ORONO WEEKLY TIMES- Tt-ULRSDAY, MARCH 16, 15Lt bn'ge,,>-r of epijng, Mr. !o ilYn n Mr. Bill Mercer WV. A. Meet4ilig The- W. A. meet'agwasiyIld in the" SundavSlolreionFidyngt Ao encerý, iýn the cha-irý,h nt M clay RC'fig'ror leriCa or Wood $174.00 Findlay Oval1 Findla-y Tortoise Cook COoi, orïood Findlay Propane -$ 12 4,0 0, Finilay 1Heavy Electrie $202410 Gas Duty McClary Rangette SPECIAL, ?ASIIER rts' seaiag littie bar- Ce,'mplate New ýd Sun- aper's County -'ve- ou crs for ou cujStoers onIýro-day's l tolos. WCeena flat your deliveýr- arkat te be delivered at at later date, or iminmaie devery. get carload pices. The chairmnan of of feed or bulk gýrain is responsible for re 1% off for cash wih order or cash rme îth will be charged after the tenith l ecounts lpurcha-sed the previeus menth. of tweaty miles of New- pe iperer t lon on ail >l1acemeatf. These prices tice, and based on the- in bulk,prâ P$"5 3.OO0 - ING, i b k% 5600 waigliediv t, rucýk lots. Yu wilre- r~~aad liet weight!s ef each load, mMaster or Co-op Feed ipossible and avoid last CA NNOT Tlair-, Fri., Mar. 16 - 17 .MILTON I3' ERLE VIRGINIA 3MAYO "ALWAYS LEAVE TFCIENICflLOR CARTOON Satuirday, ïMarch l8ýth Thrili with the cee' Wolider Roise "ADVENTURES 0F GALLANT BESS" I-N CINECOLOR SHýfORT ... CIRCIS TOWN TECHINICOLOR CARTOON Short. Perils of Jungl Mon., .rues-, Wed., March 2th, 2lst, 22nd JOHIN WýAYNEi "Sajnds-O Iwo Jîma"l MOVIETONE NEWS iu opened with a 'hymn,,anad prayer a id the roll iai was aaswered by naianing n a rmolis aan in thie Old ~Tstamevt. Tlhe ,preýslcient SPOke on1 Churclà Orgpaindz.iltiôon and ea shl;p. As there were two, tops for-! quits the pussTility of gettilug theas-' fiishe lVl ite near future \was dis- cussd, and Mr's. Luxoýn wasase tagtthelins and battsseht taesday, March 2h.M.f'llo appintd a carasers foi the Ken-, di hool Secotia i in the pre ent Re Gnos rive. As the road1ý je are ft ti nid be gi eat1y helped 1 iiith's wr by donaýtionýs being hund'd int themwhr oonynient The cr tavy, Mrs, ~it Ro1insoli , gave a d(e aiie-d acnômt of the work of thW W. A. duf,1ing the past 14 y-eirs anid said that ia this perind of iethal tr-easrner',s book howed e'epts ofl Capitol ~R HOPE Fni., Sat.,, March 17 - 18 WithJoh Waye, era Raiston, Oliver ardy " ONE MORE FLNG" With Alexis Smith and 1 Zachary Scott Mlon. - Wed., Mar. 20-22 "WA' A MALE WAR BRIDE" Withl Cary Grant and AaSheridan GREATEST CO-MEDY HIT IN YEARS AIduit FEtrtmn HIARTLEY îH.RAIRLOW FUfNERAL DIRECTOR & HOMIE FURNISIIINGS Oronoc, O-atario MODERN EQUIPMENT At Your Service ini Time of lNeel FOURTEEN YEAýrS- EXPERIENCE Phone 18 r 7o (Day or Night) DEATHS PAÀTTERSON - In Orono on Sui-! daV, March S5th, Ii9IO, Roheirt Pat-1 tprsonla br -is '7ýth year. Re>stJ:n'g aýt the H. H. Barlow Funeroi-l Sei,- V'ice until Tuesdýa, M Aarch 7th,J the grand total of -$3,8081535. 11t was veysatisfying 'to look liack 07oth wokacoinplished. Mrp1,,ý. Stoker g-avel a 1poemn enttiled "'Guilty oroinlti gullty", whicl told Dof the confrlictý mwhich sometimews arisýes btent'le Jaand \what imau's 7conscienIecetlî iii k4-be, justice. The meigclos- 1 cd with thie sdlnging ef "Safe la ý!he Arms-n of Jesus",1 ad the Mýizpah Ofange Hll was pettily eoa ý(Ilh irkf ee elaMrini) a "r'tya 1 -aseulgifs hea'.d nu Ilg- a sp1ent v ü ning ailre I ~wn uess wie issVera RoaIch, Mn. miMrs. Harlold Roa,-cl, 3Mis Wmaand Amy thiai of Pet- ei-bono1-ugh, Mr-. SnGra'y, Mrs. Eda P'atne'r, Mr. Gar.don P a 1 nerMr. adMrs. Sco'tt and Mr. and Ms E. Bonail of Port HopeDc. Mr.Jemie Hoskdil visiteti uMrï n Mrs. Lorne Paedon, (Creoked Creek. on Sunday. Mlr. Joe MaàrtineIl is t presant ,ia St. Joseffh's Hospi)îtl, Peteiýbnro'ughb, ndvisi'tiag ,hlm bri e hapubt weelç w(ee Mrs. Albert C oa f Ham11iltonl, mrs. Joe Mlartilif, Mri anid Mi-s. Lomne Martineli, Mr, n Mrs GadonManinelRa an.d Dick Mis;s Mary Taylor of Trao ispenIt the week-en1dwith Mr. atnd Farm Forum Tlýe Forum me-t at the hfome cf Mr. anId Mrs. Reg. Elliut(-) n Monday niiýgjlitw'th a gaod attendance. Wre disoused .he qestion "Can w,,e farmr co-peatiel?" o Heiquestion "Oly aývrlysmlpectaeo maIcinry -on 1an onganie coer ative plan. MWhy is this so?"S'vs fouind that it was net practical te openate land cor niacbinery on an1 or- gaized CÎplan on011settled 'farms. We "Ireferr(' ed to hve our machinery atý 'band when we were wready- to use it. and it -suual found ataith fataImi wners want te use the 1-achin-! eny at thie sameiï tim-e. Te the sec- on1d qein,"Would it be to the, adivantage ef a young mail atn te start farinmg wth liitaod capital, te Join la a co-operative' farmuing sc!hemi&?" The aas-wcrws."ro finalnciai point of view da'finitely y es, becausa haieuld ne(t cthave te invest ah,ý, thecapta for the use of the niaçiaer.'.To thie third qeto' ~Are th-îre xn-, ams oenin la ou Cemimunitv that wuldbe better done, co-operative'ly?" We feund that cusîtom work would hae Plieaper than c-pative w o, Týese local for-um mieeting"s are rmal-l Iv enjoyaed as it giýves the farmers ' an~e 'tnt of gettýing tegether vI'iiems Te ladies too are often- found groupedteeheenoiga iiteresting discussion of th& own A quiz contest was enjoyed anid our hýos-tess provided refreshmapnts. Aýt last' the-rncw, trail to thie parked car wa,,s floadmdwe \wera oe Rainhow Club Viýitsq Peterboro A -most u'eeta and instruc[ive Uni ws ejoed iy the Kendi, G rl 's Rabo-w Club w'nte on Pd with the oQtr Homiiemlldng 'l Clubs, of Easýt and WVest Dunihanmi i, a visitl ta, poinYts o f iiterost in P(teîrboroughb, under 'the supervision ofl issJea Noble. They wreshclwn aroulnd the1 Enps oýtel, vi7sited Silverwýood's daiiry whnhpiey watchadthe (vaioýus steps lai bottling milk and the mk ng elf ica creaým and -were preseated wîih -n sundae each. They -Iiijbed1 itound thie lift Lecks ard ealjoyed 'cia l[eljicus dinmnar at Hooper's Res-tar-- at. The many- steps ln making lour was described at the Quaker 0-it Cernpaiy and thiey wene given te ceali eh great number of products 1)ade b this Comp'any. The sub)ýject. :aken l iv the G irl's Hmmkn Clubs this sesýsion is "The Cer-eal Sil If"',and the Durhin )Colunty Achievem aDy is te lie held on We (dnesdady, April 12th in the rn Tawn Hall. There -will be a very in- '&OO ~1,thlea tetha eade ef his daughter, Mi-S. ent al Orono. Service -,t therse on Thiursday, March 9t1h, at23 .i In[tellvfyenlt oronomme)y FFrom $109.O0 WASHING MACHINES SP'RED SATIN- PAINT V FLOort iPOLiSIIERS ROOFING VENETIAN I GIETS JZGINDERS I HAM-MER 3MILLS VACUUM CLEANERS FENCING DISHES We have a f ew re-eonditionied WASH!NG MACHINES Colleman & Philp Electric Phone 89 r 1 -ORONO St. Patricks (Cards Canastra B3ook of Rules..........25c Canastra Score Padls...........25c Caravan Playing Ca.rds, Deck ...........5c Ladies' Print Tea Aprons.........45e Men's Covert Cloth Work Shirts, Snorzdý sizes 14 1-2 to 17 1--2. each ........ ....$2,4D- Log GCabin Chocolates, handf dippedl, hard or soft centr-es; b..................49e Ladies' Rayon Crepe Hose, sizes 9 to 11/,pr. .59e Snow Queen, 1 lb batts, size 72~ x 90, each..... 694c Beverlley Prints, 29 and 4 yard ends, yad ......43 Broaclcloth, White and C)olored, 36 iii wide, yd. A4e Children's Lunch Boxes, assorted colons, each., 35e Dairy Pails, heavy ti each..........9c Wire Spring Clothes Pins, 12 for -l'foc....10 GROCERY FEATtIRES Camp Coffee, 5 oz bottie 27c Libby's Deep -Browin ~ Beans with Pork and Tomnato Sauce, 20 oz tins, 2 for,.........5- Balcer'-s "New Sweet box,, Dot Chocol!ate Chldnýenl"Semi- Chocolate Chiïps- .25e '/ý>Ib 54c. Camay or Lux Bath Sîze Soap, cake .... ...... ........3 Frankford YeIlow Wux Beans, 20o oz tinls......... . * ~ Salmon, Fancy Red, j Bluce Pack, '/2 lb tin 39e ~- Special - Campbell's Veg. Soup, 2 regular tins.. .. .....25e 14 z kg Monarch Readly Mix lieGinger Bread, pkg. 35c 24 lb bag Nipp7 10,hleddlar Cheese, lb ... ... 47e '$L15 Special - Crosby's "Eng£lish"l Pure Srwer J amnian ..39. ORONO 5c. TO $1.0O ST ORE YOUR POPIJEAR SHOPPING CEÏýN~TRJE o Northcutt and Smith O Funieral Dîrectera and Yurniturê Deale-aI KINDNESS CQ0URITSY SRV E o I Equipped te talke care of the. mudeet funerai et tii, mest o reaeoïuable charge ac w)Iam tii. lrgffat aud MMeet ,raciug fêléphont : Ofi e £1864Reald n a 7Psu 2e " IJ TelpheneColleetI.muflOt FRIGS. 12 cubie ft. GAIL, ArTE D P t, large reom. Sea e' I t i 'ýq«