- I As j Iok ot the windW, ME aleat îIbret feteep eoe- ee ning. We'su tbank oodness, the sn and Jhein bas a h eav'4y dte t- nhoveng-W nelse ome'sîbn aotsomrethinug more lauai - trawberrles for instance. t my ot b esU o- doi Bery putces6bave fsm Om tI'iîng tht teli ofablerjbo geesel es, e aESEthe lraa le a Ben50uth16geee on b hose gtandse U leancd that îbrcar re heen std o ng by grass-ens 'n aronutl aducah, e e îy a goose wîll cal rIte, wild pansiey, îctically auy other can narne, and not't lnry plant you'li ose or a gander," il, extension borti- testI in tle fcd ni h ene Le-lns or hernies. Allenthttropis iced ht f-mrsretunotht ees vesput up fi simple - four posîs wibV cros ort bbc ýboards or sr ifeatbered wccsini Tcy alsopraid linIngwtr nl BNerr ba tned gees tJ plant, htwarns Tbc rrnsa lost astell s a icce A of -ar rassino h dont s '--Ibty know er,. lrnsar1-e -n n iozes rai varù ins * 1' h avben o nurîingteît aen diP long 1 yousome i thtreco 'Tp .rÈî g ie ay k.A woor aHandsogCro g;, F ery eavy appiainoSad Ms Mmni uy mog lb looi~s as if tese athi et ic o Wantypoils might bc of somer, fîirSince jir Thorpe mas vote M0 bAnot oniy tht grest foot au foot ot ie hW g dia boe toj Thor-pe oif tht Olymipir medals and Irop itsrdeiýy wete roru hl hna hriidAaerAth- had, et an arlierdatc e,îtny plydbasebaliludraasuc maynt bin ahfrs oîg * sp r S Ttonlýy ifficulty abut Iis is that obodyseerus bknw xatl are ioratted now, aînd wedoutf Thorpe ;i worrying very inucwh, cont ayor tt ther."A iason te anlis very tbi!iiggbu a dia,- - ond brapcelet Jle;ssfoere!"sid, tht ,7GUig lady' inGetemnPre.- fe Bondes'; undJithre wau î tht flrs-nsr wi be b thlela you ao xcbage or hambuýrger or. groceriesis otn rf rhi ail th eaeth îctal,-i( ri--ba you coiuld stuiff under Ringlinýg's r, -,Top, * ' So, aïs weý said, we don't beiev Th'orpe ýis loi-urh sieep -aven wh'e f ver, thoe trophies are r Hu e awayls did bave wa f aing thinigs in bis stnîde,. "You ir," said tht King ofSed ili econclusIiionfaithe fr. m-entioned Olymipirs, "arethtJj getsathiete uttht, wond" siîl n igified J.rei)1Y.And if, Sa,:ï i ipbasoeietbg b1i-iuseif and one abuhibiessb" woill bout ,bellyabî rifTorpe blad beu abit ;m-ore voca abot hiselfand isdogs wod ovie stu1dio as amasc leeds ita- ard1s; n etiga rwrigas byýg10 pulla bipo'steth itba utpick, "Wbat was ht m s srions iuury, you evrgotïlu ootbal?" areporter oneasked hlmn, Inste.ad of oi utwith a cata-lo-kgue ol beakag.)es, ctuCasins ndistitchs, tht Indian m'crely hotehrk aorpery, -îtow rold haeyon even gel hurt playîng footba dvl ?" b sc- lad YI loS asa ieeyfeint cî en )opWani, wa utleidiectr otü th C rlilesInda cboo l,,a th anho Iirst Frspotthed Torpe-and o evel sowdhsof'fan almstany- ontruld dtue.eoparletbîn Iha s culoe abduperfectionmfeoru tht si-tant.Jm w usî 15 ensa d ndaburod i rare bd alread sbrd bcouWprer sawbim el v tht lederan et hlmbavndiy ndThorpe was'î en woeaings athljetM.If truukmornproer shots. Thtwas im' an as a tnwa Wad-ieer. YProJm uethnondrie usod credble ate CaFoisaeloung scbeduiWarer duldatîptrsmuadewtb someother roluiege-geenly ront fro p1 doubenta ocn timentson se.Sim ould nsspted a e lax.Yed aftennoou inndaiuttSrnts busrdl, broad junîphigh jump sholpu'iït andal ropided oia scr ev- tussedm le than evenbi Thorpe was laxy, ad stinc 10 do any hr plnig,"W hy1] over'er whu yu ra 2,S aoun 'eru" h woud iss. Thn Ier se"evy yards, witb plenty oýf hoigh t ta alow bs acier gldown une t, and plaing ltwi th, un.- cann acu-,,fo ot1b;g Foýr anlother, be wajs afiT ga kicer 'arexcellence, waee tha mens.inl;eaIng arvard 18 ta 1, Thiorpe booG,-tedfj ourf 3-point- ers t t est fnomtht48yadne and ône f tht dded attrakCtio)nb, wbenhe apcacd lter s apro- - bli, Thse be ewould proceed 10 kirýk alterilateiy over thlt opposite crospecsmaking Ibis d i fficuit s"tnt appear as easy as sblobieg llin a ,drain.pipe. His ghost1lke openfield ruinning was helped treîpendoisiy )y three tricks hae JhAdde-veloped. Hte had a chneof pace that was bewilder- ing, and his abqility'ta stop on the proverbiald rime lef t i-edn a ls flouinderhng n ailsidecs. fîaQ ta7ckler got a ýbit dioser, he liad aq straight rmthe ws-ulie ters we hve sen-prfecly lgal, yetr whih ht lke baterng-am. And ihad wt have ibn termed thst hifory. Now foolring he could stun man itth sw ing of e hi ip; going to appear tibscmn esî as an assistant Cahal rb ably perform bhis haîf lie rop kicking specialty - hel1beweii orbgoieg at Sabbath day'., jo-ur- ney t4i-,have a-,look at. Fifty ye,ýarrs frmnow you'WIl be, tel4ing yopr gr-eat ygrandcldren that tyou sw th bsttht Ver ple na sweat-sirt-andtey wo'e abe I~ ~ WsealCrazy With Fiery Itch- lW iqt c eif- D.B.D. rescription. ui speds pea sdcomfrfon o re thn eansed bh ' sewem, pimpes, ahs abee foot and obter ltçhtrubes nil oSI, 1 TRNOSAPESwRK Order by Mail - Pri'Ce: At fthe market, partment toreand mail order bsnesham been growing s50 mibstantially thatL the Company is issu- ing additional,4Y2% Cum- ulative Redeemable Pre- ferred Shares, to, provide increased capital. A letter or phone calilot Wood, Gundy & CompanY Limited is ail that is noces.-. sary to enter your order for some of these Shares, which we offer as principals. A prospectus tellîng" th£, initeresting ,tory of B;imIpsons developmnent tnej dt ib! is arnrn]gýs àad asset wfll be sent'o you Woo0d, Gundy &Compai:y Limited 36,King tetWs 1T1 r West CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING, ï-,A S I~TC oti a '. Te are the ersuilï f w2 t. titres years 0i frtil slcinadbdn in O.S. They hvteha ge 1,200,,odhecauseî ,Yant te very>hstkîëi,1cblks Cr oUr own i îocks--h1Lg ioos aI'mtr mng. Wstress esggi. Ie ad eioml.Br red Rocks, WhI'sLegtrete Hspbrs croüsehreds. Wriýte f or frvea odr eOfr Farroars' C-prtv rdc opn' Ltmtted.44Mi tet edtcc c tarie. _______ LAREVIEW cbcioka ýrs it tta0fte httar clase po)ultrv men!, ,00 rýeer doubla hlood tesiaed. haeîdad an înspcted'romo real poultry breeding fa-cr akvl , irits of 8 tarms, 10,00 feu irodiakc1ciy. Po, '150 huy bit, atby aaiw STAITE PULES, APOSCON ,C, .8.12 ek ldpies j n 5 weksoidCapns.Propt eilerido a"t,; ooadl go 10sem 0fthelagEet laete e. send for one iaI ad m par ueoJIONZE POUL T, ie IcbuApril 15t-8C; o psil bi-7c Bookyôurorde eow a.tke declivery ,early Lais Mao o eayApnl o, agood rtbie b itart onis. . htest ô sl , Msa asf b, co-eA welY r 3, Yenhvettasgo Markt. Ttis aar arlyturkys igbit easily bebr e priýc. le146 tae prica was 10C ~~~~er ~ ~ hii poe tee ai b for the Christ- mas maret.. 4 Yen tn usa your equiproant twlca b 00- easen.1910cotild i arpeliei of à14. orpr ofits in thete urlceYbusiness. Sen fi orour rieslij a antI ive page lcatalogua, AsWa Oýea lb Fer 1950", wlth full informa- ien n l etail about mnarksts, fesd pricas and lurkey management Aie monthly bulletinsý un turkey managemient, un te the 1minutaý turksY flcws. LakavlW pouilfsara the zchaie of large groers In Canada andl the .SA Mr. IHarold MeDonald. Ou City, houaitt ae View pouits foi severl. yar Iln 48ha mari etefi 1,700 turkey 1toms 8 ihn 9 peunds, bsn 171 'ponnjls. Ho hss an ojý rdar tritit us for 1910 feir 2,0w0, Ha li a great booster or Lakaviaw PuisSanf, i at today to: LAMEVEW TURET R1ANCH &8'ALL TURRET HANTCIIER'ý,V, CNE«.RONTARIO, FR024L 92. AN OPPER bu everl'invnorLetiinven- tionsanti full noraIn at T e he Ramsay' Ce. RItetrat, uln 5l 2ptt1 Bank Street. Otam:a iHÂVE OI] anyt'-iisees ybsar9e ir Write t a-ous1rinfral. W r aldto answer vontenst n lieairon R.Parker's Dye WerirsLi rnien, lY'og Street, Toronto. Ontarie F ARIVIS FOR ALU P;OUT COULONGE.1 erauiyenne, with beantîful b1i, bous1 enlarge harn ,100 undar Cutivatîýin 110 ib1imber ' lotire epruce ane arwod $.00 0.00hndlas. 1, Titîti', ealtor. 18 ieuS..Otta FOR SALE . l ce liadGo rn bouse and enter bidng.Imue frum echeol, chees, îtr n bakmtsshop. Ahl lowing doue. App,ýl unf -1nt 1;tt'hi ne, Dunvegan, Ont R R. J TO CLS-SAE24acetrnrrsle on couutry read nea Coherg. m'-1d f rmj- ina. pastu, wtewod tgood htlldines hank be. hyd,1 rhhiý1.-ana colony housnt, double grag. atatealwoodehed: i -rouer insul bhitdliouse. wei l hilt nd i artalfor; attractive game-nde, , lowr,anal ehrubr, ovely rase; nearby etheel, highrhol transporta- tion, goed bue service. Inly Arc2h Zichoi, Balimore, Ont. 14ARNESS &COLLARS Farmers Atteliti( lr Cosul your nearest Hîarniess Shopabu Staco Harness Supplies, . W sel] aur goods only thirougb stioul Lgcai Staco Leathet Gýo(o eale; T he goods are rî ii ad so -au obui'prices. We nuifacture w, aur facttants - Harness. Hlorse CaBanrs, Sweat Pads. Hlorse Blan kets, and Leathet 'Travelling i Goods. Insisi on Staco, Brand Trade M'Varked Goods 'nd voI3 iget satisfaction Made ony b, 42 WlmtnSt. E.. Toontoc ISSUE i11) 5 FORE AL GUS.Laae asc~zntnas anail uned plants OCyfcile, lanil>5t rDon. nce hushy) $2 98-seedinios 1 Incites bgb 5$4.10 pan 100 (plant 6 inchesapri-iatExhihi- dbon Peonies ln celons real,wht or pink. I8 for 51.89-Apple Ireese Ifeat bîgit 1n variables Melntosit, Spy, Delicieus. 8fer $l.95--Plum treses feet ih ib aleisBrbna Lombard, 4 or$.9. rsCoor ade way Nursbs. ý,Bettroanilie. Otne fatlirytnaned motn'c)Byes, ani or 9,ont)cIIIUýIl 1 ALL Brslo-, lod asedibndd nt k stock, Ne,7 aosu-s;Susx '~ Hamos; P-,rred Rocks. a nd LrgeTomBa- ron Leaitores Mied îl, plae i.Asot STARTIYr PLLETS &CRICKSÏ? 2 WEEKS OLD. ,add0 le; 32,week, e.1d a-dO 9e; 4 waeks olald» adal l5c. SanO for pries lst ef' eider pullets. capons and aeckerals, heavy hbîeeds. Ordar frero andlenclose' this add. 10' depesit. balanice C.O B.Cý 4à,e DAT OLD & STARTED S) CII0 DATeld45? 2weeka ad Oc 2' aakesç adO" Ort wekoel Caonsl. HU ilRONDALE CHIEX ATCffE IMLND40N> ONTAR1O. neC Tht el o e in islayin hus ate itey are gew.Ibe ten tee labo analý tee bad. If.titey carry- poor orrrdnaro' ggg pruutton nai Tbs , e of Top NTet pure breddcititks areR.OP.Siraf. Thesa wiIi pa-off in a,,b'g way, IseTurkýey pouibe. stantad hicks, eider plat.Fre "cata1lgue 'lon Notcî ii als GepiOtavie1. HAVE en avn tloughtbi, hw lmun iepends onuastra.in et hik, yn hooaTit plees;ure and 1profit yen get f ,rom jyer 1010e yaars ptfltynur a banas on blite ,che ye vok ha11 yen erder your aychcs Tha meekt important usinss aioin i'ou as scource roo 'itc2noubu bby hlk Tweddl R.O.P SirçdGoveromeïlnt ppev t1urlcay poulte, T'aedIe iir achr ducîna stock. Lvbbb'gua r.an.tecd". Mixýet cent off fer ras00ndorGlad Ch iS 11atcb, RBni, tannia Heigi-tte. x-alo lueténkien P-oUlrv arme01, itonk. rt FISHEFi.",ORCHAujý,RD CP. K DAk OD CHCIrS PulTorn Ctltr avatirbe'owuEklteanro n b 2 lot Starte"r, 1;lh 4l ent,,rnbber PaO rove' r , A takitar,îOn )HD ite hSa yen reuinsc frjsonn prt mares l-Pcheronsl'lans yd- lais. re yars(fare utttw a b re eti t to p w A, ni al, l , r s J a e,,n woldDotS Kemivble.A 5.,JayFarcur to- n eq ist ss . An l ' ra nim led matin cuofit. eatman aimlwomantodels stet agets nDixsas rtemDeseBy omn BOLN 'SARENSTORECO $1,25 tb E xprl 5"es w eatidclivtr 014.0. btr btc A u S if nrfered SPRPLSIEDCALIUCE MUNRO'S EUG 'STOR 335 Elgin Ottawa3 TOUR Country enrnu rteNe [ars Cahe Po ince 71re u ow W wl yen a'prseid vIý sd u ARE? R d.ornt a 8 . ______ OPPWRTNITIE FOR EN N 4S'j W02 AAAN EAD O500 duty, si-'ay wýek. aigiti heur da.y. 541.05 ialy liuard. 541.78 Galar"'aflerChea ot A.ppiy: Sper rktenden 0 uss no Saea ontl Iw uie Pis Oiro WAnTED ý-w uedDisl oWr nîs l'u!YikwINCIe.Bx71 Lk rw n "OS9&CATTLrRIES lIR"For hlgh EAWI PO.cesBOX 1yur4,rte& Il'flair,0 B weT. ovarpuere, t 4roat àîdai GADNPOWER TOOLS LII eaci; ch:er bag aIraon orderof eSha 2 dozenl. Dp.W yPout,8 na DOORS pricas 180.ISIcRENNA, 2779 Tng, t- .,ri- nte, Ont. t7PINPtDpaIetestsFig7uines ok- sud, aimaenovltis.Good asFsortm1ýAt. LiGseavilite.Bx 9,12-OliSret e more Ce.sle bas! older, 'Sowshoaln vre. hogt pd. e>Yrhai-ged-. Lar.ge ebpat1.s otr.Rep'aie ;by fcnytandmcat BuT dire-ct ---- e manufacturer. H177nets rsro r ik o par doe, r4'800 5e. 90 DlieSt., Torconto. Paint Agents WANTED une f guranted pm, ade aitmakers, A-illous n trior- and xteriri, il',, esy t youre the aent iR ou 1758 Eglinton Ws TORONTO, ONTARTO t, I - r, 1' t -if à Eil8IAT- -a answr Io elleeeaC tta.seed at 15bushels par acre.Cr- -UrRR a nirth 7 ars, 7 mnthe eld. Aise pureb-red morie7 wesold. TIRE I OLREPATA BOM Savcosty Oeil mony ode. Bxda5,Stitlcnt r Gran MUSTsel du teiiihti, CGoreceytore. servie station ,witi iin) urtrTurn.. over execeds 540,000a arJ About 5'8, 000f, dette. Wite: eogelio tonu i k. .Rý.4 PARýTS for al FrenadPedTatr 1917-1950, Fast eriePrtsrerg' t We cospi parts 1Ivvwýandacsoie oli StOepOnt.