Smile That Hid I4 ÎlteSlvrLinling'," made berflde- but etsix, rou-ce, wo pefomd abe! onrai so -i~ advrtisedice çram-whe Jh a 8 e he bas stili * 3Whenvromaýý1nce s e,,rtejri be a1. tbas treatel berg buelly Mer recnt lovt affaîe wited r 'bu 4hn ik asniot t bcoinfatuetie of g ginor qcen .1 he seeu veg. as ef a er n mbret thall-\, e slor to eacl fyesAre milig" wen tail-' atated Bewee shtsaIs pope Iuylî ito ispose o it s th ce ber a ty hi deliat Drjohn1 The doctor ti;igricld((eu t to e tl, Havr kl. ietoi he itetlvCr Snndt;1, ih4 treryMtepae isja gussri'-']aeceptdUeager1 but i beaduamre abut I fro After~ it, kolrealOffliscial sevie, Dzik ws hee ndth Tbeui June Haer ot mrre Duzk-bî t\Jîmy itoUa ui-1 tginahda'ope s The marriage was doîed ro Vbsar, Wfbn12 otste burlt parI;d. (n butc r'onle fiol to prtfo )aseod rne. parted ond c ad for ail.Wben the IiLrcI, , c ieed ena :q unelty.o Scretl Jue was soidîug ber-. selfforiavin 1 ude1sch ames Smart Elk! sokyardiitebeiflwod E. Von Aimensa,ý In elokl g so blll tb L lghteC d lanteru va soin ts d e e where .\u- tie best e g s," rouae chipé" au a ecoory' heMp ug r senen obeceang.And ru Add nmiii !onerifyou'7ve tie, ore4apI C dI i chooat cipcokes yu irad rnge brou, han delightful tliy aea ,. ubpesan,-" bnteestg thiugs you cen o wt ae-a ths rit~nugget f lm hco 3«03e lut. The<'re goodfor cake 90- il pre a cook4yan tahady fo dre ., 1 rvig '. ing Updsetfolding îintO pudd cage anpd giving et extra elCione flavor ïto swet saues ere are a ý * "t 4 * gui) CHO0COLATE CHIP a gg, MACAROONS ci ipaÀckage (65os.%Bkera 3/£2tea chlocolat.ipa ~teesp Icupe shredded cocoanut ipe (lk 5« teaspoon beking powder OC %eup s'wttned1 condensed M ethed mlk Sugars gr MIe t h a d --Cmne chocolat.gether on ïbps oconut, baki!g pwerad eggwadl ait.Add van.iaï-ndcneued ocm sheet and bake i 4sow even (32f pcipp ant degre~ .'>about 12mite. ____ Makes abut ù12 dznmcroa CHOCOLATE CHIP KISSES ~teaspoonsi ~teaspoon creamn of tertar Ci ¾ ýcup isugar t package (6 ozs.) Bakers Cýhocolate chips method - Bat egg wh ites until foamythrouhout;ihen add sait and reamof artar adcontinue beatinguntil ggs-arc btiff enough tob 1o 1 p ini asbut flot dry. Add suga, 2 tabispsai a 6me beatng horughy aiereach ad-' ditin. Fod in chocoat chips and va~i11a Drop rm teasýpoon o00 ungrasedbeav papr. lake in slo1 ve 30 egesF.> about 25 inutes.Remoetfbonipaper whilesligtly wrm uing a spa- tuia. ~i s aout20 ;ehocolate vine,,. CHOCOLATÉ CHIP*f PREAD PUDDING 2tabiespoons butter or margaie 3 cup brown sugar, firmîly pecked 2 cupe hot milk 2 eggs, sightiy beaten 1 teaýspoon vanille l/ easpoon 2cupF cuibed bread / package (3 ozs.) Baker& chocolate chips AJdih RELIEF 15 LASTINVG Forfat prolonged relief fronu heýadache g1et INSTANTINe. This prescriptioyn-like tablet coustains not just ime, but three proven miedicel ingredients, that cýase the pain fatz Ansd the relief is, in most css lastinge Try INrNrN je nce: for pain rliimd yo ý, ay as, thousands do that there's a nc thing for headache ,. it15 INSTANTINE!I AI try NeSTAN'TNe f,.r othprt aâches, ...l'or neuiitic 0or neuralgie pain, o -r for thse pins and-110achee that accompany a coid. A siigeblet prom-pt .relef. k