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Orono Weekly Times, 30 Mar 1950, p. 8

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dern Etiquotte l 33y Roberta Leï,- Q, What luPjroi)g wîtb thes,2tw afttî-enoc-vl zeaintroductions: (2a) "Mviss Jones, meoi Mr, L 1e-;1and(b) Mr. , V_/ Miss Joues"? Aor, ýÎ cù "mbt l tt arin )nte. 1Itli, nrohbet.ttosa,"ssoes For the Iast montb we have been mny preunt r. ue?"(b) 1.~ expecting Daugliter home for the- waysmenton he ùnamu ocf4the w0 w ee1keîd-and every tinte tith main first, so as to present thu plan samne story-"I guess 1 won't bu À% M A 3 3t the womnan.,. home this weelz after ail. I just r -1 Q. le it proper to-rest-the fore- got word that Gladys (o-r Betty, or inger upon the blade of the knife Joy, or Margaret, as tht a ýse_ may when cutting meat? be) is coming for the weekeid l" A. No; the fingers should ail rest So that ends that-our Daughter upon the bandit,, neyer upon the ls a very popular girl now she has blade. ahouse in which te untertain! And __________________________________Q. Should arnian bow, froni the of course she loves it. Onue day waist 'as hu lifte hie haît, when pretty soon 1 shah bu sampling bler N N E 4 I S Tacknowledging a, womnan, acquain.- fospitality myseîf, as I1l'ave not N E 4 I 'à'% mtance bu nitets on the str'eet? Leunn to the city since New Year' 44 J ~ fl4~ 1LDL4 0tV A. No; lie sbould 1if t lus bat and ia. incline his head sligbfly. Niecu Betty, fromn La Cave. Q. What le the correct wording pbouled us from.Toronito.yesterdaý E-Irs: bre yar ~t~y ,1and i)arn tb a father for an announcument of a wedding? -w atitud tot know how wu bad, id0 kd off -and 1'to tht boys ?o te an it ."M dM o ae ,e p ut îinthe wîuter, I told lber 1 h Ive hl arrUcted pct and love. bah h oo oanuc h ad been iuakiiîîg quilts,' blankets * ow maai you refuse ni that and rugs, and Partner had been for nonsuppor marriage of their dauglîter,. Judith upn ywshn h ihs lïthle ( bblîdrun, chancetheises of li w a sun-i. 'Rose. to Mr. Richard Hemningway "Y ~. uuud o wo Fo btte, or a'se"ofen on Tuesday, the twuuty-seventh of es,", said Betty, "and you set s ecmbr l teCiy hToouo up a. quilt ini the budroom and miy yers Uti ,atat promise ise bard to liv. tep toI pour uîcle bail to crawl under if f e u.ofh ag Yt htwie wo ivs er uean ~ Q*How doe a widow egîster attefogut bis1 socks 1" t huad nthig chance might find pe6au. a hotel, as Mrs, AmieM. Rogers,' "And how du you know' ,tuiai?" ~ fum lm that laste. An.Hrtwllhp or doe she continue to Use her Iakdl upie ~ "owhutuls you tbrougb, if yon write ber ut ' 1d' uInaelOh n h lcgil tth os j m thL e bs ox 1, 123 Eighteunth- Street. Ne-w A.,She should registur as Mr. hue Oguts o the paprlthat flicsboose i-ý1eanedlbi s- e- Toronto, ont.. Herbert H. Rogers. clmil t uo oreIhx ~uwolde~oterQ.It le necessary te repuaf tht just butu readînig 11ud w ud ae naeoftt uso U hm t Soon there will1 bu no secrets id h hlrnI e en nrdcd arouisd litre at all-b-lut at least the iiiaitthe chnceA. It Is flot necessary, but p:rt- fact tbat puy riunds and relations hd r oue a-efrbe ffi am ehrhal, i ead this columu sbould save me I f0 buiug away ~~Q. Should a womnan always r.- wrtîgafwlutes ralsig th boy hy iove er bt ina thatre l atest venture in handicraft A. Ys. f i cosideud afihon lias been knifting a rmg. 1 wonder te keup the bat on, no mattur how how many oh you kuow, what 1 Just iBlue ~~~~~~~ small it 's. And lunfthe case of somuano uecuuewr oki * ~~~~~ ~ ~~bats, i svery nconsîduratu ettan uofy tu ow n i 1?those seated lun hack of you if the tery othur stitcb, you knît luina tbiikingotty cf 487 48 1bat lu kept on and retards their littie piecu of material j.iia inch iscsi? vu ew. -v jdt aîd lý, luches long. My 1mat- brokune . o 12-20 Q. le t eonsidered good mnari trial was old socks and sweaters i yonr fect You 30-42 n~~ters always to leave a liffle food --h ahn utvruy ofa hock and our loue-on oe'1laeihave dont onulenmalmat mut -ou set ý- yourseLhLIoA. Absohutelyne.lot is lawaye big etîougb t0 fit lunftbu doonw'ay, vosur~~ citebysb ompliment te the hostess or ai-id in, a bit-and-miss 'pattern. It n have scedd the coule f0 cat evtrvthing outhe is lustahie the w iay if le but yet sa, io r acs plate. 1 caîî make lu bigg'ur at any tiio t rsposiihiy, nd-,...Q. On wbicb aide oh the bride.- su long as 1 donyt add tht border. e o yurhubad.groomehould, tht bride stand dur.- h lu quite possible f0 kuit in soute rds, youar gttn ing tht wedding ceremony? 1,'Lud of pattern but that weay you t thuthlA. Suie sbould stand at flic eft wvould have- to ducide on tht size ni?~o oheUibridegrooni, faciîîg thtemi - and coloun of -yournmati:e on id f'r01 roudo-CItr. bgait, ot1l(-iýe -ou night find hum a g s4i1e 00. Just whaf are the duties ozi onsliîhoteogho h uno~miii f l~iso1-godparent? righf colounmatralf0finish ttîu t you amod'l'i :ch1ih ..A.The duitie, art not î A - a o.Since fuis was nmy frtatttrnpt, slI b las o f pinîse f bjiritnd the ehild aI- 1i settlud for soînei(thiîîg easy. New riced u ws. i bays ýand adiseitat aux finie 1 havu un ont -,f sorks so I mîust, no'dgdbalse ~ '"""b luî. called uponi. At tht cbi'tuniiîg perforce, fonget îny ug-klttiîîg suan ficchnt ~. e gives the baby a git, nstially a for awhile. Whýcibniaybue i m ut t0b isïcncer. , silver mug, a kif e. fork and as well becaise tuneu are a hew' efusu ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -f hl?. ~ ~ .- posuesial lc tjew- tnjobs anoun& litre that are V011 myt u l "- elry, or soue money te start a batik possîbly more urgent. As, for, lu- ft~statce, bousecluaîuiîg. (rcu l îd9 Ye . Vs, f eut afraid bousec eaîîîîg wjh hae n rusonil '-vu CA 1.1 fut l fast approaching for whuen tsi. Aflur uitseo- Z V U~JN I lcsuit shixîts and tht days lungth- -w. lf b ie wondurci By Anne Aehley un! one gtts "ýtht urge" withonf any good ]-, -s worth b -trouble at ail, I bave huliard num- if csterIf bs whu, liecoin c n o /\buti- QHow tan I reebhapu taw nsara3o ot o tî -neu siv4,wh st einit1ithbangs just e e autbube at?ousardy f'ün, liseî 01 c - roehm at ru rjumin it e h b h ta a a going luto action wifb paper and )s tht pinon h te areglarskîît to wuar wittlivontbuhrgu ypuiîgbtwtr paint. So far ftlie'extent of My o pïId c. maf 'A bose îd.ajcktfr"uh er ifand bwhll if lehsf111 ,io activities bas been "redIding up"l Patenu481: 1, 4,16,1-8! o; ad pialnd wing if f ay hae ncuphboard-and I kept Itht fur- ie 0 32, 34, opef6c 38, 40, 42. Si'e I6 desired. Select sorti kind of ow nce going neanly al ont day with deni-y ano-fli r human! vuhrdsat -ieliclcanud out-papuns, m-age- jacet dus, ~ yrd, 9.u-hi or vsslthat wllfitttcrwî lîilt paia et? te z-nussiaîod oth!en junk. I also bave, c hy fii e Àný, yu ThspatnClask1 s, iip oh tht bat, and place on is whîl .0- yosuuw,:s tsu for fit. -a on- wniîgui n tontthRi~.narh i udrud books ready f0 loth:L e uhet a l -pîteiusratdinstructionts.dry l aboipasil.on to a place where tbcy will tf t estyo wih en tuuf-fvecents -2e)lowQ can 1I male a iiuntl- robably do or good ',han tlîtv soatonthtyo dd oi(stampscaninot be acýcuptud) *ning drink? îare iikuly f ct hcngdust on our- n htcIeucetobua for1tis pttuu.Print plalil' elat1z, A etafebugnii r okble.louw1I bte f0 destroy nîigbf b hat lie tane, addres-ýs, style numibet ilt ti'nl laso' e hîusbeud Sud orerf0Box 1, ~3Ll- mlisutndf etedfao uiy1 duvotu eufh StuNw orutOi it îhnntmgo ein Q.How car, I bleach a garmeuf% eo s i s:~.t.<White,, when if cannot .bu worn b-r Watchfut ai~naiu A. Boil thte gai-ment lu creaut of eomnu o gZZL-b at-taQ. Hwcap 1 extract a stnbborn IECEMAPOIESS Dager ai Cu~.i ~rusted a.evi. ATHLETES FOOT t.. ~&attna ea1~a~ ~t nAt a a oker ut rod of iron I. W~t~ tit i.PteireieUu -untîl if is red-hiot. l'len iîohd to tht rk 8. iriuate 24.B aukiqate 45 ISpeel head hfle rnsted scîuw Fortw ~~~a&~i A.Wr t tet t Nw M'eomb t M tt.tDrinkfng itli a sar *ý, Ji tMoi ~fl4i~ 3~UL4~Tl1U -M I. ~ ~!SOx -tn m -7-7 z-z readigniaunia i Thtouhy w'ay 1cal, do tit le by sot loig flue tuifet ail. Leafinig tru maazne t e ifthQre l iy- thiîîg Iwaf tokeep liftl.Thr oh appnoacbiuug upring lbut tient bave also been others around bure. Tht othen day I saw several cruwu, and Partuer huard a, robiiu chirp. Aýnd I notice many oh tht youatgur generafion sein 'f0 bu gtýtiug tht wanden-lis-t. Strasîge, isný't if, fhiat when ont le young distanýt fi de are alwayu green. But au wu get oldun we nualise tinat if, and wben, we cosuld reacli those distant filds -and look back-thcu tht flelds w'u ltft belîind wouhd also taku on a brighitur hue.' W cil, globe-trofting lu ahi riglit for tiose who have flic opportunÎity tLut f gueus Partuier and 1Inmt content ourselures withî globe-trot- tiutg'by bocks and by radio.ý Rigbt now Parnuen ls u sy witb \'in-ton Cburchil's memoirs', and hast wuuk I was rcading "The Reins Came" which, as 'you probabiy know. lu a sfony oh Indta ut tht monsuoun seasotu, followed by an eatbquai.e and, graphicaily' wittuu bv Lous,ý Bromtfield. I-lu lu curtainhy a w o- derful ,wrif u aîdas H. R I- ýlnnam point ud ont oven Fam Rra idio Ior- uni-, the revenue from Uhi books bas, dosbtîcus heiped tht aLuIor a, to a~su Ijutolile a v~onctertUi tarnier, -cotuYd tthat b ti asert ti re-appearanu o II-igvar Maybe ourfred rm asgu spring-feveur, pluS! C0ME OUT FROM UNDER THEf SHADOW 0F PAIN ATy DOLC~IiN Asote for prompt reffu ftomn ARTMSupTic and iaHEUeATc pom ..StabottlOf DOLCIN taWLe r ont your dtuggist TODAY and jola the thotusands of reliuved eu&rers h by îaking DOLCIN have tome eec front undur thte hadow ot pain.. DOLCIN le available et al ait stosu -1-00 tablets for $2.3,9-200 tabluts for $3.95-aheo ýae able inihoulIes of 500 te bl1e te DOLCIN to 10, 9an 00a.055< S id~ ' 0- 0 iLu5o t de fnd A1ýE FOR HE Your MONTHLY Perlod?'- - efr-angely reef les, mo ttntaee and weýakîa few daye jue belîore your geriod? Thien Lqtnast tIkiutg .dia ~ -M~ E.phnkhams VegeAbfe COu- pound to relieesbsyipoil Ifhas etich a eothing, u oiif anfispaemodic effect os one of mwoman'a muet <mportani tn ergl, nat ure. Regula;rlise offIils greef working through thbe synipathef l meducune beieps3.bnild up resistanue Pinkant's onud euts fmore tht womýan a [t-jendi thaui releve nionthiy paip.If also NOTE- Or you mnay prýr-e relieves pru-peio r"tu-S irritai- __ Lydta E. Piukhom'o 'rABLETS biuit y, tenue emofione -- of tfia % uh addeti iritu. ISSUE 1~~ - 1950 LYDI .PNHMSVgt~ onon t »7gaF F- bâ-17ý'ÉlYN -,il Lýj v ISSUE 13 -

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