Moat Loaf PByý tichlatd 1111Wlkleo SheiffFelx Bendlugr SUP gookedul the gntumentorme 0'-~ Befone bina wa a epin patof Weloafe, fidptte n s lire sae bbmd te Iepa "Hl i lre ejac la tek" el ea ia in ob goobytiroad endknthse ba onWd re1oe% "Ha wpas uIenavntewa- p oudernd eftendla tie if i muudgis waudtahe last plc Myone wuld ok el r crgurd wnaug, Co"~-' "Ddu ge a lokcap tietiie calme asun, thenhad Anoe Pifot aice n ielgr ~ao lek Thnkngt tre budei, ~iky darl ii hatlydiseïyou Cbu eos opigfrtiadf The Ci*ty 0f The Many Belis bee cale, beaue omSax- on days iUpop1ehv ovdgo eisadthe setsudo hi ath thepasingof ounla me ifd wme idiTheyhavesouned the tocin f srif an moe gand ice l, raed ee o many historiSe occasins. So iiil oy an soo If Enland -o lie hlledth coul be alle the"cit cfblls, for every sneof themhnedofand odd church1)iies bteq1closcly packed, squarà e ruUi" had itspa forc not oniy calgld thepole L-t pras anil payeribut tldilieru aîiseý whn hi work îfortedyso stnePmoA des tIemhouaswin work v th nexhborhousol begin and end, Appmertce f , naine ofaD-unegbeq-ueathed tw stliat the ca ret riht pav fo the couleign h enrbl asa ignaletforutheIworkers.u t was thhbe ung & Esix inthe monxî ndeit itmvnig-alog eogda, i a cosiecax sponsibl for thesgnalhewa at mn i~ ignxag hehr a out itc CleF reo teBo elwtl h H;e trie t pctethmZit Chîdrn f Cei, od yualsii ebael ellFoudrofte. odea i th 1cunrï, wheeb cbrcb1elW ave ý bee ae eerince he ay aftr hou0pbirth of her peare. and tookthepresnt ite n 12, be unherene irn f o er n bascarie o i gof dc orka cn was thfit h blat Westminse Atter 'Swim Tbioue"----4-Ielen J9Iagsîî. a mudel, iras been chos- en le iepnest~nî N'ew Jersey iii tire national finals au Js.sne whet be "Swinî for Health" Quceu will ire choses-i fot' 1~5O. îu t, ,wc on qquoeu uind weave hasketx bythe plutzand their bel-sbroughtlwe ow he 10 eartb. But London iss Inwgcttigmoetfthda IidI of te car f wr5smù f nI \ ' tteyaetoke the btrhsare bing ramebu K-i achurch, but the Royal Exchange an cottan ~vihbsled the way. sinice the eyWelliwito time ofits- foinrâ, Sir Thomas'tig S ees G!reshbax i, tre basbeen a. carillon song aley-othings li at the RoyalExcae. Twicetde albsias Exchange ha, been burnedý downl, bteach tn htit bas eenTe a Jl rebuxîlt a newv carillon bhas ibeen ;inlhn apee moauld. mnycags C Thbe crilinuse until receur ats who hd jb ties in'as installed in 1895, andlTui riuned Il .3 pinlu Al Gables At Home-Clark al ad his een riefuir the vilîgers cirç anc, d 6 odockà. It was stopped %j SlaStAley, are ictured for %hefirst thme at thi And so, at %caStI ntbreak oe car When aiter homie followxng tîxeir weddling tnI-p. They spenvt teir fiton temde ol thé war it was roosdIo start lné.Tns the ring¶ng agin. tie-inechanism' lu Hwaii be wtnd',l- ,orn bt onùd re ila einig tof it. But .1 pair, and a ncw macine, but usn- r~~ youngpople liste ing the Oi o in un,îs , s nta-;lledE..J8 V îK> iees thxslinAil Europe -cfive To 11 Oranges and lnuons, ho is, as we ail Inow, A', rie chýeere caled ontina r whh Say he blîs f S. Clmen', nane f a"imhille, long-horned Aosta isfanions.The inoney they ~ a'< Lend rue f-i frthnsnouultan goatand ài 1 te naine get foar àt de peasants send on say the belîs of St. Marîxn'sm of the soift %ether duster wxîb wbhh atchessait, and the Fe, rother When will ou (ipay newe wash down on rcars. Chamoris counpoteyn- Msey pays tie belîs of Old aiey àaaojte nacine of tce Fotie Valley Herp e, 11 e.i siml.Toue diyr-~ ~benI au rcti anditscoimunt, todiich1I re- lmenu ismize, PorIdgewich tirey sayhesi ssof unsbrdithceàty paid a -very ingeti visit. cuîlposoentaPetato sudan xaways SaWh e ilsthat be There welre to dsappointmenta some m+lk. Soietimes they ha e1 i h eî o tpe.inistoe for me: Theirear e f0more an egg, mear on y lu Nvember, IW dorot î,niow. mounitain goata ef1Q at Chamois and Whon a fcnw pigsae s1laugbItered, SayS s egreatbellOf boa. the PeAPIe ofChamois have never Wben irc sun goea down, it i Hmeecme"4aul o i YU Ieud of ak"shammy' leaherbu- bedtimeAns ong eor wn, te, bed. cause ,sIcb Cather happens tm have tbey ame Upagain Md workng. 1 And here cornes a chiolppet chop Moiing whater to do Ailitirde Lfe br.TepopeaeIl off your sauead nt w Chamis g ýoat, lean andtouh; he ouïn b avýe Lieonnaoterdnienoiàà % cye 1U Tirepeople 0t Chamosismake only ly lià ned faces, r heygeer tRo te inin o te hye 5 ne cdaim to faine; thley say -ltey ally do the heavietwrWt "Rpti mar~'but one 8MW live bigher up lin the cl1ouda tian long, horn-shapd baskrets strappred geston iscthai a Clement's Inn, anyeote people iEurpe. They to thirin bcksý, ithe-5 carry 75-poundi opposite the ciburcb, on New Year's Mnay be rigbt' and they may beý load of cheese and butter toethe Day he srvan usd tomakethe wrong, but I cau tell youis, tbeyý, bottoru of -th aly nma roun ofthelawers chinhra nd row edelweiss in the firontr ga- present each tenuant witb an orange dens aid Ivor Benson in arcn andl a lemorin while the belîuf St. internatioiial broadcast. Clemenrt hailed4 the new vear. hmenod toi isbe eet There are Ouly two possibe lu rcen yeas, ut tre awyes wys of reachîng Chamnois-w-yth T h!We amung. no ongr gt te pesetsforthe widing, stony footath fom ireý oranges and Y lnsire givto bottoruof the Vlornn ,or 1y the childneu who aitend a zpecial are Asno heli- -bc baheen the gift ofuthEnDnuih lyIhad %to wxrk, cryigon. my back enou bhread rolîs ad ehildre living in Loudo, a pueas soe asg ols ek ant riemlinde1ýr thhffe 1sChurchg o %ýiWa o St. ClemI1ent Danes, to give it is teel n iontCamiad_________ fuitt s. built on itbe site o ohn o u xe' il n uean ae2t a-anda ietDalaisb colony in Lon~ butter.tï i i AlWsSt.Clements lis Uîite oe sres'h ouse at Chamoirs, tuyig « IsMI l-si tha ashetlltoday, Ih bas got ahied tielieof one f h m ?tiner- V se'tcwaa o)f other Lon)dnchurche, thoi, etil cmunteslute o-dPl*'a 1FstRs1gDr luoe epet o tel.cfoli~ The twentietbcnuyhi l t 'stand 10 mn,,THEN, ta cawlng p it baterd wals uste and lisinventios C ~ssweep sramcs'oeng and steepleand the baeip, ing us along wvitb it; uthref werehured u sad drhi d'ewar Ia luister :of 150 peolple hoeha esit as.grrdnMte AU!l be heard againplaInP, among bsen obypased andleft bouins:t 0tirer tuncs, te old nurser go1onlivîing exaýct1ly as t-eýr fore- rbyme athers lived foriny centuries, Fîrt ofOaIla Mhor Mwrdpicture .. oneitdbedfur beearotrrbletbeheard ofthe place: The auise ,an and r.m yb-ic ,irýýte agan oo, owBella hae a magie criP; the clouds arewMbiteram pend-p >f their owu, with wbicirLh o ' sky beyond ainerusthan any- le fmiin, and te too willbu w ereele in Italy. a, wyt heard befone many ofua are ucr irSouth are the spnwcraked *.' untdubeîuul P olden. Tbe belîs ofSoredits chmae ntisof Gran Paradiso. Here, not yet "grown ich,"exep r o he sloping fielda li u p frntofth toue and tradition, Mnd£3,30 white-washed cbuircb, tlewomeu rae. k"rtt isa now tie, pnice of mtnn tri ae nobkine.They wear %l ong cot-sOMM .,'99M u udP fortuns andenablng theu ta ing tnfroche witb aprons., O hirr Ivrsd e is ni DgaIn in the toweu o St.Leonard' beads they wearkerchifsý, 1 and" ouc f ,ý] r panisb churcb, thir feet i'big, wooden ccr=ogua, W-îtIùý Hard by thzire TwerofDi Lodon r' iijng sounds fronuthe1,,ir sharpý hg the ancienq Chuarch YofAUlWHa scythes, tbey dut the ich grass, ... ý lerbtae, 'ao lows, Barkiug-onwam rmis f adwnitt the white and yellow it-where William Pennu, tefoun- daisies and wild violets, In another der of Peunsylvania, and john aIth e grayss ut yesterdav is non, . ttIbIr~oo Quîucrey Adin-s, itrPresident 'ry and pe, and la being gatherd *CNouipr isapplit of Ae lJultdSaewr d. litogreat bundles and cariried loto eMthe dayaast hc>s Wheu QueuElaeirwn ther,. e storage bin situated ahove tire ni F lcmnn' rut DR, a litti teagorto a4ay the foun- co-sheds. i Palcaod-aho dation stmmeof %tiruow r-building Higber up mie nountaiiu slopes, cirnrcb tire belle w re in positions, tA ail red and white cattle are dea eas tkeaf and rang outi a u-erry peaI, 'Tie3 gýra7zing couteutedly, tbe belle fulI srength - righrl u,- bad beau reeast as a gifr fro n about their neck-a making a per- _e, N ' uhor!For fs-ii Mn, J. W. MeConnell, Pnesîde ut os petunal din that can be hecard a mià e and grand venraut sir-e ,"Moritreat Star" away, 'The men sit and wiachnowmlicmn' atD Se tday AIl Hallows, Barkng and again sendingtirei dýogs a eaî,o-ay b r i el forges another liuk oa round nup One. ou ta o bat a lova and friendshîp acrose theaAA- a * traying ttontam froru tire herd, Lantle beue~n the ugl seain ost of the milk fer rsese w,-I7-y?,;,l0 _t4/5'4, people h~'ends le made ltoc wet of