+'Camiels Ar, Dese-rt ",Newy-Arrived'%" Ifi. îatin but incontestably rue tha thecam ,,,,hieh we ai- way asocît~with the t esert - ~cen, wasnot u-,sed iii tht nhr until il i Ntoth hrsta Ea Nocrth Africq fron tht 'East and ea Iij ' Ltardiilad graduially. Or 'tercame b[ack. Li prehiistoricý days it had ýýexistedi the coastai ,,,i.igions that arc nýow called Tunisia, Algeria and, Morocco, Its bottes have bette dug up. But the wild .amel died off before mail learned to use, if. The slowness of the process- by which tht camel-the mucb-needed iý,rme-moved westward from A sia ,MÀ-inor towýyard and into tht Saharra i,, a puzzle. Ont would hav~e thbougbt that thia seemingiv H feav- ên-setl desert vehlcle of transport would have swept into popularity ka few years. But if took cent- Tu ,cly historie days even Egypt CJcinte f0 the East, had no camels. 'c father of Rameses II was *lie tohave a cisteru bnilt in -,igi: r estof thet Nue so t!sat wlt bout risk ing dahb rt ýSses f0cary after for their jouir- t~y yttsevenith cenitury B.C. G, Jser is ote'd the limIited use ;(-Of stancewhîcb bave oted is ta ~ Alexandi lfjch was far oe bttEast whenCt aes ae grimgethecelebraied proceýssKi oi admîfam--ilîiar beaste like zebras, a w itehea, a rhinoceros. It seeoiîDbv7ois 1that tcan,,tils'mtst etillhavebeenmuch. of a rarity, tise -!my-ou41not ave been given a place i51 fulis great sh1ow- lu shrt, a leas a îousan Yeî h was[tht camlel aoae at was capýable of, -a]d eentually did, open np hat imese trac sSabarani trade n hii nadê Mediterranean Afric îichand rilliant iii the ulxet isen eroesîpes0the trvla heewa se ore so r5iedcarried ta eeskinsý. Aiss hlpe, oo-From ý"Nor-th C Ot f Living W gh In Russia i O .hiîih orecigit Office bas çcrîea n Rusiaaffer tht Pebrýuarv 28 revcaluaiion of ttfrulequýotîig tht n ge)ofa skilled Russian work- ci t'asfront 0001,500 ruiblesî, ïqiaes o $126 f0 $378 î rmonth. Jskl ed wrkers' wgswere said -to range from 250 mýbIts, or Takçing, the value of tnt ruble at 25 ensth prices giver worm:. Black red 2 rubIts (50 cents) a two-pound bý 1af. Milk: 3,rulIes 60 kopek- a liter, Chcoate w5 0200P ule B"eef: 3ï ole r$4-34akio(2 Tole sap: "3 mOiles, or 70 cenîtq a cake. .Voiiünïs si nes: Front -1'50 Io 540 f rublts, or $63 to $134 a pair. Meni's sbots: Front 2M to 470 t muiles, or $50 10 $1P7 apar 'No Suhstance--îb-ao at ilarn lpjsup~e elamcrpoeaslear te hi Nen 'irk from Lnflo. es Handicapped, But Game-This boy, Robin Suttherland, 'is crippled but happy. Picture w~as taken at Biue Mountaini camp, near Collingxvood. It's one of three summer camps operated by the Ontario Society forCrippied Children. The Society's annual Easter Seals cam'paign for funds continues tinitil April 9. Donations may besent to "Timmy, Toronto." Searching, For "'Extinct" Monsters For nany years scientists have agreced that therare mort myster- itýs inî tht Cea thaný are 'ever likely to, bc soived, Unlike thternajority of us they baive rarely been sncred- nions of the stories of monstersz and rnermaids f bat have euterfainedO us for so long. And they have been, even itess 80 silice December 22nd, 1938. On tuat day they received thte big- gest shock in scientifie history, A' trait ler fishing off tht coast of E'ast Londont, South Africa, fouud Fins Like Armei tî mýtasrt.d -ive f tet îinietgtb anld ifs maturoua0faur wr ifsý fins whicLhpbd det eoptd iuntil thiey iooked lijke armaojr legs. Because if was e so unusai, tht skipper har t i preserved and sent t Dr. J. L. B. Smithî of Rhodes University. Dr. Snmith exarni ned the fiai anîd bis subsequent story shook the scientific world f0 ifs foundations. Thte t range fish beionged to -a species that has been extinct for 30,000,000 years-or thoug'ht ta b. in other words this species bas actnaiiy ived alliat time, un- known te man., Unfortunateiy. affer -Dr. Smith had finîshed,.tht mysteriona fish was handed f0 a local taxidermiet who stuffed if ,tÈrowiiig the bead and entrails away before biologis conld examine them. That is wh, ariy -Ln the Naew Year, auiepedtio oftwnty-fivC' ectfst aiied taiîscover, if pos- sible, tht -area where htpecies, mut pawn aud also f0 iniook for proofoi f th1 esene ofother etr'ange mariietars fi tht c a aid scb01 sere for so long,.oih ran mresur prises mîghit there be in store for us? Perbazpa in tht not-so-distant future, aceptica wiil be made to tbink again about tht existence of tht Loch Ness mouster, for in- stance. We-the iaymesî Iauglied Miten officers nI the Mauirefaniareporfed seeing a c urions monster, even fhouigb ir story isas supported by passeuigers. We iauglsed ithen Hatîs Egede, tht missionary, votich- ed for ont, attd even ishen niembers of tht Zoological Society meported another. Wt titre et cît disbtlie\tiîtg 'Vwben fit ty foot carcases of nnkiuwvn eýpecies bhave been wasbed up oin tht shores' of Judia and Africa. hcefss oitever, have not been aosccpticai-at least itot .,ince 1938. But ishat of meruîaids.* Bath Beebeand Barton have re- portd afangedeepseafisb that looed îtoathumiaïi, ceuitbrough tht xi n doitof tOtObath3 phîtîs. At ~ ~ ~ ~ ý"r lie~î iteeysailor isilosailstue sa5 dts tnot spend ScocanIlimes fbey hav W n o nttrmnaids, until conistant j ers fore- ed thesu f0 keep quet ,e tt3 Lannot Il RIbe wrong. Ail Nonsense? Iun1891 a rermaid was reporîted to havt been son off the Cekneys, ~~~~~ cotnetovusicians,dacr and igr.Atlattoof , tem aremmbr-of th1t-Toronito ym phony and longolsastfpoi Ht jýiýle h ad oftht LPP's ynt move;ment. From him and isQue,- hec deputy Carnille Dionne, dt conference got its report on the state of culture iii Canada. Wben be came back, Penner made a coast-to-coast tow carr- ing the Budapest message to the, Canadian faitbful and sympathiizeýrs What Penner and bisworld yointh irovement and aIl Communisteae selling is totalitarianism doue up in a fancy package. In a wrapper labeled "Democracy," it bas b@en forced down the throat of rnucb of Europe and now China, Today m'ore than @ver before w. sbould investîgate before lending support to causes no matter how attractively preseîsted. If we don't we are quite iikely to flnd that our names anîd flîsancial contributions are being used to underniine the very tbings we cherish most. -From The Financial Post. 'Hous-ing PrQblerm ina iplyof doîl bouses She and wb ien sbe read the exorbih tat ricetg h s~til The salestâlad,, ntticiiug 0cr sar,- ing at thtex esiedoli os asked. "May bepyumam' Tht woman sýmiledsctlan îeplied: "Of course,yo rae jfor tht mnortgage on1- Heredity Fleishmann's Dry Yesti n ug Investigate -- yu cpad Biefore Y ou JoinDr Before 'ou invest, investigate, & Student Festival in Budapest, ba That's the, advice of -the Better h.hind the Iron Curtaiin, A yonng Business Bureau and i if MakeS s American who attended, writing in whetber applied in purchasing a a U-mgzneatce adh.r-it (" vahigmachine,a secuirity or was "appalled" by what he called Wr washng aGrease joining sonie.popular movement. If the "defamation" of the West.W i-~ particularly applicable mest now Among tht hundresd of yonng ieu wben it's hard to, tell a Communist delegates were 32 Canadis repre- ty shyster fromn a genuitie social re- senting these organizations sot forer.National Federation of Labor ti Already a lot of og~iain Youth, National Committet ofsot w t ledmcai ae ae LPP Students, The Canadian Tri]- on gren bcen exposed bunec, Student ChristianMoeet Lej xsdas ideologica.l huiler dsr shops. A lto nhnkn ieas Cwaaian Seamen's Union, Un: ited Jewish People's Order, AssociatËio i and do-gooders who didn't investi-,e,4 gate, what t bey were getting into, ofUitdUeana CndanOhr haebeen'left holding the bag o B. ýC. Woodworkers' International cîter day there are three or four world-, I u adLat,-ïicn o w~ideComns sae raia Workers, "Vochenblatt" (Canadia fions. AIl are selling a highly,mar.. Jws eky) Ksuh Sc ketale ad jBenefit Society (Hungarian>, Fe- keabl n esrbeprde deration of Russian Canadians. 'Peace."Except for the Studeint Christian The liue is this: "If warcornes Movemient, ail are tither outright it wilL.be the fault of the Truman- Commupfist affiliates or front or- iacs. The Soviet Union warrts to bati ganizations. At least 20 of the 32 tht Bomnb. The others refuse _to do delegates were kupwn Communis. so." In other words,- condition our Somne were members of the "Bea- minds to acceprt thc Big Lie that ver Brigade." This is a Commuifet if war does corne.., it will be o our, youth shock troop 'group. Since the rnakng, ot ussi's.war, they have e annual trips One' sales force aimes et labor; behind the Iren Curtain- f0 work another at wortn a third ot the with pick and shovel oiiln mmnis "tculturai" le vel-the arts, science work projects'. etc.-and &~ fourtb at youth. 'Tht latter organizafion is caled tht World' Federation of Demo- Gratic Youth. There's also a e Wortien's Intern-ïational Dernocratic Federationi and ai World Federation cf Trade U_1nionis, The kingpin n tht World Peace- Conigrese. The boss of ttCanaàdian brai ch, Dr JamesEîdictt e-Unte Curcb m,-issioniary, wasiinMoscore- ctlY. His mnission: to, give a first- hand report on, tht Canadian Peace Movemient. Recently, the Cormmunîst youth mnovemlenit staged a World Youtb and al the newspapers carried the story. She was described as baving a small black head and a milk-white body wifb long arms. Two years later anotheî mierîaid was seeu by a man and bis wife at aliost tbe saine spot, Tbey agrced she îvas beautiful and bad lots of tbîck brown hair. Nonsense? 0f course it is aIl silly nonsense. So was the atotn bomb once. So was the motor car anîd tht atro- plane. "A Man Gets Mad Sometimes"-Emanuel, Silva w ,reckeud bis ceJrnent trufck on aiilseade- caped unhurt. That he could take A couple of fas iaer e wasw epigto 1haul theoig' truck up an embankment ý'Lwhen It suddenly burst iint[fane.ThnSilva\awredl.Heda- ed to bis sedan parked at thte top of the ernbankmnent, 1,un1-edl iad cr-ashJed inthtbrnn truck. Ernerging fron bis wrecked car unhu et,' Silva saiid: A mai]ls îad om ie. 4