Vol. 141 NC 8 ORONO.ONT., THUPSDAY, MAR. l6th, 19,50 Skating Club Performe-s Before Sel-out rod The foýurth aninu-al Tce Cariniv,,al of Fdrl rnsAidExam,ïin- the Orone Skating Club was iced~ at th-e local areisa on nte ntighs of ain0 colCide -iVlarch lOVh fig te wita sesîo- This -moni-th the Nor-thuberlaand -eutcrotd itnasia th fatas ofDurisasai H-ealth Unit. in co-ope-ratiol ilEmr bladec forbonh aihts. ith thé lirthcunbel and -Du rhan The iseveity-tv,-o katers perforn- àMed coiW.!-- i m,'n.is in:ifing ing in tnos great local slrow ranged programmne whereby 9il eblidren wh( froro the yotingest of four years to have enteredi kindqergariten or grad theoler n heàlae ten. Ot f, drig the currenW eii theeier i hei Tta ee U~>soihools sittua-ted ili the Uatknd Counr these skaters foulrteen acis were ties, wIi li e able ta have their -iniic. produced on the ice with one ant calexaSminationcoinletd0Y theil havhs8g twýelve scenes. 1family physician. This is an ap. TIhis year nsyost of the solo work poach o tis b"portant part of th( w:as takcn oeut of the carnrival, bhrig 1sehl hiealth programime, andîs hbe. repace wih dilinunber, wiching financed wlth funds provided bS illustiated sonne particuflar torýy. 1 fedý PIerPulc elt Gatf Costumes for this gala spectacle The Publi c ealth Nredoes thc ïanged froni bathing suits, vening initial part of this examiniation in th( dIresses Vo that of farirsereVte~ attire. school. This includes mecasulrement The teenesanoiut of work con- of height ýind weighit, and tests foi vo1ved lintMe nsakng of these cos- vision anid he-a1in.g. This information fh an t net is týei~ ent-red on thechdsm ia iturnes broughit orth an nire nt examinatsion recordi which is sent -et of . costumes and in sorine cases hoIne to the paren.t toge-therwt a's an as en-fv sinsiilarI dress- letter of explanation. The card y es we , re displayed .on sthe ice. -Pos- thon akan by the par~ent to theis s~bytihe miost tstandfing scene, famui pyiinwe hu hl boUs in skili and beauty, mas that 1Vo lie eXaminted. The doctor coin Gf Chs4trias. ini the parade of mion- Pla(tP-s the niedîcai examlination anl thsý This scene depcted Santa inirtun the card V th ie Northiumber- ids Sigh %h hlreinders, aîoni land-4}urhiai Health Unit. bis slaa of Fitb bies. i Th"ee-reapproximratvyly 10schul W4t a os ofFanes Th duliindren in tire United Counties mho wili the course of this Picuiresque scene lie benefited by this scheme and it os wasmust oYutstandng Mnd tihe<olurhoped ithat ail parents whio receive pdded by thseconstsumes onily niade iti a card for their chUldPii ake ad- saclra pro naJvantage of ibis fraee aiato *Two boy ineniers of the Skating This prograniire ïbas beecn initiatai 'Clixb made their aippearance with tise ecause it is realized thiat the health thi yeramdin h e of the chld bas -a direct beatiring orii anp~l tis yar, in tairde-his school wr.Ciidren iïshould but gave vlety VoeUdis great sho.Whlave a complets miedical exainaý,tioii Nan Unewîoth, cub pre'easioayal t the timce they enfer scheol 'so that dspleyed her talents ia colo niuiers ay deffeets wvhichi are frinnd asay ho and la thme eiV mas apparent tat ber correete-d, and ftheref ors noV tbe ai- nljility Voak n a vide scope, bth 'lwad o affect and injure théir !p.~rit and skili with which it was bealth. pellolvied, t ik haped that the svsteain of hav- pei~fo»ied. ng- the physieni inspection of school Spade doas not permit 'a descrip- ehildre couitd by the f"Ansi tien of ail the acta with Vthe parti- 'physician iiibe effective in inmrv- ciatbut th e eLrc show is de- ing the lie0th su'_pervision cf cliii. lîý-Ite qeittc hevitiae f ofjio«drn.Mass X-Ray Surveys s Inlc d arnival is Vo be Arrangements care being eoinpleted iced eýt 1Bow-rasavilie Areiia on Fr* 1fer the mass x-rayi surveys bhy ste day, -Manch 17, ai aiso a Cobourg êeismo ittnlacharge i hl edfern Anaearly a hisemcnh of Aprul aroa.ýý These sresare, sponsocred liy lhe Tutbereuiuo)sisAs soei a t ions and Servc cubýs, and are mnade pas- ,,edu, er ersilile by thre sale- of Crsm spse; ~-~~CrWu~rSurvesys mioi be held et the fol- Fiqui 'Lands Prohibitive! c-tes snvna il.ZtlId 04 >t I OmNg A lneased nmbersof ne- -qu,-ests ffororainpei-tainiag VoTý liquid fr theessUsOntarna Fertil-, izer Boar-d las' reccd ths folîcu'- hng statment: "Liquid s fartilizers disregsardinsg cost' ara Very' conlvenient for bouse plant use, rsaosaetc.A gal-1 lin cf colmmlercial liqnid fartilizer conteifing approxhmately 2S§a panade c-f ate plant food casts appraxl-i rn'ateiy $,0 The saine quatity of4 'planIt foodi in Visle dry fartai co.t iaouad 80 cents. On a on basis, a 5-10-5 fer,_lizer ia hs dry forrin costs epprooimat ely 45.O.Thes saine rquarltty 0, f plant food la hs fornof li'quid fertilizerý cosVs aven $800.002'" "To date, thers is ne experuantal evidence uiinder Ontariocoitnsa iadicate that liquid fertilzers have aa.y moenspficial offets -on gromth c)f fLarn 'cýropo h ordinory dry -fan- Vïizes o f the sinse anelysis mvhen ing 'a liquid £f< frred Vo page ÀteptTo Bank ( memptf ,.p t 1, 0 is. thnieves apparently -w thai-ir entrence biyvIt V it e roar of Uic bulîdil bhers that tVhs telîtale es breekia maslait. Tb, ýad basa lifted up elios en;d tile condueVÀor pipe aven V'ýýhs trp deanhai thanu ctnetrh meIS noV itnesssd by sgsaid foir--saine s27 a ont ad anto the nl Bank rlyo Tfi is 1In d- Dn am a o Je- in ir ie, )r le le it )r m !r Fih ad n Clb sk1 Aid J9OF ere emWn Th rooFihand IHunt Club PŽOf esad ,esOfOrn hav~ben disd y heDstic de No. 4.'M, viite-d Dur'ham Lodge Gae arenofth Poincial De- o gPr oe nTedynir'ht, partint oi)fLands ardi Fo)rests taj Élvet eigte fnasin ithe firsti their rquest fr day lpeasan &io oseiio o ieDge chicks is to e gatd InaletterI3, ldu uhvmDsrc o 2 F eceived from- the De1partnsent tai~ ~ b i wceek they have agreed to -up1l' -T e dgree wns el exmpil I aClarke ownshpwith ,00dck'bo4th tnm.Th, judges verdict ,gav e which' wiilhave to be brooded pider Orpwoî Lodge Uhe slfiel by points of liens 'by the ontes geftting Uem br by 99 bo K80 ut of a totalof I100. ordinary broëdert. There isn echar11ge OrûOù oLotge bas now MMon the fýor thesc pheasant chicks. You have shie dfou'r tines ini a row lil 1 de-1 Hiecnomn of seeing thcei reach grecs of thre Order. We take thMs the age w-hen they cana take care of nprUjj.ýt Xen ULC thesasiselves and yuiiay continuet V ete tureogr~t Fliourgetheýin ta o meiain oDryour u1aionýss o thie Captains annd thieil entoarage Deýree Staffs for 'tis sinepeeo li order ta iake a fair dsrb-wik boen of the cheks wh ney arrivec e-ach fariner in, asked Yo leave his, ÇFIE naine.and the desired lni iber mof! W. "A. MEETI chck,with thc-e ctb secretary, Ieroy! 11aamilton-. Yo)u nmay nhave as few a T'he Wma'Asoto f Park1 fify or up to 100 if the damand WillStues united Cinircli ield thefr pri.Yoýu are askedt to leae 01U a le metinig at the re of Mrs.z; order nom in order Vo ÈSlmpy hi- -,vOoan, wtha gpo'dattend-ane ping istrucions.MiiiC. Duncn, esdeipesided. l Miss M, Davy gave tihe devontal, E. V. P;ar Injured In îaertpture reacling aan ispr No. 2 lighway Acciaeut [Drumnonk led in prayer. Mrs.[( E'vrett V. Hoar-, 5(», cfBomn ville, posd ft Hoa'r anpr îimuted, a fre eiet c n asniley randci e in utes a caeviouss meetinîg and Mrs. R . E. Igave thie treasurier's report. 'V. Robinisou reported on the; oent o te i nsckam le. rlng the business sesssioln, planls mnaea o enter ta the Rotariini on rae5a of rebrun ary jerju issue. My rùaniagOf I irosgst Vomild a uivd rcolecto f an incident oc-1 urngarouidi the baininig of h- cenitury and iVt 'ook place mhblle e werecapg on an is-liand ý iiila Scugog. The party mas comnpis cý)f FraaokMoet John Amtag Clr inson and -miyseifL. To m-iakaý the Vunemoe dfinite1Vo saline ai vouir local ctiea, w as the year îla micb ]Jothn O'Dell gotmaind ad haý spent, soie timie 0o13 Washburn lslaad mhiic we mavre tIers. 1 do -nV kn'owmheherit mas th sIniriV ocf Wistiiasg lYuck or SDtormy Waathe-r. Vhs two aaw Indian hr antans ilitlodhiaced lt the s or'y feor; th'e filrstVmo for mie by nlains, buti saie pone dsovrda bons -protrud- ilg, out off e"ua bnk'on hsrond ru11naing cdomav, o hs lake la front Of M.Car's lieuse, and on fuither dalving by' vMn. 'Deil, Ilie uncLart'hedý -aib kaf nd ae nuviiber af ether humnanIý boities. The skuilI wselearlly a gash lon tVehs at sida. Phaseboe Va us wera ail thait remniaed K), Trader Johln Sharpa mhad bhis soï foully ma :Mrd itihoseeay days, and 1 kalow nmubemurdered! hlmi - Sftanmy Weasthecr. Crua sbasil evidenc-e onlsy, yen mnay say witlh regard Vo Vhs idenitity ofVh bores. You ana thinik what pou lk buat wibEzihit-A iglit in front off us and witth the story lieing rro- ztrnted and the mntetdetaýIs be- issg exiplaine'd 'liya teecherr froml Vhs colleýglote et Cobiouarg, nofuI'tberer ifwnio ms -neded liy ur Vasai ag-e ml iads. We neyer Vegtfor- a momienîtoff douitInsgJoin ODi Thse foui ded As kno nieca, tihs býial(i asiVis inored a . Bei- dsns Hsorca Sktclesof t'lis thliba e hbook la my posse-ss-ionI, Sa for Ime Vo lia aven l rmatelyaso ciatdîmth tie f oin f' c ianes mas smfficlet ta filiaeyuiglie ,mitIh a bhi' for aillie 1 cemped for thiiee or four ysars aV tesaniespot, ~hgoups cag S lighitily froro yerIVaenr Th suma aloi t hs abo-ve apisorda, Bmairke Paùstpr rs Oned e ' ai'Ie ot ors Voo busy tafi)Coma-l. Imy li mrang, Ibut 1 sancider Vthe lip'res- dion thalu tIV mes hs quartet umentioni- aýI Abo-Pe-mise mars ýprC5eont muahs lianes mar-e dica oered, and lielieve it oir noV, r have had a latter fro.ni ele of them sniace ilieg-intning 0-f ,Contiaued or pag'e rive, t5irvPl- MrS. tura, of t1le ft 'te-, injuries Vo j rae riglt le, eaIsp licerati-onis anid pos- 1 D a r sibla broken rihsinlaan accidmnent e wereî the brow of latsHil wihla-banique leda taintor-triler unit anfd foDur dav y auto nobulieas siorbW i-ilter 8am ie Menday.Ool Mr. Housar was injuried when lhe, "eeti was,2 s'ruck ýby an automnobile, driyasniaha by Gesorge Tulily 4, fP') -1~CcIai cugli, w1hisch skidded laVa sUire Hoar N. F car just as IMn. Mraiht& j~~ id as, mans russhad Vo,,dise Bw'amvïe ei eralI Hosiital by sUi1e Osýhiama Arbul- oneService. H sbig teddLettei I'y Dr. W. .Brk. que saries '&f accident mr encsd diffelcuty ina ciibinlib tbe siar-p L ruse lo aVi s1-1111 dues vo the slip- perv condition ýf VIe pavemient. Thes vs'hi;cle sýtoppad anid blaked tVhs f t hs east thýe d ircf art auto- miobile o t hs t"ransport and applicd bis, hraesHaturned Vo Vhs l'efIt snd PortJioe, MrchZO1 hitVh.a raon ie nortb side oCf the sCobourg, Marchý 270h1a 10 st.L ro ad. The vail as ront badiy ICaplalfadApril 3rd VoClUi. dasmagedami as ablc ta prýcecd on BwAlti e, Mc h 29th, (atitenoon psmy ecn rvr ipr- anid evening11cedngwast, lad the =stameper- Gmrafto. arb M, (afterncon nceand tuirsedi bis car Minth e and cverng. dstc A Voavoidea collI'on. Colliorne, Mgaaih lV.Mi.Har2Wedrvr fth hird, Bnigh{on, Apil 4th nl ard-th.westbound enta, braiced hbisauto and Tve fMrt massX-rays mena held ddeon l rigVotr-a iii UicheUaitsd Cou"'nties ila 1946 and sm ma-re continsued during thle fLmiag talih, siderosad runing sentIfro ycar's. These surveys icovered thc the huhwy is c ar cainie Vo rest ara of the linuied Caunties, and Oan tha South side cf the rond. As 26A471 persans recaived Y-ray. This Mr. a attenipted t aliglit frorn programme eis , arfore, considared t'he reoar ýdoor, the atmbldriveni a 1euveby TuIll, sd-swpdthe ight siîde! IV is planned tA COMpet the sur- af the Hoar vahicie and cotinmed on1 Vcy of the Urnited Caunties Mner ainsi esohdtcbndite al the spin-g wcnthea mo0bile unit ii'inibox pe st idt n M lie avouPable 'V0 visit ite Smialer cen- TeHa awihmslal tres. hTLw Oidy Every adult and schoocdPhild la 8tb d dmskoce mte sb south grade 0or second 1ary sahool should 'ho ditel by sthe forcee cf he mat surs taolitan this freschcýest --a- îwNhen the cli i in their diMstrcCurhB ii.Fn This is na ,o-lv a protection for your hri uidfgFn aïiy and frîends, but also for yoursef, as S 8,0%"ofthe eanrly cases îami 0-f t-ulircuiosis -have no S ymp)T)oro.__ Byv havlý-ng yaur chesýt -x-raved, you DuigVhpat ekcorb- con play your part la hs cfight Dufringthe replag af Vhs Parkbu againt tuemeuesisStreet United Church have aioianteil ta $_967.50 mic nm iigzs thle totali amiount recoived Ya date Vo $771.50 Ec LntC The Buailding and Finance Gmmit tacs for thbc rolbuilfiaig cf hs ch-rch bhave basa busy ega ain ndcon piliag ifrain l paainfor the tremien-dous taskl, ing aod The, suinis )f -moncy d'readyiracivodt kowan enly ta thmmelves they ieft ame greaty apprcdated, and the fol- bafora any enV aa n,d been me lominsg ara tIhe o c-oacontrib-, laVao the ban-ilc.Oaae, tbonty an Vh torhe. ii rry lWe Z S iteaf Prvinus amen lreceived -_J505 0 soidb teopoinion that the wuuld-be ralbars W. R. Pletcher, Oshawa .1-- .0- ata,- 1tested ont 1tha- to-c-h on the conductor Canadian ttemnBm tpp atrPipe ta soc iKthay hod an welding or malville....... --.........00.1 0 )f their a (cttinig torch, .and IV u'as surnîised HL F. Be-y-Trota.......5 iV must have been a ;-dding torch-Mriand Mris. W. W. Cmn raeVouhich u'cnold lhave been oairno use on Ohawa...............2500O as con! VIe vault door. Rev. Bia utcWinalipeg 50ý00 ags, for nS~~,.,~, [o aSbscripstions..........---7700 It =upars thet llCU .lv uSw5151 méJ e trop lut fouire Theu rL any of ]reason fnihtead mayfor they la plenty ai t te enove ,V eeacylhelûnce eqjupinenit heforll e catiag.- rhe attempt an hliking litc V)Ie, bonI wec noV olscrved until Mn. wlir. Slantn, hs iak caker, cama te Vhs bui1dinLg ia Vhs ,mornIng111. Tota a odate..........-- $772-50 Orono Juniors defeae-dý South River Wedne sday ight t the latter place byl a score of 5 to 2. Orphans Lose First 1 Northerin P1ai Thâe ooOphn otthe first game of the playoff mith Souh River atOrono iniilon-Monday cenin.g lest, 'fer- the Noithern On-1tario Ghaa..i pionship, lV a score 0f 9 to 7. It asa fast gaine dthrou'ghout thie six- ty adne c)f pIay, giv-ing an- asti- mnated attendiance of four, bunda1red ail the hrills that a hckey game cani provide. At times the Orphnsé did sanie very ragged playing, whsliiei at other times V hcy ment into high gear, giving the SouUi River, aggre-ý glation somiething Vowry about. In the first period the play mWas farl aen, ithOrone .ýhavinig a sght adantage over thelir oppon- ents. Both einis hadi shots on goals With sonie good savpes rnde bhy t'e opposing gdalics. 0On1Y two goals wer5e scored, ýnc by RaýyeWast, later foibowed by Dean WVest. Itsensd to take th enrt perid forihe, ot River boys ýta fuind theilrbearings 0on the sanlice surfacet. Tn Uic second periodScith River outpluyed t1ie Orphaas-, also otcr ed tliem by four golto two, Ina this pariod ltma too maInch Word,th ca-ptýin cof thc Sosuti River itain, ho scord haeof the four oas.TIse ohrSouth River goal -wns s Scored by Dubie. Tiiese four g-oals caecarly ini the period, jusýt a moitter of tan minutes. That is where- Orono lost sUie g-afie. Mcst c'f these goals mere scoi-ed lar skih m rnihes around the net. Dean West scored the- fisfth goal of 'e psriiod fo)i' the Orphanis unes- sisted. J. cdsislgre the Orono tcam was i4given a penality for S lSh ing but n(-, damnage -%as dore mhile, ha mas off. South River tha-n rail ilno a penalty wlhea Dubie -,as pesa- alzd if<r be'ardilg. Half aliminute Inter Shel,11 -f the san-ie Veni ,.4as gilna pnlyfrholding an Orano pyr.Wbile thieo V playars wmrs off the Oip rais ns ilit the <nu d ofune se(ona peric t,ee sc(ore ms icds et four 'ai. 1a t'hae th ir1d per-,ioCd So ýu th1 Riveýr s gan tairted off s"trng mhsun they ligeâ iiila tre golsîabout Van miuetmo hbyTurney aýnd the other hny Wood, the Captainl, puing filSouthi River three up on the 'Orphians. Th.1isI saame curainsfor thle Ornaten NoV ta-o un11daulnted the% Orone boysý fahdsaine goadhckey for- two inrutes and sreVregoals, Vhs first iy D-ean West on o relbound, tVhs sýeconId bliyHamliltan, anld ý tisetird gelýing again te DeanWast. This tiedï Up tile gama a-t t svo al t aboutfi've nminuteýs t o. haSautha River -boys -seemad idismaýyed iat their tieegoal leadd shean w4ped out ini sncb ea shlort pueriod of Une- With about e m-linute Vo 1go South Rvrbroka Vhsciae eOn a go-al byv Baes earing mas akan t (,tof 'tle WESLEY Ali-. W. ONi o 1 ouday. a vei'y good attend.an And Ronnie spent Sut and 3ms Poey SMU. Mlrs, Araeid'TlU Sharon andi>lnda vis 1, Ougbhsted Sunday a gai ' ianrowvoligý Mdisýs Heeiè 'A card party« of Mri. and Mis Viii, and Uic Ijon Paters. The mn H rdPayne a Mr. Arnold Aust On Wadniesday hansie oif M Af or fpeeior1-1( Vo Vhlaci, 'Plia- Skate sftuck Geal fiicting a deep ge Cateci his '.He dressing for ana fiteen ininutes de jas- agal oînVafiis' the Onono boysn of sane rani hoc! braught thoan gos shur puey mas- ma li cleanig ni rtnk. A goodY River goals xmerc slies in front-oa Gaaring no hn The boys lait " Vhsý retra gam 1Wedaesda1yevn Chamnber 0f Commerce The Ora(no Chainiber afCommerestaii hcid l'Us rgular onthly meeting on protecis Monday, Imrh 13h. Many cf the1 meniliers, hamever, took advantage The c cf the entertainanent lieing supplied inforua art Vhs loyal erens a, aangonly tun ea disi ta carry an te b-usiness, of the argan- Wl th f i zst io.tce pm Police Protection tenial hi, IV mwas lirougit Vo the attention ofi a1sys t Cir the Chaimber' 'ai Comimercethat aci hy T( Orono bs naw u'thoutay poice pro- thea don testinias ' Mr. Poîlard had beenmev- prse Ih cd te Peterborough.In te Rirst the 0Otoi wveek ai bis absenco esOon iofai %mraAofVhsBask i ofwmmer;e mas I moade - targat forthiavs nd n n attamlpt ma-fs made Vo enter into Vths' opinion building. -Mr,. W'oodyard infonmed nmrocPl thiose present fthot tmo orhreePro-Tu vi jneial 1Police arejIo lis added te thepih'i disotritand tMeta Vet-loa hur as s patro illHo la anffectwmite i'ad- in.R ditisnnl maare olitained. hV as! thathe o o stAted thot na a'replacecnt' is! la' ta eng sent VVAsjcsa the place uf MIr. iagis PMollard taoOur village. inglryl- th t bth ORO o Subscri on ~i WEE