DerAune Hirst: Nïiîe years Éoliertar I.L He Cumecs fvoi m~ne ii, s man g ways even ep ie:: ng me clean1 aind irn. Ht is 1:v ey once iiia whiîe, hé goes "Ht assuswcSme ;t does's t mean andegHc say s hé laves me, and ilay iwlî 's)ut ha just wa#its te "SIdon't dance or drink,ý and ai-" serins eraton "Juat now - he i ,another woman ou n ortwice a mQntb. 1 told im I 1knew -about il,,and 1 wudIae hm.He tells me he ,Ïcl g, andI ud have thé bouse, à,hae oy by a prevoîîs mar- siage NO bo'y could have a better ,father thýIan n m hund i3 ta bim. His a ýýýýgood boy, sith wasners, admcsof his training ýs due ta ,ày Vhusband. Whtshal 1 do ? Tell bisn tgo? ODr ta stay? Mrs.J. ACrisia * Aparntî, ou !have m-iade up yoar sîndtisaIyou ill ot put *up wt orlnad'tkn any oter w*mno I Etcis as * i ts abt Hsasacs tisat Steewomen mean noi- 11ting ta '~ imyouevienuy wll ot ac- -' ~ ~ u epastruc., ~ f suppsc ou knw tist in- * -md yos w nîd aveta prove ~ laget a ivoc cý Yu so tist decide if yau * atotu ive ith your htisband a>s heisorleave him'andlv L" aona.Yiufaced snicb a »perîo.d * o loclîassbefore, after yu fir mariaa. ou kn1ow(,vbow il * Paoter wma aar. re you * willingtainvitle ail thlat again? * Willyaukdcide thýat ýhese lit- ~ ti exursonsof your -husband's are inocent? Tht tey merely * aifhis dIesire for an] evening * fdancing, a, ftwdik with a * companionable partneir, and no- *tling more? That te are nýot * sufficient reason ta depnive your- 'slf of a busband who more thifn * sîisacîryin every other wy 11pt S p.ta yoU. o. Pain 10. Existe 12. Leaves thse ;s"tage ?.,. Discharge a debt 14. Exclamation 15 Extinct bird 16. Mine 7,G nl' Cme 1.Cbecentf- meter <a.) 22 edcovein fUMaicion0 l.lioforacid 53Mansnrn -e 7.Preclude from âs. Century plant 41. een gui,' 4.Cerial graýss 45.Lnger 6.Operates, 47. Permit ,19. WIile 50. Age ,oil. Bestie 5-2. Sphere 11.Perforru 110 Ciante!d 61. lowv-nsoving J-)- 0aV * -Your bush and pronused ta ',ciri> h Y ou. Cherishing a persan n),L bing thoughtful sn,1d kind, Sprotectiig lber fron any avoidable ufering» Vourhusband is foul- %n sou in this. Have vou ex- ilainied fta him bow bisbahaxior l:1urs a1sid mortifies you? Are * Unîil 3 OU nI rî rec,'eýr yotr ý' bath flnd pleasure ii thenii? You two nhave many tastes iin-(-ommon. SWby not cbuiîttbetss<'ver. and axercise your .ngenuity 10 ar- *range more apporteînities ta en- joy tbam? Theatres,- movîca, spectAtor sports, dinners away tfrom home, evenings witb friands-canl't 'you satisfy your ti usband w ith these? You shouîld be able ta wean ý1bim awayfrom tbe(se abýerý wosn- an ,Tbink it ù\ver. calimly, and *try again. He 4seemns ta nmeto10 *good a man taose If you have a good isusband, hold on 10 him, Use all your charm and tact and tommon' sense to keep him happy at home .,. Anne Hirst has had long experience in straight- eoing out family diffictlties. She willhelp you, 100, if you write hem at Box 1, 123 Eigisteenîis Street, N1-ew Toronto, Ont. ,Winston Didn't Say 1t FirSt Lon,ïg iefreBitain's war-lime PlireM11ister incerporatad these' wards ioabis impas'sioned, chaI- lepe efyngthe then conquerlng bode)f-IlJer, thay were used by the Rev. ' Jamies B. Fiipleyin con- nection with an arlier cncept cf humais liberty. Io Pinley'1s autobiography ,ont of print genenations ago, we fimd be bas wriùtîn, page 110, "In the fal of 1796 my father set al hs slàves fret. Ht had been for years con- vincad that it xvos wmong ta bold bis f ellow messi bandage, and tisus deprive them of their natural igisîs; and lie was pamticularly im- pressed sith the belief ti'at tbere could be no civil regulation autîsor- izilmg tht possession of burnani be- ings as goods and chattels. thnt %vonld jnstîfy a cmfisster of the Gos- pel in living upon tise SWEAT AND BLOOD AND TEARS of bis ftliow beings. "i w as a fýool w han I marrîed sou" sid rs.Brownleigb, angrily. "Ya, arlngbut 1 was is love and ldi't notice it," replied bier busbanid. 11. Rck -32. Doctrne 17. Eleti 'iled 34. Yale partiels 55 Rail 26 Enoghis river IF. 3el.w sine of tee 19. Mohammïedan 5 0. Statement ot ~udgebellot 2.Dference 41. Great Lakse 2. Pintbetween tise 42. Fragmenîts 4. Cease solar ami 44. Implenienta 5.' Emperors lunar year 47. Arabise 6. Jecome visible 22. ]'owerng seaport 7. Abels brother plant 48. Small bird 8. iStrIke 24. Twitcising 51. At ail (Scint.) 9. Mans 26. June bug 53. Eleat nieknamne 28: Loak of bain 55. Plural endisg 10. style of 30. Part ofa 57. Meusical note architecture iiower 68. Duteis meter You will be delig'hted withi this fragraint tea 4740 SIZEs. i2-2o0i -4o For teprettiest gradt.ate, tise 1(veliest wedding guest, tise girl lie laves ta date! It's tht ;wtttest, simpltst dress yon ts er sewed. w.ith detp-cut, petal, neckfiîe, and slceves; graceful skirt! Patterns 4740 sizas 12, 14, 16, 18, -0; 40. Size 16' 3W4 yards 35- incis. This pattern, easy ta use simple ta stw, is tested for fit. B-as corn- plate ilnstrated iostructiari,s. Stnd 1wety-five cents (25c) i0 co:ns (stamps cannot be accepttdý) for this pattemn. Priîst pltinly siz-, nnmfe, oddress, style number' -Send your order ta B-xY 1, 123 Eigistentis Street, New. Toronto, Ont. Grseaseless Popcorn No grease, butter, oil nee-dedwitil new type po'pcorn poppar, say mia- ker. Witis ieating elemmnt otaly enclosed, reting on four I.lgs, pop. par lias uppar rouîsd p0pcorn sec I 'lion w;tis autom.ati"c rotatin o ;,gitator inbotnorivgoo i"-e. By 1Rev. R P, cayWarren 'The Powen 0f Tise Resiermecuion" I Cor. 15.1-S,208 , 57-58 GcIden Tezzt: "Thianfis Bt To (0(1, V i itu Us TiiVicîory brnhOur Lard, je suý hrs 0f a;] iltIe 'eiioýculous ,-veiits ini the auai f history, by far ts ý'ostotsadn inisRsrec tfi clas fJeu Crit MnIsad beu broug],tiactolfbfrosn use da3 s ofFliaon unn th nIinîstrY o Jsu his u.erb (-;ne inan, Lazaru:,s, bad beau deadý '(,ur days wisen ha came baclý a (Je Saviours eaul. But al uhese an- couitered deatis again, and suce- cumlbed. Then Jesns Ch -st Him- self was nailed ta & cross7,, tand Ht dîad, too, But an-tise third dl ttI cunbe- lievable happaned. Wi ï-t sist- suce from tise cutside wa l esus Christ ýarase, Ht laid aside tise dieatis garments ai-d weîsu forth tiram tise tamis Tise Roman sol- (liers, an guard ta prevefst less body being stolen by Dis disciples, tbiem'selvts bedaine as Clead men. "Deatis canîjmt keap lis -pî- y- J esus, imy, Saviour! Hte tare tise bars asay-Jesus, my Lord. Up fron-lise grave He arcse Withs a mighty triumph a'em Dis fats; lie, arase a Victor froîntisedort: domaîn 1 And Hteiivts forever sith ise saints b reigin. lit arose! Haý arase!l H4allalujais! Christ anast!" Hlis ising from -tishe î i s thi pledge that we, too, sîli miîs, Thlis is a' great comfort when w,,e bid f,ý rewl ta aOur loved once lin deatis. We sisal ise again and tise future ,ft wil ha gloiaus if we welcome tht Saviaur inoaOur isearts 00w. Ht who isas stengthtao (vercome deatis con deliver ois from tise power of sine in tisîs prtýýctt hf e. ~Through Christ, we con bc con- querors. For fastl, prolonged re lief fromn heaidache get IISANTINF. Tlia pr-escr-iptcion-Ilke tablet rcontains fl rot jubt oebut three-,proven medical irgredieýnts; that case the pInýî- fast. Try INSTANTINEJuSt on'ce orpainl relief anrd 3iou'll say as toan~do that thiere's onc- thing for headache q;s . it'.,NSATIE And try INSTANTINE Lfr yother aches, tc.o.... for nieuritic or niý,algic pain . . or for the pains, ardace that accomi-pany a cold. A snl tablet usually bringaý Prompt relief. and aiways ia,, ~ a. 12-TabIet Tin 25.I Enmkl48-Toblei Botti e 69 WNIA K E UYU WithoUt CaýLoel - 4And Yeu' kJimp COut o Led ii tlir e Morning RaPrin' b ýGo The lie hudpourt bout 2 pinta ce bile juieic or ietvùrateeydy [f ý Iblint owigfel, orfday get d.stpaed oC ]suaunkandt lgord bookspuk Liver Pilles tge"'ibes 2 inte If bile flow- ing fieeiyto ak, yo0fel up nilup Ceti' a pckae eay Efctv ii ntk. bues fiolyreiy Aslz forlt, r5 4tlC ie Pill. 35 ut avdrugstore, There is no sigu et thjt pring isjust around the corer,"andyet there is a different ieln hilte air. When the suni sh:îles, the robins and, crows' are ou, lookinig for it, alîhongh there are driffs ini every- direction and hlatny farm ans restill impassablf. Ours wldbe, too, if Bob haduit plowýed ~ont. But maybe the sow Wnt l't- muc longer as the wahr m-an prom isusa igh of 15 f or today.We ope it wnt amup 1c udel as that nieans a lot of ork digin]g anld soe' SQ that thec melting snow cau) flnd its w ay don to thteek without >ficodinig the stables and ce i5_r. That is a job that has always fascinated me. Timne was when 1 used to love ta get out wt a shovel--and mub. ber boots-anid by digg-,ng bere and there, belp, Partuer divert 'he water inoa its proper channel, and watch il gurgliisg and' churning throtlgli the fast mielting sîîow. Weil, last week. nI a,2e a trip to the city as I had been p-romlising mnyseif. In fact, e svent tIuece, On tht firsi trip, 1 was away Iic days, staying, overnight w,,ith Danghter, And jnst imaginec-1I baroly speot any tnoney at ail. Fo ýr onc.thing, I didn't bav e ruch money ta spcnd and 1 didn't have rnuch tirne, tither. T'his svas strictly a visiting trip. That meant spending baîf eny lime in the street cars as m-y frieods seemned b live as far apart as tht Pôles. Sa I went frein Parkdale to Richmnond Street; frafm Rîch- nmond ta iForest Hill; Forest Hill ta -Moore Park-and flnally ta thie Bay' Street bus terminal. Tîsere J fouiîd Daughter wiin asee me cff-which 1 hadni't exp)ctedi. "Weil Maîther," Daugliter rem.arked, "I rust saY you eut things pretty fine!" You set, 1just iad three mrinuts ta get miy ticket and hunt tht bus. But then,' how could 1 itselîfco, my accaunit. While in the cdlv, 1'nad ane expeiience that w as entirel) new. I v 'ited the City Hall ta pal. a park- irg fine. Oh nô,. it wasn't mline-it was just a littît mnemetc the city Police left a friend of miad lhe -isked me ta pay it fo)r!,lm. Sa h.elp nie, tht revenue fran: pairking tickets should be almost etiongh tai finance the City Hall. It lIas early i0 the day and yet there was one continuaI streani of men hurrying s-p ta the w icket with their tickets and payissg $1, $2, or $5 as the case tuîghî1 be. And please siote-I èaid menl I didn't sec a xxoma.n at ail. Maybe Ivomecn have moie sense than ta taikech lances on a ticket. 1 know it wald buro me tp 10 pay out good money and have nothing !o show for it excePt a receipt for a parking finie. Daugisten was lookingi tired. 'l îbink I was hen sixth visitor iiîside ci two weeks. While there, 1 learnied soaie of thse joys of living ;n aronsn bose- After we bad ISSUE 14 - 1950 Mix and sift tice, thon sift ioita a isowl,1i C. once- a iftd cake llour, 2!j tsps.Magic Bakissg Podey, )y tep. M* Sait, s tp.gnu gsger, S tep. gwmud cnnmon, 1 ts"P. eoah Offgrounid clas ssd rateýd nutmieg. Cut S inl fnely 5 tise. clsied ehortenng and min A c ~~~gst ~egg, t, c. camo siyruspand H c. il.Meawetn dry ,inigredien-ts rand add iliquids; ix igstlywitfi a fk. To-ismd 111gneased tnp-cake dishes with hbatter. Balte la moderaito ve,350-, about 25 inute, or caver Wac puddin wh wet caokery parcismont pepIer, lie down and son fo,25 minutes. Serve Sot with anilla saue -,Yield-5 servinge. Tasty? Sure. they're AGIC b a ked ! -~- ~ a s' -s. -s s-' w w s--' w 'w 'w SN s-' N ~~1 N N w w 'w w s,' -s- 'w w 's. w N w w '1- a 'i. "i -t' t-s -t-s Answn esew~reon t his page. L gonie ta bcd, one af tise 'ron-ers"; tolkud for a solid lhaî oas on tise 'phone. Tht was 1.30 pj) -o tisa taîkative anc vwas àa man! Wiso sisys womnen do aIl11tht totlking? 0f course, 1I sas taen mu, ta see tise "Bubble Ron," pd i spite of tise, bubblesý,,s raewem-e so bright, cdean anid J cery t touglît 1 xvould not ind an ap tfartment lîke tisat mystîf. Daugbter aIssures us that ais even nicer t panrtment Ilion that is avoulable for Partner and 1 any tîme sve want it. Tbat's something, onyway. becausc none of ms cao tell wbat tise fuure boids ci store. Later in tht week,' Beb and 1 w ara uon i a business trip ta tise K îngýsway. Aiicd what a trip tisat wvas! It -as ail migist when we sboredbutafsm awhiett snow -tarted fallirig, die by a bigis widUoninighomne, it wsual,,amost îinpossiblt to set tht tracks, and tise ssindsbield wipers wouldn',t work propenly for tise ice that coated tbemt. In every -garage ve passed, cars were liîstd np, apparesstly with tise saine trouble. It w'as good ta sce Ginger Farm agaio, even if the line was plugged as, tighit as, a snowbank.. There also was wasbing tiapping noisiîy on this ne, coated stitis snow an-d ice. 1 bad vasbtd that morniîsg, thinking it was a good day for tise job!' Py tht way, there is a most in- teresting discussion going an in a bi-monthly farni papen. 1 wonder how maoy are following it, One rtader says tbere ara just as miany OPPortunities taday ýfoùr young couples starting t0 farm as; there w-tnt 30 years ago-if tbiey are ro.ady to miake sacrifices. Two youîsgfarmers, in answeniong tht letter, say they are quite willing ta make sacrifices and are-eadyta take ais a tu-dw fan-- ta rent, buy, or wonl u ahnes-il sncba farm caîs bchd.Tis eiora ilsks, "XVbtnt are tisese ars VVtII, uhat's aIl farn naw.Nea w.eek,1 expect to tell yoo abot u jiine Bug. June Bug ...iMacs Yes, but tbat's naextwelstoy "Is yonr sais bright?" "Ht ouight t ba! He's unn tht candie au bath ends!1"