M1ONO WEEKILY TIMES TIUDAY, MARCH 380, 1950 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Tni's has been - aiy secret u l ow. Egh-ty-Iot r years When tLhe Undiýtedl Churcii h r that :burnedi recentiy was builif, grandfather had a mùiËgýë i chih.At eopenn edc h-as a mortgange on thnis chur-ch it' p to yo'u to get',riddorf hhm soonin th as psil" GCran&aUthe.cr took this as ap Sonal nsul aa ian4 dteygot 10 ~ai-d walkýdnt a,?d we over joied the Salvation Armyv, w -was in Oprno at that ime. Biha Ihave decided that too - faer to~ go to e Bowmn-arn SltinArmy.ý Church andtha Take a long look. atthis big-, six-passenrger Fleet leader Special,-with Poniiac's exclusi-ve Silver-Streak Styling and po-wered hy the famous Pontiac 6-cylinder L-llead engine Tlhen, get the price fromi your Pontiac dealer. Take a long, long look at that price! Yes, the car'lhat's 'way up in value and 'way clowen in price is that feature..packed Pontiac iFleet- leader Special., And for only a few 'dollars îmore, the Fleetleader DeLuxe gives even more -beauty, convenience andcomfort. Sec them both! IHIEflAN DoUar/o oa w«You eau!?w beat a Pontiac takes pride ini offring--in the 1950 Stream1ifier an'l,1-KY supreme achievemenis on tr. Large and impressive, these senior einodels in the Pontiac line offer a chioice of Pontiac L-head engiues. There is the ecorinmcal, 90.h.p. Six, and Canada'sIowest-priced Straight lEilit, now 108 h.p.! And Pont iac is the lo-west preced car offering faÛMOUS GM iyr-ai Drive ----. Superb beauty, comfort and performf. ance mnake Streamfiincr and Chàifain ownerý1s ie unversally staunch friends of Pontiac. If yu taste is for the finest, sc the-se -reat cars soon. k 250-A UowuaavilleROY W. NICHOLS Ontario s-, 'l n