lOc 2 for 15c Check Dress Suits, wiït el tra Navy Skirt, size L priced at...........----- Shoes, ina different stiyles fff spriag', ila Wille, BlIackc Brown, Piumps, Straly Wedie,.' ndLoafeýs, pi ced from .$4------ to Blouses la Rayon colors of Blue, Pi low, White, aIl styles, priced .. $4 Mercerized Broadclo White, Piak, Yellm ced yard ... 90 AI' Spriag Shadee i Wi h du 'k Seams, fly or Chapr~aci '~ies, 45 aad il de lier $1 4- '-'ri'~'~1 r' ~iJ , Ci 4s~ri~"1 ~s ~'~1 2o'. ~ bn~es fln' I ~ui~y Tortiat~ JUXP, t;n............ C 'Xp Snaebs, pkg S' itliieti, pkg COWAN- and Mr is a ý son. Sultana Raisins, Special, 2 lbs.........3c Macaroýni, Ready-Cut, 2 lb pkig........... 25e Clark's Pork & Beans, 2 20-oz tins for ... . ..27e

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