e Orono Weekly- Timfes Second Class Mail, Po st Office DprmnOtw on request Subseriîption $1.50 Thursdlay morning at th-e Tres office RA. Forrescterý,,,Publisheri-ï Established Januariy, 19,27 St. Pati'ick's Day ý,Patrick's Da-y ,ini the olllng, we wili al entertain thle emg', Irish "Just for a dry." This brings to snind t-he le ibona fide Irshmian, when asked what lie would be in it lie coud nt be Irish. Thc ei's replywa "I woUld )f psu4f" honeare pny cf good Irismen thronghout thue have nmade vý7ast Contributions toward the bettermcent i'uch hlas been saidi and sung in bhoeur of the Emer- at. ~cm ty's lIistory bas rot ewy been a happy one-, ttmnt accorded thie Irsh people bias satimes beeni ifair. Ironing eout thuese diff,-,eences bas been a pro'b- Ilhpeople, andl the ieigliboing Britisýh 1nsWheïn Yd doupe leSympathiés of thinking people WU!l veer rish in a large miensure. Not aIranv cf Us w!ïl wýSh tO îninne of St. Patrick's Day, oi- tuc have the day revert rn versa;ry. with nothing at its bacýk. in, traditiônaliy mrodest -aboutth&r n CIievýmenrts amd erav.With the wemaing of the green and the f March, their nany, friends wll jein bhands in iing A'h pestge and bris Cuture. Wtie for tlhe signis of Wes fu rthe songs of tlie day, and triy being lurish yoiur- e >ft-g e er or Worse ,e ot],er evÊmsinig as te whntgain m-,as Ïr tise n.ew conditions in misicis machin- arrsuers us a ths aspt'osperous as. la ~iestios' l a pes'er iudèad. IustGand of, If suppcrting as orf yoe, tis a veraga impai'cin illed fends fïor iivesteck, and thse £arni's tijliLgaand mitnne ev tisat tisa farimar is beinýg mare and tIbserviae 'ote he4gintereets, A sil- des-k clourd le brought - ,ut la tisa reali- rVspç~nii tha anisas' worker with nd uban scaisaefinding mael ha- 9 Suret* vtfiat tIse imatiods cf te-day ara farsuers, yait tise a aerage fanwm fainsly 11for'tscof lfe tisas' did the families .cf are made po.ssble t1rougis the pro- Uits' wi ,orkers, witIse opraseuit day te ptiy g'o'o'd prces fer feodstufs pr-o- it of good willIi dco-eperýation should ail bPing of' Il. bu thtisaquesýýtion Ire- wondars vbctbùr todny's farmars are ýe their fathe. e e* - 0 "Employment Factors liea'ms'y cf Ou-r eaders 'give sonmd tou'gt te ursg Cte Motan sd stress cf aeeton campai g. intamea wil1 render- soiemu assurance cf "fsull ý- 0 usattar mishat 'party le finaiiy gitan tisa mandata [ne ult'imata y caliad upas'tateiatier chasa off Me dOynst 'or taie aven nmore' unti e mensures by fOr a "dola". Ail t hrougis tine yaars me have beau oymasst le inavitaliie. Thinrking people do s'at lba- ,rcas ýýuch ias a ceuiitry like ourowss- possass, tisera stii cf anipioyment for, ail whmissli mos-k. 0f atier Idae tiste question. Huumas' nture being il a]. nys have a section' cf tise pop)ulation ie mo iii mitiout making taoc 'muali tir in tis e aas'sing cf it. ever -Is'd a saUtsfi(tOrY au1swer te thaese probienisele ajone iiireea.Fui] mloeethesa-cure of aged, deceus houssg ansd palper nutrition - ail respicuslbilitias, and lu'n tIsa ery nature cf humank emetIse faSonslA deteriuining mieter tiis or y wili raai'long i paear. net aneugis te prelong tise lfe cf aay perty misea ona hy the 1sygrd. Perisaps this uccounts fer tisa ce Of tise Lises-ai party ini Eugland. To ccoma eut g, ao btin ihnan and sonsictiing ýunsaîf isi couid place that party bacis upen lis feat. liberallsss r te ba reckaned m -,ithiun thse Old Land Soinetising te cf al]alasses of peopl1e lai needad there. It la bat matter, and acccinplisimast as m41 as promise S svho. erd1ay, To-day and Tomorrow disappoinitmsent -whici fohioNmad tIse hurning ef vs given amy te a courageous rasolv on, tise part ou toelrauild nas ceeu as organ'izatkon cas' haef- caverai confaraces cf ia offiiaIs, m'embesand neessary befora definitp plans eau ha avoivad, ceaded with. We are tWïd tint insurance undar- t tisa old m'als mnust ise ütors' doms', Yet, we hava mne serieus Cnisdadd isard tii,*nkiing man tenture tse wuis aire snend capable cf auppenting an- fare les omaling that houid ha rackened vwith be- iolitionila allemed. Tise araction cf a new set cf ine of tise mjresepeems la ri buiiding. riicis mas douecisy earlièr crnftses'n and trades- tha' n e te renmanncy, "d lassr builingstisas' Gbuýi surhbve etc cd tIse stress cf ire and hava sili n, howavar, le an aida msichwillsecarcaly saltar an pý1refasiosa!ii mmd miich toc offten le gUidaed by îpaying job" ratisar thons'tisaopportunity cf sav- id earnadd eir.Mereever, mhatevar daim mwe as afor ovur part in tisa recaue seuiiato and en- P huildlng. utMsosid awnys ha remiembered that Lthedrali ceilîu'g wmas stili tIse old clsuLrch's cliemu. id tuis and tisa main faibrlc mare iadddows' ta of anether cIsurcis, !et SL,-t us sea tisa mise After ll, me hIs'nuff- Ls te demandi a certain t inist tisaithtie churcis ng days maiy 'bs-jmg. A egard'for humais riglis ouli find uis êvenitualiy omtigfor tisa wall- lie hare she refuses a e aleva e it.'" and CALL 'ÛS FOR ESTIMATES HARRY E. LYCETT Phone 81 r 12 OR ONO 0 ONT. THE PETERBOROUGII'[ LIVIý,STOCIC AUCTI01N EXCHANGE LIMITED pesSaturday afternoont, Mar'. 18 Mfost farmers of this district are faifiar with the advantages3 of this kind of an auction ex- change. M'ýany are operating throughout the Province and se- curing better prices for the fat. imer on bis ivestock. This district badly needs one, which willle operated bi-weekly. We would appreciate Advance notice of any livestock you are in- tending to brin g- to the first sale- by calling Norwood 3170 anky ime, or Peterborough 3669 betweeît 1.30 p.m. and 6.00 pan. Sales barnt is 2 miles east of Liflocks- on the old -Norwood Road. Time 1.30 p.m. Livestock shouid be in before 12 noon. I. L. OU-TWATER AIJCTIONEER The Peterborough Livestock Anc. tien Exchiange Lt,4 R. R. No. 7, Peterboroughi Norwood 3170, Peterborough 3669 OVrono Tinshop PLUMB111NG HOT AIR HO-T, WATER AND STEAM IH -E-ATING R.E.LOGAN R EPhono 18-10 Sale ... Tonâght But a fire broke out semae- whiere! It could happan te any- body. Is Your home insurad. BE ASSURED -BE INSUREID NEIL F. PORTER Phone 92 r 16 0 RONO, Ont. Real Estate- Good farips foi., sle are not plentiful, bu t in n~y office 1 have listed a fairly wiÈde selec- tien which lVaries la price frowm $1,500 to $20,000, according te size, location and generaI qual. ity. --The majorit~y are available for immadiate possession. If youi have any 'land for* sale, eithier improvad or th, poorer type, 1 would be glad tôi knlow about it. There is' a ready market for ail classes of land. Leroy IHamilton BROKER Office 32 r 10, Ras. 1 r 16 Orono, Ontario INSURANCE EN ALL ITS BRANCHES OPLASSIFIED ANNOTTNCEMENTS The Womien's institute meeting wi1il be held on Fridayl, March 17th ut 2.3 pm. aOd' (aneLbdgel Hal special 1 111,ecfthle meet- ing will be mc iigK i ctures.shîowvn by Mr. C. R. ý(t Newcste The main picture . iin.g "Tlse Lon's Neclae On col r),awd picture1 c)f 19418, ilso ýa film o cn the Red Cro-s worüjk, "Girea-t als;' in Peaie." Every- one welcome. Silver olcto' ANNOTJNCEMENT udaMardci 19lb, will be)( a spe-1 cial da,ýy for Kirby' vSusncly Sehool as! Mo. obt. AlUin, car forlmer SUpr tender.it wiIll b-l, atanine o ~rsntthe pie to the ,schola1rs Moi elr atteuidance during 1940 Y ou re invitd. OOLUMNS ANNOUGNCEM E'NT The Eveniin'g Aui-iry maSt Uited Ch-urch iIlmetinJle Ma- sonic Hqall, on Thursday, Ma ch l6th,' at 8.OG p. FOR SALE 199custom 1Ford,. originial trs goodi condition. Phone 52 r Il., Orono. VILLAGE 0F ORONO TENDERSî Tenders will be received bv thie un- dersigned ap to lMarch 25thi, 1950<' fUor the collection. removal anid diý-' posai of ashes, g-arbage and ch, refuse from ,the po)lice Villai'g e Cf Orono. ,96ntract \wilbp let ontra pcidbeginning May, June and July for c Ilectioni and dJisposai once waek-, AROF THAN ýKS The family O'thse i ta Fien Pook H. E. MILLSON, wih 'toe e ers' ei est gat-Secretary In's A l ary ' and iclHeather li-WANTED TO BUY be.a' L e Oon, ortheir kindl Dead or cripied stock, rensoved expessof syrn"Iati-y and fl'oral fr'ee Cy charge. One heur service. tiihte eteded ursgteir r-Hgetpricet for Old hre.Mr Cent sad bereavensent.1 glî Fur Farm, CaIl Colleet Bow- mnuirille 2'I67e. VYOUR ME-MBER REPORTS ____________ W MREÂý'THS FOR SALE 1 Harew,",ihthe fOulnth article - 1Iams new in -a position ltO SUPPIY ,cerniug the second session ufef t artificial wreaths at different pricas.1 Parliamient an'd Vi'us appy tQ -rt 4)~Tliey may be sfern at the home of H.T that so fai' 've rac io eletteYs Pr2sott'sý. or O. W. Knrapp,-s, plsosse denôuning me for beiug politically 62 r 1, Oreneo. Ap 29-.P biased. ________________ Writinig as' article such as this e really tickli.s business, becei 'd FAR-M HELP Lofve to discu)se some offtise debates which haye been gçYlug en this week. Experieneed, rlabeHollas'd fai-l TIsera have beeýn somie very fine cnes ilies 'availbk Arriig ec'.Wite i-oscernbs'iig external affairs, renti cf te, S. B-uSSa, R. R. t1, Nestet4on, Ont.,[ buildingas in Vancouver, unemiploy- Phone 225-24, Port Perry. Jais1.p nient anid a dee and orle ter sub- 'eot.But 1I know that i 1: l h ývery difficult if not impossible ta des-1 FOR SALE criba those, delates ýwithout sýlanting J1080i Duralt, $150. 00, or a 19341 theni -a bit in favor of my party. So, ChyrilrAiir, ',w, 30MO R. J. possibly 1 n-sy lbe exeused foroi, d-oe r1,0oic.a8p ing aniytlngt,, hÎ iel siit be mis-Haccpoe4r13Ooo.-8. interpretadO by anyý readers.----- EacIs morn'ing in the House cf FOR SALE JCommenis we r(ceive a prînted book- 13 bvce oci ornal let cat lid Rouitine rcedu and 134CerltCah ornal Orders cftIse Day. It is actually tise ,new tiremater be ovr ie ee ngenida for, the duay's activities but it 'Y Pice esnl e uc ae nîjso incljudes quets freins jpr-ivuteA pply Ocono Tiniss member-s who request i'esMo froni tIse Ministers on a voide vuirieýty FRSL cf suhjects. lhe Ministans 1are FOR Sig- ed ta answeTort1iaE luestiQis if tisey ' Slitiy uised Jcinsenf%5 .p.g are reasenable. Tis is one wny l ngns I a~ r# odiin wbichi oppositio-1 ninemsbcrs obtain ii- $250 encli. - '~b ns and 1%nox, 'formation. Tt musif keep the deparlt- Eetia Appliaisc4,3 3 2 Georg-e mersts huzý,vpre-paring answers wiic teitou i PMe31219. wîliitrppear ai- i ansard et ainter________________ data. At thenioet thereavae 541- - questions tc>I beoswe and by the' FOR SALE time they have bean auswered ceni- WcsCocninao'fuifr- ple'tely, tisane pro'bably vMi be as ma.ny m-ore ons the paper. Qu-,estio-ns zra1 ~rgrte,$7;fezr of an urgent nature' may 'ha asked 'oily, $,370; imlkierý, $200; water haut-j es' tIsefloor cf tise Chambr lis ns eecri soes, do70;Ro it is cuis>mrary for tIse perses' re- 'Tracter citiVatorsý $170; fertilizar quiring tha in formation to sendl a attachm'ents for any drill $65; Fleur-y copy pi-evilorisly te the Ministar se isei f ertlizer spr-eaders $150;î that hie nay' have tise answer amu-i- tandem dises S,1i69. nianure spr-ea-d- abi1e,. ers $275; a1se agent for( Otaco Lins- You nmay be more isterested laiten PoeCr od,1~2 lre anotbar section cf this bookatet- tdPloearTd,150 aik. tit'leaI'Notilkes of Motion. liera, pri- --p viltea ml-mbérs ask tIse goveramnent, ta take irito couisidaration palli an- CMN RII ner cf subjects. For instance, Duve CIETARVN Croli mants the geOverament te cou- ca r Of cament iii arrivae lwMeek sider- ansiesdinýg our dîvoiree lame, cf Marých 20th. FIa Nfrore eslargîng the grounds for' divorce-0 e arly te caver otaelter. Relpbl inelude dasertion ofit' ore tIsir thrêeaHardwýare, OrVone.) years; grass cruieity, incunable men -________________ ta] disene aftair flie yeurs an'd legai O SL prestimption )f dearth. FRSL TIeelde'iy and 'beioved Dan. Mc- A DeLuxe Foliug arriage./ De- 1yor asýks tinteconsidarnation be gi ven tachahie Foot Well te cosieltj o theciartteprbdm;its effact on cart, mina vitis houa coU,4cd 1ling, moral, mnental as'd physicai Isealtis, Chrome 'acceýsseries, Me . os esaial aela a nasd unalom li1nsoni, phona 6S3 r 4, Olrone. c-9-p, c-hildren, ire 'liexard uud etiser relut -_ ____________ 1ed details. Jack MacDougnll of Briîtisis Coluns- '___________________ Mia atste a'low chuirehes, Char- itaible and War Veterun -ergaiiiza- body, deehied advisable 'by tIse Pr- Fdi0 viriia ovrnenqte hold sweep- S ale sýtakes and Ilotteries for the pur-poe Sigtl Ued " cf raisin- funda ta calrry, on ceii,ýlnsm iy w eifrawork. JOHNSO N 1 John iafnae wants a Dacia-r-4 ationi of RugIs a to pro(teet ail £it b " zens, is' their funidamental freedon)ss Qn ,f religion, speech and th ess Mr anelwat l'ilaiiput e: 5: ilt efc wih-ýoii ik ntle-% h.p. jsumer Purchasing price uaeered by taxation (YI any kis'd. 29 These are just a few cf the 29 EC Notices cf Motion which miii camie, A baifore thse ieuse in th e rdar in1 GIBBOrNS an<t whirhch 'Iey mare ireceivad an'd will ELECTIiICAL APPLIAN~CE5S give Ylou some idea oftIse part whicb 332 George Si., Ptterborouglh ýi tatamnemibars 'piay in' presenjtinjg thaeir Views LoteItIsa, 'governlinsel!t. lb will ha ecalaùhat at thea met ses -__________ sion, tise crime Coinses m-otion pre- sentad y Daviîs Fuston cf Kanuloope ewl i lesdt iku was aecapted by the govarnsent an'd ewlb pasdtpîku brouglht forward as lagisiati-ous whichý DEAD OR CRIPPLED FARM bans'ed Crime Comics. Most cf thin wiii ha deonsad ta failura bae1,causeANIMALS tisa govarmnerjt mili presant reasoas, For immirediate service telephoine wýhy they' wouid inet ha acceptable olet roki 6,Coor thse prasent tinsie., ole 3fllii6,Cbuý If yeou havea any suggestions coui- 1266w, Toronto Adelaide 336 ceridng leiltis hici you think the goveramnent should bring frwrdi Ia e ost is'terastbed te reeiv«eyeur G RO ON*Ld ideas- Prof essional Dlrect.ry MEDICAL A, F. MceKENZIE, M.D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON 'O0ffi ce -Ho0u nq - 2.00 to '100 p.; 6.30 te 8.00 p.m.. Sundays anLd Wednesdtays b7 appontAentonly PHONE 47rI ORGNO E. C. SYER, M.D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Address.- South Main St. Offce ur: 2.00 to 4.04) p.m. 6 30 to 8.0pM Sunidays4 and Hfolidays by Appointment PHONE 74 r 19 ORONO Lawrence Ç.Maone B.A, Barrister and Soicitor BOWMIANVILLE, ONT. ,Office 8 Rome.65&3 W. F. WARD INOTARY Phones:- otfice 825 Regidenc 4 M BOWMANVILLE, ONT. AUCI'IONRER TED JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuator ConductsA Mction Sale. of 2ail alunm and aqt reaaoi<able rat.. Comumunicate with hlm at u-- Perry, Ontario,. or Bee hi. Clerk. A. E. Mortonà, at Orýono, for date. J Ac Kà R EIDz e 1 Orono's Licensed Auctioneer and Valuator Specialfre in Farm and Furnitture Sales Cousu/t rme for ter-mg and dates Phone 5 r I LIFE. INSURANCE Pension .Plans; Educational Policfes; Pr-otection an-d SavinÈgf Plans fer Children and Adults-; Mortgage lu-. suirance Plans.' -F. E. LYCETT7 ORONO, Ouit. - Phione 20 r 14 The RUTTER GRANITE 1COMPANY Phono 8501 - P.O. 'Box 622 Port Hope, Ontari, N~Ioumen C, ravemarkems STAFFORD BROÀ Monumental Works Phonie Whitby 552 I 318 J)ndas St. E., Whitby FINEQALT MON'UMENTS -ANP MARKNERS Let us arect a banidsoma, dig- niiad meinumaent over the reet- is'g place cf youi lovad oniesý It's net expansive. Anid seelng this laet trihute Mii gist6, you endiese coniforit ORONO Reupholsterig Repairing Refinishiig Antiques Bougbit and Sold See our line Qof Drapery Material Kitceon Unit. nmade te order' C- F. Dluncan Phonie 79-16 - O( K 'I f