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Orono Weekly Times, 9 Mar 1950, p. 8

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and Mis. Dv 'eek-end skiing COR &HM UN Oirono,Otao At Youn Secrvice in Turne oflN ced FOUREENYEARS' EXPERIENCE Phone 18S r î (Day or Nighit) *GLJO ENAMEL GLO FEATURES Io hý recidy to ",à 10 is asy to aPPiy o0 cvers in esco le needs fno p.r&moW 0W at.r e* d ies i3 tb 4h0w 0 hs washubýi~ .ys MeIC Ia ry Ref ri Fîndlay Coin] EetiCoal o .$284.Oil Fiýndlay Co Cmal or $174A0 Findlay C Co0al or Wî $133.0C Findlay Tortoi Coal or Wg $91.-30 Findlay Ai Coal or wl $59.00 Findlay Prop $126.0( Finqay Elea + $202.0( McClary Ra SPECU, -Beatty ELECTRIC M Sce Our Coinl Stoek of Sunworthy ai tested WalIl HARDWAF 43 n 1 Farmers' County Co-op, GUESS WOIRK FEEDS" for best resuits. feeds rathler than quantity. ad mnie ivy on feeds of in ferior pýceop l wo keep records. md1q get yu upisat cost. n bo~k grains, l lis; $200 M mi M5 on ljts; 1qoff cmberships Phare i Ge savings based on your 100 shares. phs atoag vieds on il yopur fS,' g ancy. Lt is wrl-id ndsr the peupfle i I very pr o gress,ýv e on the b'rho THEATRE-B VMANVILLE Thuirsday, March 9'tlh ROpBERT YOUNG SHIRLEY TE-MPLE "ADVENTURE IN BALTIMORE" SECOND EATURE ,,THiE' WNDO W1 Fri. & Sat., Mar. -1 "DAVY CROCKETT INDIAN SCOUT" ADDED ATTR-ACTION "IIERE COMES TROUBLE" Short . "Fight For Better Seblools", IlMon, and Wed.ý 14, 15 IRIDF)A-N MALE you through your Co-,Oper- Mm. Dougaanet speat Saitu- day in Toronto. Mr. and Mmi. Arnold Thioimndyke ,and famil'y spent Sunday ifxMr.: ,and Mms.i. 'Paynle. >Mr. an*d Mrs. L. Ou'gtred aad Dom- na spent Suaiday *vening wthMr. and Mrs. Edgar Bamro-mlough. Mn. ami Mrsý. Fred' Tafford of Bun- ker 1111, s pent Sunday ý Mrs. Perc.y Snell. Thet( Farro Forum mas h1eld at Vie lholmI of Mm. and Mrs. George,( Tufford with nine preseat. Mondayi evenfing' tea with Mr. and Mrs. A11lan Clarke. Sunday School was held mý,iti about twenty present. Chanci followed ýwith Dr. Oke again Vkighis text' from the Gse of John. Mm. and Mrs. Harold Reeýveated ,ed the, Golden Weddinig Anniversary ýof Mn. and Mrs. _R. Harceunt at Port ýHope on February 28th. We'are sorry to rePport the deathI of Mrs. A. Meadows of Port Hope.. Syptyis extended to mrs. C. Payn'e on the le-as of hem mothier. COWANVILLE Severa from Vieifo 'resentation for M.and Mmi. Ken- neti Clarkçe, in Newtonville hall on Fndynighit. Congratulations to' Mr. ana M"ýrs.i Broo)ksCma of Atoi on the birthi of a son.I The Social Evening was postýjou donaccount 'oT oad and meather coniditions. uiea nu bhave been suifer- hig with colds and ilu, We wîsi theyn f al a speedy recovemy. Mm.âaad ms. A. Bandy amind~ y Newton'vi'lle, at ril o i o Sunday.', CGwen Jones )f Zion. 5unday (Sunday lricir Easter) in Mr. nd rs, Congrat0I.tions to 'Ir. and le. ~ evening wheni a pageant xvwii bel a, rrivai f a ohn)Sark'n the. rirtýh f a1itie puesmnted. Mrs. H. A. Bun, isii, mln. prge of this. A reafl effort to me M4r. and MUrs. RoiiBu ey iBrcelloato in 19'50 -\as the anmbition \Tiil p iand 1Bhby, oF -Port 1Hope, visited vicdand educational pictures were' ~vi'iXos ad rs. Tone 'anxd Mrs. LMabe gstaff discused for the near fuLture. Cal- _________ ýn Sunday. eindars mnade by Mrs. Sidn)ey Lanicas- Owu o illness and road conidi- ter, Treasurer, wvere dlistributed. A tions thiere wevre rione of our W.M.vTS. rneed of old fasbioi-edl calling on oqur! nnambers al oten,-d Pebteil nihbo v as srsed r Sid, an hswas ai pinmat, dn'Lan caster gave an chpter la the1 QLXXT1~ by s asthe gue peakrMis 5- tudy -boo-k. Mrs.GoreMCcul- 's'ri-N b iý,l urtic, Ilte grat 1grand-'lough ivie the Society to her I a Ghtrf %Wm'. W ade ioe honie on t h e lg.regli meting da'y, jnth ot Granby district. Sine Mairchl5t 1h. The hostess served a eadaonshle hasspntal1hebr lîeoveiv uc after the close of thei ini Japani Som nthe district wnt eeting. te eschool to her si'ster, Miýss ati Wme'IntueMeig Coutie, xay ear ao.Thie regular mepeting of thie Ne-ý W.M. S. lJetn ovleWm ns nsttute was held Thie FL'n~meetn o1 hcWM.Wdnsa afterno,)ii. February 15, S. as el inth ho ofMr. the liomne of Ms Geo_ Kimbal. Pearce onil ebruary 7, withfur Newcoastle. Tw enty ladies were pTires- teen present. Th-è prîsideaut lhad1ri t.$jiiOvOO wa,, v ote ethe United' chalurge of the rsi servicF ilad Nations Ch-ildren'ýs Fund, also $5i; busnes peiod rh Thnk ff r-to hle1~p finance an educatloni' -trip to1 ngsriewIbeheld on-1Palm iPetedý,borýough which the Departnient1 __________of Homie Econom-ics is planniling foi, the Grl'CIlubs. A letter telin' o Orono Elctri (Il great need of wanm clothing la ur igrto ýewa rend and aay1onle Laving 1)0 i>h. 5 r i.anythiag mas urg-ed to lenve Aitda ville Jones of Newtoiv"ille, or mrs. CONTRACTORS FOR George ii, NeWCastLle, by March FARM-N and BOUSE st. It was decided to have aSt biatonPatrilck's tea amd sale of home o- biatonWIRING ing ini the Uinited Churcli hasement, Free Estimates Nworilo ac lh en 1) i)-mittee" to planl for samle was appoinit- APPLIANCE SALES edi. Also a n1om-îiaatingý coimmittea endor~~ Mrs. Pearce and miss Jesrie ,Th-ompl- rnorPromrpt aDd GaanedrejPairfs son mere ppointed. Instead of la 'ood to alilmakes of Electrical Equipineut pormethe Necse Gru O and Aplaue rovîd(ed a socifal hour and elichre for Such as Motors, Wate-r Heaters, ýl oseo wiývshed Vto pl-I. Ladies' ~)Val Ridios, sioves, Irons, Etc. high score Mrs. F. Hnero;low ood______________________score, Mrs. Mc(_Cul)'ongli; lucky cap, 11 MS. C. Bow; ucky ,Chair, Mrs. )re o ok Newtoaville 1 ýLihtinig i.~flufluAfteragrt deal of tjime and ef- Cap tol O E fortnLudngseveral frite HnnexE gationsandpeitions ovrà'p id'f several \years, a aplan has finally been, rdFri. & Sat. ,NMar. 10-1, dram up where-) by thehamilet of 1 Ne-wtonivilIe na receivo a street "THEI STORYV OF lig a siip ystei. ,)tne Gas uAL 4>1ow;,!ig seýveral i uiemeet O SEABSCIJT" tgs, etcnsve correspondence andI Withi Shirley Temple, Lon Mc.- the Towii'ship) Couacil me- with alI vy Duty Calister and Barry Fitzgerald good rieprese-ntaticii of th"e villago,11 lieCoor ratepayers ila the community Hall on on ayafternioon, February 27Vh, O "TARZZAN'S MýYSTrERZY" for fihe final dlecision on themaer With Johnny WeissmuILler t 7mas noted -with saitisfactin itbat aligette not one dlissenting vote was heard.1 ) Ating on the Reeve's sug-gestion, a M1on., Tue_,s., M1ar. 13-114 j commrittee mw - sas pp'oin'ted o nego- "Prince O0f Foxes" , AL I Mm. Johnstoni, Mrs. Gilimer. %iV Tyrone Power, anda IR On beitalf of the Women's 1xstituteý ylnrxad ro I f.wxo 'have been baclki-rg, the projeect) XASHER 1and the, village residenits, Mrs. Johni- AS ER Wed., Thur.,, Mar. 15-16 ston inoved a vo-te o7f appreciition-. toi teCouneil, andMi-,eri na!ortheir 'NOT NTW"tim andworkon he iatter. Titis 1131te NTe (uned 1oter)was sec'onded by Mrs. Gil-mer, ap- ~plee Nw (awe Mohei proved by thie others, and tendered "THELMA JORDON" '((820) te i e Council "Éby Mr. F. Gilmier, in nd Si-With Barbara Stawyck tie capalclty of cbaiviman protern. un SR-Aduit 1Eatertainnteak Deputy Reeve Lo;wery, responded ýpapers____________ __ after aý brief pause, caused by shoc, as lie humorously put it-, at thle atl. ____________________________er rare extpenienIce of the couadicl re- ceivlng praise for Lanythîing they had )nono I .,~7<'LL ~The imeeting ý-thenadomn. - I WESLEYVILLE can be created no-w with ftheGreat-West -Life% Atag2,£100odaylieisaceutmtcll increases te S5.00, hbut the premium reinis iesne lie Wil bave a mnan-sized estatefor th ie years o)frep- sibility flaflad Let me give' you f ulI cetails of this nkepoicy. /~1OEDonald Hamm ORONO "lYOUR FUTURE 1$ OURBUIES. TODA' DO i'OU REMEMBER LOG CABIN CHO0COLATES? They are back again, 12 flavours to choose from.n Hard or soft centres, or have themr assoruted, Note the Iow price, lb...........9 Amim-i-dent. The A-mmoniated Tooth Paste. A cavity control aid, tubef.)l... ý............29,c Dyvtint for dlyeing or for tinting. In tinting put Dytint in rinse w ater af-ter washiig. For dyeirng,ý boil the material mwIih Dyt int.IFuliretin on each pkg, 38 shades to choose fopkg.- 10t Jute Ruigs, assorted patterns, b.right colors, size about 17" x 35", each ...........$00 -' Special - Ladies' Cellasuede Brief9S, sizes snmll, imedium or large in the lot. Different styles and colors, regular 59e, to(75e for,......... 49e Children's Cotton Knit Six-button Sweaters, long Sleeves, two Pockets, colors Rust, Green, Re or brown, each....... .....8 GROCERY FEATURES. Gold MdalJelly Pwerfia'- vouirs of Strawberry, Rasp- berry, Orange, Lem-on, Lime.f etc., 9 pkgs f or........ 25C Fab for fabulous Suds 1Special, 2 'regulIar boxes,.- 63c mi3 - Special - Kraft Dinner for de- licious Macaroni and Cheese,. 2regular pkgs....... ... 25c Thi- 3Mix wmill mnake any cake Aunt Jenania Devil's Food Cake or any cookies Ready Mix, add water, that's Pkg. 37c. ail,pkg for..........35C Pie-Readiy Cherries, is read-y for your pies. No added ingredients required, large 20 oz tin... 39c ORONO 5c. TO $100 S ilORE YOIUR POPULAR ,,SHOPPING CENTRE Meter Equip-ment Northec' F mneral Diref EqulppÉed t. take car* reasolnable char Telephemoe:,Office, T*lephena oCollect Litt and Smnith ect.ra aud Furniturei Dealeru i COURTESY SERVICE ce ef the, m.4.t funoral Mt the meut rge &as W511an tii. Iargnt aind ,*8 -Rosïdne .: 28 and 724 SPRNG IS JUST AROUND TIIE CORNERý' SoonYouW'111 Need Rooin - Fûecing - Painit Fnnand Dainy Equipnwnit Garde-n Trcetons - Fari V Wagonus Refrigfenatlors - Deep Freezers ! Venetian Blinds - Flon PoliShers Radios - Television No maLtten how large onsinali y-oun nequinernents are, see Coleman & Philp Electric Phone 89 nrI-1- ORONO Your ChiId's Estatle

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