The Orono Weekly Times ,d as Second Clasm ailPost Office Department, Ottawa Advertising Rates on request . Subseription $1.501 fPublished every Thursday morning at the Times office,1 R. A. Forrester, Publisher LEARNING TOGETHER Coupling the roie of spiritual advîser with that of general mseler and guide nay ire somtinig of a rnew departure for testant clergym-en in r-ural areas, beside bringing a readjustinent deaus t(, the inymien they saek fo, serve-. La old Quebec, it is a fair. commomn cstoni for the Romaen CatLA paish prient to acquire ~enl~a knwlegeof agricultural prAoblems, and to impart tis Aviedge ta the fai'thful. Perhaps tire existance cd sucir a custom has prompted the for- Hian of "refresber" courses at tire OA.C. for ministers of the 'lots demostrations in our midst. We rather favour thre innotva- n for its po,-ssihniites in promiting a better feeling hetween pas- ,s and paishioners who must of necessty wrest heir living frora Ssoil. Thre average farmer is apt to grapile the more courage- ýly with tire woild, the fleshi and the devil when the parson is on aide by mutual understnding. One Toronto paper recalîs the ting clergymian of other days who was sometimes given a bg cf 'la in tire buggy or cutter. Salares hin those days were meagre. y« are roi ail tnoc adequate yet, considering the demands of thre es. Tirhetictive nature of a minister's calling preventAs him fig into other businesses as a nmas cde \nng exta nioney. Tc> understandsothg of tire problemins of congregational -ahers is wotw iehowver because valuable asýsistance could renaredthe aymiaî,whhd, in burn coud aidM mla Unmore îenty conductng his farin and business, and increaing iis sup- tto thre Churc!h. Odl eou i(nd peoirps mot so odd after ail) frequently Elnd thc more progressiv-e and 'suc-cessf-,ul fariner and ;%ess man as beîng a mainstay ln the furtrerance of tire .scrslife. Fortunate, then, ksthe minrister wokcepsabat hthese peole. . * * a '?RITAIN'S qPLIGHT To the imillions i Bitshrswo lbave been subject to maniy 'Years o titrtor gthýe -ne n ncseil, thje nioinal foiod -oc I ut have coneasa Igbylood onl. Now, how- everl, Ie renein-deA ht lprset may ha Ive its disadvanItages. mueh Of thbe food lsold ia theBrtih si s sbeaususiizdan -while subsidies are a 'alypblccntVbtin throuigh axton el~figinfluence lhias heen kepL idu effeet, with risin rcesbin Àuthorities fin Eiiglan,ýd Point out that thelae of extra food and tihe lifting ofs Ubsidieýs ma 'y make for hiiglier costs to tihe consumlerl. A large mnmbe -f peuple aýre thraaitened w ith unem- ployment as wel because servdes render-ed the ration board->s wMl be ,cut town. A stricter check on foodsldsin:cethe wr asb en the poIitcy of the British Goverament. This fact ma liav ld 1tothe Covernment's neai, ovarÉtrow r ecenùJly when disgruntlo-d hu wives aouight relief from food restictions. Restrict*(Ions liftedi at tire rîsk of higher costs is; the haýzar-d now. We wýotidër vwhther the freoiof purchaise en-joyedi here ia Cmmnada will ever be extended to England. With such a huge popuIlation as compared to oui own, and with thle noce'ssity" veo im'ports wec canvisualize the problems of the Old Landi. Somie uppor-t for the moving «f massesof people to 'nowcr coutries like Canada bras a place in tire pidture.. Wise counsýel must 'be kept if the whole econom.ic Structure of the Old Land i La t be mnaintained, and if we are to stili look< for the h(>perd for socçial anid commercial re'(covýery of a pýeople who for a ime fo3ught lie late war aoneý JDurhaim Farîmers County, Co-op., 1% off f or èas CONCERT At the -Town Ha-1 , ,no, ou iFi4- day nihApr th, flie Port Perrf Yacht 0lub p -ese4t -cei play "To*ý MayRelatifs",njsnoed by the Oddfeýllows a z0l hs of Oronct Admission, Mults l...te hirt 35e. Dors en at 8 pmin Curtain raises at S, p 0 Proceeds for BuLilin-g Fund of the OonoUnited BOWLS ON HAND R. E. LOGAN Phone 18-10 Building ~st! fvigle up which mead~ it's ws n crease your e in u1Sa e. -BE R IN -EL F. PO0,R 1E R Phonie 92 r 16 - ORONO, Ont. Real Estate During the past moth in- quliries have been coming inito my office for land acreage, of the poorer type which w'ould be suitable for reforestation. if you have for sale ýany land of this type, either large or smnall acreage, I can probably secure for you a cash buyer at a very satisfactory price. A number of prospective buyers are now ready to do business if you will let me know what you have to offer. Listings of improved farms and pasture land also invited. Leroy Hamiton BROKER Phone: Office 32 r 10, Res. 1 r 16 Orono, Ontario INSURANCE IN ALL ITS BRANCI4ES OLASSIFIED NOTICE The annal eetinig.of Oro1- Wo- men's _Lu tf,!will b held 0o1 Fni- day,~ i21 , 2. â, in the Co uncl1fpQt of stand- ing m ki1YJDe read anid a deci1 nvil mad on the CO- Coperatlm, ra.Te etigi cal Rsearc. A' Istory of or1.~ Intiue il agiven. Ai]cl abers, are urdtaatn nd ail lades of, the cimnt r odal aie IN MEMORIAM LYCET i loving incmory o! ny' dear husbýand. Wr. Jamesý,wh passý,ed aa prlitir, 1946. ii Yrn loft mn eatfl umols Otnsilent tas Bu>It you will always 1ire withi e, As Ijouaeytirougfir/eyears. You aa lwasn <y/înd dean, No atte 'v lit 1 I(t Ahl tlï, i tîme th n eaY Tir(iee is aà \ug;I (f you. .ýever for a ment Are ou vr yfan ýaWay; Abety't neei, yen seemi, 1But ve day. -4sta emry btoh s(, dean, so sadly misîed, stiloved andne-' membered aIlways by iis Ivn wife, Notice to Credfitors IN THE ESTATE 0F CAR S FRANCS AWD, Lae of' the Vil- lage of Ooo nthe Countity of "Durham. Gnleadeceased: All peson hvinig caims against thV E'stâite of the .î hrb rn cis Awewh ie-d on or atbout the 2th iday of Sept.ember, 1948, are heebiotified lto send to fith uder- signued Admînlisti.aor or hbis So1iitor oorbet'ore the F;irst day o)f May, .16, hernamnes and ddesesand fuil partiulars of t1heir da-Iims and thnaureof the securîiies (if any) held bv- them, duly veriified by statu- tory elrain Imnediately after thie First day of Ma, 1 G lh assets of the said de- ceased wîll hadistributedtaiionig'the personis entitled thereto, having re- gard only to the akims of w,ýhih the Adrinistrator or thbe Lunderýsignied Selicitor shalthonhae otce Dated at Ormoo his 6,th day of Aipril, 10:50. HAROLD L1.AWDE, 2727 Yoýnge St.. Torojnto. Ont. Adinitator. R. R. WADDELL. K. C., SküilCitor for the Adi*nistrator. We will be plea-sed to pikk Up DEAD OR CRIPPLED FARM For immediate service telephone collect Brooklin 62, Cobourg 1266w, Toronto Adelaide 3636. C ORDON YOUING Ltd.-- M.-H. No. 22 TRACTOIRS1 Standard- Tractor Row-Crop Tractor .. . .. . . .$1,52'7.00 ... . . .. . . . . $1484.00 à Euireka Garden, Tractor, coin- ...t....... ....... $125.00 ~\ 2~~<~-.CUNNINGHAM GARDVEN T ACTORS 12.Iyse owe....... $188.03 1Ï/2.p.ea Duty... .$224.00 Findlay Essotane f;as tove ........$126.00 Findlay Electric Stove........... .......$ 02.00 Findlay Combination Stove. .....$240 SPECIAL One MWeek Only Beatty Vacuumi Cleanter with aIl attachiments Onty $69.50 POW ER LAWN MOWERS I Euire-a ...........$20 0 Maxwel .,.......$l,137.50 Catload of Cement arriving last week iii April - Order Now. j RqOjLPH HADWAR Phone 43 r 1 - Orono j WANTED TO BUY Dead o cripe stck, reinoved free o! charge, one hour 5service. îi.ghest pr;i.ei& for Gld hor-ses.--ar- gui Pur Farm.21 Cali Coclleet Bow- WREATHS FOR SALE I ani now in a Position to saipply ariiilwreathls at different prices. Thymybe seeni at the homne of 1-. Prescott's, or .0. M Kiuapp's, phone C,2 r 1, Ooo Ap 29-P Expeienediolable Holland fam- ilie a jilbe. Arvigsoon. Write to S. Bmnn-,, R. R. l> N'estleton, Ont. Phoe 25-4,Port Perry. Jun -p FOR SALE BY TENDER Six-r-ooine-dlirouse, reently ùceu- ipied byy thie late Mus'. NMarial Smith, ;ituaited onI Main Street ans from Oronio Park and tire Foe tnytatonl.1 Splendid ga rd en. ou!ji-e go state of vrepair. 1 k Itéi der neot necessai-P-y acep 0 n foÉ tn- ders tiil the end f pnl. Poýssession lst o! May erisCasih. Mrs. Madison H fall, Orono North,' Execu- tnix of! Robentet WEitate7 b 12-pl __t FOR SALE 19;'4lChiev. Standard. Fo-ur nearly nlew tires,. Recn4t motor job. Rea- snbe price. Apply Orono Times FOR SALE Flu c-issei TractorDouble %mctw ie 14 x il also 12 x 14. At thle old prices 1",ù tn,~horse Apply T. S. MounrtiyV o n F. d-1 2-c. 1947 Chev. coach in Phod condi- tion. Priced i' t or nck sale" .-APPlv toa GAq Ape, Orono, Phone 12 r1c412p. CEMENT TO ARRIVE We will receive a carload of eo ment during the iat xs ek of April. Order youp 1e(e(,%("; no-w ROIH DAIWARE Phone 43 ril - Oronoc FOR SALE 1929 Plymuth Sedan, in good rnîgorderl. ,$a b inliughts, neW radiator al o rs Aplply teU . M. c one 17 r 12, owno. 04-P. il-sTilARRIVED Ne-w <lurney fnpleri age. Most practical stove wher-vYwaimvth is rerddand th Wn n~~ of ec- tricity for cookis drd$299.00 ORONil LmïïTRiC( P hone- 55xr1, ORONO A Ronson light4 e vcmyof Oronn. Rew ard , 'please ro- tify Enest Laser ~ a1 Orono Electric Ph. 55 r 1 CONTRACTORS FOR FARIM and BOUSE WIRING Free Estnmates1 APPLIANCE SALES Prompt and Guaranteed' Repairs, te ail makes of Electrical Equipment and Appliances Such as *Motors,- Water Heaters,1 Radios, Stoves, Iron.s, Etc. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR In renewing tireir subseription- toi the Oronro timel(s, Mns. R, C. Ellis of, Sourtir Porcupin, wites in part co)n- cernin.g hen fatirer, Mn. J. F.P eri man, formenly of Orono: "Yen may be pleased to know tirat fathen is feeling quite well indeed. Ble is able te get ee(-" day for his Globe a,,nd Mail, goes leo anket on Saturdays to)irelp wti tire shoppfing, and rare-ly ise churcir on Sundays. "Bis healtir, and appetite is reallyl inankable for a man ýo! iis age Ou fiends, witir whon-r he is broard- iï. re veny good and kind o te hl, andir lic s quite ihappy with tirciii. Bel was very so)trrytc hear of tire churcir be-lilg bnrned ila Onooir, and 1Iam seaidiag nlong a cireque fo)r hm for thie building furnd. Would you see that it gets 'te the proper persocn, whoe-ven isle loing aften that fun"d." Mus. R. C. Ellis. rrofeasional Uirectory MEDICAL A. F. AMcKENZIE, M.D. pRYSICIAN and SURGEON Office lHouri: 2.00t* 40 pn.; .30te 8.00 P.u.. S3unday anid Wedlesdays 67 appoÀitment onl ~PHOINE 47r1 - ORONO E. C. SYER, M.D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Address: South Main St. Office Hours: 2.00 to,4.00 p.m.. 6,30 to 8.00 p.m. Sundays and HolidaYs by Appointmnent PHONE 74 r 19 ORONO LEGAL Lawrence C. blason, B.A. Barrister and Solicitor BOWMANVILLE, ONT. Phones: Office 688 Home 553 W. F. WARD BARRISTER SOLICITOR NOTARY- Ph onea: Office 825 Residence 499 BOWMANVILLE, ONT. AUCTIONEERS TED JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuator Conuct Aution Sales of ail *1zo, and at reason'able rates Communicate with hlm at Put Fercry, Ontario, or seo his Clerk, A.L E.Morton, at Orono, for date. JACK REIDT" Orono's icensed Auctioneer and Valuator Specialîze in Farm Rad Furniture Sales Consuit me for termil and dates Phone 5 r18 e Oi, LIFE INSURANCE Pension Planis; E.7ducational Poicies;j Protection anld Savïings Plans- foc Children, and Aduits; Mortgage ln-. surance Plans. FE E. LYCE17 ORONO, Ont. -, Phone 20 ï It The RlUTTER GRANITE COMPANY Phont 501 -f..Bos 121 Port Hlope, Ontartoa Monuments, Gravemarke* STAFFORD BRO, Mlolimelital Wor ks Phonie Whitby 552 318 J)undas St. E., Whitby SFINE 'QUÏALIT-Y MONUMENTS AYNP MARKERS Let us erect a handsomne' dig nified mion-unrt over the rest- ing place of your loved onries It's flot expensive. And seeing, this- last tibute will give you endl'tess comfjort ORONO Furnlitire ilospital Reupholstering Repairing Antiques Bought and SoId See our Une of Driknery Mterial Ki.chen Unit. xmade toeorder C- F. Duncan Phone 79-16 - ORONO r