arnilvetntfta rfin luso ummereday. But flotelast tieek- thigboha om neara- lltbý,-il i Britishnoubead parilkio macine etand yone wm ai ilta i iabee y Ai. ea lig wi1 th-ese eventh,- tue of(their imrtncenrathe thou hrntu)lrii a se, iw covae firs1-T to tt rtiis elecon-Y becanseswba bappens inBian !citaler pl i tiahyorecnmiaty tis retiacfiOi ntarioike most ight expcilgteBrtssabi ï,eadlong na -arzisi plaîs tnvdiom-brai rdtin 1be ai 1gsuceAs. But flir bngF day mornin ihe Utron i shewed sig( n, e-f acbne, and by noon -wiat 'Lroing tincrciit. Bu Sate hpeedItougtLaor et tbe worldJ iýll be wacIing th tege sel of wne wa tse.I bled condtie meruryal ns ,>t dutsfatts bseif te tiieroe- 1jter.log, way webookd: sd road uasabie. and most far lasesplsggd it as uidlt Tnahe and satcdwaehngoui! miners' stike inge. ,,id i nef -haes f ec any s:wa rmc, Our lan fured in lesg with ,theretad Bob ewas ,onlie to eae the rar- drdofed, heboron ed a souw piilowi, dtits atract cdre itba lateaI tacb ed te frontaof itand i id amte. Now w cn drie i an ut ithis te, goreatthae bas beat otîclui ifheye wantte eot riping-thebcis I do'. 1 di' thebnkuseI amte havesnd osea homen oe w ofuret ts bradpcI Last oneeiof asaise mci ctnica itiban, Atier csaptno telsî, PATTERN 4523 sz- ;ng onyour fýabric, î- cao b"e àa hanrd- Ptrn4523 cons m sizes 12, 14, ! ý1 , 20ý. Siz, 16 takes 3% This ptereaSy to use, simple te , sw stested for .t., Ras com- plete ilusaelistuios SSend twent3y-five cents (2 5c) in Coins (stamps'cannot be accepted) for this pattern. Print plýainly, size, naine. address, style-number. Send jrder to Box' 1, 123 gtetb t. N ew Toronto, Ont. thee psîdition 1 have described. Bob said lie had scen the same thing happer, dozens of times dur- itng the war. Se Partner g, cnt to bcd ,ansd ini the miornisîg, he was bis csual self. Since then, evervthinig has been al rigbt. 0f course, it is Bob -ho rlns Th,1 e àkcrgbu Isuposeth S acehilgoîl- gnes ssyquilt mtr~rus[ wait uniluex we1 Stepping Out 1.VI ai, ia3 outsa w ave ~~~~~i;u, Frie Briowu that 've orn1dcentclohes al m, 1f ," Mrs. Bonrepiied. "Non I'sn goiîng to dre- 111crother By tise yeaî .,40Brtsiia aChristia;I conutdry I '"d dîu oe~vncpekm WHY UFFR FLE Gratefl ines pcaie quik recits Aeiflo MECAL IL0R EIE Wý;ithozu alm iA Yus I J P O it e, Ir" lu fe onngRrn't or [ hsbe isno, tii sel, 10ourfdma I,,-t-igest. I1 m u todcayin thse diete tract. Then gw. blats p yossr tomach. Yost get coostipated, Yo feel saour, aunk and tise wdrld looka pssok, It takes thote mid geý,ntieJreraLttie f Liver PillMogtt ite eie fots. iog freety to maiy el "pas p U ilLr ..o- ica-lecac.i1t Lanhdby UEFB retîsts fo t rtssAvsr CouîriltiseUrstedmeA, enM sois aud Charte E RaM.V,, e mittise demauds for footI atld1, Clothiug for tht'neyl ra Brti.Tht' Fasteýr diei o tinuing to tht'ene-Madwis a con rertecolecin ffr-ws O ronto, stfo ededa.Mad 22. Ait nal iizn r en asteed tu contýributetc edfos ICtotising sasobig ogit u it isurged htapae ontdh dlean andincniintwar Most municipal onîs hv agreed to -co-op3eraýte with loca cosnmittes go that 1ceonýtribtin nsay be tcf t at fire hals.ohrwis% citizens are requested o orar their parcels direct to tht' Onhtarie', headquarters eý-f tt'U,.FBli Toronto, at MeIite n RssAe A large numjber of;aclahv beeîs received at tewrhuel Toronto wisere ts indfo shipients comîn;jg iii arebrka dowu andIrepake li iht-.Poues4", acas t e ondon dlepot,thywl be dfiapatcheLd tefmiesnges- me eed from a ist fM4 se e-s worthy, hmpte b rtseipa rt ia Èritiali Advisorî ousi, - wil H.R.Hf. Prinrceýsa lc spaie Th'fe ritiaSLicontinueZ teICI bi on mrgialandInent-osde that works particulrJrshipa s it emI.A5 os re u SW5 eÀm ii*TCadBEMT m UOLCuNLa va lmlidu ma , ~apIygreafl~eIieve 'PERIODIC' ~ 'ith cnfoae tbil, ful lns ï, 1 Are you7 tmoundhydistha o 1 fm Itinctionat montly turlinces De thia aies ou msuifer fo...pain, feel felseý:M Pinkiam'aVegmpabnd Ionitoued o tive uterinie sedative. t liseil granduï le aootliig efect Inotl- wmna esZOE o ypee ye Lydia E. ik a ' EETBECMON 1 COME DUT FROM UNDER THE