9dt *ffai44 FOR SMART APPEARANCE Roomai finished with DonnacQua Insulating Board bring "klmarks" for smart appearance. Donnacona Insulating Bloard and Doninaconai Decorative Specialties beautify youîr homei and save fuel at the sane ie . .. economical ~a attractive for -new construction or renovation. D N ACO 1 N A INSULATING BOARD, S>e e MC&4e#% Orono - Ontario i MOTIOdfN PICTURES TOWN HALL, ORON~O Satarday, Mardhili IV cofihmenicing at 8.00 p-lu. ~[ Feature Picture, BOB HO0PE, "C4UGHT IN THE DRý Adults, 42C. ~ADMISSION~ Students 30è. -(Tax Jncluded) Children 15c. Um YOU wottt be lied gto your kil'chen stove *i~4J Make k ORONO ELECTRIC ~~ Gas lleadquarters .........'%Orono Electrie has ail the 1950> GURNEY MODELS. SEE THEM TODAY or phone 55r1 ORONO ELEVTRJC Ladies' Straight Cut Lace Trimmed Slips 32 to 40) S29 Ladies' Sheer and Crepe Bleuses, reg. $5.95, for -- -$45 l"'. inle Quality Bath Towels, each ......... ---... $1.00 and $1.25 Lunchleoni Sets---.......... ........ ....... --...$--L175 and $1.918 Pillew Cases, Stamped, Hemnstitehed anýd Faeiey $2.35 to $5.75 Lovely Costume Jewellery - Pins', Eaîriiugs, 1, 2 and 3 strands 60" ropes and Lariat Pearis. MRS. L. REID"" COMING EVENTS LclNw The lstsocial even'ing of Ktirby L c lN w W. A. ill be lheid in the chuit lon W~dedy arch t -22d, at 80 10 pan. Miss Edra Best visited Mr. .an d Thee plav Rumiour- antd",w-111 0b1Mrs.IlrceBat n m4y prsetd i the Orono Continupstion Miss Mlarjorie McLaren, Torontoý, Sctolppis nd other m-ixed proý- was at home for the week-end. gmm.Lunch served. Admision Mr, and Mr-s. W. H. Carlinan spe-nt1 25 Ceniuý' n dits.r Dii-the week-end in Picton. uer f te Bwminvile otay Cub, Mr. and -Mrs. Turin, of Toronto, ein were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs, wlbhld, (, p 1oni iThursdajv evenSn , . .Robinson. Mach Oha 64 dlock, Lil the MiaBraý ialy 1ýýtaa Torwn Hall, Orono). The W.- A.of MiaBrraBrieoOtwa Partk St. United Church are,-(,cate-ing is the guest- ofMr and Mrs. G. L. nd a ldited numiber of ticioets r Ge :v,~i~ t 1Rolph HlarIdwae t Mr. H. A. Cark-e aad Lonia, rs $12 ech .cott, sp)ent ai few days with iML-, and, ~ Mrs. C. S. McLaren. BIRTS -Miss Viola No,-d'en was with heir j RITTITERF RT!-Lri ai .S other, Mrs.Ilia Node&n, furth OTiýr. arS w ek-nd B.RUther-ford, Orn'o n--o v A delegation frein the buiildinig, 'aippy toarone the birtb of a commiittee -werýe iii Toronito this we l'Mai-tri i Bowmnilier fos paLl, oto contact arciiitects. Marh 1thA ss~tr fr Pul,~<> A nuibeir ._f Orono ludies enjoyed: sponLso-red byv the HospitaiAxiay IN MEMRAMMs. El. Hlll entenltained on Tues-' WA.TTFR - In 1io'výiigmeor of List in hoo of o)ne of her baby,'sý niu, dear Lmother ind grandiother, bdirthday.t w passedawa Mareb l4th, Mr. and Mrs. Wni. RýIddell will cele- 1948. brate their wedding anvrayo Theirrýthi- ord culdM'arch l2th (St. Patrick's Day). Thedeaontnrothe fire ori cold Mr. and Mrs. Norn iA11in, Jon froid, aiSitaron visited in Bo:wm'anvi1lle TPhe( C ce est smfle, a hieart of gol[d; o4)n Sunday with MVr. and Mms. E. G. n~d wh~ Ie lies in peaeofuïi sleep Hy Uer remoy wewilla1wa~s kep. Mr. and NIrs. Kellneth Haw, INonii'a --Vera, Hazel m ýhi~ and Gary, and Miss Janet Simos ________________________al cf Toronto, spent th1e week-en 'with Mrs. Frank Peate. LETTERS 0(if RONO RO0YS Many frends he-re of Mr. E. V. (Conftned from- pagme <onel, ýir vwere sovry to hbear, of his acci-, the yea r., so e'en if we 'reOne longer dent o)n No. 2 Hîgh-way at Hart's abie t) g don nd have at Sim in Hlili, east of Oshawa. Tucker's pond (niot the milli pond), There wi'll ttc another paper col- we stili rememnber the time when -we leetdin in Ôrono on MGouday, March were boys cýtogether and Caengo for 'a 27th. mrtherparenticulais mii anp- idîip oceas;i unalily -- evo'n if 411e pond(, pear in nepxt week's edition. like somnysiougfhs in the West, ])lck Moi-ton- has been transferred has '"een dry the(se mian y ýears;. fronilPort Hope tc, Port Colbo'rne u In (onclu:sion, 1m' brother Ed. joins frtoeatrwt 1e yr on mle in expressing oui, dee'o regriets in Viteunfotumae iss sfferd bythe Lucille L.ynch blas pa-ssed theGad meùnthors an, dh_1(rents of Park St. V.pano examiinition of the Royal Unied hurh l th eentfin. A- C'nsrva oryof Music with Hon-) otlher place (-f worhpwli no doubtiors be ro~edbutto lueahsnte, r, andMi-S. Perc. Cooper, Mr.0 -othfui mmoiswifli ahays sc ndMr. W. W . CoanOshiawa,' the 'original ChurL-,ch in ail ils det1ýe ails. vis1ted (i,;-ith Mr. and Mrs. O.Coa With kird regards to your m iany over Suiiday. reaens- Iremin r.C. D. Bouch, Miss Rthel ieuk. SinceelyMn.-and Mrs. RselMaluske and là PercyLong. Miss Jeani Forrester werie Snday vistors with Mr. and Mrs. R. A R. A. Forester, Fornester. Oron WeklTinesMi,. and iVrs. Neil 11,ansso and Mr. Oron~, ntajo.and Mrs. Barnns and famiy of Pet- BDea r S i :eboog and lMr. and Mrs. Donald lt renewirng his sbei tio t the! Hamm ispenit Sunday xvth Mr. and Orono eelvyTnes, Mr. 1Herbçrt F. Ms .J ânï Berry, of Trno says in pairt: il Ail Oddfeiiowvs piesase take noLtiýeg wals ' vtisor and also( sho--Kedti itat a special mneeting wiil he he-id hear of th-ie Orono Church lire. 'I hldin" Onon1110 Ldge on Wednesdayv, a'ttende4d thatcct when a young Mýý1anchr 22nid, wýhien 411e D.DG.M.Aý boy ýand livilnýg with the laue Albert As-sociatio 1 will confer thie second1 Waishi and eaitndly. Mr. O, W. Rýlph1 degree on candidates fro'nt ulu is, a d'ose friend of nmine arid 1 negret: Lodge 78, Flo renîce Nigtngie after al his unrin-ýLg efforts and tintýe Lodge No. 6C)6, andi Orono Lotige No. spent, togetheý,r with pratei;ciiv il 436. Thiîs should prove a veny lin- ment(ers f Vie chbunchtire shouid trs ing nht. Your attendane destroy it i',but Vo Buidamý1i te iýippreck 4e( mayohr eies ohn eud- Mr. ami Mrs. Milton Wightt and 1'4roY their cou age'd deterina- I- Mr. aint Mrs. E. J. Hlailm hâvene tieon to oecneal oi-bstaci1ýes, thlere- tur'ned homre froin t Teir trip to Flor-' ilies th1e twýo tacts antid are a,.,cr'edit id'a. On their w'vay down They dno've V O my nrany friends in <ru.Eni- tnuhGePttysburg w hkch Vwa1s de- closet i is$50 a s a contribution to corateti for Lineoians binthiday cele- the neýw chu-nch. braition. fil Washingbton, D)C.,p- Kmndest pex'oarilregards and. bes't ies and i jonicaq were in blont. At i sffte s te a1, l.Newpjor~t Newzs hey drove trer a H. P. Bet Berry. lbridge several mriiles lonig, crossing ________________th41e James Riv%7er. When reacehinig Florida th1ey s tayeti at Davtoua .Orono Electrie 1Beach for, a fw dns, then to Mliaii Ph 5rithey \7sZ tay'eti a weýek frSt. Peters- burg, fo t there t 'hey d ro vc-t o CONTRACTORS FOR TjpCer an aothen phacesi F_,ý,R and H USo J interest, then noýrtit through thej FARM an ITOUSE milde SaVsand Crossed 4the bor- WIRING der at Detroit anti Windsor. ~Firee- Estintates The Orone BLranrh of the CanadianL Pik cof -omnehave hat 'aa lighti APPLIANCE SALES installeýd at t1ipe rear- of the bank an1ti Prompt and Gaarajiteed Repairt3 this added illuination wili. help Ltq to ail makes of Electrical Equipmoent diseourae amy woud- be attemipts toi anid Appfliances break loto 411e building. 81-11 as Motors, Water Hceaters, MLr, ani Mrs. C. B. Ty-rnill left oýn Radios, Stoveýs, Ironsý, Etc.,edes alst foriasojur iný ___________P,_______ Fo i da. M r. Ji in Patterson is tak- Pl l A. D'ARK ST. [ED CIHJRCH keverenld E. Eutztac, SIJNDAY, MARCH l9th 10.04J air.-Suniday SchoGi. ijndeveloped Lives 11l0p.W -heJesus we nmust 3AO n. hbyService, ORONO Nes'tled twixt ýth-e hilis of Clarke Our lidtiele stands, A p1kse wbhere neý and alejo The best in ail the 1iand. The nihers of our, village, Muxny years; ago D aed days before they named Our- Vilage OOno. vThef it heinid 'a heritage More preciotis for thaii gold, Their knl spirit still lives on A tor-Ch for, us to froid. Two churches grace our village Where al imiay worshi~p free, Far fioi the sounds of wur God hless 0o11-liberty. Thiis poem was wri'ttien previous to the loss of te UnitciChurch 1w lre. T"HE- RE D& ST. PATRICK'S SUGGESTIONS Lime Flavoring, colors a it flavors, bottie...2,5e Green 'Maraschio Cher- ries, fancy, 6 -zs -..30c Olives, M'cLaren's Invin- cible, 8 oz ice box jars,, Welch's Grape Julice, ifinlest quality, boptti4 Grapefruit Juice, large 48 oz tin...... Wilson's or -American Dry Gingerales, botles plus deposit ....... ... Ilomade Pickles, crisp and tasty, 16 oz j2 Cake Mix, Monarch, Light or Ghoeolat Mix wit-h milk or water and bake', 'Pkg Weston's Ginger SnaDs, old-fashionedý s cuits, lb. ... Junket tce Cream Mixes, 4 flaSors, 1 for IYour Clioice of- - Tlhii FRESII PISTI, BEEF, LAMB. O1 Daly's Green Tea, fram Ja pan, lb Johinson's Paste Wax, V,2 more at reg, prii THIS WEEK'S DUKEY'S F ANC Y CORN HABITANT PEA ISOI-p 2 for 27c We Deiver Daily 2 15-oz tins 27e 0%ORNISH ARMSIT Our New, Wallpatpers are a1ow lm stock. If you are thiikiag, of Papering see our n1ew pat.' terias for every room.. Ail New Dress Lengths for Spring, ia Floral and Stripes, price for 4 yard legh...... $6.00 Io $9.50 Flowered Dimity, Dice for Blouses 0or Children's Dresses, Yard ---------- $1.00 Hand Bags, in ail new shap- es for Spring,, colors of BIack, Tan, Navy, Brown, priced--------..... 5 t q1jo$59 Ail MWo01 SPring Plaids, in Pastel Shades. priced.. $7.9.5 Spring Sis colors Green, Beige, G;rey, priceti3.$5.00 CHOICE RED PITTED CHERRIES 20 oz tin 30c BEE - HIVE CORN SYRUP 5 lb pail NG Check Dres tra Navy priced ai Shooes. in di -ced t] ~Blouses Colors low,V styles, Micite,, ced -yar Ail Sinii with dar fly or C sizes, 15 denier -- Lipton's Noodle Soup, for ...... ......- Diced Beets or Ca 20-oz tins ....... Choice Pumpï,kin, 2 tin: Poppinig Corn, lb .. Eclipse Pastry Flou bag...... Mediuim Cheese, lb Icinàg Sugar, 2 lb .. Varietyvnkz ..... -\ N I 1 .ý IV, a NG