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Orono Weekly Times, 30 Mar 1950, p. 1

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Vol. 14 No '10 ORON. OT., THUUSLAY, MAR. 3th, 1950 Subscription $ 1.50 per Year Final Plans For New Cuc E xp e c ted Fi r stW ee In A prilî iý Tho Buildng .committee,peeced L'y the -onmgrorgatio'n o! Orono lUnited Chu-rch i met -witýh-Mr. Geo. C. N.ý 'Tonks on WanîsayefInon a.l M.Ton'ks, an nrchiitect from Oshi- ais connected with tbbcTrot 01, o!Hanke an"d Irwin. At titlis nieeting lie presented sket- ches o!y the proposed chur-ch 'to the e"onYrlittePe, who studied theni in do- tail. After a- thorougli diecususion certain chianges wevre sug.gested ai-dè fin'ally a gnrlplan was chosen asý -)ne wvhich mirght suit the neads o!; -the cnrgto.The conimittee ilhen askad Mr. Tonks to have furthi- er sketches' mada o! the revised trtue,vwhicb sktceswil hel prasen.ted Vto h congregation in the i-rfuue. IV is hloped that these skethes lllbe ready to be discu,-ssed Id the coirgregatoina meeting next weýek. The dae itIibe announced aoCh rchonSundauy iorning. The Building Comimitte hlas nsked for pries on- boh brick auid stonie, and is tsflsed that hs plan wil produce a very benutiful chburch, 0f toursae, it is the congrcgamton thatl w,,JIlhave tVo decide on thefinal lani Quinte Sed Fair Proves To Be Creat Succes TIre 21h AnnualIlDitrict Seed Pair as Irein iutire Arvmîoury, Liad- sny, mliir n exceient chomAng ol seed. Mcmeyexibits and Bacon Gareneas cempetiton. Six onehIips %ion iVctoria anci exibited fous carasssCaada Packers, Petes- borougb, 'ad the Domiion Live Stock Bramel staged tIre Camans On1 Th-uredn'y, Marelh 1511, over tirr-ea buadred far-merpsitteiided tIre ,i flarn-ioon ledocturssand eAides mitIr Ibtenfourc and five Irundred on Pridmy 1'7t% On Snturday A this good seed mafs sold at auction. MucI 4! Iis stayed la'tIre district and siruid produce n quantity o! goîod Theexihi msvosy salle! actory for both numb)i'ere and quantlty o! xiis.TIae mowre ýabount savon hcundred hcaso! seed for sale witî i53 beesbeingin Ion huchaI lots and bhat this iight be facilltPted. Duan County exhibitors made a Theý onm itte eanxious to discue fine hinthe Quinte Seed exhibjit, the proposed pan Aith any msei- winning the fouir Caminsip1a bers or, frienris who ale Iinterested. Garnet Rickard on. Lali wheat (Cor- TLecornitec oesnotdee à'noil 595) and Barîey (ten bushel lot Thecomitteedue nt deniitof Montcaînm), Mel MHiion ets advisable to build on the oid foundua- yad3io ehrl tion, and a, new site fer the churcli Sion, Potatoes (sebago). Mr. 34(l oDn the eld ot Should be selected. MHom-o batSu tie 0sr The propo'sed auditorium wvould oie donated 1-yý the Central OntarîO liold approximately 351 people, witb hesmaer'Associatio-n for high rooiny vestibule, choir facPiis and total w,>innýiliin Classes 1 to 213ý. vtr.In the basemeuwt there would Thée T. Eaton Silver tray was won lie, a large Sunda-y School audtormm by GarnetRicka rd for largest and stAge, roomny kitchen, washrooms am.,ount of prize money won n re- adsome aalrclîasrom. Thie g ulrot, barlley and wheat Classes.- buildtng would be simiar Ainoe Tlu-e CanýadianBewrs Ltd. gýave respecÉs to die formerstcur, but ten d llar special for bigh in Barley would be construced ith much low- C a4e"zt' 1.Itwa eal a coin er walls, thus rediciug conserably cidouce as àMel MdHolm and Garnet the apace to be heated. RWiad were tied for this award. it V l hped l'hat the wrkof clear- AgriulurlR eenaieLeRoy m g -Lup thie rubblo! o the former!BowLind[snay, and bis cmnte huchwil,7givry Son, asthe Cf helpers Eddan excelent Plb i e~niteis aaxious to start bîd saiviiif h as ed ar ir-~ operatious as soon as possible. ever hed laàthe- Quinte Distric. 0f ______course tHeFair Manage-r, Mr. Stew Pi at BomanPeterborougii District Juîha~ ~~unty~ommnIty Dominion Seed Inispe6tor, was re- kIy ponsblefor, practicaiyý ail the work Accdo Te lperae weely ý"o!iiinspectiug and seal1ing the regis- terad saed amd as his Mite implis The Durlani Çouat Coyamunity bhe was bs thronghout the fair as Aucton which lias been opyrating a nmnager. T'he seýcretarial Wovk was, hi-non'hy slefor the Inst two taken care o! by Mr. OliverDar- yes nov to hold wee'kly auctions pie', _Agricýultural Representaîtive, at1hir sal1eýs arasla in Oron1o. Stirhng, ho wsin attendance every The cmmuny autionhas inv-da\- bo tak-e care o! 'ail the records Th ine Ucomuntyauction bastherov- and ailu thesatlm nt t1thesale, eng aindce iforaion, ofha te sali- Those on the programme Thursday 1i nad ivbuyget ,r e ! ies, ad Fria era, Dr. G. P. McRo's- of trm iacîretc., foinr te amertheie, Dr. J. R. Weir, Dr. J. D. Mac- n! hdetr it The inc rser i h Lciaand Mr. 'W. T. Ewen, ail nusibe o liesockan oterai-i-fromi 0. A. C. Guelph. The guest ces being brought in for aucton hasjthbaqe sMrIV mnade it necessary to hold the salesspaeathebnutasM.W evr Tasdyofeer eeA P. Watson, LiveStcCo isonr ever Thrsdy o!evey We 1.Oataro Deparment of Agricure, Tehis naho f sellimg lias bacomie Toronito. very porpubar ith the farmer~s inl Mr, Gordont Hancock, Peterbor- tts district, andaithe additional sales1 ougli, whoc until reîcent>ly, farmed wilmake 'iV possible for a greater ,i near Peterlborough nnd was an an- numiber to be piaced before the buy- nua1 (exhibitor at the Quinte did a cers. grand auctioneering job on the seed. Fortestemd PArea In Durhamr CoÈeunty Less Than î5 Per Centr Thre trea cover ln SoutIrera O-n- tl as nmshrumnk te hes than r£%o!tire land arei n. ita av ypla- casIrecesiedefosestation lias prýoduced fiood'Ing,svrasueroà- ~soaad 4aloernîgo!tIre mater tal.Durham Coity, only 4.6%;f fior-est,e onao! tIre mnIafik-ted kraves. Onl Irai! tira rural popula- tionromansVIal exited 10 eare Enropeana ex-.perience indicates tInt aot5%o! lIre grculurl reas SeIroulId ha under forest cvrte an tain a balan)ce sotmae adqid ife. Wrtlbout for-Le-e, agriculture i- self cannot thiIve. A moroning o!f odtin U ordy ho stemnmed by peavn Ia w~d sthint are left, -al'd refereet- in VIose avons tlhat aren lone suitable forarcltr.Tirte gev- ê,m nte do1o1Y part o! thi, Tt emiaine Vire landornerins Sponsibil ï9 ~ to Iimaselif aiid Ms ted4b our V meintanale4 manage bis w!root, tc r eore' tiyherae tasible. laeent high. W,,Inds todk mnly tonsi of precions opsoil foitIre farme o!f PurIrami Coua'ty. Thin could baàve heen pravenlted Vo 2a marked degrea by tire winidbremhe o! trees bosdering lIre fr and hy maintainnig suit- nbly lclld woo dia Vs hroughout HiglI prîicaýs obtained for mood pro- duelsila týIre pasit few years bas stim- uindIre dieszýtrutctiýon o! remia1ing wood'lots. Fcnni cattie are a-A lowed Vto graze Ii tVem, preveiahg natur-al rgnrto.Il lias becoime iaesayla mnny ývCounties te pass a by-lam reýshriCtillg tIre cutting o! tIre more valuaile Ireas below a certain si ze. Durbani «zsVIrýe only county la tIra Trent D istrict tVo appiy tue slaw, thougb ,tira aieed le universaî. victoria Goýiinty lias îay10.6% o! ils ae(-.modad ,fo!wirich coine ,80,","is low gradeb ush, produî- sinî emnl revenuie. A properly ual1 eupply o!f woo-d productVe miÎtho1Ut delerioýr'iato te Ire woodlot. Calte muet bha cept out. ALLEBN CLAà.uDE'7JiIE,É.NR ,y jeosOdrT .Allen Claýude }Ienry, a atieo! the Townshlip o!f ire se wya Boraat Siloi ocamîe \with thle famiiywhen sili .ac!huld tolieo told iThomhms'edon thiesot sideo! theKiaeto Rod, usteast o!f Newcastle. o, to Torontob- when a yonnulg ian, Mr. Henry wa on the stafIfo!aonsMiOdr alimost cniuosyfor, 35 yea-rS. A son 'o! Suil enry and Ann-11 Arueio e froni a pione uering£ f amily o! the Qrono distric, Imany descedantso! which now cdweii in Weýstern Caniada as -,vl i as o-ther parts o! Oaitariio. Mr. Henry vas pradaceasad by oiia brother Charles, formcrly o! Wirlini- pog, and threea ssers, Mss. S. G. 1ai- oweil, Mrs. P., McLeod, andc Mrs. Frank Wilker. Ha is surived by hîs wvidow, formerly Kathleen Cochirane1 Kinch and two brothe(rsý, Williiamo! Ne(wcagtle and Autin rio! Consort, Alberta. The funural ws to he faily plut in Oro(ýýnoCmeeyMrHny was in hiesixyft year. EDWIN SPENCER WOOD Tira dentlioccurred ni tlire !amily rosidence, Ontario Street, EBommFan- ville, 'On Saet.tday, Marcir 25, of Ed- in Spencer Wood, beloved irushand o! lIre formner Jean Wlight. Mr. MWood' lad been inposIeti for somne time. Hae in hie 78Vir yens-. A son o! thre laVe Ms. and M0ss. Jared Wood, thre decaased mwas borai aI Uxbridge aad as a young ,,man1 mont te, Nemaovillle. Lates a rasi- dent o! Bommnanvilie ire mas a n- chiniet aItirae Goodyear Tise and RuliberýCe. -plant. Hic long service, prior te iris retirement about five years m go, mas recogni7ed wiltirte preseatation o! a 25-yens pin. Msr. Wood mas a mnember o!f Tria-i ly ULited Clurcr, Bomayvile whIereire san athechoir for, man1y0 ye es. Ho mas also Laise active Ira baealcircleS as n young mii in tIre Namtonvilile - Oronoditc. Hoemas a memriber o! tira Son:s o! Eaglaad andceie yasago mwas preeented mitIr Iis 50-yens jemwel. Predeceased by.Iis iife, tIre formes Emnma Tucher, about 14 years mg, Ms. Wood is survived, by Iris second mife, the former Jean Wrighrt; a dangirter, Mss. D. J. Chambers (Eleanor) o! Oshawa, and two sons, Arche Wood o! Oshawa and Edmin M. Wood o! Bommanville. Also sur- viving le a brother, Kenneth Wood o! Toronto. Abando-n Rail Linle Th-eBoar o Tran.,spor-t Commis- sioersforCanada bas given notie luist iclreopen -its oi-der nuth-or-1 izng abandoment id the CNR lina b teen PortHfope anld M'ibrook a(ccordiing to a lettesrnceived by îH. L. Garner, chirman o! the Pete- borot1gh Indunstrial Coision. The proviolis order )asuide oni Ocktoýbes gth 1941L, nnd approved o! the abandoment o! the operaton o! the lina' and aubrzddscontinu- onceout pamsenge trainservie be- twean Peteilorough and Millbrook. Lata lest year the CNR whicb dus ing the wvar hlad continued thre ser- vice, gave notice that iV was goîng to aryout the order. Sinicethen many protes te have-I been rmnde ain appliatio -ma sponisored by the counic*il o!tAu Vewnýshiip o! SouthrMonlinand othIers askinig that tIre1wrde ore- 'tinded nd tIre NR rqued t .conVinue service. P. F. Bailleirgeon, .secrata ry o! tire, ooard in bs later Vo Ms. amer, said that 'tr lction vîould beî cet downi for hearIng at a date Ao hej fi-xýed Liter bý r theaboard.11 Reduce Limit 1In Speckled Trout Catch iFirst reduction in flhe speckled trout Iimi-it in many years, and an i,4crease of one doflar ;u the cost of non-resident fishîing licenses 'have heen a-nnounýced by the Departmleut o! Lands and For'eSts. During the 1i9p50 seasoii, the speckled trout catch m~ust be imtdto fifeen per dayý, eX- cept in Norfoik County, ýwhere it ,:wi ho, ten per d ay. Miint engthi permitted reiains at seven luches. Prevîous speckl ed trout catý ch iiLit Wa-s twenty fish; or tell pounrds, WhliLhtever was first attained. The poundage lim-it lhas o been elimin- ted. ?he Fieh tad Gan6 m mt te rc nuneed thle Ov~followiri re0rsetains octouans f n- tario sport.smen whq urged the re- duction in total take. To mneet increaised costs o! ad- Minlistration, fîshbermeýn f Jr out- side Ontarlo, except residents of Maiitoba, wi n future pay $6.50 for a nou-resident nivda license and $9.00 for the non-resident family li- cense. ___e_-N o I OuiS0 The funeral service mas conducted Right nom Vire pupils o! O.C..S. by Rev. S. R.* Henderson, minister -O!f have their nosas Vo)tIrePgrîidtone Trinity United Cirurch, at thre Northr- studying and wrtlg Ie set cntt and ;Sqaith Punerl Home, BoW- O! eaamS. But onUe they geV tes manviile, at 2,30 p.m. Interment axame ýsýoves ,ndi the mnarks backe was made in Bowmanvilia Cemletesy. they, Wil'l have a reet duing the hu Holstein Directors Decide To Again bld ChiampionshipShew At a recent mee(ting o! directons o!f itIreHoltela-FriesiLnaAssociation o! Canada from 'the Enet-Centrai On, tarie district, il mas decided te again Ibis yens bhld ire district Champion- scbip Show aI Peterboro. TIre date Iras ne:t dafiaiteiy been sel as yol but il willi probably ha around-tire Middle o!f Ortohes. J. D. Imues, Woodstoch, Ontario, mil ha tirejudge.ý Tira Ian counties covered'by VIre Petarboro Gîmmpionship Shrow are Yorh, Simcoe, Ontario, Victo ria, Durhmam, NortîumIerlad, Peter'boro, Hiastings, Prince Edivard and Len- nox ad Addington. Ilt is-expected tIraIlIre Enclora Ontario Chapionebip Sirom milIl again ha ireld in connection mitIr OV- tawa Wihites Pair. If sulîmble ar- ranmgements can ho Made 'tIre West- Central Ontasie Cbiampionsirp SIrow miil Ire Ield at tIre C.N.E. mincir shouid once aganret,setire Hol- stein exhibit ettIre C.N.E,. te is pro- mas position as tire larges-,t on tIre, continent. TIre laioand date o! VIre Western Ontarlo CGlrampiionship So IrsnoV ye,ýt bean da-cided. (anch io! tire four GIaposl Siroms , iras bpn-ea hacresed f romI e $625 offosred l1meVyens 'Vo $,O~ A grant o! $100 each is baing eoferýed by tIre Ass;ochition te Couity Blach, and Wbite Da-s o! wý,,iicIr Vleirera e 40 in Ontaie last year.ý 1uays. We are glad Vo scee ail eus absent ptýjàjls bach again; espeelaliylKa tlir "Gramip" West, wVor, as you kow, -broke Iis kniee cap; and Ena Cliap- ina wlio irtoka a bone la ber anhle. Lai -tWednesdaiy ighjt, March 22,i tIre O.C.S. Litery Socioty toki their commencemient pl'ay "Humours Waite-d" to the soial even-,ng-1e1d in thre Klby church. Thinsmiii be irie 1me editio)n o! the OnCle haLeora tIre Enste-r hldy so, thirpupils o! O.C.S., although iV le a Iuttle early, would like V, o mish every- ona n "Happy RaFles-". IltIras b"ïi reported d tnt$,0- 000ý m!11 be spetcOn rnsin the Province Ibis spriing for repaire ne.- cessitaled by tIrhae done byl tasand raine. Ciarke Townvisipý le Vto ha ne exceptionili thre damiage cnused hy lIre comîing o!) spsîing,ý for many o!ftIe township ronds arecno in very poor connrdition, wmIlle others have'Vo boelosedl. Tire abundan-ce o! saow m .tn, acopaidby 11111ei frosI b i l ie ground? rscue Could you stan-d Vo sep a ch1ild yenql hiad kille d? PIoeýkep yon eye open for-hidfanhben you dri va. Thre Ontarlo Dpteto ! ligi ways raninde everyo-ne that cildr'ea- dlon't aimnys stop to thinhk, bat that divers should awa e hinking, and prepnrad Vo stop in lie Vocave Police iTrustlýees o omec icdewalk Program ln April TIre Ornr oiceTute ietÇo* o~ tIeHdeoffice. Fir ed At i hisay At ri meeting thie Police Tus- go oni dayligit ïnvig time mhen CunySeedFainuder threaup- Bommanviliehma and Toronto cas o! the Durham Crop IM-prove-. brougIrI il M eafect. ,nenAssré n ud%- Ina rder to obtain a lire depart- mentrat, the Orono Police Trus- tees are tLo request thle Orono Pire Chiie! Vo eall ,a rmeeting ,,-o! the Vol- unteer Pire Brigade Vo meet itb tfie Osono, Police Tr-usteas. At this t;ime they intand Vo estaJblisbh a lire departme nt by4law wllhh ill make il 'possile for a grant froni the Provincial Goveramnent, This net ing is to 'ne heidi in the nrear future: Thre Trustaes hope Vo have tIre Si'dewalk prograiund.(erwmny coma- lime in tIre niontLh o! Apsil. Thiisi prograni cieittsnom -sidewalks and also repairs. Tao tenders were racaived by this goýve'rning body fori, he collecti'ng 01f1 garbage in the village. llover, tLiis ara'tter i- to be deait awith on'r Apr1il l2tb h len n special metig s1 to ha held. Canladian Cancer Society T. Appeal For Fundsý junction SVh the Qui te Seedj Lindsay, on Mafirch liGth, 17'th The judgas for the Soed Fair M.S. Bomn Plant Produeiits patrtmenytý', Domiinion Departmr-ýi Agricultue Potrb'osough, and Kennebli Fallis o! the Crops, S and Weade Branc , orto.ý The -Piize Winnorls in the var csesvwere: î 'Chase NO. 10-Srpring Wet ifred Alis. Chase INo. lO2I- Fall Wiheaýt, Ile K. Squ'air; 2d Alfred Allia; cHl;2rnd, R. K. Squair; )oýug. Wgh;4tLh, Garnet' Ricku 7%h Jas. T. Bruwn, Class No. 104-Eaily <ae Jfohn Riekard; 2nd, Carnaet Ç P3cd, Colin SmhhJ.4th J, Lovd. 1J las NIoO. 106l-W O)paniinrg a'monh's ampaiga on 1McHolmî; 2nîd, Alfr, April lI, theaCanadian Cancer SO1-EU.Squair 4'th, Jas ci(Ay mii eaek 30 in latIrePo- ant kad th Ince o! Ontario to carry on researchl Clacen o,'u 106- worký, tVo further thfe eduon 'ional andfýe Mcildcolm-i. sersice programe of! lIe Society and Glaiss 10T7-Sopsba provide shoarshi ps;foi, eerliHii projecîs, li leanounced by IE.AS. lass 09-Red C Weiuch, prýovincial pres-,,idenit.1 ArmnstroI-g. "Funde are urgently required for! Glass Ij10i-Alfalfi tïire promiotion o!fesarin lOn- Brown, taieý into thel ue o!fanerwnd Cl(ýass 11'3-Reg. for the Provision o! fellowships lOeon- Mer lVcHol ý; 2n-d, abie qualifed workes Vo arry on"Garnet lEee d J1 th preeidefrt stalleù 1clha M Welch expawcie I a Canadiair Cancer Scitywokescn- J, as T. Bi1üown; staPtly'o b rinDg infraioni into Sth.1. ,G.Richrd(; 6th evesy hme in Canada, and, when Chas, 115-Reg. aevary man endwo n in the countr'Iy Rickard;: 2nd, MdIe lias Seen aght tha da-nger signais Ioh.Ariistrog. o! cancer and IAs le 1edt -a1in Cla-se117-Potato nany cases thie disease can ha cured ho eretifiad, Ist, Al orcheckedwhen caughl time, tir 2nd, Haney AeGuli MOost imlporýtanItcstop twrscancer JuniOr Sý control bas been mode.Cînse 118 -Lat "Durig tIre past yens theOnaroMeol;2nd, Ha Division o! the ocity propided 3rd, Ensi Broma; 4', nimrethan 30,00 !ee cancer des lmhtnBoyd. ings to needy patients and arrancd 'Cines 119-Eaiy fo transpotatin o!Imanypatients Boyd to, trcanîmenlt t ûnies and hoptl" Cns120-BarIIle Mr. Welch said. Cancer patienits Hammiond; 2and, R( b inl,' urIsed ln theis o o mes fre>- H a m-ilVfon B y ; 4th qujeaItly eqire hunldseds o!, dres- E Iro- . inge, andi many ofthem) cannot afford me nlte. The Ontarlo Divis(in !urn- isbahés such draessigs freao!fcharge. U-nits o!d the Cne Scey"r nom operating in 25 centras thro-ug- OuI the pProvince and money co0ntrib- ulad during Apr-il vijlhb(-ha ueled , !nterIis important work in 0- mtaîio,. The firet cancýer ýinformatio-n cen-1 tre, la Canada opened in Toroatto and funde are usgtlv needed to open szuch cetre nlaotlher entrýes la the' Provine. This is part o!fanatmion-l uide educational progrmite bsin'g accurate informaiition ,ion tha subject1, o!fane Vo every )man, womlan 12ni child la Canada. lad the caýuse andthe cure for cancer, a d isea mich tha thonsands o!f a aialives yeya l,C iDoug. ii -Buckwlseat,' ans,, lst l Mal clover, 1eV, IP fa, isJames The otii is a hpmans Vo !olw\v traffic. Wben VIre e'scare dns r hals wbon you arfe o give you jusll s co)nfidenýice as mi if ye akbld al moving Ca1. o!Ontilo fco. mig the Apsil tienjs rnny bes maile-d dis, Mr. And Mrs. Char Honoured On 4OthÀ A miost anjoyable ýevenrng 1iras aI! o! lield in) Bommuai-,vil c, on Wenba Isna nhtolasI mach Ï-11the 'onso! a n ti fil England Halld mIenrelatives mnd Mrss, Wood gat11-ýled o 1'honous thilein in Rfs th(eir -401th eddinannvr - TIepar y, n -merngsevet- vjnic ely d inlndad theirtr odagr switir a wmeýdu tiroir, 'bu san d chl1denind moercena with tewith ail' Nel, ith IisiLe mndbby Lso,! or Vo rýend a niecaly moyýded addrass, amd Mr. and tMr. Neili Wood o!f Lakefield, on be- a rh T-a- o 1 - -. - - 1

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